2 things: 

First, I cannot seem to get the ziplevel effect the storage method of the
zip file created. I set the zip file to ziplevel="0" and verified that the
property is indeed set as 0 via debugger. 

The zip file generated is still compressed. About 5 to 1, nice bit of
compression, but I was interested in sacrificing speed for space. 

Second, when I use a ziplevel 1,2,3 or 4. I sometimes get an array out of
bounds error generating a "big" zip file (800 or so entries resulting in a
4MB zip) does not seem to happen with small filesets. 

<zip zipfile="${dist.dir}/${dist.name}" ziplevel="1">
    <fileset basedir="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\">
        <includes name="${project.dir}\**\*"/>
        <includes name="${project2.dir}\**\*"/>
        <includes name="${dbstuff.dir}\*"/>

        <!-- do not archive unnecessary files for deployment -->
        <excludes name="**\*.vb"/>
        <excludes name="**\*.sln"/>
        <excludes name="**\*.suo"/>

        <excludes name="**\*.vbproj*"/>
        <excludes name="**\*.vssscc*"/>
        <excludes name="**\_vti_*\*" />

                  [zip] Zipping 880 files to \\remotemachine\share\foo.zip

            INTERNAL ERROR
            System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of
the array.
   at SourceForge.NAnt.Task.Execute() in
c:\opensource\nant\src\NAnt\Task.cs:line 100
   at SourceForge.NAnt.Target.Execute() in
c:\opensource\nant\src\NAnt\Target.cs:line 149
   at SourceForge.NAnt.Target.Execute() in
c:\opensource\nant\src\NAnt\Target.cs:line 132
   at SourceForge.NAnt.Project.Execute(String targetName) in
c:\opensource\nant\src\NAnt\Project.cs:line 427
   at SourceForge.NAnt.Project.Execute() in
c:\opensource\nant\src\NAnt\Project.cs:line 412
   at SourceForge.NAnt.Project.Run() in
c:\opensource\nant\src\NAnt\Project.cs:line 448

            Please send bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a sneaking suspicion this may be a problem with sharpziplib but
wanted to stop here first.

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