RE: [nant-dev] INTERNAL ERROR - Please send bug report to

2005-08-06 Thread Gert Driesen
Hi Jeff,

Can you try using a recent nightly build:

IF you still run into that issue with the nightly build, then please send me
a small repro.

Thanks !


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Sent: woensdag 20 juli 2005 21:22
> To:
> Subject: [nant-dev] INTERNAL ERROR - Please send bug report 
> Hello,
> I am using the  task and get the error shown at the 
> end of this 
> message.
> My environment:
> .NET Framework 1.1 (1.1.4322 SP1)
> Dev Studio 2003 Version 7.1.3088
> Windows XP Pro
> nant-0.85-rc2 
> nantcontrib-0.85-rc2
> I looked at the release notes for rc3 and I didn't see this 
> mentioned. Can 
> anyone help, or is more info from me needed?
> Thanks,
> Jeff Hoover
> MTS Systems Corp.
> System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.
>at System.IO.Path.Combine(String path1, String path2)
>at NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase.get_OutputPath()
>at NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetOutputPath(String configuration)
>at NAnt.VSNet.SolutionBase.GetDependenciesFromProjects(String 
> buildConfig)
>at NAnt.VSNet.SolutionBase.Compile(String configuration)
>at NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.ExecuteTask()
>at NAnt.Core.Task.Execute()
>at NAnt.Core.Target.Execute()
>at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(String targetName, Boolean 
> forceDependencies)
>at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute()
>at NAnt.Core.Project.Run()
> Please send bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ---
> SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference & EXPO
> September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development 
> Lifecycle Practices
> Agile & Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects & Teams * 
> Testing & QA
> Security * Process Improvement & Measurement * 
> ___
> nant-developers mailing list

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference & EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
Agile & Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects & Teams * Testing & QA
Security * Process Improvement & Measurement *
nant-developers mailing list

RE: [nant-dev] bug report

2005-08-06 Thread Gert Driesen
Hi Rick,

This is due to a packaging issue in RC3.

I advise you to use a recent nightly build, until RC4 is available: 


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Rick Gordon
> Sent: dinsdag 2 augustus 2005 19:21
> To:
> Subject: [nant-dev] bug report
> Well, I pulled down this build, as I'd like to use something 
> like this tool to 
> better automate my build process. I thought that building 
> itself would be a good
> first step, alas it failed to do that, not inspiring confidence.
> Here are the complete results from my build attempt:
> F:\incoming\installers\nant\nant-0.85-rc3-src\nant-0.85-rc3>nm
ake -f Makefile.nm
> ake install prefix="e:\Program Files"
> Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
>  if not exist bootstrap md bootstrap
>  if not exist bootstrap\lib md bootstrap\lib
>  xcopy lib bootstrap\lib /S /Y /Q
> 36 File(s) copied
>  copy lib\log4net.dll bootstrap
>  1 file(s) copied.
>  copy src\NAnt.Console\App.config bootstrap\NAnt.exe.config
>  1 file(s) copied.
>  csc -target:exe -define:NET -out:bootstrap\NAnt.exe 
> -r:bootstrap\log4net
> .dll -recurse:src\NAnt.Console\*.cs src\CommonAssemblyInfo.cs
> Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.10.6310.4
> for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.
>  resgen  src\NAnt.Core\Resources\Strings.resx 
> bootstrap\Strings.resources
> Read in 181 resources from 'src\NAnt.Core\Resources\Strings.resx'
> Writing resource file...  Done.
>  csc -target:library -warn:0 -define:NET 
> -out:bootstrap\NAnt.Core.dll -r:
> bootstrap\log4net.dll -r:System.Web.dll 
> -resource:bootstrap\Strings.resources -r
> ecurse:src\NAnt.Core\*.cs src\CommonAssemblyInfo.cs
> Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.10.6310.4
> for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.
>  csc -target:library -warn:0 -define:NET 
> -out:bootstrap\NAnt.DotNetTasks.
> dll -r:bootstrap\NAnt.Core.dll 
> -r:bootstrap\lib\net\1.0\NDoc.Core.dll -recurse:s
> rc\NAnt.DotNet\*.cs src\CommonAssemblyInfo.cs
> Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.10.6310.4
> for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.
>  csc -target:library -warn:0 -define:NET 
> -out:bootstrap\NAnt.CompressionT
> asks.dll -r:bootstrap\NAnt.Core.dll  
> -r:bootstrap\lib\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dl
> l -recurse:src\NAnt.Compression\*.cs  src\CommonAssemblyInfo.cs
> Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.10.6310.4
> for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.
>  csc -target:library -warn:0 -define:NET 
> -out:bootstrap\NAnt.Win32Tasks.d
> ll  -r:bootstrap\NAnt.Core.dll 
> -r:bootstrap\NAnt.DotNetTasks.dll -r:System.Servi
> ceProcess.dll  -r:Microsoft.JScript.dll 
> -recurse:src\NAnt.Win32\*.cs  src\Common
> AssemblyInfo.cs
> Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.10.6310.4
> for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.
>   bootstrap\NAnt.exe install 
> -D:install.prefix="e:\Program
> Files"
> NAnt 0.85 (Build 0.85.1932.0; rc3; 4/16/2005)
> Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Gerry Shaw
> Buildfile: 
> file:///F:/incoming/installers/nant/nant-0.85-rc3-src/nant-0.85-rc3/N
> Target framework: Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
> Target(s) specified: install
> [tstamp] Tuesday, August 02, 2005 10:14:01 AM.
> init:
> debug:
> set-framework-configuration:
> set-net-1.1-framework-configuration:
> build:
>   [echo] Build Directory is 
> F:\incoming\installers\nant\nant-0.85-rc3-src\nan
> t-0.85-rc3/build/net-1.1.win32/nant-0.85-debug
>  [mkdir] Creating directory 
> 'F:\incoming\installers\nant\nant-0.85-rc3-src\na
> nt-0.85-rc3\build\net-1.1.win32\nant-0.85-debug\bin'.
>  [mkdir] Creating directory 
> 'F:\incoming\installers\nant\nant-0.85-rc3-src\na
> nt-0.85-rc3\build\net-1.1.win32\nant-0.85-debug\bin\lib'.
>   [copy] Copying 2 files to 
> 'F:\incoming\installers\nant\nant-0.85-rc3-src\na
> nt-0.85-rc3\build\net-1.1.win32\nant-0.85-debug\bin'.
>   [copy] Copying 34 files to 
> 'F:\incoming\installers\nant\nant-0.85-rc3-src\n
> ant-0.85-rc3\build\net-1.1.win32\nant-0.85-debug\bin\lib'.
>   [nant] 
> F:\incoming\installers\nant\nant-0.85-rc3-src\nant-0.85-rc3\src\NAnt
> .Core\ build
>  Buildfile: 
> file:///F:/incoming/installers/nan

[nant-dev] patch WebMapCollection also looks in registry for local webs

2005-08-06 Thread The Tarazed
The attached patch file adds some code to WebMapCollection's FindBestMatch 
method.  It the url is not found in the map, it will then look in the 
registry for the location of local webs.

This really helps since VS.Net soemtimes modifies the name of the web when 
you check it out.  Also, on a large project some developers may put their 
webs in different locations.  Having NANT find the web from the registry is 
a lot better than trying to keep build files in synch with the local 
directory structure.

Please let me know if this is incorporated into the official NANT source.


*** WebMapCollection.cs 2004-07-20 20:06:52.0 -0500
C:\dev\dotnet\tools\nant-0.85-rc3\src\NAnt.VSNet\Types\WebMapCollection.cs	2005-08-05 
13:13:07.130661000 -0500

*** 20,25 
--- 20,28 
 using System;
 using System.Collections;
 using System.Globalization;
+ using System.Text;
+ using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+ using Microsoft.Win32;

 namespace NAnt.VSNet.Types {
*** 107,112 
--- 110,145 

+   if (bestMatch == null)
+   {
+   // not found
+   // try to find local urls in the registry 
settings for IIS
+   try
+   {
+   Uri url = new Uri( uri );
+ 	if ( url.Scheme.StartsWith("http") && (url.Host.Equals("localhost") 
|| url.Host.Equals("") ) )

+   {
+ 		string virtualRoot = "/" + url.AbsolutePath.Substring(1, 
url.AbsolutePath.IndexOf('/',1) - 1);
+ 		RegistryKey regkey = 
Roots" );

+   if ( regkey != null )
+   {
+   string path = 
Convert.ToString(regkey.GetValue( virtualRoot ));
+   if ( path != null )
+   {
+   Regex regex = new 
+   Match match = 
regex.Match( path );
+   if ( 
match.Success )
+   {
+ 	bestMatch = match.Groups[1].ToString() + "\\" + 
url.AbsolutePath.Substring(url.AbsolutePath.IndexOf('/',1)+1) + url.Query;

+   }
+   }
+   }
+   }
+   } catch ( UriFormatException )
+   {
+   // expected, do nothing
+   }
+   }
 return bestMatch;

[nant-dev] Bug when trying to load licensed DLLs

2005-08-06 Thread Matthew Dilip

I am currently using v 0.85 rc3.  I had previously tried with v 0.84 with no luck.
[license] Loading assemblies ... 
  [license] C:\Projects\Nant_Builds\latest\release\Interop.AxSHDocVw.dll (loaded)
  [license] C:\Projects\Nant_Builds\latest\release\Interop.SHDocVw.dll (loaded)
  [license] c:\Program Files\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2005 Volume 1\Windows Forms\Bin\Infragistics.Shared.v5.1.dll (loaded)
  [license] c:\Program Files\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2005 Volume 1\Windows Forms\Bin\Infragistics.Win.Misc.v5.1.dll (loaded)
  [license] c:\Program Files\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2005 Volume 1\Windows Forms\Bin\Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.v5.1.dll (loaded)
  [license] c:\Program Files\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2005 Volume 1\Windows Forms\Bin\Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.v5.1.dll (loaded)
  [license] c:\Program Files\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2005 Volume 1\Windows Forms\Bin\Infragistics.Win.v5.1.dll (loaded)



System.IO.FileLoadException: Assembly infragistics.shared.v5.1.dll already loaded without additional security evidence.
File name: "infragistics.shared.v5.1.dll"

Server stack trace:
   at System.Reflection.Assembly.nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Boolean isStringized, Evidence assemblySecurity, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Assembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
   at System.Reflection.Assembly.InternalLoad(AssemblyName assemblyRef, Boolean stringized, Evidence assemblySecurity, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
   at System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(String assemblyFile, Evidence securityEvidence, Byte[] hashValue, AssemblyHashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm)
   at NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.LicenseGatherer.CreateLicenseFile(LicenseTask licenseTask, String licenseFile)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.PrivateProcessMessage(MethodBase mb, Object[] args, Object server, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext, Object[]& outArgs)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg, Int32 methodPtr, Boolean fExecuteInContext)

Exception rethrown at [0]:
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
   at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
   at NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.LicenseGatherer.CreateLicenseFile(LicenseTask licenseTask, String licenseFile)
   at NAnt.DotNet.Tasks.LicenseTask.ExecuteTask()
   at NAnt.Core.Task.Execute()
   at NAnt.VSNet.Resource.CompileLicx()
   at NAnt.VSNet.Resource.Compile(ConfigurationSettings configurationSettings, Boolean showCommands)
   at NAnt.VSNet.Project.Compile(String configuration, ArrayList alCSCArguments, String strLogFile, Boolean bVerbose, Boolean bShowCommands)
   at NAnt.VSNet.Solution.Compile(String configuration, ArrayList compilerArguments, String logFile, Boolean verbose, Boolean showCommands)
   at NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.ExecuteTask()
   at NAnt.Core.Task.Execute()
   at NAnt.Core.Target.Execute()
   at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(String targetName, Boolean forceDependencies)
   at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute()
   at NAnt.Core.Project.Run()

Please send bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Total time: 4.5 seconds.

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference & EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
Agile & Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects & Teams * Testing & QA
Security * Process Improvement & Measurement *
nant-developers mailing list

[nant-dev] Help

2005-08-06 Thread Keith Ramsey

I received an error message that stated I need to write you.
Could you please assist me?
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600](C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\>cd bugnet
C:\Bugnet>cd bugnet
C:\Bugnet\BugNet>dir Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 9CBD-D81B
 Directory of C:\Bugnet\BugNet
08/01/2005  08:44 AM      .08/01/2005  08:44 AM      ..08/01/2005  08:43 AM      BugNet08/01/2005  04:53 PM    10,762 bugnet.build04/15/2005  02:27 PM 4,729 BugNet.sln06/27/2004  11:44 AM   256 BugNet.vssscc04/28/2005  12:07 PM   114,688 BugNet_Installation.doc04/27/2005  02:37 PM    17,658 BugNet_Logo.png08/01/2005  08:43 AM      build08/01/2005  08:43 AM      DbScripts08/01/2005  08:43 AM      ExceptionManagement08/01/2005  08:44 AM      Microsoft08/01/2005  08:44 AM      UnitTests08/01/2005  08:44 AM      Web   5 File(s)    148,093 bytes   9 Dir(s)  64,946,388,992 bytes free
C:\Bugnet\BugNet>nant installNAnt 0.85 (Build 0.85.1932.0; rc3; 4/16/2005)Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Gerry Shaw
Buildfile: file:///C:/Bugnet/BugNet/bugnet.buildTarget framework: Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1Target(s) specified: install
 [echo] Using 'net-1.1' framework on 'win32' platform.  [sysinfo] Setting system information properties under sys.*
 [echo] Creating database  BugNet
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Login failed for user 'ramseyke'. Reason: Notassociated with a trusted SQL Server connection.   at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.ProcessResults(Int32 hr)   at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.InitializeProvider()   at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open()   at NAnt.Contrib.Util.SqlHelper..ctor(String connectionString, Boolean useTransaction)   at NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.SqlTask.ExecuteTask()   at NAnt.Core.Task.Execute()   at NAnt.Core.Target.Execute()   at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(String targetName, Boolean forceDependencies)   at NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask.ExecuteTask()   at NAnt.Core.Task.Execute()   at NAnt.Core.Target.Execute()   at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(String targetName, Boolean forceDependencies)   at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute()   at NAnt.Core.Project.Run()
Please send bug report to
Total time: 0.2 seconds.
Keith RamseyProgrammer AnalystMedical Staff OfficeOregon Health & Science UniversityOffice: (503) 494-6913

[nant-dev] bug report

2005-08-06 Thread Rick Gordon
Well, I pulled down this build, as I'd like to use something like this tool to 
better automate my build process. I thought that building itself would be a good

first step, alas it failed to do that, not inspiring confidence.

Here are the complete results from my build attempt:

F:\incoming\installers\nant\nant-0.85-rc3-src\nant-0.85-rc3>nmake -f Makefile.nm
ake install prefix="e:\Program Files"

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

if not exist bootstrap md bootstrap
if not exist bootstrap\lib md bootstrap\lib
xcopy lib bootstrap\lib /S /Y /Q
36 File(s) copied
copy lib\log4net.dll bootstrap
1 file(s) copied.
copy src\NAnt.Console\App.config bootstrap\NAnt.exe.config
1 file(s) copied.
csc -target:exe -define:NET -out:bootstrap\NAnt.exe -r:bootstrap\log4net
.dll -recurse:src\NAnt.Console\*.cs src\CommonAssemblyInfo.cs
Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.10.6310.4
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.

resgen  src\NAnt.Core\Resources\Strings.resx bootstrap\Strings.resources

Read in 181 resources from 'src\NAnt.Core\Resources\Strings.resx'
Writing resource file...  Done.
csc -target:library -warn:0 -define:NET -out:bootstrap\NAnt.Core.dll -r:
bootstrap\log4net.dll -r:System.Web.dll -resource:bootstrap\Strings.resources -r
ecurse:src\NAnt.Core\*.cs src\CommonAssemblyInfo.cs
Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.10.6310.4
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.

csc -target:library -warn:0 -define:NET -out:bootstrap\NAnt.DotNetTasks.
dll -r:bootstrap\NAnt.Core.dll -r:bootstrap\lib\net\1.0\NDoc.Core.dll -recurse:s
rc\NAnt.DotNet\*.cs src\CommonAssemblyInfo.cs
Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.10.6310.4
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.

csc -target:library -warn:0 -define:NET -out:bootstrap\NAnt.CompressionT
asks.dll -r:bootstrap\NAnt.Core.dll  -r:bootstrap\lib\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dl
l -recurse:src\NAnt.Compression\*.cs  src\CommonAssemblyInfo.cs
Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.10.6310.4
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.

csc -target:library -warn:0 -define:NET -out:bootstrap\NAnt.Win32Tasks.d
ll  -r:bootstrap\NAnt.Core.dll -r:bootstrap\NAnt.DotNetTasks.dll -r:System.Servi
ceProcess.dll  -r:Microsoft.JScript.dll -recurse:src\NAnt.Win32\*.cs  src\Common
Microsoft (R) Visual C# .NET Compiler version 7.10.6310.4
for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 1.1.4322
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2001-2002. All rights reserved.

 bootstrap\NAnt.exe install -D:install.prefix="e:\Program
NAnt 0.85 (Build 0.85.1932.0; rc3; 4/16/2005)
Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Gerry Shaw

Buildfile: file:///F:/incoming/installers/nant/nant-0.85-rc3-src/nant-0.85-rc3/N
Target framework: Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
Target(s) specified: install

   [tstamp] Tuesday, August 02, 2005 10:14:01 AM.






 [echo] Build Directory is F:\incoming\installers\nant\nant-0.85-rc3-src\nan
[mkdir] Creating directory 'F:\incoming\installers\nant\nant-0.85-rc3-src\na
[mkdir] Creating directory 'F:\incoming\installers\nant\nant-0.85-rc3-src\na
 [copy] Copying 2 files to 'F:\incoming\installers\nant\nant-0.85-rc3-src\na
 [copy] Copying 34 files to 'F:\incoming\installers\nant\nant-0.85-rc3-src\n
 [nant] F:\incoming\installers\nant\nant-0.85-rc3-src\nant-0.85-rc3\src\NAnt
.Core\ build
Buildfile: file:///F:/incoming/installers/nant/nant-0.85-rc3-src/nan
Target framework: Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
Target(s) specified: build




System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException: Could not find an
y resources appropriate for the specified culture (or the neutral culture) in th
e given assembly.  Make sure "Strings.resources" was correctly embedded or linke
d into assembly "NAnt.DotNetTasks".
baseName: Strings  locationInfo:   resource file name: Strings
.resources  assembly: NAnt.DotNetTasks, Version=0.85.1932.0, Culture=neutral, Pu

[nant-dev] INTERNAL ERROR - Please send bug report to

2005-08-06 Thread Jhoover
I am using the  task and get the error shown at the end of this 

My environment:
.NET Framework 1.1 (1.1.4322 SP1)
Dev Studio 2003 Version 7.1.3088
Windows XP Pro

I looked at the release notes for rc3 and I didn't see this mentioned. Can 
anyone help, or is more info from me needed?

Jeff Hoover
MTS Systems Corp.



System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path.
   at System.IO.Path.Combine(String path1, String path2)
   at NAnt.VSNet.VcConfigurationBase.get_OutputPath()
   at NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetOutputPath(String configuration)
   at NAnt.VSNet.SolutionBase.GetDependenciesFromProjects(String 
   at NAnt.VSNet.SolutionBase.Compile(String configuration)
   at NAnt.VSNet.Tasks.SolutionTask.ExecuteTask()
   at NAnt.Core.Task.Execute()
   at NAnt.Core.Target.Execute()
   at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(String targetName, Boolean 
   at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute()
   at NAnt.Core.Project.Run()

Please send bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SF.Net email is Sponsored by the Better Software Conference & EXPO
September 19-22, 2005 * San Francisco, CA * Development Lifecycle Practices
Agile & Plan-Driven Development * Managing Projects & Teams * Testing & QA
Security * Process Improvement & Measurement *
nant-developers mailing list

[nant-dev] Copy task issue

2005-08-06 Thread Sandeep

Hi, I am using the copy task to copy files on a network share. Sometimes I get the following error:  System.ArgumentException: Invalid File or Directory attributes value.   at System.IO.File.SetAttributes(String path, FileAttributes fileAttributes)   at NAnt.Core.Tasks.CopyTask.ExecuteTask()   at NAnt.Core.Task.Execute()   at NAnt.Core.Target.Execute()   at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(String targetName, Boolean forceDependencies)   at NAnt.Core.Tasks.CallTask.ExecuteTask()   at NAnt.Core.Task.Execute()   at NAnt.Core.Target.Execute()   at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute(String targetName, Boolean forceDependencies)   at NAnt.Core.Project.Execute()   at NAnt.Core.Project.Run()    Please send bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


This comes in a situation when the account running NAnt script
does not have access to shared folder or when the folder has not been shared (not
sure about the exact case). Few times it gives the following error:


System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part
of the path "\\ServerName\FolderName


I believe this (second) error message is correct as the
account did not have access to the share.


I am submitting the first error.





[nant-dev] performance issue in resource generation - for VB projects

2005-08-06 Thread Mcnamara,Donald W
Title: performance issue in resource generation - for VB projects

I think I have discovered a performance issue with resource generation on large builds – it is VB specific.

Long story short: For each resource file in a project, the entire reference structure of your project is traversed and every referenced project is traversed, repeat recursively.

Basically: The Resource class, in the CompileResx method, creates a ResGenTask then iterates through each reference and adds dependent assemblies to the ResGenTask:

Resource.cs (line 357)

foreach (ReferenceBase reference in Project.References) {

    StringCollection assemblyReferences = reference.GetAssemblyReferences(


    foreach (string assemblyFile in assemblyReferences) {




ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences() calls  ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences() – but only for VB projects:

ProjectReferenceBase.cs (line 146)

// check if parent is a VB.NET project

if (typeof(VBProject).IsAssignableFrom(Parent.GetType())) {

    assemblyReferences = Project.GetAssemblyReferences(solutionConfiguration);

} else {

    assemblyReferences = new StringCollection();


ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences() loops through each reference and calls ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences()

ProjectBase.cs (line 335)

foreach (ReferenceBase reference in References) {

    StringCollection references = reference.GetAssemblyReferences(solutionConfiguration);


Here is a sample stack trace:

>   nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 158 + 0x8 bytes  C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 336 + 0xb bytes   C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectReferenceBase.GetAssemblyReferences(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 148 + 0x15 bytes C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.Resource.CompileResx(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 358 + 0xb bytes    C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.Resource.Compile(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 113 + 0xa bytes    C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.WriteCompilerOptions(System.IO.StreamWriter sw = {System.IO.StreamWriter}, string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 559 + 0xe bytes   C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ManagedProjectBase.Build(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Line 320 + 0x11 bytes   C#

    nant.vsnettasks.dll!NAnt.VSNet.ProjectBase.Compile(string solutionConfiguration = "debug") Lin

[nant-dev] HELP!

2005-08-06 Thread Christopher Ficco

a new SCM who has inherited this NANT Build Machine.  Recently we moved the HD
from one slower machine to the one it is running on.  I ran a number of builds
in that environment without incident.  I recently got a Microsoft update which
blew up.  I reverted to a previous good configuration and have done a reboot
without incident.


NANT is now throwing this error.








Commerce Solutions




[nant-dev] scaling issues with solution task?

2005-08-06 Thread Mcnamara,Donald W
Title: scaling issues with solution task?

I searched the archive and couldn’t find anything about this. Let me know if I’m bringing up something already discussed.

Has anyone else experienced poor performance with the solution task with a large number of projects?

I have a solution task with 190 projects. NAnt behaves fine for the first 100 or so projects, but then it slows to a crawl. It starts to take about 30 seconds to compile each resx file. I think there must be something that is getting out of hand.

Before I research more, has anyone hit this already?


Don McNamara

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