And now:Ish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


<A HREF=",1442,30012854,00.html?+">,1442,30012854,00.html?
February 23, 1999

Limited liability measure aimed at proposed N-dump

No company would embark upon a potentially hazardous business proposition if
it meant company officers and every single stockholder could be held
personally liable.

At least that is what Gov. Mike Leavitt and Utah lawmakers hope. On Monday,
the Senate gave preliminary approval to SB177, a bill that would eliminate
limited liability legal protections for any company engaged in the business of
nuclear waste storage.

The bill is unmistakably targeted at Private Fuel Storage, a limited liability
company that wants to build a high-level nuclear waste dump on Goshute tribal
lands in Tooele County.

By removing the limited liability protection, officers of PFS, as well as
offers and stockholders in the consortium of nuclear power companies that
comprise PFS, could be held personally liable if anything happens to a
shipment of nuclear waste.

Senate Majority Whip Leonard Blackham, R-Moroni and sponsor of the bill, said
limited liability protection is a government tool to spur economic
development. And because it is a privilege extended by government, it can also
be taken away.

The bill is one more legal hurdle Leavitt is putting in front of PFS in his
ongoing efforts to block the nuclear waste dump. The Senate has already
approved SB164, which would allow the state to take control of a chain of
roads encircling the reservation and designate them as "public safety interest
highways." The state could then control traffic on those roads and bar any
rail spurs from crossing them.

The limited liability bill is up for final Senate passage on Tuesday.



      At the K-25 plants reindustrilization process there are nothing but
limited liabilty corporations all over the place.

     Good to see some places are getting wise to this trick.

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Quote from Truman's diary July 25, 1945:  "We have discovered the most
terrible bomb in the history of the world.  It may be the fire destruction
prophesized in the Euphrates Valley Era, after Noah and his fabulous Ark.
Anyway we think we have found the way to cause the disintegration of the

"The Doctor of the future will give No Medicine, but will interest his
patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and
prevention of disease."
-Attributed to Thomas Alva Edison

          Tsonkwadiyonrat (We are ONE Spirit)
                     Unenh onhwa' Awayaton

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