And now:Sonja Keohane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

        Hey...yeah!...any little bit works for me...a generous lawyer and a
town that is afraid of bad publicity....


Garbage board refuses bison carcasses

WEST YELLOWSTONE (AP) - Carcasses of bison killed under Montana's policy
for herd control may not be gutted and skinned at the garbage dump near
here, the garbage management board has decided.

The West Yellowstone/Hebgen Basin Solid Waste Board unanimously sent that
message to the Montana Department of Livestock.

The state agency kills, hazes or captures bison that enter Montana from
Yellowstone National Park in the winter. State officials say the
controversial policy is necessary to help prevent the spread of
brucellosis, which can cause miscarriages in cattle and undulant fever in

Last winter, after the one time that livestock officials shot bison in the
field that season, carcasses were taken to the garbage transfer station
near West Yellowstone so they could be gutted and skinned behind a locked
gate, away from protesters.

That will not be allowed again, mainly because of concern this tourist town
could be linked to the bison controversy, said Doug Edgerton, the mayor and
chairman of the garbage board.

"We do not need publicity saying the town of West Yellowstone supports the
slaughter of bison," Edgerton said. "The potential for national TV exposure
with this mess isn't a good idea anyway."

Gutting and skinning usually is done by Indian volunteers who receive the
meat, heads and hides of the bison. Some of the Indians working last year
refused to make their names public, saying they were concerned about
harassment from protesters.

Edgerton said the protest group Buffalo Nations has a lot of support in the

A Buffalo Nations protester arrested this winter is being represented free
of charge by a Bozeman lawyer, Chuck Watson, who said he several other
lawyers also have agreed to provide free assistance to members of the
group. Watson said he began organizing the help at the request of
Livingston friends who sympathize with the protesters.

---end of article-----

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