Hello, I have some questions about ns_conn location.
According to manual "The location is determined via the following means:

1. if *ns_locationproc
is configured, its result is returned.
2. if virtual hosting is enabled, and the "Host:" header field is provided
and valid, it returns its content.
3. If everything above fails, it is determined by virtual hosts mapping
table (as defined in the "ns/module/nssock/servers" or
"ns/module/nsssl/servers" section in the configuration file).
4. If everything above fails, and a connection is open, it is determined by
the current socket address.
5. If everything above fails, it is determined by configuration values of
the driver."

First and second is not my case, because i'm not using virtual hosting, in
my config i have part like that:

ns_section "ns/module/nsssl" {
ns_param defaultserver $hostname
ns_param address $ip_addr
ns_param port $ssl_port
ns_param hostnamens_section "ns/module/nsssl" {
ns_param defaultserver $hostname
ns_param certificate /opt/ns/modules/nsssl/daidze.pem
ns_param address $ip_addr
ns_param port $ssl_port
ns_param hostname $hostname

So I'm assuming i'm gonna get $hostname:$ssl_port when i run [ns_conn
I'm running Naviserver inside Docker container, and instead getting

My first question is where this localhost comes from?

And second question when I try to run ns_conn location in nsshell it gives
me error bad_option "location". Actually it gives this error when I try to
run any subcommand of ns_conn inside nsshell.

Thank you
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