On 2020-10-03 10:00 a.m., Robert G. Schaffrath wrote:
> "Those nimo look like tiny CRTs!  If anyone can make them it’s Dalibor!"
> Talk about a niche market. Not only are they infinitely more complex to
> construct than a Nixie tube, the market for them would be even smaller
> than for his Nixie tubes.
> I had commented on the short YouTube video that it would have been
> interesting if the manufacturer has made NIMO's available in other
> colors besides green. Red especially for critical indicators. Consistent
> anode voltages might have been problematic as different phosphors have
> different requirements. I have still seen some tiny 1" round CRT's up
> for sale from time to time. Might have an easier time getting and using
> those with custom logic to draw numerals.

For extra points, use a Monoscope to drive the character image.



> On Friday, October 2, 2020 at 3:10:56 PM UTC-4 martin martin wrote:
>     Those nimo look like tiny CRTs!  If anyone can make them it’s Dalibor!
> ...

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