Re: Timeout: No Response from client-server

2009-05-08 Thread Margusja
If I use tcpdump in client-server:

10:26:48 root[load: 0@client-server ~# tcpdump -i eth0 port 161
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 96 bytes

10:32:14.174663 IP marvin.37634  client-server.snmp:  C=sw 
10:32:14.175457 IP client-server.snmp  monitoring-server.37634:  C=sw 
GetResponse(104)  system.sysDescr.0=[|snmp]
10:32:15.177018 IP monitoring-server.37634  client-server.snmp:  C=sw 
10:32:15.177793 IP client-server.snmp  monitoring-server.37634:  C=sw 
GetResponse(104)  system.sysDescr.0=[|snmp]
10:32:16.179959 IP monitoring-server.37634  client-server.snmp:  C=sw 
10:32:16.180662 IP client-server.snmp  monitoring-server.37634:  C=sw 
GetResponse(104)  system.sysDescr.0=[|snmp]
10:32:17.184903 IP monitoring-server.37634  client-server.snmp:  C=sw 
10:32:17.185615 IP client-server.snmp  monitoring-server.37634:  C=sw 
GetResponse(104)  system.sysDescr.0=[|snmp]
10:32:18.188970 IP monitoring-server.37634  client-server.snmp:  C=sw 
10:32:18.189696 IP client-server.snmp  monitoring-server.37634:  C=sw 
GetResponse(104)  system.sysDescr.0=[|snmp]
10:32:19.191773 IP monitoring-server.37634  client-server.snmp:  C=sw 
10:32:19.192529 IP client-server.snmp  monitoring-server.37634:  C=sw 
GetResponse(104)  system.sysDescr.0=[|snmp]

12 packets captured
13 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
10:32:27 root[load: 0@client-server ~#

Best regards, Margus Margusja Roo
skype: margusja

Margusja wrote:

 I have two server-rooms (DZ-A and DZ-B)

 in DZ-A there is a server called client-server and in a DZ-B there is a 
 monitoring server called monitoring-server.

 if i do in monitoring-server i got:
 ~# snmpwalk -c sw client-server -v1
 Timeout: No Response from client-server
 I have a connection between monitoring-server and client-server:
 15:23:00 root[load: 0@monitoring-server ~# ping client-server
 PING client-server ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from client-server ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 
 time=1.23 ms

 --- client-server ping statistics ---
 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2005ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.842/1.346/1.962/0.464 ms
 15:26:18 root[load: 0@monitorin-server ~#

 15:26:18 root[load: 0@monitoring-server ~# nmap -sU -v -p 161 

 Starting Nmap 4.68 ( ) at 2009-05-07 15:27 EEST
 Initiating Ping Scan at 15:27
 Scanning [2 ports]
 Completed Ping Scan at 15:27, 0.03s elapsed (1 total hosts)
 Initiating UDP Scan at 15:27
 Scanning client-server ( [1 port]
 Completed UDP Scan at 15:27, 0.23s elapsed (1 total ports)
 Host client-server ( appears to be up ... good.
 Interesting ports on client-server (
 161/udp open|filtered snmp

 Read data files from: /usr/share/nmap
 Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.322 seconds
   Raw packets sent: 4 (124B) | Rcvd: 1 (46B)
 15:27:34 root[load: 0@monitoring-server ~#

 15:14:16 root[load: 0@client-server ~# ps aux | grep snmpd
 root 24039  0.0  0.8   8992  4248 ?SMay06   0:05 
 /usr/sbin/snmpd -Lsd -p /var/run/
 root 26410  0.0  0.0   1712   452 pts/3S+   15:14   0:00 grep snmpd
 15:14:34 root[load: 0@beast ~# netstat -ln | grep 161
 udp0  0*  15:29:31 root[load: 0@beast ~#

 15:29:31 root[load: 0@client-server ~# ping monitoring-server
 PING monitoring-server ( 56(84) bytes of data.

 --- monitoring-server ping statistics ---
 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2005ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.934/1.265/1.803/0.384 ms
 15:30:12 root[load: 0@client-server ~#

 so looks like there are no connection and firewall problems

 client-server snmpd.local.conf:
 com2sec local client-server sw
 com2sec local (-- client-server IP) sw
 com2sec local monitoring-server sw

 group MyRWGroup any local

 view allincluded  .1   80

 access MyROGroup   any   noauthexact  allnone   none
 access MyRWGroup   any   noauthexact  allallnone

 SNMPD is running: root 24039  0.0  0.8   8992  4248 ?S
 May06   0:05 /usr/sbin/snmpd -Lsd -p /var/run/
 and in both servers: NET-SNMP version:

 Any ideas?


The NEW KODAK i700 Series Scanners deliver under ANY circumstances! Your
production scanning environment may not be a perfect world - but thanks to
Kodak, there's a perfect scanner

Re: Timeout: No Response from client-server

2009-05-08 Thread Margusja
13:50:48 root[load: 1@monitoring-server ~# snmpgetnext -v1 -c sw  -d 
client-server system

Sending 37 bytes to UDP: []-[]:161
: 30 23 02 01  00 04 02 73  77 A1 1A 02  04 7C E2 6D0#.sw|.m
0016: 3F 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  0C 30 0A 06  06 2B 06 01?..0.0...+..
0032: 02 01 01 05  00   .

Resending 37 bytes to UDP: []-[]:161
: 30 23 02 01  00 04 02 73  77 A1 1A 02  04 7C E2 6D0#.sw|.m
0016: 3F 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  0C 30 0A 06  06 2B 06 01?..0.0...+..
0032: 02 01 01 05  00   .

Resending 37 bytes to UDP: []-[]:161
: 30 23 02 01  00 04 02 73  77 A1 1A 02  04 7C E2 6D0#.sw|.m
0016: 3F 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  0C 30 0A 06  06 2B 06 01?..0.0...+..
0032: 02 01 01 05  00   .

Resending 37 bytes to UDP: []-[]:161
: 30 23 02 01  00 04 02 73  77 A1 1A 02  04 7C E2 6D0#.sw|.m
0016: 3F 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  0C 30 0A 06  06 2B 06 01?..0.0...+..
0032: 02 01 01 05  00   .

Resending 37 bytes to UDP: []-[]:161
: 30 23 02 01  00 04 02 73  77 A1 1A 02  04 7C E2 6D0#.sw|.m
0016: 3F 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  0C 30 0A 06  06 2B 06 01?..0.0...+..
0032: 02 01 01 05  00   .

Resending 37 bytes to UDP: []-[]:161
: 30 23 02 01  00 04 02 73  77 A1 1A 02  04 7C E2 6D0#.sw|.m
0016: 3F 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  0C 30 0A 06  06 2B 06 01?..0.0...+..
0032: 02 01 01 05  00   .

Timeout: No Response from client-server.
13:51:03 root[load: 0@monitoring-server ~#

Best regards, Margus Margusja Roo
skype: margusja

Dave Shield wrote:
 What is the output of running

  snmpgetnext -v1 -c sw  -d  client-server  system




The NEW KODAK i700 Series Scanners deliver under ANY circumstances! Your
production scanning environment may not be a perfect world - but thanks to
Kodak, there's a perfect scanner to get the job done! With the NEW KODAK i700
Series Scanner you'll get full speed at 300 dpi even with all image 
processing features enabled.
Net-snmp-users mailing list
Please see the following page to unsubscribe or change other options:

Re: Timeout: No Response from client-server

2009-05-08 Thread Margusja
Found a solution.

Big my mistake. There were firewall closed from client-server to 

Best regards, Margus Margusja Roo
skype: margusja

Margusja wrote:
 13:50:48 root[load: 1@monitoring-server ~# snmpgetnext -v1 -c sw  -d 
 client-server system

 Sending 37 bytes to UDP: []-[]:161
 : 30 23 02 01  00 04 02 73  77 A1 1A 02  04 7C E2 6D0#.sw|.m
 0016: 3F 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  0C 30 0A 06  06 2B 06 01?..0.0...+..
 0032: 02 01 01 05  00   .

 Resending 37 bytes to UDP: []-[]:161
 : 30 23 02 01  00 04 02 73  77 A1 1A 02  04 7C E2 6D0#.sw|.m
 0016: 3F 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  0C 30 0A 06  06 2B 06 01?..0.0...+..
 0032: 02 01 01 05  00   .

 Resending 37 bytes to UDP: []-[]:161
 : 30 23 02 01  00 04 02 73  77 A1 1A 02  04 7C E2 6D0#.sw|.m
 0016: 3F 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  0C 30 0A 06  06 2B 06 01?..0.0...+..
 0032: 02 01 01 05  00   .

 Resending 37 bytes to UDP: []-[]:161
 : 30 23 02 01  00 04 02 73  77 A1 1A 02  04 7C E2 6D0#.sw|.m
 0016: 3F 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  0C 30 0A 06  06 2B 06 01?..0.0...+..
 0032: 02 01 01 05  00   .

 Resending 37 bytes to UDP: []-[]:161
 : 30 23 02 01  00 04 02 73  77 A1 1A 02  04 7C E2 6D0#.sw|.m
 0016: 3F 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  0C 30 0A 06  06 2B 06 01?..0.0...+..
 0032: 02 01 01 05  00   .

 Resending 37 bytes to UDP: []-[]:161
 : 30 23 02 01  00 04 02 73  77 A1 1A 02  04 7C E2 6D0#.sw|.m
 0016: 3F 02 01 00  02 01 00 30  0C 30 0A 06  06 2B 06 01?..0.0...+..
 0032: 02 01 01 05  00   .

 Timeout: No Response from client-server.
 13:51:03 root[load: 0@monitoring-server ~#

 Best regards, Margus Margusja Roo
 skype: margusja

 Dave Shield wrote:
 What is the output of running

  snmpgetnext -v1 -c sw  -d  client-server  system




 The NEW KODAK i700 Series Scanners deliver under ANY circumstances! Your
 production scanning environment may not be a perfect world - but thanks to
 Kodak, there's a perfect scanner to get the job done! With the NEW KODAK i700
 Series Scanner you'll get full speed at 300 dpi even with all image 
 processing features enabled.
 Net-snmp-users mailing list
 Please see the following page to unsubscribe or change other options:


The NEW KODAK i700 Series Scanners deliver under ANY circumstances! Your
production scanning environment may not be a perfect world - but thanks to
Kodak, there's a perfect scanner to get the job done! With the NEW KODAK i700
Series Scanner you'll get full speed at 300 dpi even with all image 
processing features enabled.
Net-snmp-users mailing list
Please see the following page to unsubscribe or change other options:

Timeout: No Response from client-server

2009-05-07 Thread Margusja

I have two server-rooms (DZ-A and DZ-B)

in DZ-A there is a server called client-server and in a DZ-B there is a 
monitoring server called monitoring-server.

if i do in monitoring-server i got:
~# snmpwalk -c sw client-server -v1
Timeout: No Response from client-server
I have a connection between monitoring-server and client-server:
15:23:00 root[load: 0@monitoring-server ~# ping client-server
PING client-server ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from client-server ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 
time=1.23 ms

--- client-server ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2005ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.842/1.346/1.962/0.464 ms
15:26:18 root[load: 0@monitorin-server ~#

15:26:18 root[load: 0@monitoring-server ~# nmap -sU -v -p 161 

Starting Nmap 4.68 ( ) at 2009-05-07 15:27 EEST
Initiating Ping Scan at 15:27
Scanning [2 ports]
Completed Ping Scan at 15:27, 0.03s elapsed (1 total hosts)
Initiating UDP Scan at 15:27
Scanning client-server ( [1 port]
Completed UDP Scan at 15:27, 0.23s elapsed (1 total ports)
Host client-server ( appears to be up ... good.
Interesting ports on client-server (
161/udp open|filtered snmp

Read data files from: /usr/share/nmap
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.322 seconds
  Raw packets sent: 4 (124B) | Rcvd: 1 (46B)
15:27:34 root[load: 0@monitoring-server ~#

15:14:16 root[load: 0@client-server ~# ps aux | grep snmpd
root 24039  0.0  0.8   8992  4248 ?SMay06   0:05 
/usr/sbin/snmpd -Lsd -p /var/run/
root 26410  0.0  0.0   1712   452 pts/3S+   15:14   0:00 grep snmpd
15:14:34 root[load: 0@beast ~# netstat -ln | grep 161
udp0  0*  15:29:31 root[load: 0@beast ~#

15:29:31 root[load: 0@client-server ~# ping monitoring-server
PING monitoring-server ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- monitoring-server ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2005ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.934/1.265/1.803/0.384 ms
15:30:12 root[load: 0@client-server ~#

so looks like there are no connection and firewall problems

client-server snmpd.local.conf:
com2sec local client-server sw
com2sec local (-- client-server IP) sw
com2sec local monitoring-server sw

group MyRWGroup any local

view allincluded  .1   80

access MyROGroup   any   noauthexact  allnone   none
access MyRWGroup   any   noauthexact  allallnone

SNMPD is running: root 24039  0.0  0.8   8992  4248 ?S
May06   0:05 /usr/sbin/snmpd -Lsd -p /var/run/
and in both servers: NET-SNMP version:

Any ideas?


Best regards, Margus Margusja Roo
skype: margusja

The NEW KODAK i700 Series Scanners deliver under ANY circumstances! Your
production scanning environment may not be a perfect world - but thanks to
Kodak, there's a perfect scanner to get the job done! With the NEW KODAK i700
Series Scanner you'll get full speed at 300 dpi even with all image 
processing features enabled.
Net-snmp-users mailing list
Please see the following page to unsubscribe or change other options: