New Heaven video

Within the planar bankruptcy of the world as it exists now, the
grit of heavenchemical deterioration medicinal avalanche of gods
true drugs always already at the beck and call. Oh I can't see,
now I will talk // // // And hope for all of our sake that
everything comes through as it would wearing the proper clothing
as if we were in the ballroom which is senseless out of doors
without shelter without walls without music without anything
whatsoever set reminders of our previous lives believe beneath
the earth when we were very very young beneath the earth when we
could describe the earth beneath the earth when the earth was
always already in a state of disappearance beanie sierras when
we were moving not of our own free will but through the kindness
and salience of microbial life . Always wear it like this always
wears comes back . Now I will close my eyes and you are aware of
me . Now I will think of the sound from BBC of the unimaginable
horror of continuous deterioration . Now I will give up my past
my belief and work its way into the dirt. Now I will lie and lie
. Now is never now. By the time you read this we will all
undergo that thange that transformation into unholy angles in
flight bright light sight above the recompensate of absolute
lack of restitution . Now I will speak agai . // He speaks again
// Of what do I speak he says ? Of what do i speak I say
speaking for him . I am speaking for him at the distance of 5mm.
I am speaking for him at the distance of 7mm. I am speaking for
him at the distance of seven kilometers. I am speaking for him
at the distance of seven mega parsecs. I am uncomfortable with
this as I flatten against the imaginary of the universe which we
carry within ourselves. This is what I say when I speak. It is
so useless. It is so useless. I open my mouth and in floats no
no take that back take that back absolutely take that back. I
open my mouth and is there and wait a minute oh there is a body
incoming. No that's that doesn't sound right that sounds
straight . I open my mouth and there is a flux. There is
definitely a flux. Now I will write again my fingers on the keys
pressing against see the building on the floor in the building
on the floor of the uilding in the building resting ono the
rubble of four centuries resting on the strata of two billion
years stromatolites and others resting on the arapace of plate
tectonics . Now I will speak. I will declaim of molten core lava
of iron of diamond of inert materials of the pressures which we
apply to ourselves from the interior of the earth carrying the
weight the carapace of life on our back on the surface. Scraping
the surface. Scraping the surface as one would age kick atriss.
As one would a scar. As one would an embolism. As one would
nothing at all but scratches on a stone 2 million years ago when
we began just when we began to when we began to when will you be
going to when we began to. Stop dictating . Now I will continue
this pressure and within a year or a decade or slightly more or
much less, this will stop. This will grind to a halt. This will
absolutely grind to a halt. This will stop. This will end, this
will be finished. IWILL NEVER have the CHANCE to say good-bye.


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