hope this might interest someone?
fwiw, still riding out long covid, bleary

Long-necked saz, the glimpse

https://youtu.be/0jhmH3CeUbY video

The long-necked saz is an immense pleasure to play, quite large,
the neck like a playing field, fingers and hands delighting in
movement around it, the sound swirls, the body gate may be
opened and closed, the sounds changes thereby, this one is from
around 1960 and in excellent condition after being worked on by
Amir Vahab if I remember correctly, and perhaps I don't, I can
lose myself in the sound, remember some intervals from a very
old Ethiopian recording I heard decades ago that stayed with me
since then, it's a way of approaching satori, true enough I
added an overlay from a virtual world (because I could, because
the virtual wants to participate, wants to hear what becomes
real as all sound is as real as all sound), it's not I who play
this instrument, but this instrument which plays me, such close
agreement among us, an enlightenment, writing this while BBC
portrays Gaza and elsewhere, not that music is a salvation, but
an implement or accompaniment, a friend that allows me to face,
to speak, elsewhere, clouds outside, sun coming in and out,
shadows, writing this indoors, is any place safe now, from war,
from disease, from dis-ease?, and what is it to welcome to be
welcomed, sound and light, the _glimpse_

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