> Parks -- especially urban ones, perhaps -- are so important as cultural
> and artistic places.

I agree with your assessment of the importance of parks and their adjacent
institutions. The cultivation and nourishment they give to people is
invaluable. And like the urban park, the national parks do their part as
well. Where they were once valued for giving a sense of spiritual renewal,
their ecological importance has become more clear as we face climate change.

In the International Energy Agency’s “Net Zero by 2050” report (
https://www.iea.org/reports/net-zero-by-2050) they lay out “how to
transition to a net zero energy system by 2050 while ensuring stable and
affordable energy supplies, providing universal energy access, and enabling
robust economic growth … dominated by renewables like solar and wind
instead of fossil fuels.” This plan includes two areas that I find
problematic. One is carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS). I have
heard some say that this is an unproven technology. The most obvious thing
that I see about it is like with nuclear – eventually the waste becomes a
problem. And two, biofuels:

“This would require biofuels from energy plantations
<http://www.cleantech.guide/p/354/>—planting crops (such as rapeseed)
specifically for energy use.

But conservationists estimate the sustainable potential
biofuels is lower. They also say high volumes of bioenergy might interfere
with land use for food production and protected nature conservation areas.

Our research found the exact opposite is needed: rapid phase out of
deforestation <https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/8/2103/htm> and
significant reforestation alongside the decarbonisation of the energy

Bioenergy should be produced predominantly from agricultural and organic
waste to remain carbon neutral.” (source:

Finally, they point out the need for behavioral change. This is where those
aforementioned institutions come in. Those institutions and the ones that
cultivate our perceptions of the world and the way we live in it.


- *Anthony Stephenson*

*http://anthonystephenson.org/ <http://anthonystephenson.org/>*
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