2023/4 Slow Helium, New Years, Better Lives

https://youtu.be/tgj3U06LtqA video

Slow helium birthday balloons up for six weeks in our place,
still dancing among the air currents, endurance, performance,
understanding elasticity, aerodynamics, persistence, static
electricity, radiative heating, the dance dance, the slow
dance, world gone sad and mad, hoping for a new dawn, slow
times as well

"Ear, school balloon nose to and Ear,
Ear, kiss pending balloon raise Ear,
balloon they, raise and they,, they,
employees tongue, they, balloon they,
balloon  to to and and nose named
named named balloon balloon to named
back from scattered monitors
position balloon throat to  and
she, they, to kiss balloon they, and
sweet swing swole balloon swvoi
to to balloon nose named to to raise
nose to was to balloon balloon to pending
balloon now listen to this tune and
named to to to pay pay to balloon to
raise balloon and Ear, attend Ear to to
concert and would love to balloon
in clarity of true and proper
encompassed balloon and slow dance"

and the throat ear, the balloon was pending
and moving every so slowly in many rhythms
and fascinating, all with the joy of it,
our home accompaniment, and soon the joy
overcame us with the beauty of the world
among all beings, all objects, all flowing
kindness in the midst of darker times


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