Please join us if you happen to be in Brussels next Saturday. Would be
lovely to meet some netbehaviourists there.

*"Constallations is devoid of a goal and has no predetermined path.
Constallations is **what we are*
* when we give up our personal objectives and, when, based on our own
history and skills, we tackle a challenge prepared by one of the
group.Constallations is made of travels through things one doesn’t control,
of jumps in the void. Constallations is an exploration full of unexpected
discoveries. *

*Constallations is a learning tool / a practice radically open to
everything. Constallations is a concrete utopia – on a small scale, and
temporary, it must be said – but it is, and so carries a hope for a
different society.It’s a perspective.Constallations is a path, an
adventure, a chemistry, a soup that upsets habits and creates links."*

Text fragment from *The Methodology of Constallations*, that will be
available in English and French on the Constallations website
<> after the 25th of June.

One year ago we: the group *3G(enerations)* Alix Desaubliaux, Pascale
Barret and Annie Abrahams, started a research project called Constallations
<>. Using challenges and surprises, we
defied each other in nine sessions of what Annie called *contemporary net
art*, Pascale a *non-binary inclusive laboratory* and Alix *performative &
collaborative explorations*.

Institut d’Art Contemporain, invited 3G to come to Brussels for their 10th,
this time real-life, session.
*Saturday, Mai 25, 16h* you are welcome to meet the three artists and
Sandra Bébié-Valérian of OUDEIS <> at
the Boulevard de Waterloo in Brussels.
Sandra will give a short talk where she analyses the project in the frame
of OUDEIS’ Autorama <> project. Pascale, Alix
and Annie will present their recently written *Methodology of
Constallations** and will try to translate it’s essence to the real space
of the exhibition *Waiting to blossom *Constallations* by Pascale Barret.
Could be an object, a performance, a reading, a text, an installation …. or
a mix of all this.
Wall installation *Constallations* à L’ISELP

*** *The Methodology of Constallations* will be available in English and
French on the Constallations website <>
after the 25th.
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