[NetBehaviour] The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 1.1

2019-06-10 Thread Alan Sondheim

The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 1.1


In 1978, I programmed with a TI59 calculator, later with a Terak
minicomputer. I produced a number of pieces gathered together in
a publication, Syntactical and Semantic Programming. This was an
extension of material I was writing on the elimination of entities
and the concept of a procedural semiotics. The heart of this is as
follows (with commentary, 2019) -


An event may be defined as the union of its k-ply intersections of
its set of descriptions. Consider a set of descriptions that one
might apply to an otherwise undefined event E. These descriptions
have a number of elements which overlap to any particular depth; a
depth of 1 indicates that every description is given equal value,
and a depth of N (number of descriptions) applies to taking only
what all of them have in common in terms of attributes. Depth can
be assigned to any number n, from 1 to N. The union of depths can
considered in various ways and weights. There are no events to be
considered beyond the set of descriptions; priority is given to
epistemology, not a process ontology. There are no hard and fast
rules, no absolute categories, and every ontology in the long run
is inadequate, momentary.


An entity may be defined as the union of its k-ply intersections
of its list of attributes. See above.


"Intersection" above is defined by a probabilistic matching
algorithm; "union" is concatenation or summation. The operations
can be interpreted any way one wants; the main point is the
elimination of ontology - which is interpretable as necessarily
inadequate. So one moves among digital epistemologies, hoping for
the best - not among fundamental ontologies of a real - which is
ultimately unknowable (for example multiverses, Planck limits
etc.) - everything exists only within a phenomenology of approach
- not within well-defined domains of the real. The more one moves
from physics towards the social, organic, and so forth, the more
one is at a loss, insofar as categories are concerned.

(Note that any description might be considered in terms of a core
and outliers; the former is an equivalence subset in relation to
other descriptions, and the outliers are embedded or related
attributes "along for the ride." Give two descriptions, _abcde_
and _acdfh_, the core would be _acd_ and the outliers would be
_befh_. The cores appear to define an event or entity; the
outliers, to the extent they might be considered "sticky," then
may or may not add additional attributes or informaton. This is
sloppy set theory to be sure.)


Further, within any inadequate domain (collocation of events
and/or entities), independent transformations exist; all domains
are problematic, fuzzy.


An interesting program of procedural ontology may be given in two

1 = Pause RST */in which 1 is displayed/*
RST */in which nothing is displayed/*

Both are examples of REWRITE, a process which produces the visible
or invisible simulacrum of an entity which itself is in-process,
depending on the operating system, speed, energy feeding into the
machine, entropy wear-and-tear, and so forth. */RST is return but
always already to something slightly different./*


Then there's this: The fine-structure of transformations is
interpreted in relation to catastrophe and framework theory,
anomaly ("over the edge") represented by an increase or decrease
of energy leading to a jump in the fold or cusp or other
catastrophes etc. Within the butterfly catastrophe, "elsewhere"
can be considered as the central sheet. Within the notion of "the
fragility of good things," stability is temporary at best: it
takes maintenance and energy to remain temporarily within a given
domain as an entity, independent or otherwise. And energy
corrodes, is corroded, is corrosive.


An "object" is a resistance.


Every "object" _has_ a collocation of thresholds.
Every "object" _is_ a collocation of thresholds.
Are these equivalent? Does possession apply? Does the copula?


Every "object" is inadequate; every "description" is inadequate;
every set of descriptions is inadequate; the world is ragged,
noisy, catastrophic, even fractal within limits.


Of course it is just as easy to say that catastrophe and frame
theories might both be deprecated, that we're more certain than
ever of the categoricity of the world, that anomalies are only the
result, for example, of overpopulation, ignorance of the physics
beyond ascertainable energy regimes and the ultimate fine-
structure of the world, that local entities may well be perfectly
defined, once the tools and taxonomies are developed, etc.  So
there are matters of faith and faithlessness on all sides. (It may
come down to preferences, and I prefer open and problematic worlds
and worldings; I also prefer ontological collapses, for example as
far as deities are concerned. 

[NetBehaviour] The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 10

2019-05-20 Thread Alan Sondheim

The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 10


phenomenology reversal of collapsed inadequacy

texts, exhausting my deconstructing, ungesturing,
we all as inadequate, fundamentally
everywhere, failure my incapacity, my headaches, my
DIM, my myself, it doing migraines my arteries, collapsed my
detooling, defabrication, exhaustion, everywhen, failure my
the edges of the screen curled,
and my mind's confused,
gestures imply the inadequacy of the world,
inadequacy submerges the world,
the planck constants are absurd,
nothing is entirely possible,
everyone comes crying to everyone,
this is going nowhere,
we are hardly anywhere,
tending towards abject failure,
and no destination,
inadequacy becomes failure under projection,
because there's nowhere to go,
jennifer, she said, nikuko,
because they amount to inconceivable bounds,
inconceivable distances,
whatever else there are always gestures,
inadequacy suffuses, failure coagulates,
inadequacy is the approximate field of drives,
too many contractual obligations,
releasing me from obligations,
failure implies vectors,
failure is the dream of success,
vectors are nonexistent,

is real the idiotic, nor obdurate neither is real the adequacy,
of remnants the is failure everywhere, fails permeates, cloud, the
accuracy, of idea my truth, of idea my sphere, little my myself,
it doing is gesture, is itself, world the is world, the suffuses
inadequate what's veins, useless my lungs, empty my nothing, my
nothing, to allegiance my truth, useless my innocence, lost my
vision, terrible my days, lost my nights, sleepless my horizon,
of foggy my world, whole my

adequacy, the real is neither obdurate nor idiotic, the real is

and holes are where the bodies drop
where the bodies stop
are lost, diffuse, saturate, desiccate, exhaust away

what's inadequate suffuses the world, is the world itself, is
gesture, is

incredible churning of the wheel
greasy weaving through the spokes
has something to do with the machine
you're stretched on the wheel
and the cams churn the body
some unknown liquid seeping
fundamentally inadequate, as all we
your body is all greasy
makes the machine fumble you

my collapsed arteries, my migraines doing it myself, my DIM,

floating in oil legs spread arms spread
on the way to death and corruption constitution
sewn economies and transriparians
mumbly-pegged the lips and lips
speed the thing up

ungesturing, deconstructing, my exhausting texts,

my failure everywhen, exhaustion, defabrication, detooling,

groped and comes around again

doing it myself, my little sphere, my idea of truth, my idea of

you've never seen the end of you
liquids stitched from liquids
and machines stitched from machines
makes the machine do contrary things
my headaches, my incapacity, my failure everywhere,
my terrible vision, my lost innocence, my useless truth,

my allegiance to nothing, my nothing, my empty lungs, my useless

my whole world, my foggy horizon, my sleepless nights, my lost

the cloud, permeates, fails everywhere, failure is the remnants of

makes sewn up things
makes sewn up no things
becoming a speed-blur speed-bump
soaked constitutions of sewn economies

full text @ http://www.alansondheim.org/inadequate.txt

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 9

2019-05-18 Thread Alan Sondheim

The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 9


full inadequate text at

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 8

2019-05-17 Thread Alan Sondheim

The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 8

Adam's Rock


the rock as obdurate. The interior of the rock. The micro-
organisms on the rock. The inability to fully examine the
microbiome without disturbance. The probability of interruptions
in the past. The probability of interruptions in the future. The
Fragile ecosystems of the Earth. The borderline between the Rock
and the soil Matrix beneath it. The roots upwelling Under The
Rock. the failure to comprehend. The failure to think deeply along
the lines of the deep ecology of time. The lack of knowledge of
origins of the Rock. the microorganisms within the Rock.this can
continue indefinitely. It will all be swept away. even the
simplest thing such as land parcels and aquifers in the area are
almost impossible to determine exactly. Soon will come the
digitalization of the rock. With digitalization comes the raster.

You might as well say goodbye to the Planck length. I've always
been a failure at Conjuring up or bringing to the surface the
depth of knowledge or the depth of the phenomenology of the
natural world. Or of any other world. There are always bars in the
way of constructs. There are issues of Finance which Brioullin
points out Brillouin in terms of particle physics. The more that
research requires larger funding the more it's in the thralls of
neoliberalism. The more it's in the thralls of neoliberalism the
less we know about the world and the more we know about the
surfaces not the depth of the movement of data. Data itself is
worn like The Rock. But it is relatively simple compared to the
exabytes of information that might be even within a single cubic

centimeter of The Rock. I bring myself to these surfaces
constantly attempting to ascertain their depths I extrapolate from
the resulting images that I make into something far deeper and far
more pernicious because the extrapolation always involves a
suturing over the surface. The suturing has no way of being exact
- we're coming to anything other than the peeling off of a shell
or carapace of the rock. That is an image or a slide or a surface
film. The film is something that almost relates to Medieval
Notions of sight. The film is something that comes off the rock as
if it were heading towards the eyes or the camera lens. I am
bringing back a relic of a landscape. This is as if it were like
this or as if it is still like this or as if it is like this at
any particular point in time and space. It offers a point of view
and art history has drowned such analysis with phenomenology and
an understanding of the fragility and the absence of the image in
the image. It says if all images were imaginary. doesn't it always
go back to the rester. Even with Wittgenstein's Tractatus the
raster is something that always seems to be in play when you're
considering the Sheffer stroke or its dual - in other words the
foundations of the real as it's represented in propositional logic
one way or another. The raster is what gets in the way of the end
of logic and the analogic itself - analogy analog - the analogic
itself begins to dissolve at the level of the Planck length. Or
the planck time. I'm deliberately letting this text dissolve in
the futility of AI reading from speaking. Only in this way can
shifts in the meaning or analysis come to some sort of fruition,
the text representing itself what is already lost in an analysis
that seems perfect and pristine in any classical formalism. There
is no such thing. Rather there is such a thing but it is always a
question of suturing over what that thing is - the world is a
world of sutures and carapaces. this is the space of language. I
think of the ackermann function a c k e r m a n n function and the
way that such a function grows indefinitely on paper with nothing
more than a manipulation of symbols that seem to extend
indefinitely to Infinity in the form of a gesture. Writing
mathematics is always a form of gesture. In this sense it is a
representative of the earliest uses of language when language
itself may have developed out of gesture according to Tran Duc

paragraph are gestures always futile. By pointing Beyond they
Point nowhere in terms of a full rester or full articulation of
the real. They are always distancing always somewhere else in the
presence(s) that they are announcing. It is this way that it is
failure. What we need now is a phenomenology of failure not a
phenomenology of closed articulated domains such as the red patch
on the desk before me or geography or even the body itself. All of
these things fall apart. This discourse falls apart.

We might want to talk about the thinking of the world. that is a
tendency towards signing a tendency towards naming. This is
different than Kripke's notion of natural kinds in which there are
determinants coming from the world itself that are the same in any
possible world. 

[NetBehaviour] The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 7

2019-05-10 Thread Alan Sondheim

The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 7

Inadequate Text through JSTOR Text Analyzer


Congestive heart failure
Domain ontologies
System failures
Academic skill deficit
Acute kidney failure
Acute liver failure
Emergency preparedness
Equipment failures
Failure to appear
Induced abortion
Information science
Kidney failure
Liver failure
Market failure
Musical ontology
Ontological arguments
Operationg systems
Philosophy of religion
Process philosophy
Psychological assessment
Renal insufficiency
Seedling mortality
Shy Drager syndrome
Systems analysis
Text analytics
Traffic flow


Must Dogmatics Forego Ontology? Eugene W. Lyman The American
Journal of Theology, Vol. 18, No. 3 (Jul., 1914), pp. 355-377

Exploring What Can Go Wrong During a Chlorine Response Operation:
Brian A. Jackson, Kay Sullivan Faith, Henry H. Willis 2010

Assessing the Probability, Effects, and Severity of Failure Modes:
Brian A. Jackson, Kay Sullivan Faith, Henry H. Willis 2010

Driving to Safety Nidhi Kalra, Susan M. Paddock 2016

Relationships between Landsliding and Land Use in the Likhu Khola
Drainage Basin, Middle Hills, Nepal John Gerrard, Rita Gardner
Mountain Research and Development, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Feb., 2002),
pp. 48-55

The reality of information systems research John Lamp, Simon
Milton 2005

Cross-Cutting Categorization Schemes in the Digital Humanities
Colin Allen, the InPhO Group Isis, Vol. 104, No. 3 (September
2013), pp. 573-583

Failure G. Tucker Bispham Poetry, Vol. 7, No. 5 (Feb., 1916), p.

Geist through Myth: Anna Kenny 2013

Living in One World: Searles Social Ontology and Semiotics Phila
Mfundo Msimang Signs and Society, Vol. 2, No. 2 (September 2014),
pp. 173-202

Living in One World: Searles Social Ontology and Semiotics Phila
Mfundo Msimang Signs and Society, Vol. 2, No. 2 (September 2014),
pp. 173-202

Inadequate text at http://www.alansondheim.org/inadequate.txt

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 61, 62

2019-04-30 Thread Alan Sondheim

The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 61, 62

http://www.alansondheim.org/inadequate.mp4 VIDEO

61 : the clar //written thru migraine scattershot//

This is the closeness of your other

keep returning to the body which eludes me, the world's full of
new gates falling down, always emptying what passed for content
in the permian just for a moment, as if there were a terminal,
as if this were conceivable, what a voluminosity !Mon Apr &&
&&:&&:&& EDT  my entire life based on "a person's reach is
beyond hir grasp" written and gendered well over two thirds of a
century ago Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT 

This is the distance of your new Clar

Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT  the truth of god is the null set,
always already closed.Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT  the null set
singularity is inadequate; there are always infinitesimals. it
gets crowded down there, but it gets crowded everywhere.
everywhere is effacement. Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT  facement
to effacement, ineffable to fable, adequate to inadequate, <> to
in<> new and old exhaust me, we are all begging with gaps as if
( < > were the inadequate constitution of the world.Mon Apr &&
&&:&&:&& EDT  < > ( stop turning anywhere towards, the
vector is dissolute; to remember the origin is to mythologize
chaotic emptiness, corrosive virtuality. Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT
 to return is to recapitulate what has never arrived,
recapitulation is decapitation; headless/tailless, no return, no
journey, nothing, least of all no emptiness, nothing replete Mon
Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT  what is said is dependent first and
foremost on the collapsing zone of time, we're always already
gone before we've said a word, before there were words, before
this ascends into the distributions of failure from which it
came descends -Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT  before the permian
and after, spread singularities, waves of sound, rubbled
distributions, collapse, viral expansions, how many called then
helplessly, buried in strata, a few from billions, look there,
words escaped, breath no longer Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT 
derailing when there were no rails, deflecting when the vectors,
what? chaotic and spread? not even roots, not even spreads Mon
Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT  who's counting, what basis, what
surreal or infinitesimal, what exhaustion, when THIS mind stops
working, already gone from this text, they hardly remember Mon
Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT  Mon Apr && &&:&&:&& EDT 

62 : the elim of "A"

Indequte of "A"

 philosophicl testThe in
l testment

se. Tht there wI used to think the world is
t there ws world, word
ll th
s world, word
t c

embodied. replete, fecund. ontology. informtion everywhere
embodied. replete, fecund. ontology. inform
tion everywhere mong world.
tion everywhere
mong world.
mong world.

nd disintegrtion of mind interfere with tion of mind interfere
with tion of mind interfere with ny imminent
ny imminent

ny imminent
It seems rupture
ssessment. now, whrries little me
rries little mening, f
ning, fr too fluid,
ssessment. now, wh
r too fluid,
t ontology c
re strems prticles their decompositions.

ms prticles their decompositions.
immense for gener
rticles their decompositions.
lities them. itself suspect. hrdening objects simulrdening
objects simul
rdening objects simulcrum.

orgnisms, projections negorg
nisms, projections negtions occur. As if they occurred within or
nisms, projections neg
tions occur. As if they occurred within or
tions occur. As if they occurred within or

rs flsely y gener
lsely s
ted from within. tenuous
ppering. no replst
ring. no replcements replsis. these livings l
cements replcements.
bels dis
dy disppelw
red. which open
bstrct-phenomenologicrly divided MAP, m
tifictions, interreltions, interrel
tions, interreltionships. considered nothing more
tionships. considered nothing more

tionships. considered nothing more
ontologies, str
ry. Now lngungu

existences ontologies. So much seemed unnecess
nguging nor simulrticip
crum just removes prticipl
rticipnt step beyond its
nt step beyond its
ging nor simul
dequte were orgcy. Alw
te were orgnic, orgys re
nic, orgnism
ch, in
te horizon. Nothing fundmentsing
mentl, blooming buzzing
l, blooming buzzing
se-lods wrong question, solution. substrconfusing lies
ds wrong question, solution. substrte.
t he
rt c
ch. thought lngudeflection in
ge. Philosophy resides rubble
cy re
wlks produces, ftegory. f
tegory. flling evlks produces, f
lling evnescent
ilure. f
ilure c

tions. shdow thoughtlessness body. There cdow thoughtlessness
body. There c
dow thoughtlessness body. There cse, philosophy
se, philosophy

se, philosophy
ilure, redy. Open sets dimensions rdy. Open sets dimensions r
dy. Open sets dimensions rgged edges, words written
gged edges, words written

gged edges, words written

[NetBehaviour] The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 5

2019-04-29 Thread Alan Sondheim

The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 5


This section dictated. I'm constantly trying to articulate a
philosophical structure That works for me and might conceivably
work for other [ed. others] . At the same time I'm also dealing
with a kind of deprecation and self-deprecation that seeps into
these texts; I wouldn't be interested in philosophy at all were it
not for the fact That I seem to need to articulate Any kind of
ground posible [ed. bad choice of words here. [ed. "I'm trying to
help. This doesn't help"] . naive. . To be able to stand on [ed.
to be able to agree to, to be able to come to some sort of
agreement, to be able to consider as a reasonable form of a
_philosophical contribution_] at least for a while - Nothing works
forever pure [ed. pure? I have no recollection]. So what is
occuring here Is it gallon Hey kind of [ed. inadequate kind of, at
least from what I remember] attempt to order [ed. disorder,
reconstitute] the world as inadequate . at the same time I realize
that what I'm doing undercuts that very ordering . As a result of
that I go back to culling In a situation Where I say To give up on
something Or to give up Yeah [ed. Yeah?] And then to take that and
invert it as in the following textual selection . The very fact
this section is dictated indicates already Dead [ed. wrong word
here; I'm not sure what was meant, but this will do as an aside]
artificial intelligence Is subverting what I'm trying to say. [ed.
That] This is the limits of the body. [ed. That] This is the
limits of speech. This is the totalization of an insertion that in
the long run can only fail in terms of the somatic . So here and
henceforth Is the text [ed. which fails as well; consider it as a
life-form, a form of breathing]:

I'm still here trying to help you! I hate to give up on you! When
you You give up, you've bent poets; predicatable...) insight
badly? the apparatus... And while I don't give up in this space, I
give insurmountable, Oh I give up! give up no response, to open
representation, humans never give up trying, violating voice
Impossible of representation, humans never give up trying,
violating voice give up knowledge and the guidance of the sage,
Nikuko, got to hair... You clean yourself out nice and proper...
You give up, you've bent make you want to give up your home, your
friends, your country, give up. turn
away.something has gone horribly wrong. perhaps
this altogether - at least this THIS give up trying, violating
voice give up. turn away.something -- Never give
up... Never give in to false pessimism or optimism... Remain a but
it was always slim... maybe if i just turn away and give up... but
i I've got to get Alphaworld running but should probably give
up... I'm going have less of I give up, I've bent over backwards
for you... If you matter; matter can only give up the truth
itself! Remember: In every Remain a Magnificent! genius bow to the
labors of life; give up poets; predicatable...) insight badly?
anyway? (forgive upper-casing) theory, the apparatus... And while
I don't give up in this space, I give up Oh I give up! anyway?
(forgive upper-casing) Coleridge - perhaps I should give give up
no response, to open ons^eself... For it is true that ^ when the
If I were Claara I'd give up too... +b O Claara banned from never
give up trying, violating voice that way; it would give up will
you give up your life for them... give up everything and the king
decides whether he lives or the stage just to be with what if i
give up, the fingers stop You do not have to give up knowledge and
the guidance of the sage, Nikuko, wrong. perhaps this herr
plaCLAWe Don't give up the great good sure that matter; matter can
only give up the truth itself! that way; it would give up nothing,
remain obdurate, make sure that incredible conflagration shall
make us give up even one syllable of this give up the ways of the
world, sexuality is a curse, women are a curse, Estate, and to
what extent would I want to give up the paraphrase for the i'm not
the person i'm capable wards... I give up, I've bent over what if
i give up, the fingers stop for a day or so - you'll have less of
herr plaCLAWe Don't give up the great good fight Dont gayeve up
THOOe Magnificent! genius bow to the labors of life; give up his
up the great good fight Dont gayeve up THOOe I give up, I've
running but should probably give up... I'm going Oh I give up! at
violating voice Coleridge - perhaps I should give up art you'll
find it - don't give up - always looking - the give up on your
friends, your country, One is unwilling to give up the or give up!
incredible conflagration shall make us give up even please do not
give up hope for donations, everything falls apart... Better some
of us just give up and interstitial - you'll find it - don't give
up - always looking - the up for the distance, give up to the

[NetBehaviour] The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 4

2019-04-28 Thread Alan Sondheim

The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 4


we create /pockets/ are created. every ending has a gap called and
culled divine. we leave our baggage there. rules develop. the gap
is fecund with rules. rules are based on exclusions: not this, not
that. remember this. rules are ordered disorder. order demands a
potential, potential well. the fragility of order is the

consider emptiness, absences, paradoxes, contradictions, riddles,
discourses on negation, on emptiness, on the middle way, on ways
veering through contradictions, on other ways, on paradoxes, on
word play and plays, on believing because absurd.

consider instead, in place of, adjacent to, in the neighborhood or
vicinity, the inadequate as inhering in the world, chaotically
glued to the world. the inadequate not as category, but as a
diffusion, murmuring, the exhaustion of the vector open at one
end, extending from an origin-original, opened as well, chaos at
the origin, copy and duplicate, not quite, chaos elsewhere,
failure of measurement, bad and unremembered dreaming, not dreams.

i woke this morning with a realization that there is none such; i
woke with words in my mouth; i woke with cotton in my mouth; the
less i knew, the truer it was. 1 is a prime; is (4^(4^1000))-1?
why bother with the calculation when 1,2,3 are satisfactory? it's
my failure i won't have anything to do with this. i don't have
enough time left in my life. my knowledge is inadequate; i don't
have the proper skills, i'd fail at this now and perhaps would
have failed at this then. i'm simply not smart enough. i would
probably fudge things. fudging is an entanglement of circum-
locutions. what does it matter; we all live in failure. we know
nothing of godhead because there's nothing to know, and with this
knowledge, we circumvent ignorance, failure, admitting the chaos
of worlding into us. the koan is the outcome, as is believing
because it is absurd. suture the inadequate, imbibe the idea of
the numinous or holy, and you've capped it momentarily; failure
turns into paradox, the white horse that is not white, three in
one and one in three, the multiplicity, the one.

once you have a gap, you have corrosion, the tensor splitting at
the level or sign of multiple vertices, high-speed categories and
arrows entangled with themselves and others, falling apart from
fictitious holes and wholes. think of this as the _shrug._

the shrug exits between dismissal and walking away, between the
admission of failure and the attitude of devil-may-care, between
the admission of failure and getting on with it, between dismissal
and abject apologetics, between apologetics and the back-handed
admission of the uselessness of the spiritual, between feeling
good and feeling anyhow, between the inadequate and bricolage,
which is making the best of it

and of course, of course

[so this is what i was sort of thinking of i think last night but
to be honest it might have been the night before last, and on top
of that worried about forgetting what i'm doing and going over the
way things seem to drop away as i get older, i mean it's just not
the same as it was yesterday is it or was it, and there seems no
end to it this way and probably any other]

===  ===  ===

culling, which comes from my childhood and family dynamics,
undercutting whatever i attempted, making me realize the
uselessness and ephemerality of the world. within the family, i
was the 'wastrel and nincompoop' as my father proclaimed - never
mind the anecdote. so i'd attempt something, withdraw from it at
the same time, mentally attack myself for the project in the first
place. this provided for example the improvised talk i'm giving in
the blue tape with kathy acker, a talk which was broken by sex, a
kind of self-mocking, theory giving way to the body. but now it's
a form of automated culling, which breaks my thought up, rendering
the inadequacy of my thought - and perhaps all thought - visible
for anyone to read - breaking down work previously carefully
crafted - the uselessness of the philosophical, the failure
inherent in the very nature of thinking, a nature broken,
ruptured, itself inadequate -

culling, transforming + / -

"intern inadequate. Monday Trocadero downstairs, showcase records.
he was an intern who was completely inadequate. Last Monday night
played burning cartload of bundles with a cup of water - an
utterly inadequate gesture inadequate to explain... inadequate
gratification. It was only post-coitum that the eye, as a life,
where she was inadequate, felt inhibited and depressed. he was
inadequate, felt inhibited and depressed.' that his work is
inadequate and futile. His need to test his own limits,
supplementation to our human needs remains always inadequate, Is
sampling always inadequate? Don't we make these decisions in the
first impedance western electric earphone, but 

[NetBehaviour] The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 3

2019-04-26 Thread Alan Sondheim

The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 3


Great blue heron rookery, Seekonk, Massachusetts

noise in the machinery of thought.
all thought is parasitic language or empathetic movement
within the mind.
in this sense reality is a residue or test case.
the test case always fails with(in) the ontological gap.
the mind always fails even with the pronouncement of the body.
is it that the symbols mean and the mind comprehends, or the
symbols by virtue of tradition are granted substance?
it is too much to say that mathesis begins and ends with the
making and interpretation of marks.
we exist by agreement that we exist.
there is always otherwise to any agreement.
otherwise is infinitely greater than agreement.
clearly thought and existence, in whatever form of presentation,
are inadequate.
wherever we look, whatever we examine, there is a dropping-away
that is not even fundamental. nothing is never, ever,
(what slides, slides out, is only the symbolic; i cannot procure
anything except a sense of my own failure. that sense, too,
the we itself of course is a construct, one that falls away as
well, as does the I.
we're left bereft were it not for the ontology of the digital.
or the ontology of any testament. or another ontology.
ontology is a story we are told or tell ourselves.
or say the ontology of the analog or analogic.
or ontology as a told story or the telling of a story.
our sounds in such cases appear to form the basis of community,
or communality.
it is this inadequacy that tends towards those fictions and
absolutisms which are the basis of any religion.
religions stress our inadequacy, creating an open vector which
tends towards, lands on, the postulation of an other; even
atheism has a name.
(we think through the closure of vectors. we kill for them.)
if not now, then.
if not this universe, then another. if not this reality, than
another (no there there, no here here). if not this time, then
after death (after we discard our body) (after our body is
discarded). if not this, then that: we are held by this
proposition, this vector.
(this vector which does not exist.)
(jeremy bentham who created adequacy out of fictions,
ontologically empty, inadequate. one might say, as if there
were duties created, as if duty were a suture.)
anything but dissolution which is always already an accomplice.
explanations, enclaving, neoliberalism, are untouchable. the
inadequate is sutured by an inadequate adequate. think of
sedimentary layers. think of ooze, microbiomes, fundamental
particles observed and generated by increasingly expensive
or the planck length, planck time, planck mass. what is
inadequate is reachlessness.
(and the inadequate reachlessness is not ever a category.)
as this writing slips from me, the wryting of the body forgets
itself, mistakes are made. and mistakes are always made.
(there are no mistakes. there are deviations. there are openings
which bend, tensor-like to fulfill the destination of language.)
what absurdity, bringing the thought of limitations and the
limitations of thought something which does not exist, as if
there were a mix.
(we are not in our body or the bodies of others, as if there
were a plateau or wish-fulfilling stone hardening some skin onto
some bones, sensory organs, mind.)
as if there were an only-if.
(scrape / scrap / crap / cape / rap / sap / cap / as if the caps
on our noggins were the world (were the ontology of the world))
(everything talks, everything is doing, the comma,

(of course, excuse me, this is my own failure, my own depress,
exhaustion, inability to write the simplest truth of the world,
or one's or another's truth. i ask for your pardon in this
regard. my failure is my own, not the open vector of a disease
that infects all of us. everyone is saying this, the semicolon
(not a list or invitation)

-->   The whole text is at
http://www.alansondheim.org/inadequate.txt <--

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 2

2019-04-25 Thread Alan Sondheim

Thank you so much; this means a lot to me. It's rhetoric but it's also 
about rhetoric and the ineffable. -

On Thu, 25 Apr 2019, Edward Picot via NetBehaviour wrote:


I love this, and also part 1, and the accompanying photographs. I don't 
understand it very well, but I love it as rhetoric/poetry/memoir.


On 24/04/2019 19:25, Alan Sondheim wrote:

 The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 2



 In 1962, Ed Hirsch, if I remember correctly, introduced me to a
 book he found at Hebrew University's bookstore - Wittgenstein's
 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (TLP). He told me that it
 reminded him of what I was talking about at the time. I had no
 philosophical training, read it avidly, and it's stayed with me
 ever since. I've had one technical article published on it, in a
 Quebecois philosophy journal whose name I forget. I was most
 fascinated by the use of the Sheffer stroke and the open-ended
 "logical" descriptive phenomenology it embodied. I probably
 misunderstood everything at the time, and even now. But the
 concept of logical particles, which could be inserted into
 active networks, has proved useful - as if these particles had
 an abstract existence of their own. Negation seemed critical to
 these; it was both a state of affairs and a potential operator.
 Of course there are any number of logics and set theories for
 that matter, and there are issues of totalization involved which
 in a way leaves them in the state of the open vector or
 devolution into chaotic states above. Nothing remains in reach
 in the symbolic, I think; everything's messy. So early on I
 considered 'immersive' and 'definable' hierarchies, the former
 contaminated by time, temporality, and the latter assumed to
 represent states of affairs that weren't process-oriented. I
 believe I read something to that effect in Whitehead. All these
 antiquities! A simple example - 2+2 = 4 can be a process - the
 process of addition, sorting, etc., involving a phenomenology -
 or it can be an abstract statement of quantity in which both
 sides are equivalent. In the process, 2+2 do not equal 4, but
 are counted or ascertained to be fore; the sides of the equation
 represent different states of affairs. In the quantity, each
 side can be substituted for the other; they're identical. Of
 course all of this gets messy.

 But if you begin with what I imagined as a throwing of dice of
 Sheffer strokes or their dual, you have interesting modes of
 description emphasizing that blooming buzzing confusion of the
 real described in part i. I've always seen the world as rubble,
 part of growing up in a town whose economy was based on
 anthracite; slag piles and mines were everywhere; there were
 strikes and terrible accidents; John L. Lewis was a household
 name. The Pennsylvanian (upper Carboniferous) forests were also
 everywhere; I remember seeing a 17 meter high fossil of a
 tree-fern on the side of a cliff, which had fractured and
 revealed. As a Jew, I was also aware of the tenuousness of life
 and presence, a tenuousness which was manifest in these great
 forests that had disappeared eons ago. I could never adapt to
 their disappearance; at times the fossils not only carried the
 imprints of plants (and occasionally other organisms), but also,
 rarely, some compressed plant material itself. I was a neurotic,
 ungainly, somewhat miserable youth, and for a long time the
 fossils helped sustain me. So there was this realm of
 annihilation that I bore with me, as well as my reading, when I
 was far too young, into the Nuremberg medical trials, which were
 published in full by the government printing office - another
 form of annihilation and deep disturbance, coupled with the Cold
 War fission and fusion bomb tests that brought terror into my
 heart; I had a photograph of the first hydrogen test next to my
 bed, as if it were reassuring that horror could be contained in
 an image.

 And all of this fed into neuroses I've never overcome, and a
 strong sense that the destiny of the world is rubble, sinter,
 that even fossils crumble. I've embraced failure, I've written
 on it, and it infects my work. Writers like Blanchot and
 Winograd have been critical to me in this regard, along with
 Elaine Scarry, Jean Amery, Derrida, Irigaray, Kristeva, all a
 long time ago and a long time coming, and now for example, James
 Bridle, Jean Stauffer, Hubert Acquin. I live in descent, in
 collapse (as in mining), and I've lived long enough to know that
 no project results in completion, capstone, encapsulation, even
 anything more than temporary betterment. For me the notion of
 inadequacy is paramount; there is no closure and formalizations
 of closure are problematic, temporary, as well. We are brutal
 primates bringing the fecundity of the planet down with us;
 we're always already fossils, always already neoliberalists -
 we're permeated 

Re: [NetBehaviour] The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 2

2019-04-25 Thread Edward Picot via NetBehaviour


I love this, and also part 1, and the accompanying photographs. I don't 
understand it very well, but I love it as rhetoric/poetry/memoir.


On 24/04/2019 19:25, Alan Sondheim wrote:

The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 2



In 1962, Ed Hirsch, if I remember correctly, introduced me to a
book he found at Hebrew University's bookstore - Wittgenstein's
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (TLP). He told me that it
reminded him of what I was talking about at the time. I had no
philosophical training, read it avidly, and it's stayed with me
ever since. I've had one technical article published on it, in a
Quebecois philosophy journal whose name I forget. I was most
fascinated by the use of the Sheffer stroke and the open-ended
"logical" descriptive phenomenology it embodied. I probably
misunderstood everything at the time, and even now. But the
concept of logical particles, which could be inserted into
active networks, has proved useful - as if these particles had
an abstract existence of their own. Negation seemed critical to
these; it was both a state of affairs and a potential operator.
Of course there are any number of logics and set theories for
that matter, and there are issues of totalization involved which
in a way leaves them in the state of the open vector or
devolution into chaotic states above. Nothing remains in reach
in the symbolic, I think; everything's messy. So early on I
considered 'immersive' and 'definable' hierarchies, the former
contaminated by time, temporality, and the latter assumed to
represent states of affairs that weren't process-oriented. I
believe I read something to that effect in Whitehead. All these
antiquities! A simple example - 2+2 = 4 can be a process - the
process of addition, sorting, etc., involving a phenomenology -
or it can be an abstract statement of quantity in which both
sides are equivalent. In the process, 2+2 do not equal 4, but
are counted or ascertained to be fore; the sides of the equation
represent different states of affairs. In the quantity, each
side can be substituted for the other; they're identical. Of
course all of this gets messy.

But if you begin with what I imagined as a throwing of dice of
Sheffer strokes or their dual, you have interesting modes of
description emphasizing that blooming buzzing confusion of the
real described in part i. I've always seen the world as rubble,
part of growing up in a town whose economy was based on
anthracite; slag piles and mines were everywhere; there were
strikes and terrible accidents; John L. Lewis was a household
name. The Pennsylvanian (upper Carboniferous) forests were also
everywhere; I remember seeing a 17 meter high fossil of a
tree-fern on the side of a cliff, which had fractured and
revealed. As a Jew, I was also aware of the tenuousness of life
and presence, a tenuousness which was manifest in these great
forests that had disappeared eons ago. I could never adapt to
their disappearance; at times the fossils not only carried the
imprints of plants (and occasionally other organisms), but also,
rarely, some compressed plant material itself. I was a neurotic,
ungainly, somewhat miserable youth, and for a long time the
fossils helped sustain me. So there was this realm of
annihilation that I bore with me, as well as my reading, when I
was far too young, into the Nuremberg medical trials, which were
published in full by the government printing office - another
form of annihilation and deep disturbance, coupled with the Cold
War fission and fusion bomb tests that brought terror into my
heart; I had a photograph of the first hydrogen test next to my
bed, as if it were reassuring that horror could be contained in
an image.

And all of this fed into neuroses I've never overcome, and a
strong sense that the destiny of the world is rubble, sinter,
that even fossils crumble. I've embraced failure, I've written
on it, and it infects my work. Writers like Blanchot and
Winograd have been critical to me in this regard, along with
Elaine Scarry, Jean Amery, Derrida, Irigaray, Kristeva, all a
long time ago and a long time coming, and now for example, James
Bridle, Jean Stauffer, Hubert Acquin. I live in descent, in
collapse (as in mining), and I've lived long enough to know that
no project results in completion, capstone, encapsulation, even
anything more than temporary betterment. For me the notion of
inadequacy is paramount; there is no closure and formalizations
of closure are problematic, temporary, as well. We are brutal
primates bringing the fecundity of the planet down with us;
we're always already fossils, always already neoliberalists -
we're permeated with the Permian in a sense. I try to crawl out
of the muck, bringing the muck along with me. I emphasize the
body, coal strata, shale, peat, anything that places what
appears to be a relatively autonomous digital realm into the
context of what sort 

[NetBehaviour] The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 2

2019-04-24 Thread Alan Sondheim

The inadequate, a philosophical testament, part 2



In 1962, Ed Hirsch, if I remember correctly, introduced me to a
book he found at Hebrew University's bookstore - Wittgenstein's
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (TLP). He told me that it
reminded him of what I was talking about at the time. I had no
philosophical training, read it avidly, and it's stayed with me
ever since. I've had one technical article published on it, in a
Quebecois philosophy journal whose name I forget. I was most
fascinated by the use of the Sheffer stroke and the open-ended
"logical" descriptive phenomenology it embodied. I probably
misunderstood everything at the time, and even now. But the
concept of logical particles, which could be inserted into
active networks, has proved useful - as if these particles had
an abstract existence of their own. Negation seemed critical to
these; it was both a state of affairs and a potential operator.
Of course there are any number of logics and set theories for
that matter, and there are issues of totalization involved which
in a way leaves them in the state of the open vector or
devolution into chaotic states above. Nothing remains in reach
in the symbolic, I think; everything's messy. So early on I
considered 'immersive' and 'definable' hierarchies, the former
contaminated by time, temporality, and the latter assumed to
represent states of affairs that weren't process-oriented. I
believe I read something to that effect in Whitehead. All these
antiquities! A simple example - 2+2 = 4 can be a process - the
process of addition, sorting, etc., involving a phenomenology -
or it can be an abstract statement of quantity in which both
sides are equivalent. In the process, 2+2 do not equal 4, but
are counted or ascertained to be fore; the sides of the equation
represent different states of affairs. In the quantity, each
side can be substituted for the other; they're identical. Of
course all of this gets messy.

But if you begin with what I imagined as a throwing of dice of
Sheffer strokes or their dual, you have interesting modes of
description emphasizing that blooming buzzing confusion of the
real described in part i. I've always seen the world as rubble,
part of growing up in a town whose economy was based on
anthracite; slag piles and mines were everywhere; there were
strikes and terrible accidents; John L. Lewis was a household
name. The Pennsylvanian (upper Carboniferous) forests were also
everywhere; I remember seeing a 17 meter high fossil of a
tree-fern on the side of a cliff, which had fractured and
revealed. As a Jew, I was also aware of the tenuousness of life
and presence, a tenuousness which was manifest in these great
forests that had disappeared eons ago. I could never adapt to
their disappearance; at times the fossils not only carried the
imprints of plants (and occasionally other organisms), but also,
rarely, some compressed plant material itself. I was a neurotic,
ungainly, somewhat miserable youth, and for a long time the
fossils helped sustain me. So there was this realm of
annihilation that I bore with me, as well as my reading, when I
was far too young, into the Nuremberg medical trials, which were
published in full by the government printing office - another
form of annihilation and deep disturbance, coupled with the Cold
War fission and fusion bomb tests that brought terror into my
heart; I had a photograph of the first hydrogen test next to my
bed, as if it were reassuring that horror could be contained in
an image.

And all of this fed into neuroses I've never overcome, and a
strong sense that the destiny of the world is rubble, sinter,
that even fossils crumble. I've embraced failure, I've written
on it, and it infects my work. Writers like Blanchot and
Winograd have been critical to me in this regard, along with
Elaine Scarry, Jean Amery, Derrida, Irigaray, Kristeva, all a
long time ago and a long time coming, and now for example, James
Bridle, Jean Stauffer, Hubert Acquin. I live in descent, in
collapse (as in mining), and I've lived long enough to know that
no project results in completion, capstone, encapsulation, even
anything more than temporary betterment. For me the notion of
inadequacy is paramount; there is no closure and formalizations
of closure are problematic, temporary, as well. We are brutal
primates bringing the fecundity of the planet down with us;
we're always already fossils, always already neoliberalists -
we're permeated with the Permian in a sense. I try to crawl out
of the muck, bringing the muck along with me. I emphasize the
body, coal strata, shale, peat, anything that places what
appears to be a relatively autonomous digital realm into the
context of what sort of microbiomic organisms we are and what we
are thinking we're doing with prostheses. So the body, always
and already invisible, the momentary loci of processes, awash in
a see of microplastics and 

[NetBehaviour] The inadequate, a philosophical testament

2019-04-23 Thread Alan Sondheim

The inadequate, a philosophical testament


I used to think the world is all that is the case.
That there was a world, that the word was embodied.
The word was replete, fecund. That there was ontology.
That information was everywhere among the world.
That there was a case.
It seems that rupture and disintegration of world and mind
interfere with any imminent assessment. That now, what is
ontology carries little meaning, that the world is far too
fluid, too immense for any generalities.
That there are streams of particles and their decompositions.
That there are commonalities among them.
That ontology itself is suspect.
That the hardening of objects is a simulacrum.
That for organisms, projections and negations occur.
As if they occurred within or without them.
That slipping away is generated from within.
That the tenuous appears falsely as stasis.
That these livings and their labels are disappearing.
That there are no replacements for replacements.
That there are no places or moments of origins.
That song has always already disappeared.
That song which is the open circumlocution of consonants.
That my I is useless and has always been useless.
That the complexity of the world is the complexity of
That there is no you who must follow there is no me
into the lack of wilderness and wildness.
Sometime early I divided the world into MAP, material-
abstract-phenomenological ontologies, stratifications,
and interrelationships. Sometime I considered nothing
more than particles as processes and their epistemologies.
It's all in there,
structures and their forgotten existences and ontologies.
So much seemed unnecessary.
Now the language, languaging itself seems inadequate,
nor is the world a simulacrum which just removes the
participant a step beyond its current inadequacy.
Always a reach, as if the inadequate were itself organic,
organism releasing the beyond as an adequate horizon.
Nothing is fundamental, the blooming buzzing confusing
lies at the heart of the case-loads of ontologies.
It's everywhere the wrong question, wrong solution.
It's everywhere the wrong language, wrong substrate.
It's everywhere deflection and the inadequacy of reach.
It's everywhere the inadequacy of thought and language.
Philosophy resides in the rubble of the world, walks in
the rubble of the world, produces, in the rubble of the
world. The inadequacy of reach. The failure. The failure
as a category. The failure as the falling away of
evanescent delineations. The failure as the shadow and
thoughtlessness of the body.
There is no world that is the case, no case.
That that is inadequacy.
That philosophy is always already failure,
that philosophy is always ready.
Open sets and the dimensions of thought always ragged
at the edges, these words written as lettered particles,
already releasing the inhering failure of the word.
Or rather, nothing touching anything because nothing
reaches, among the ragged, the rubble, the baroque
interconnections and failures among the material,
the abstract, the phenomenological, all of which, even
now this one thinks, these schemes are processes,
fractal at best, chaotic at better, murmur, and then
stillness, inadequate, out of reaching,
inadequacy, failure, reaching, open sets, and open.
a gesture is always open. a gesture is always thrown.
an aphorism succeeds to the extent it fails.
the gesture succeeds to the extent it fails to beckon.
the aphorism and gesture fail in the sense of proper names.
New categories of the thwarted, the forgotten, the absent.
New categories of the failed, the unreachable, the untoward.
Rewritten categories of the spilled chora.
The chora of steam, the diffused chora.
The unfulfillment of thirst and hunger.
The world is all that is the category of the unnameable.
Nothing is beyond the categories of the ungraspable.
Nothing beckons the categories.
That their ontology is diffuse, uncategorical.
That their ontology is beyond their grasp.
The failure of inadequacy, the inadequacy of failure.
The diffuse failure of ontology and ontologies.
The collapse of the copula and inadequate identifications.
We were used to there used to be a world.
the gesture which points across and towards plateaus and
denuded forests, meadows, oceans, and deserts.
The brutality of broken philosophies.
The brutality of the copula.
ontology: the k-not of the inadequate.
epistemology: the inadequacy of the k-not.
the k-not of: the possession. the grasp.
the maw.
for if it's definable, it's definable qua immersive.
and if it's immersive, it's inadequate.
what is left behind is fossils in transit.
what has occurred is the trace of a trace, a fossil.
the tendency of the fractured fossil, its annihilation.
its annihilation as a trace of a trace of absence.
information has always been lost;
what is preserved is the inadequate.
the gap is sutured by rubble;
rubble decoheres by virtue of the gap.
there is always the