tremulous cool and down video

tonight i almost lost the virtual world software i need to get
on which means in reality losing the proper interface which kept
acting up. it was like that. it was like that and like that. and
then it came to me with hte aid of the creature that appeaars
here, tremulous and down as i so often now are am and then they
told me and nothing but then they did walk from the surface to
the air and from the air to the air and the interval and then to
the interval and they dod half land somewhere and then there was
that space and the hum of something or was it that or something
sleeping perfectly without only but a single breath and all the
others were jealous and all were invisible and neti neti yet
again not here not there, and not everywhere as well and they
were happy and then the fall and the wall and all and they they
were done with the making done with the making of it and i was
done with them and the wall and the making and all were soothing
this is all right alan this is all right be calm and thoughtful
this is all all right


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