[NetBehaviour] what is a name on Google+

2011-08-11 Thread xDxD.vs.xDxD

Today i connected to Google+ and this attached image appeared.

Here is the english translation of the text:

It looks as if the name you used does not conform to our Rules on names.

According to these rules, you need to use for your profile the same name you
use in your real life. Possible nicknames, last names from when you were not
married and so on are to be inserted in the Other Names section of your
profile. For now only profiles associated to single individuals are
permitted: profiles of companies and other entities will be introduced by
the end of the year.

You profile will be suspended until you change your name to adapt it to the
 Rules on Names: you will not be able to use all the functions of Google's
services which require an active profile, such as Google+, Buzz, Reader and
Picasa. You will be able to use other Google services, like GMail.

We know that Google+ and its Rules on Names can create difficulties for some
users. We hope that you will want to keep being one of us; if you feel like
leaving, make sure to copy your information first, and then click here to
leave Google+.

And, below, a big blue button with Change your Name written across it.

There are a few things which I find truly horrifying in this message,
starting from the first sentence

It looks as if the name you used does not conform to our Rules on names.

the idea of rules decided by someone on what i can call myself, is truly
horrible, and brings forth terrifying scenarios.

And then:

According to these rules, you need to use for your profile the same name you
use in your real life.

What? this is not real life? And what is real life? An office? A line at
the post office? A policeman asking for your documents? And what if I live,
work and study using this Other Name?

And, by the way, how do you know what my real name is? Are you following
me? Did you install cameras in my house? Did you talk to my friends about
it? And what if I used a fantastic John Smith instead of xDxD.vs.xDxD,
would it be better, because it is a regular name? with a first and last
name? like a proper, working, professional human being?

You profile will be suspended until you change your name to adapt it to the
 Rules on Names

well: byebye Google+

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] what is a name on Google+

2011-08-11 Thread Mark Hancock
At a Pecha Kucha talk a couple of weeks ago, someone summed it up nicely by 
reminding us that any form you fill in, is basically a marketing form and you 
are taking part in market research. I like this explanation. It frees you up to 
play with 'who' you are on the network. It also means that the only way you can 
claim back or even stake out a 'piece of land' is by owning your own land/web 
domain. There are problems of course, if you can't afford a private space. The 
trick, I think is to play with expectations.

But you are right, if you want to be known by a certain name, who is it that 
decides you should not have that one? xDxD.vs.xDxD is as good a name as any!



On 11 Aug 2011, at 10:53, xDxD.vs.xDxD wrote:

 Today i connected to Google+ and this attached image appeared.
 Here is the english translation of the text:
 It looks as if the name you used does not conform to our Rules on names.
 According to these rules, you need to use for your profile the same name you 
 use in your real life. Possible nicknames, last names from when you were not 
 married and so on are to be inserted in the Other Names section of your 
 profile. For now only profiles associated to single individuals are 
 permitted: profiles of companies and other entities will be introduced by the 
 end of the year.
 You profile will be suspended until you change your name to adapt it to the  
 Rules on Names: you will not be able to use all the functions of Google's 
 services which require an active profile, such as Google+, Buzz, Reader and 
 Picasa. You will be able to use other Google services, like GMail.
 We know that Google+ and its Rules on Names can create difficulties for some 
 users. We hope that you will want to keep being one of us; if you feel like 
 leaving, make sure to copy your information first, and then click here to 
 leave Google+.
 And, below, a big blue button with Change your Name written across it.
 There are a few things which I find truly horrifying in this message, 
 starting from the first sentence
 It looks as if the name you used does not conform to our Rules on names.
 the idea of rules decided by someone on what i can call myself, is truly 
 horrible, and brings forth terrifying scenarios.
 And then:
 According to these rules, you need to use for your profile the same name you 
 use in your real life.
 What? this is not real life? And what is real life? An office? A line at 
 the post office? A policeman asking for your documents? And what if I live, 
 work and study using this Other Name?
 And, by the way, how do you know what my real name is? Are you following 
 me? Did you install cameras in my house? Did you talk to my friends about it? 
 And what if I used a fantastic John Smith instead of xDxD.vs.xDxD, would 
 it be better, because it is a regular name? with a first and last name? 
 like a proper, working, professional human being?
 You profile will be suspended until you change your name to adapt it to the  
 Rules on Names
 well: byebye Google+
 NetBehaviour mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Various interesting links relating to the recent looting riots.

2011-08-11 Thread marc garrett
Various interesting links relating to the recent looting  riots.

Here is a list to links of interesting articles and videos relating to 
the recent riots, I found some these links elsewhere  some I have read 
 seen already, but worth visiting if one wants an overall context...

wishing all well.



The Salford riots and the greed of the disenfranchised:

An eyewitness perspective on the riots in Salford and Manchester:

#riotcleanup or #riotwhitewash?:

#Riotcleanup: a physiognomy of an old fascism restored:

London rioters resent media image of hooded teen thug:

An open letter to those who condemn looting (Part one):

Eyes Wide Open in London:

Riot Thoughts: http://willwiles.blogspot.com/2011/08/riot-thoughts.html

A FITWatchers view of the riots:

Recreational looting in perspective:

Riots: The left must respond, by James O'Nions :

The Riots: A grim mirror image of neoliberal Britain, by Tom Fox:

Criminality and Rewards - Max von Sudo:

Britain and its Rabble:

Violence at the Edge: Tottenham, Athens, Paris:

 From Self-Mutilation to Self-Organisation: 

North London Solidarity Federation's Response to the London Riots:

The London Riots: On Consumerism Coming Home to Roost, by Zygmunt
Bauman: http://tinyurl.com/3b4y9g9

There is a Context to London's Riots which Cannot be Ignored. Cif piece
in Guardian by Nina Power:

  'Panic on the Streets of London', blogpost by Laurie Penny:

'AA+ for the Rioters?' blogpost by The Free Association:

Statement by Arts Against the Cut: http://artsagainstcuts.wordpress.com/

'A Message to a Country on Fire', statements by London Anti-Cuts Space:

'London riots: the underclass lashes out':

'Five Quick Points on The Riots', by Kenan Malik:

  'Don't Moralise, Don't Judge, Don't Take Pictures - It's Time for the
Riots to get radical, Daniel Harvey:

Tottenham: Neoliberal Riots and the Possibility of Politics, by William
Wall: http://www.criticallegalthinking.com/?p=4151

London Riot Pt 2, Arts Against the Cuts:

Report from members of The Commune about rioting in Hackney:


Badiou article about the 'Banlieue riots' in France (2005). Worth a read 

Riots: The left must respond

Darcus Howe on the BBC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biJgILxGK0o

Interesting interview from the London Streets:

Interview with Tottenham local the morning of Sunday 7th August:

Truly extraordinary speech by Fearless and Brave Lady to Hackney London
rioters:: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SHKhvVjLIcfeature=youtu.be

Darcus Howe and Richard Seymour on Democracy Now: Wednesday, August 10,
2011: http://www.democracynow.org/

NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Artist Injects Herself With Horse Blood, Wears Hooves

2011-08-11 Thread Richard Wright

I've been drinking a glass of horse blood every morning for the last  
34 years. But my penis still hasn't grown any larger...

From: Ana Valdés agora...@gmail.com
Date: 11 August 2011 00:19:30 BDT
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity  
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Artist Injects Herself With Horse  
Blood, Wears Hooves
Reply-To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity  

Nice someone remember the old gifted writer Cordwainer Smith. I  
read it when I was quite young and became impressed with his theory  
of making people with animal qualities, people similar to cats who  
could see in the dark, people strong as lions, fast as leopards...

He was a weird person, worked for FBI or the CIA.

On Aug 10, 2011, at 21:08, Annie Abrahams bram@gmail.com wrote:

May the horse live in me
Interesting experiment, interesting storytelling, but far beyond  

She explained to Centre Press that the whole process made her  
feel “hyper-powerful, hyper-sensitive and hyper-nervous.” She  
added: “I had a feeling of being superhuman. I was not normal in  
my body. I had all of the emotions of a herbivore. I couldn’t  
sleep and I felt a little bit like a horse.”

Interpretation, wishful thinking - bullshit.

Anyone who had medical tests done in an hospital to check out the  
heart and who has been injected with chemicals knows it needs  
little (these chemicals) to make you feel a completely different  
person. (anxious, calm, nervous etc)
Chemicals have a deep impact on our being (all drug users know  
this too), feelings, experiences of ourselves, so it's no wonder  
horse proteins make you feel changed, anything would.

I like the experiment, the discussion it triggers, but I abhor  
the biased language used by these artists. In my opinion it  
doesn't take science serious, only uses it for something else.


On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 7:24 PM, Rob Myers r...@robmyers.org wrote:
On 10/08/11 18:17, marc garrett wrote:
 Artist Injects Herself With Horse Blood, Wears Hooves

 By Olivia Solon

 Laval-Jeantet and her creative partner Benoit Mangin (working as
 collective Art Orienté Objet) were keen to explore the blurring of
 boundaries between species in the piece, entitled May the Horse  
Live in
 Me. Laval-Jeantet prepared her body to accept the horse blood  
plasma by
 getting injected with different horse immunoglobulins over the  
course of

 several months.


NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Looting-Give our Kids a Future: Unity demonstrations in North London on Saturday

2011-08-11 Thread ruth catlow
We have wonderful, local community activists in Haringey.

: ) R

  Saturday, 1pm
  Give Our Kids a Future! A North London Unity Demonstration
  1pm from Gillett Square, Dalston to Tottenham Green

  This march is called by The North London Assembly, a temporary
  Assembly which saw 70 local community activists meet at the North
  London Community House on Tuesday 9th August to discuss our reaction
  to the riots of early August in Tottenham and Hackney. It includes
  people from many Turkish and Kurdish community groups, like Day Mer
  and Gik Der, and also the Haringay and Hackney Alliances for Public
  Services who are all supporting this march. We state that this is not
  us seeking to represent the community but it is our attempt to try to
  bring unity to the community in which we live. It is neither
  supporting nor condeming the events but seeking the most positive
  outcome from them. This will be a positive and peaceful march with an
  Assembly at the end for people to express what they are thinking about
  recent events.

Activists mailing list

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] must ... not ... panic ...

2011-08-11 Thread Alan Sondheim

young filly, to be sure a colt or coltress, injected herself with my blood 
this morning, feeling very week ... she's become neurotic ... ah well ...

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
webpage http://www.alansondheim.org
music archive: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/rd.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Artist Injects Herself With Horse Blood, Wears Hooves

2011-08-11 Thread Curt Cloninger
Hi Annie (and all),

I will inject (arf) on this one. Deleuze/Guattari's becoming animal 
seems relevant. DG are often accused of being unpragmatic and 
playing hard and fast with science, but of all the philosophers I 
read, I find them curiously pragmatic. To summarize: they suggest the 
existence of various planes/strata, some of which would be animal 
biology, human psychology, art, and symbolic language/iconography. At 
any time these planes can intersect. Such intersections are forms of 
deterritorialization and reterritorialization. The relevant question 
is -- what new emergent futures may result from these intersections, 
and where may they lead that is efficacious? The goal of all this 
de/re-territorialization is not that science (in this case, biology) 
should be utterly disregarded and merely mythologized. The goal is 
that science be seen as only one of many ways in which 
undifferentiated being/immanence has stratified/territorialized, 
rather than seeing science as *the* overarching plane through which 
all other being must necessarily be understood.

Having said all that, the key to performoing Deleuzean experiments in 
de/re-territorializations is *rigor.* Many deterritorializations 
(forms of body modification, s+m) simply wind up reterritorializing 
in a whirlpool spiral that ends in death. So for instance (as in 
Cronenberg's Dead Ringers), you can only literally reconfigure your 
internal bodily organs for so long before your body rebels and you 
die. And death is not all that promising a place to wind up (at least 
for those of us who remain; it doesn' really lead anywhere new or 

The other thing to be avoided is what seems to be happening in this 
particular art piece -- a bit of biological engagement coupled with a 
whole lot of human psychological [mis]interpretation (as Annie points 
out) and a whole lot of artistic symbology. What *actually* changes 
in the immanent/affective world? -- not a lot. Yes, the piece has 
pragmatically provoked us to have this theoretical conversation 
(happening on the plane of langauge), but a Rothko painting can 
(still) trigger a theoretical conversation, so that is nothing 
particularly new.

This is why I like Stelarc's biological experiments (particularly as 
interpreted by Brian Massumi) better than Eduardo Kac's biological 
experiments. Because Stelarc's practice moves beyond mere symbology 
and on toward something more rigorous, something that actually 
modulates bodily affect (if only in a limited, prototypical way). For 
the same reason, the Porridge/Breyer pandrogyne expermients exert 
more agency (at least on a biological strata) than Orlan's surgery 
experiments (which are still admirable, but more on a symbolic 

So even something like this: 
http://www.euroartmagazine.com/artUps/1177409414.jpg (Rebecca Horn's 
Finger Gloves), which just involves wood and not horse blood, 
actually alters a human body much more affectively/pragmatically than 
does an infusion of horse blood. Horn's entire physical posture  and 
her way of being in the world is changed. So the stilts with horse 
hooves are doing way more than the blood. The horse blood is like 
vampire or cannibal mythology  -- working on the plane of symbolism , 
ritual, theater, spectacle. Of course, symbolism and ritual are 
strata in the world that do actually change the world. No doubt. But 
again, as Annie observes, the piece is doing something other than 
what its artist is claiming -- the blood infusion is more like 
Beuysean shamanism and less like Deleuzean becoming animal.

(Makes a good viral youTube video, though.)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdxRPavquIQ  [4:14-6:40]


Message: 15
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2011 21:08:45 +0200
From: Annie Abrahams bram@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Artist Injects Herself With Horse Blood,
   Wears Hooves
May the horse live in me
Interesting experiment, interesting storytelling, but far beyond reality

She explained to Centre
the whole process made her feel ?hyper-powerful, hyper-sensitive and
hyper-nervous.? She added: ?I had a feeling of being superhuman. I was not
normal in my body. I had all of the emotions of a herbivore. I couldn?t
sleep and I felt a little bit like a horse.?

Interpretation, wishful thinking - bullshit.

Re: [NetBehaviour] Artist Injects Herself With Horse Blood, Wears Hooves

2011-08-11 Thread michael gurstein
How about your consumption of hay?

-Original Message-
From: netbehaviour-boun...@netbehaviour.org
[mailto:netbehaviour-boun...@netbehaviour.org] On Behalf Of Richard Wright
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:56 AM
To: netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Artist Injects Herself With Horse Blood,Wears

I've been drinking a glass of horse blood every morning for the last 34
years. But my penis still hasn't grown any larger...

From: Ana Valdés agora...@gmail.com
Date: 11 August 2011 00:19:30 BDT
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Artist Injects Herself With Horse Blood, Wears
Reply-To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity

Nice someone remember the old gifted writer Cordwainer Smith. I read it when
I was quite young and became impressed with his theory of making people with
animal qualities, people similar to cats who could see in the dark, people
strong as lions, fast as leopards...
He was a weird person, worked for FBI or the CIA.

On Aug 10, 2011, at 21:08, Annie Abrahams  mailto:bram@gmail.com
bram@gmail.com wrote:

May the horse live in me
Interesting experiment, interesting storytelling, but far beyond reality

She explained to Centre Press
le-le-sang-de-cheval.html  that the whole process made her feel
“hyper-powerful, hyper-sensitive and hyper-nervous.” She added: “I had a
feeling of being superhuman. I was not normal in my body. I had all of the
emotions of a herbivore. I couldn’t sleep and I felt a little bit like a

Interpretation, wishful thinking - bullshit.

Anyone who had medical tests done in an hospital to check out the heart and
who has been injected with chemicals knows it needs little (these chemicals)
to make you feel a completely different person. (anxious, calm, nervous etc)
Chemicals have a deep impact on our being (all drug users know this too),
feelings, experiences of ourselves, so it's no wonder horse proteins make
you feel changed, anything would.

I like the experiment, the discussion it triggers, but I abhor the biased
language used by these artists. In my opinion it doesn't take science
serious, only uses it for something else.


On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 7:24 PM, Rob Myers  mailto:r...@robmyers.org
mailto:r...@robmyers.org r...@robmyers.org wrote:

On 10/08/11 18:17, marc garrett wrote:
 Artist Injects Herself With Horse Blood, Wears Hooves

 By Olivia Solon

 Laval-Jeantet and her creative partner Benoit Mangin (working as
 collective Art Orienté Objet) were keen to explore the blurring of
 boundaries between species in the piece, entitled May the Horse Live in
 Me. Laval-Jeantet prepared her body to accept the horse blood plasma by
 getting injected with different horse immunoglobulins over the course of
 several months.


NetBehaviour mailing list

Re: [NetBehaviour] Artist Injects Herself With Horse Blood, Wears Hooves

2011-08-11 Thread Alan Sondheim

For a second forgetting D/G, it seems to me that if it were shamanic, it 
would in fact be a form of becoming-animal; I've read a fair amount into 
Inuit and Native American shamanism at times, and this is paramount. But 
the artist is working within the art-world, and the real content of the 
piece it seems to me is one of risk - a foreign blood presenced within 
what we assume is a natural order of fluidity. What I miss btw in Stelarc 
is precisely the shamanic, the becoming - it's attachments, no matter how 
organic, and while he puts his body at risk (as does the artist here), the 
mind is busy with the theorization of prosthesis. In this way, it's kind 
of a 19th-century approach: to become-X means to combine (human, X) in a 
formal manner...

Anyway, when one speaks of 'rigor,' I do think of the long and endless 
philosophical discourse on scientific experimentation; I tend not to think 
of exempla. But that's probably just me.

- was going to make a pun about hoarse blood, too much speaking and 
theorizing... but thought better of it .. but then . -

- alan

email archive http://sondheim.rupamsunyata.org/
webpage http://www.alansondheim.org
music archive: http://www.espdisk.com/alansondheim/
current text http://www.alansondheim.org/rd.txt
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Links

2011-08-11 Thread Rob Myers
Prime Minister's attack on social media unwarranted:


Britain considers mask ban; may use army if unrest continues:


data and maps from the London riots:


Police use Flickr to identify London riot suspects:


‘Anonymous’ plans to ‘destroy’ Facebook on Nov. 5:


Gamification is Bullshit:


My Eight Hours of Hell in a Content Farm:



NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] because I can, in a clearing place, so many lives, so many sounds

2011-08-11 Thread Alan Sondheim

because I can, in a clearing place, so many lives, so many sounds


this is the world of the crumbling edifice I leave behind,
  because I say: only edifices crumble, all edifices crumble
the gateways of edifices appear with the clarity of crystals
  and disappear with the radioactivity and trauma of smoky quartz
gateways are neither closed nor open but depend upon stanchions
stanchions are neither vertical nor horizontal but depend upon a
  space-time metric
and it goes and for a moment, I am managing these sounds,
  and for a moment I am offering you an edifice,
  that you may theorize, that you may think upon it, that you may

NetBehaviour mailing list