[NetBehaviour] [Fwd: Sound Development City 2014: Call for Projects]

2014-03-05 Thread aharon

Might interest some here..(??)



 Original Message 

SOUND DEVELOPMENT CITY  Sound Development City ( was initiated in 2012 by
Development with the aim of providing creative freedom to artists working
in various disciplines. Every year in late summer, Sound Development City
sends ten artists on a three-week-long expedition between two European
cities. During the expedition, the artists work on individual projects,
explore new cities, cultures, and different living environments, and
establish new connections.   Sound Development City is an adventure, a
place for experimentation, and a research trip. The expedition gives
artists time – time for processes to develop, for experimentation, for
taking new paths – but also going astray, and for detecting and
discovering the unexpected.   SUMMER EXPEDITION 2014: RIGA – HELSINKI
The expedition (Link:
http://mailer.e-artnow.org/?RDCT=46a7d4716a7635def0f8 ) 2014 will explore
the cities of Riga, Helsinki and the Baltic Sea area. We are looking for
interventions, sound surveys, performances, experiments, and artistic
research projects that will benefit from being on the road, and will probe
urban environments as sites of both playfulness as well as social
involvement. Riga and Helsinki serve as resonating urban spaces, as work
material, sources of inspiration, and playground for public presentations.
Each edition of Sound Development City follows a specific thematic
focus. Participants are selected through an open call. Sound Development
City 2014 is seeking projects that engage with theme Mind the Gap! in an
independent and dedicated manner.   MIND THE GAP!  The gap, it seems, is
everywhere: between here and there, me and you, yesterday and today,
between Riga and Helsinki. It can cleave and unite; one either trips over
or is inclined to leap. In fact these gaps carve out a proverbial space
that can be used creatively and become a new artistic reality.   On that
note, Mind the Gap! (Link:
http://mailer.e-artnow.org/?RDCT=f98cea046f46c5b8e4b9 ) should be
understood as an invitation to look inward and sharpen the senses to
subtle in-between states, recognize ruptures, transitions and
no-man’s-land.Sound Development City is looking for project
proposals and work theses that comply with the invitation to Mind the Gap!
and that could utilize the three-week expedition from Riga to Helsinki for
realizing these endeavors.APPLY NOW!  Artists working in all
disciplines can apply through the open call process (Link:
http://mailer.e-artnow.org/?RDCT=fdbdb7092343ded730b0 ) . The
key requirements are curiosity, openness to experimentation,
process-oriented work, and adventurousness. We also welcome an
inter-disciplinary approach and readiness to collaborate.   The expedition
format itself is meant both as practical instructions as well as metaphor.
Sound Development City is a studio on the road, a research trip for
artists and their projects.  An international Jury of five will select
about 10 participants from the submitted applications.  The jury’s
decision will be made public no later than May 30, 2014.   Application
details: http://mailer.e-artnow.org/?RDCT=ad0538cd15a9c0bdc867 (Link:
http://mailer.e-artnow.org/?RDCT=ad0538cd15a9c0bdc867 ) Application
deadline: April 25, 2014 Application contact:
c...@sound-development-city.com  (Link: c...@sound-development-city.com )
PROJECT DETAILS  Sound Development City is made possible by  (Link:
http://mailer.e-artnow.org/?RDCT=60e092d546d6a0a184ac )Sound Development
http://mailer.e-artnow.org/?RDCT=60e092d546d6a0a184ac ) . Travel costs,
daily expenses and
budget required for materializing the individual projects are supplied. In
addition, Sound Development City provides a stipend of 3,000 Euros to all
participants.   Participants must agree to take part in the expedition
throughout its entire duration in an active and comprehensive manner.
Public presentation and networking events are integral to the program.
The expedition will be documented with photos and communicated online and
via a self-produced radio broadcast. Sound Development City reserves the
right to use work provided by participants for press and public relations
purposes.   Following the end of the expedition, the participating artists
will collaborate with Sound Development City on a print publication.
Artists must agree to generate content that would be used for
communication and documentation and be published.   The works produced
during the expedition belong to the artists.

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] appel pour résidence à diffuser

2014-03-05 Thread Comm - Eastern Bloc

est-il possible de diffuser notre appel à projets pour la résidence
printemps 2014 ?
les textes sont ici, anglais et français :
merci beaucoup.



Céline Escouteloup, Communication
Eastern Bloc

7240 rue Clark
H2R 2Y3, Montréal, QC
tél. : 514-284-2106

Eastern Bloc remercie ses membres, bénévoles et donateurs, ainsi que le
Conseil des arts du Canada, le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec,
le Conseil des arts de Montréal, la CDEC-Centre Nord, la Ville de Montreal,
la CRÉ de Montréal et le Forum jeunesse de l'Île de Montréal. Eastern Bloc
est membre du Regroupement des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec
(RCAAQ), du Conseil québécois des arts médiatiques (CQAM) et de l'Alliance
des arts médiatiques indépendants.
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] call for residency

2014-03-05 Thread Comm - Eastern Bloc

Deadline for submissions: 4 April 2014, 5pm
Production residency: 5 May - 15 June 2014
Public presentation: 19 - 22 June 2014

Eastern Bloc' media lab is a space for experimenting, learning, theorizing
and creating - a place to further develop systems-based, networked,
generative and hybrid practices through an artist-led discourse. The lab is
a site of convergence for artists (both emerging and established),
professionals, students, technicians, theorists and curators - encouraged
to work side by side, supporting one another conceptually as well as

Eastern Bloc's residency program, with its three residencies per year
(Fall, Winter, Spring), is a chance for artists and audiences to critically
engage in the artistic process, with a focus on DIY and open source culture
as well as and the political discourse surrounding contemporary digital
culture, and a special consideration for pedagogy and technological

For the upcoming Spring residency, artists (or artist collectives) are
asked to submit a project in one or more of the following disciplines: Net
art, interactive installation/performance, bio art, audio/video
installation, audio/video performance, sound performance, public

Please include in the project description how the proposed project responds
to the following criteria (the artistic merit of your application will be
judged based on these criteria):
Puts forward a process of exploration/risk-taking/experimentation within a
public context
Presents critically engaged content
Exploits the material framework and conceptual parameters of the mediums
and technologies used
Use of multiple platforms/systems/networks and/or use of open source
Explores current trends in digital culture
Investigates the digital language and its norms and structures
Looks to build upon or challenge the normative structures of New Media art
production and exhibition
The selected artist or artist collective will benefit from a 6 week
production residency in the Eastern Bloc lab (5 May - 15 June 2014),
followed by 4 days to present the completed work or work-in-progress in one
of the centre's gallery spaces (19 - 22 June 2014). The artist or
collective will benefit from the following services:
Open access to the research  production lab
Guided technical assistance during the 6 week production period (provided
by the Lab Coordinator and/or a lab volunteer)
Access to the lab's equipment and tools (click here for detailed list of
lab equipment and tools)
Access to small storage space for materials and personal equipment
A maximum of 10 hours of in-gallery technical assistance for the
installation and dismantle of the project before and after the presentation
Photo and video documentation of the residency process (including
production, exhibition, workshop and artist talk)
The selected artist or collective is required to give at least one
workshop, on a related subject, in the lab (open to Eastern Bloc's members
and the general community, maximum of 15 participants); as well as give an
artist talk (open to the general public) about the project created while in
residency at Eastern Bloc. The selected artist or collective will receive a
total fee of $1150 for the residency (including production, presentation
and workshop).

Artists must submit the following:
Artistic statement (max 250 words)
Detailed description of the project including technical requirements (max
500 words)
Bio and up-to-date CV of all collaborators
Support material of current or past works (max. 10 images and/or 3
audio/video excerpts)
All completed submissions must be sent by email to a...@easternbloc.ca no
later than 5pm on April 4th, 2014.
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Piet Zwart Institute, Media Design MA - final deadline for applications

2014-03-05 Thread Richard Wright
is an intensive project-based research degree that will equip you to create a 
distinctive voice as an artist/designer in the contemporary media landscape.

The course encourages students to explore the new possibilities released by the 
friction between media forms, critically working across the historical gaps 
between photography, cinema, animation, mobile media, information systems and 
technological networks. This course does not believe in old media and new 
media, nor in the pattern of media extinctions that punctuate traditional media 
histories: we believe in the cross fertilisation of a thriving media ecology.

Digital media can be thought of as a field in which radically different 
materialities of software, interface and human behaviour are being brought 
together for the first time. This is often experienced as tensions between 
computer code and the images that this code generates but does not explain; a 
tension between abstract symbols and concrete models, between concept and 
sensation. This course does not try to resolve these tensions but uses them to 
stimulate new ways to think about how we might live with information today.

The following principles are central to the course:

   the placing of equal value on artistic forms including moving image 
production, data driven and network based art and cross-platform approaches 
such as transmedia narrative.

   a strong emphasis on providing students with basic technological skills 
ranging from computer programming to the cinematography, synthesis and 
manipulation of digital imagery, from beginners to advanced levels.

   a critical engagement with Open Source and Free Software development, 
especially in its implicit “hacker” attitude to opening up media for 
experimental purposes.

   the integration of theoretical inquiry, critical analysis and studio 
based practice into research methodologies that can support artists practice 
and artistic research.

Based in Rotterdam, our recently expanded department is part of a leading 
international centre for the study of art, design and media, housed in a 
dedicated building with its own studios, facilities and project spaces. The 
Piet Zwart Institute enjoys strong links with a range of organisations, from 
established contemporary arts galleries and science museums to independent arts 
spaces and a regular presence in the International Film Festival Rotterdam. The 
course is taught by staff with international reputations in their respective 
fields and in addition we invite a wide range of international practitioners 
and theorists as guest lecturers and tutors.

Application Deadlines

Based on merit, places will be filled from the first deadline onwards, 
therefore early submissions are encouraged.

Priority deadline - Non European and European students: January 31 2014

Second deadline - Non European and European students: March 3 2014

Third and final deadline - For European students only: April 1st 2014

Tuition Fees

European students - For EU/EEA students (who apply for their first master 
course in the Netherlands), the annual tuition fee for the full-time course in 
2014/15 is 1,906 Euros. The annual tuition fee for the part-time course is 
1,576 Euros.

Non European students - For non-EU/EEA students, the fee for the full-time and 
part-time course in 2014/15 is 9,400 Euros.

For more info please see: http://pzwart.wdka.nl/nl/courses/mmdc/

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Polytech.Science.Art

2014-03-05 Thread Natalia Fuchs

Hi Netbehaviour subscribers!

Polytechnic Museum in Moscow, Russia, announces the launch of 
'Polytech.Science.Art' program dedicated to one of the most significant 
phenomenon of contemporary culture – interdisciplinary collaboration between 
artists, scientists and technology specialists. In the 21st century the 
division between science and art is being overcome successfully: artists tend 
to use cutting edge technologies in their work, not merely a dialogue between 
art and scientific community is being observed, but creative collaboration 
yielding unexpected, prominent results as well. Thanks to the great advance of 
science and technology, the worldview has been changing dramatically, that has 
had its effect on the outlook, on the treatment of the verges of possibility. 
Methods used in contemporary art objects creation and in the field of 
scientific innovations intersect and complement each other, communication 
between artists, scientists and technology specialists kick-starts the 
development of common space of ideas and discoveries. Polytechnic Museum plans 
to support the development of that promising cultural movement and create a 
platform for innovation activities, collaborative projects, information 
exchange between artists and scientists and technology specialists of different 
fields in future. In 2010-2011 Polytechnic Museum  in Moscow presented a number 
of experimental projects together with artscience curators and artists working 
in Russia (in particular, the exhibitions Columbus’s Egg (Laboratoria 
ArtScience Space, Moscow), Illusion. From a Fair Sideshow to the Media 
Installation (NCCA, Nizhny Novgorod) and Mythology Online). In the historical 
building of the Polytechnic Museum the international symposium “Brainstorms. 
The Artist in the Context of Neuroscience“ was also conducted in 2012 (curator 
– Daria Parkhomenko).

'Polytech.Science.Art' program starts in 2014 with a series of workshops and 
lectures of international and Russian experts, artists, researchers, including 
influential representatives of science art, the experts acknowledged by 
international scientific community and granted with numerous awards and prizes, 
as well as young professionals. Many of them will present their projects in 
Russia for the first time. 'Polytech.Science.Art' program experts will help to 
formulate a comprehensive idea on the synthesis of science, art and technology 
as an artistic method, a space for innovation, will present art projects 
showing scientific and technological approaches, innovative methods. The 
experts and Russian participants' collaboration results will be not only of 
artistic, but also theoretical significance as every project of the program is 
a research of interaction between science, art and technology. 

'Polytech.Science.Art' in 2014 is a unique series of workshops embracing such 
scientific disciplines as information technology, neurobiology, physics, 
psychoacoustics, fibertronics and others. Each workshop lasts from 3 to 5 days 
and consists of lecture and practical sessions. There will be open call before 
every workshop to select from 8 to 15 participants. For those who is selected 
by the experts, participation is free of charge. In the end of each event an 
open-attendance presentation (exhibition, performance) will be held. Open 
access will be provided for a number of lectures within the framework of the 
program. The first workshop opening the program is OTHERNET by Danja Vasiliev. 
It starts on March 19 until March 21 at the ARTPLAY Design Center. Danja 
Vasiliev is a Russian media artist based in Berlin. Danja has been awarded by 
the Europe’s most representative new technologies art award Prix Ars 
Electronica in the nomination Cyberart (Newstweek project). Danja Vasiliev’s 
OTHERNET workshop debuted in January, 2014 in Berlin during Transmediale, one 
of the largest festivals of digital art and technology advancements. OTHERNET 
is dedicated to information technology in arts, tactics and technical 
realization of independent, hidden networks, avant-garde media and hacktivism 
within the framework of “Post-Internet now” concept. 

'Polytech.Science.Art' program curator - Natalia Fuchs. Ready for the 
collaborations, yes!

Email: polytechscience...@gmail.com 

Web: http://www.polymus.ru/en/
NetBehaviour mailing list


2014-03-05 Thread the memelab
Hi all

On Friday March 14 @ VIVO Media Arts, we are launching PERMANENT DEVIATION, an 
online Processing compiler and simultaneous participatory exhibition space
conceived by JULIE GENDRON. Please see below for more details.

I thought this event might of interest to the subscribers of this mailing list  
based in Vancouver or elsewhere!
***Please note that people who cannot attend are welcome to participate by 
going to the site (http://permanentdeviation.com) on the night of the event to 
add their own code or watch the coding LIVE.

~ Jesse

Opening: FRIDAY MARCH 14, 2014 / 8pm-12am (PST)
Website launch and live art coding

PERMANENT DEVIATION (http://permanentdeviation.com) is an online
Processing compiler and simultaneous participatory exhibition space
conceived by JULIE GENDRON in association with BRADY MARKS.

Permanent Deviation provides an online space that can be described as an
exquisite corpse, graffiti wall, training ground for making generative art
using the Processing* programming language. Coders must use the code of
the last participant in a set amount of time to generate a new art object.
In this way, each participant’s code acts as the baseline from which the
next coder has to work.

The site will be officially launched at VIVO on March 14, 2014 in the
Video Bar. JESSE SCOTT and JULIE GENDRON will co-curate an evening of live
art generation where any coders at the opening or around the world can
take over the site and change the canvas.

JULIE GENDRON is a designer and artist who works in the areas of
interactivity, access, playfulness and change. Julie designs and
facilitates experiences that allow people to explore and create their own
point of view, culture and communities through her participatory art
practice. This project is one in a series of structural artworks that is
intended to be completed by its viewers. Other works can be seen here:

*Processing is a generative programming language typically used for the
purpose of art making. It is normally executed in a client-side
application but this project uses the processing.js library to allow it to
be used online.

This project was developed with the participation of Creative BC and the
British Columbia Arts Council.

FACEBOOK EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/484541391645933/
VIVO WEBSITE: http://vivomediaarts.com/event/permanent-deviation

NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] the fish the

2014-03-05 Thread Alan Sondheim

the fish the

fish attempt to flee the disturbance, dinner. the snowy egret
seems more water snake, alligator, egret, white heron, head and
heron morphs, little here in kingston, a great blue heron with
injured left foot appeared, wounded blue heron subtropical
emanation rookery. there were heron mixed in. walked through the
mudflats to the heron green heron glossy ibis white ibis
cormorant anhinga, distant herons in the everglades dry season -
a tricolored heron hunting, a coastland blue heron most likely
starved, unable to penetrate pond-ice, penetrating new species
sighted: blue herons, green heron, here in kingston, a great
blue heron with an injured left foo appearing not to be found,
as the heron quickly catches its prey. these birds - teeters
fury daring visit brooklyn heron inhabitants prefer spite,
appears \ (wounded blue heron subtropical emanation)\ hempen
soft white sighted: herons and heron here in kingston, great has
injured its left blue cord. she sang\ new species sighted: blue
herons, green heron, here in kingston, a great blue heron
injuring its left foot, new heron sutra and a little green heron

NetBehaviour mailing list