Dear researchers, thinkers and creative practitioners,

Conflicting dynamics within the mobile ecosystem question its future and 
whether it will leverage a proprietary paradigm or innovation should stem from 
collaborative and communal efforts making use of open systems and open source 

Open innovation refers to the ways companies can benefit from distributed 
knowledge, external ideas and external routes to market. This informs the idea 
that most successful innovation happens not as a linear process but in 
environments which encourage the circulation of ideas and approaches. 

Open innovation was impeded in the past by network operators who
 tried to regulate and monopolize their markets and it may again be impeded by 
technology fragmentation and by the excessive use of patent infringement 
allegations of one company to another. Provided that the very foundations of 
mobile software licensing are based upon ownership of copyrights and patents, 
and the huge amounts of money that licensing software generates, cross-industry 
litigation is likely to be the norm for the foreseeable future (Laffan, 2011).

The Appsterdam Legal Foundation is dedicated to funding legal initiatives for 
App Makers. Through private donations and other funding sources, the Foundation 
promotes and preserves the Appsterdam community by protecting its most valuable 
asset – App Makers and their business.

more to read &;

Join us for the Appsterdam Operation Anthill Legal Summit.

Monday 3 and Tuesday 4 October.

Two days of presentations, workshops and panel discussions about protecting App 
Makers from extortion by the patent trolls who threaten our industry..

and spread the word!


Olga skp

RSVP for the meetup

* Laffan L. (2011) "Open Governance Index: measuring the true openness of open 
source projects from Android to Webkit", Vision Mobile White Paper.
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