Call for Artists: Platform Event 'Territorial Play'
Part of the Tracing Mobility Programme
Event scheduled: Friday 14 May 2010 (Nottingham,UK)
Deadline for submissions: Monday 12 April 2010

Trampoline is inviting submissions for the platform event, Territorial
Play, part of Radiator Festival's forthcoming project Tracing
Mobility, a pan-European programme launching in Nottingham mid May
2010 and travelling to Warsaw (June/July 2010), Amsterdam (2011) and
Berlin (2011).
Territorial Play aims to illustrate, annotate and animate discourse
around the current trend towards a 'mobilised city'.  With the
emergence of location aware mobile devices and near ubiquitous access
to electronic networks in urban and rural areas, a new city is
emerging beneath our feet.

This dynamic 'hybrid-city' is a city in flux, where ideas of
authorship and ownership are left at the door. It is information-rich
and increasingly populated by not just local inhabitants but visitors
from other communities.  What are the cultural implications of this
emergent public domain and what possibilities do the architecture and
protocol of networked space present to affect change in real space?

We are inviting artists, performers, visualists, filmmakers,
designers, game-players, writers and others to stake claims, occupy
space, command territory, re-imagine the public domain, uncover hidden
spaces and return to our day jobs the next day leaving no trace.

The event will take place over one day, using Nottingham's Digital
Media Centre Broadway as the base of operations however we welcome
submissions that engage with the public and spaces in and around the

Olga P Massanet
NetBehaviour mailing list

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