The Open Sailing team continue with their exciting investigations. I
was just checking what they're up to
and saw that the energy animal group is looking for advisors. I think
is a very exciting project to get involved

>> Can we harness nature energy at sea? From which sources?
>> Can we combine different renewable energies to provide a more reliable 
>> electric output?
>> Can we make small low maintenance modules that will drift across the oceans, 
>> off-grid?
>> Do we need to pay for energy when energy (wind, sun, waves...) is everywhere 
>> infinitely available? Can we avoid energy wars?
>> Can we make available electricity for free for anyone needing it?
>> Can we contribute to environmental and pollution global  monitoring systems?
>> Can we use the Energy_Animal for other purposes like creating data mesh 
>> network?

We are looking for technical advisors
- mechanical engineer
- maritime engineer
material donations :
- solar panels
- solar dish (parabolic concentrator)
- car battery
- electronics
- GPS receivers / emitter
- free wheel

Olga P Massanet
NetBehaviour mailing list

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