Re: Unable to boot to install 8.1 and 9.0 RC2 on amd64 Laptop

2020-02-10 Thread John D. Baker
On Mon, 10 Feb 2020, John D. Baker wrote:

> I've had a similar, but different experience booting -current on an HP
> Pavilion dv2000 laptop.  I think I posted about it quite some time ago.
> I try again every so often but the situation has not improved.

I should have mentioned that this machine has Linux Mint installed on it,
which works very well.

I'd heard rumors about machines built during a certain CEO's tenure at HP
having all manner of bizarre issues like this.

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS   NetBSD Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]consolidated[flyspeck]net  OpenBSDFreeBSD
| X  No HTML/proprietary data in email.   BSD just sits there and works!
|/ \ GPGkeyID:  D703 4A7E 479F 63F8 D3F4  BD99 9572 8F23 E4AD 1645

Re: Unable to boot to install 8.1 and 9.0 RC2 on amd64 Laptop

2020-02-10 Thread John D. Baker
I've had a similar, but different experience booting -current on an HP
Pavilion dv2000 laptop.  I think I posted about it quite some time ago.
I try again every so often but the situation has not improved.

A normal boot of GENERIC hangs just after acpi detection.

Booting w/o ACPI gets up to detecting the NVIDIA graphics card which isn't
supported.  It used to just panic later when attaching the console, but
now at least skips it as unsupported and stays in VGA text mode.

Following that, it gets as far as detecting the hard disk but then hangs
while detecting the optical drive.  Random fumbling on the keyboard, or
a quick press of the power switch usually helps it over this bump.

Booting w/o ACPI and w/o SMP lets it boot all the way to multiuser with
no user intervention.

At some point during the 9.0 release cycle, the default "/boot.cfg"
file had the menu options to boot w/o ACPI and w/o ACPI, SMP removed.
You can still do so by using the option to drop to the boot prompt
and giving:

  boot: boot /netbsd -12

(-1 disables SMP and -2 disables ACPI)

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS   NetBSD Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]consolidated[flyspeck]net  OpenBSDFreeBSD
| X  No HTML/proprietary data in email.   BSD just sits there and works!
|/ \ GPGkeyID:  D703 4A7E 479F 63F8 D3F4  BD99 9572 8F23 E4AD 1645

Unable to boot to install 8.1 and 9.0 RC2 on amd64 Laptop

2020-02-10 Thread Riccardo Mottola

I have an amd64 (genuine AMD) latop HP zv6000 with Athlon64 CPU I want
to install NetBSD on (what else?). I extra got this machine to test
"real" amd64 :-P and no luck. It has  a big "desktop" CPU, not a mobile

First I tried booting straight off the netboot iso of 8.1
It hangs after some kernel messages.

I thus tried disabling ACPI and even ACPI+SMP.
It still hangs and the last message seen is "AMD Cool'n' Quiet"

I thus tried NetBSD 9.0 RC2 and it hangs too. Here I have no options to
disable ACPI and SMP!
Boot ends after a while. after having printed out:
acpicpu0 at cpu0: ACPI CPU
fwochi0: BUS reset
fwohci0: node_id=0xc000ffc0, gen=1, CYCLEMASTER, mode
ieee1394if0: 1 nodes, maxhop <= 0 cable IRM irm(0) (me)
ieee1394if0: bus manager 0

Waiting does not help.

The BIOS does not have many options, I cannot disable e.g. SMP, ACPI or
such. Only WiFi & LAN.
I disabled those... but it does not help-

now what else can I try? I wonder also that the disable ACPI option
disappeard, but especially, what the bug we have. Can I try something
else? Some special option?

Just for info: I tried booting a Devuan cd install I had around, and it
booted up to graphical install, detected network hardware (except wifi
which is detected but not enabled since it needs firmware)



Can't open /boot | biosboot via GPT on raidframe on GPT (NetBSD 9.0/amd64_RC2)

2020-02-10 Thread Matthias Petermann

Hello everybody

I'm currently in doubt about everything and need advice from someone who 
is familiar with NetBSD's boot processes.

I am trying to set up a system with two hard drives as RAID 1. To do 
this, I create a GPT on both disks with a single partition of the type 
raid on each. I then mirror these partitions together into a RAID 1 
using raidframe. I then create an embedded GPT with the netbsd 
partitions into the raidframe. the first partition carries the root 
filesystem from which I also want to boot. And this is what I don't succeed.

The crazy thing is, a while ago I managed a similar setup on the same 
computer (but with different hard drives). At that time I wrote an 
installer script and it doesn't seem to work anymore either. I now doubt 
whether I still made some manual adjustments to make it work.

So if someone has experience with the boot process, I would be very 
grateful if they could take a look at the script to see if it was 
correct at the critical points. I am thinking primarily of the places 
where installboot and gpt biosboot are called.

The error pattern looks like this: when the installation is complete, i 
get the text of the primary bootstap when booting from hard disk:

NetBSD/x86 ffsv2 Primary Bootstrap
Boot failed (errno  2): Can't open /boot

I attach the script directly to this email and remain with
kind regards



# Cleanup pre-existing partitioning ###
gpt destroy -f raid0
raidctl -u raid0
dkctl wd0 delwedge dk0
dkctl wd1 delwedge dk1
gpt destroy -f wd0
gpt destroy -f wd1

# Create GPT partition tables on disks 
gpt create wd0
gpt create wd1

gpt add -l sys0 -a 2m -t raid wd0
gpt add -l sys1 -a 2m -t raid wd1

# Create RAID #

Kerberos client functionalities in NetBSD

2020-02-10 Thread Rocky Hotas
Hi all!
This is not a request or a question, but rather a collection of
notes about Kerberos, for anyone who is interested. I was trying
to configure (for the first time) a NetBSD 8.1 amd64 host as a
Kerberos client.

First, it is worth noting that there is more than one implementation
of Kerberos: MIT and Heimdal are maybe the most common ones. They
should be api-compatible, as I was suggested in the IRC channel

The implementation of Kerberos natively used in NetBSD is Heimdal:
the base system already includes an essential set of utilities like
kinit(1), klist(1), kadmin(8), ktutil(8). If the MIT Kerberos is
needed, several packages are available in the pkgsrc repository.

Using only the base system, with just the creation of an appropriate
/etc/krb5.conf file and the necessary lines in /etc/hosts, a NetBSD
host is immediately able to obtain a Ticket-Granting-Ticket as a
Kerberos client. I used it against a MIT Kerberos server and I
found no compatibility issues. This has been quick and very, very

I found instead some issues when trying to create a keytable in
the NetBSD client. For example, `kadmin -p admin_user' suddenly
shows the admin_user admin prompt, which seems very odd; then, for
some of the available commands, it asks for the password and does
not return the prompt after entering the correct password. The same
happens with `ktutil get -p admin_user host/fqdn.of.the.client'.

Note that I can not exclude that this is due to something I forgot
(or did not know) to configure.

However, a keytab created with MIT Kerberos utilites and then copied
into NetBSD is correctly read with `ktutil -k keytab_file list'
and is perfectly suitable, for example to receive ssh connections.

If ssh authentication through a Kerberos user must be provided in
a NetBSD client, the /etc/pam.d/ files already include a line for
the module: so, no configuration for PAM is needed. I
installed from pkgsrc the package pam-krb5, which includes,
but this file is already in the base system in /usr/lib/security/
and maybe there is no need for the package. It is instead necessary
cy2-gssapi, which depends on cyrus-sasl (needed as well), for GSSAPI
authentication, in addition to the correct configuration lines both
in /etc/ssh/sshd_config (for the server) and /etc/ssh/ssh_config
(for the client).

In conclusion, the NetBSD 8.1 base system includes some executables
and libraries which make a Kerberos client configuration almost
immediate. Thanks to those who tailored the base system.



Re: USB device with no driver

2020-02-10 Thread Emmanuel Dreyfus
On Fri, Feb 07, 2020 at 02:53:11PM +0100, Martin Husemann wrote:
> Check umodeswitch and see if you can extend that for this device, it
> is used for many things that later attach as u3g(4).

I had two USB keys, one got recognized with this.

While we are there, we could pull many mappings from this:

Emmanuel Dreyfus

Re: Problems with C++ compiler on 9.0_RC2

2020-02-10 Thread Marc Baudoin
Martin Husemann  écrit :
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 01:17:31PM +0100, Marc Baudoin wrote:
> > Strangely enough, it doesn't happen on another system that have
> > been upgraded (always with a binary install image) from 8.1 to
> > several 9.0_BETAs over time then 9.0_RC1 then 9.0_RC2...
> The difference is:
> lrwxr-xr-x  1 martin  wheel  12 Jan 31 13:19 
> ./9.0/usr/include/g++/bits/gthr-default.h@ -> gthr-posix.h
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 martin  wheel   0 Jan 31 13:19 
> ./updated/usr/include/g++/bits/gthr-default.h*

Indeed, I have an empty (executable)
/usr/include/g++/bits/gthr-default.h regular file.  Replacing it
with a symbolic link to gthr-posix.h seems to work (at least your
previous example compiles now).

> Sounds like a bsdtar bug :-(  which also explains why it did not happen
> for your beta updates.

Then it would be nice to have it fixed before 9.0.


Re: Problems with C++ compiler on 9.0_RC2

2020-02-10 Thread Martin Husemann
On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 01:17:31PM +0100, Marc Baudoin wrote:
> Strangely enough, it doesn't happen on another system that have
> been upgraded (always with a binary install image) from 8.1 to
> several 9.0_BETAs over time then 9.0_RC1 then 9.0_RC2...

The difference is:

lrwxr-xr-x  1 martin  wheel  12 Jan 31 13:19 
./9.0/usr/include/g++/bits/gthr-default.h@ -> gthr-posix.h
-rwxr-xr-x  1 martin  wheel   0 Jan 31 13:19 

Sounds like a bsdtar bug :-(  which also explains why it did not happen
for your beta updates.


Re: Problems with C++ compiler on 9.0_RC2

2020-02-10 Thread Marc Baudoin
Martin Husemann  écrit :
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 11:01:37AM +0100, Marc Baudoin wrote:
> > I believe only C++ programs using pthread fail.  I don't know how
> > to do a minimal example but the easiest way to see the problem is
> > to compile pkgsrc/multimedia/libvpx (which doesn't have too many
> > dependencies).
> Here is a trivial reproducer:
> --8<--
> #include 
> #include 
> using namespace std;
> int main(int argc, char **argv)
> {
> cout << "hello world\n";
> return 0;
> }
> -->8--


> Compile with c++ and watch it fail as you described.
> The original compilation was done with -std=c++11, but that does not seem
> to matter here.

It doesn't matter indeed, it always fail for me:

% c++ -std=c++11 toto.cxx
In file included from /usr/include/g++/memory:74:0,
 from toto.cxx:1:
/usr/include/g++/ext/concurrence.h:124:5: error: ‘__gthread_mutex_t’ does not 
name a type; did you mean ‘__pthread_volatile’?
 __gthread_mutex_t _M_mutex;
/usr/include/g++/ext/concurrence.h:169:5: error: ‘__gthread_mutex_t’ does not 
name a type; did you mean ‘__pthread_volatile’?
 __gthread_mutex_t* gthread_mutex(void)
/usr/include/g++/ext/concurrence.h:179:5: error: ‘__gthread_recursive_mutex_t’ 
does not name a type; did you mean ‘__recursive_mutex’?
 __gthread_recursive_mutex_t _M_mutex;
/usr/include/g++/ext/concurrence.h:224:5: error: ‘__gthread_recursive_mutex_t’ 
does not name a type; did you mean ‘__recursive_mutex’?
 __gthread_recursive_mutex_t* gthread_recursive_mutex(void)

> The failure (at least with above test) does not happen in -current, nor
> when installing 9.0_RC2 from scratch.

But it happens for me on every system I have that have been
upgraded with an install ISO from 8.1 to 9.0_RC2.

Strangely enough, it doesn't happen on another system that have
been upgraded (always with a binary install image) from 8.1 to
several 9.0_BETAs over time then 9.0_RC1 then 9.0_RC2...

Re: Problems with C++ compiler on 9.0_RC2

2020-02-10 Thread Martin Husemann
On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 11:01:37AM +0100, Marc Baudoin wrote:
> I believe only C++ programs using pthread fail.  I don't know how
> to do a minimal example but the easiest way to see the problem is
> to compile pkgsrc/multimedia/libvpx (which doesn't have too many
> dependencies).

Here is a trivial reproducer:

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
cout << "hello world\n";
return 0;

Compile with c++ and watch it fail as you described.

The original compilation was done with -std=c++11, but that does not seem
to matter here.

The failure (at least with above test) does not happen in -current, nor
when installing 9.0_RC2 from scratch.


Re: Problems with C++ compiler on 9.0_RC2

2020-02-10 Thread Rares Aioanei
On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 11:10 AM Marc Baudoin  wrote:

> Is it a problem with my setup, with pkgsrc or is there something
> wrong with the C++ environment in 9.0_RC2?

cmake compiled fine on my fresh install of rc2

Re: Problems with C++ compiler on 9.0_RC2

2020-02-10 Thread Marc Baudoin
Martin Husemann  écrit :
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 08:07:07AM +0100, Marc Baudoin wrote:
> > I just tried :
> > 
> > - install NetBSD/amd64 8.1 from ISO
> > - boot from 9.0_RC2 ISO and upgrade
> > - reboot, get pkgsrc: any C++ build will fail
> Can you try a minimal C++ hello world program?
> I tried your recipe with i386 and at last hello world in c++ did work just
> fine.

I believe only C++ programs using pthread fail.  I don't know how
to do a minimal example but the easiest way to see the problem is
to compile pkgsrc/multimedia/libvpx (which doesn't have too many

Re: Problems with C++ compiler on 9.0_RC2

2020-02-10 Thread Martin Husemann
On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 08:07:07AM +0100, Marc Baudoin wrote:
> I just tried :
> - install NetBSD/amd64 8.1 from ISO
> - boot from 9.0_RC2 ISO and upgrade
> - reboot, get pkgsrc: any C++ build will fail

Can you try a minimal C++ hello world program?

I tried your recipe with i386 and at last hello world in c++ did work just

The exact failure may depend on the version of the c++ standard that is 
requested on the command line or something.
