Re: NetBSD 10 and framebuffer consoles setup vs 9.3 (font, multiple...)

2024-04-13 Thread Staffan Thomén

RVP wrote:

and the system will now use the larger font if you have a high enough
display. Otherwise, you would end up with an unreadable chars. on, say, 4K

Surely this should be against the display density? (i.e. DPI)

That of course means being able to read the DPI from somewhere, but 
isn't that a thing that EDID does?


MNT Reform2 (NXP LPC IFLASH) usb problem

2024-01-22 Thread Staffan Thomén


I have a MNT Reform2 ARM-based open-sores laptop that I hope to get
NetBSD on at some point (currently hampered by me having gotten the more
powerful ls1028a cpu module instead of the i.mx8 one which is not
properly supported by u-boot so no graphical console on boot. I have
some plans to use the onboard serial port to see what a netbsd
thumbstick does, but I need to build some hardware for that.)

Onward to the subject, I wanted to update the LCP firmware on the
laptop, which is done by mounting an internal USB device on another
computer and copying (the official documentation uses dd for some
reason) a file to a FAT filelesystem.

I set the reform to flash-firmware mode and NetBSD detected the expected
usb device properly but after that all I get from the device is I/O error:

[21.611880] umass1 at uhub3 port 3 configuration 1 interface 0
[21.611880] umass1: NXP (0x1fc9) LPC1XXX IFLASH (0x000b), rev
2.00/7.04, addr 5
[21.611880] umass1: using SCSI over Bulk-Only
[21.611880] scsibus1 at umass1: 2 targets, 1 lun per target
[21.611880] sd1 at scsibus1 target 0 lun 0:  disk removable
[21.611880] sd1: fabricating a geometry
[21.611880] sd1: 34816, 0 cyl, 64 head, 32 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 68
[21.611880] autoconfiguration error: sd1: unable to open device,
error = 5

At first I tried plugging it into my trusty x220 laptop and then I tried
plugging it in to my windows desktop--which worked, I could see the
firmware.bin file--but when I booted a netbsd install thumbdrive on the
same desktop, I got EIO again. This is not just the autoconfigurator,
but any communication attempt with the disk results in EIO.

Clearly something is not working properly, thoughts?


Re: Blocklistd + postfix

2023-04-08 Thread Staffan Thomén

Martin Neitzel wrote:

Brook Milligan wrote:

BM>  Does it make sense that failed SMTP authentication should trigger
BM>  blocklistd events?

What irks me about blocklistd(8) is the lack of a way of correcting
such mishaps quickly.   blocklisctctl(8) should not just have the
current "dump" sub-command to investigate the blocked entries;
having some "release/cleanup" facilities would be a real bonus.
Restoring access directly with npfctl (or whatever is used) doesn't
feel right to me.

Indeed! I built a small tool[0] that lets my friends unblock 
themselves/eachother when they have an accident. What's bad with it is 
that it's unreliable as blocklistd keeps its own database and does not 
sync back changes from npf even as it maintains a rule id (did the rule 
go away? then reset counters!).

While we're wishing, I would propose a manual report sub-command as well 
for programs that can run a program on an event in som way--perhaps even 
a shellscript/cron-based logwatcher--so that they don't necessarily have 
to be patched to integrate. It would broaden the possibilities but 
perhaps there are security implications that I'm not thinking of.

A PAM module would probably be pretty simple to build as well (I have 
some experience there).

I have too many projects going on to nominate myself for patching any of 
this, however wishing is still free and those who don't ask don't get...

That turned into a bit of a sleepy stream of consciousness, apologies.



Re: Access FFS partition on GPT on ZVOL

2022-09-07 Thread Staffan Thomén

Michael van Elst wrote: (Matthias Petermann) writes:

saturn$ doas dmsetup create net-export --table "34 2147483581 linear
/dev/zvol/rdsk/tank/backup/vhost/vol/net-export 0"
create and load called

Please try:

--table "0 2147483581 linear /dev/zvol/dsk/tank/backup/vhost/vol/net-export 34"

left side is the offset + size of a chunk of your new mapped device

right side is the backing store (must be the block device) and the offset on 
the backing store.

Worked for me, thanks! This means I don't have to patch zvol.c any more 
for mounting snapshots :-)


Re: Access FFS partition on GPT on ZVOL

2022-09-07 Thread Staffan Thomén
Being a curious person, and because this might let me avoid the zvol 
patch (and I now have a spare system to test these things on), I tried 
it too:

surtr# uname -a
NetBSD surtr 9.3 NetBSD 9.3 (GENERIC) #0: Thu Aug  4 15:30:37 UTC 2022 amd64

surtr# zfs create -V 1G tank/export

surtr# cat <> /etc/iscsi/targets:
extent0 /dev/zvol/rdsk/tank/export  0   1024MB
target0=surtr.exportrw  extent0
surtr# /etc/rc.d/iscsi_target onestart

(initialize and create filesystem on windows client, add a file for good 

surtr# dmsetup create exportdm --table "0 1073741824 linear 
/dev/zvol/dsk/tank/export 0"

surtr# gpt -m 1073741824 -s 512 show /dev/mapper/rexportdm
start size  index  contents
11 Pri GPT header
2   32 Pri GPT table
   3432734  1  GPT part - Windows reserved
32768  2060288  2  GPT part - Windows basic data
  2093056 4063 Unused
  2097119   32 Sec GPT table
  20971511 Sec GPT header

gpt wouldn't let me show unless I specified -m and -s, perhaps 
setgeometry would make that work.

and then... no way of getting at the partitions that I could think of.

surtr# dkctl /dev/mapper/exportdm addwedge xxx 32768 2060288 NTFS
dkctl: /dev/mapper/exportdm: addwedge: Inappropriate ioctl for device

surtr# ccdconfig -c ccd0 0 /dev/mapper/exportdm 

ccdconfig: ioctl (CCDIOCSET): /dev/rccd0d: Invalid argument


Re: ucom, umodem and conbee II

2022-09-04 Thread Staffan Thomén

David Brownlee wrote:

On Sat, 3 Sept 2022 at 12:14, Staffan Thomén  wrote:

Nevermind, I rewrote my program in C and umodem works perfectly fine,
although I do note that I had to use O_NONBLOCK, something the
GFCFlasher program explicitly omits.

Glad to hear you found a solution. Could it be down to default port
settings across different systems?

Nah, I found out later after having twiddled with my code some more that 
it wasn't actually accepting my command, I was receiving but not sending 
(hence why O_NONBLOCK worked). Turns out that the serial protocol is 
little-endian and it was upset with me for sending messages that I said 
were 0x9000 bytes long, not 0x9... :-)

Would you be using ? Looks interesting
- I have a bunch of hue lights/sensors/plugs and use to poke at them from my NetBSD box
as needed (such as a script to ensure the printer plug is on before
printing, or to gradually turn down some lights at night :) but I've
always wondered what other options might be provided by poking at the
individual devices more directly...

Exactly that ConBee II. The device seems really nice (and you get the 
protocol docs! although they don't mention the litte-endian bit..), and 
it does talk to some philips hue plugs I bought; I could control them 
when I plugged the conbee into my windows PC and used the official software.

While I got into this whole replace-my-433MHz-system-with-zigbee thing I 
also bought one of the usb connected CC2531 boards and it seems to also 
use umodem. They're a bit tricky though because TI designates the chip 
as a zigbee-sniffer, so you have to flash them using some pins on the 
board in order to use them as a controller. Haven't really looked at 
that yet and I don't have a programmer (but maybe I could convince an 
arduino to do the programming).

Both of these could be of interest to you, I'm not sure if the hue (or 
even zigbee, I haven't been doing my homework :-) allows more than one 
controller though, could be interesting to find out.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this project yet, it was a fun 
diversion trying to talk to the conebee, but zigbee is a whole thing 
itself and my code can only request the firmware version from the device 
so far (and handle unsolicited messages from the device).

Code can be found here: (this 
url will not be permanent, the official software is called deconz and I 
don't want to confuse my code with theirs)

Feel free to grab a copy if you want to play with it though :-)


Re: Access FFS partition on GPT on ZVOL

2022-09-03 Thread Staffan Thomén

Matthias Petermann wrote:

Am I doing something fundamentally wrong here? Or does this require a
kernel newer than 9.3?

In order to do this (something I needed as well, but with NTFS for 
backing up an iscsi-exported photos zvol) you need to patch zfs so that 
ccd can use zvols as components;

see this thread: 
(patch linked here:

I'm a little sad that this (or something more convenient) hasn't been 
included in -9 :-/

I have written a shellscript that lets me mount snapshots of zvols 
locally for backup purposes if that is interesting, since the process 
has a number of steps. I run snapshot refresh from cron.


Re: ucom, umodem and conbee II

2022-09-03 Thread Staffan Thomén
Nevermind, I rewrote my program in C and umodem works perfectly fine, 
although I do note that I had to use O_NONBLOCK, something the 
GFCFlasher program explicitly omits.

Sorry about the noise,

ucom, umodem and conbee II

2022-09-02 Thread Staffan Thomén

Dear hive-mind,

I recently procured a conbee II zigbee controller and some sensors to 
switch my aging 433MHz system over to something neater.

For fun I thought I'd plug it into my netbsd laptop and see if I could 
talk to it, and maybe build some lightweight control software that could 
plug into my existing system instead of having to use the nodejs 
monstrosities that are so popular these days. The manufacturer provides 
documentation for the serial device protocol so it seemed viable.

The device is detected just fine by netbsd 9.3_STABLE (althoug always 
twice, for some reason, it attaches, then detaches and then attaches 
again, I suspect that the first time is a firmware update mode)

However the device refuses to reply to any message.

I tried prototyping in python using the serial library but it never 
responds with anything. I know it wants 8N1 and I've tried various 
speeds but no response what so ever. Reads always hang, but writes seem 
to work.

Code here:

From what I can read from the official software's linux or "posix" or 
windows code, the python serial library does everything that they do 
with regards to open flags and tcsetattr.

What's more, I tried the official flash tool and it also seems to hang 
on NetBSD just like my code (even after I changed it so that it sets the 
speed to 115200 even if the device name is called "ttyU" and not 
"ttyACM" so there's an indication that it may also be flawed in other ways).

Just to eliminate hardware failures, I tried it under windows, and that 
worked fine.

I also tried building a GENERIC-derived kernel with options USBVERBOSE, 
options USB_DEBUG and options UCOM_DEBUG but that didn't seem to provide 
any more information, even after setting hw.ucom.debug to 1.

Any ideas to what I'm doing wrong? Is it something with NetBSD's umodem 
driver that needs special attention?


dmesg below:

[29.364000] umodem3 at uhub5 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0
[29.364000] umodem3: dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik GmbH 
(0x1cf1) ConBee II (0x30), rev 2.01/1.00, addr 4, iclass 2/2

[29.364000] umodem3: data interface 1, has CM over data, has no break
[29.364000] umodem3: status change notification available
[29.364000] ucom3 at umodem3
[32.235155] ucom3: detached
[32.235155] umodem3: detached
[32.235155] umodem3: at uhub5 port 2 (addr 4) disconnected
[33.335597] umodem3 at uhub5 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0
[33.335597] umodem3: dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik GmbH 
(0x1cf1) ConBee II (0x30), rev 2.01/1.00, addr 4, iclass 2/2

[33.335597] umodem3: data interface 1, has CM over data, has no break
[33.335597] umodem3: status change notification available
[33.335597] ucom3 at umodem3

Re: Status of syspkg or similar

2021-05-22 Thread Staffan Thomén

Sad Clouds wrote:

On Sat, 22 May 2021 17:43:31 +0900 Yuuki Enomoto  wrote:


From what I can tell the feature is somewhat unfinished/abandoned?

Yes. " syspkgs" can create packages. But these may remove exist
files/directories by install. I think, we should fix it completely
and/or make sysinst support this for testing.

A hybrid/staged solution might be worth considering.

I've often thought about how the not-exactly-core utilities like tmux
(but window would probably not have fallen into this category
were it still there), postfix and bind (possibly also ssh, openssl might be
too difficult to extract) _that have more alternate/newer versions in pkgsrc_
could live in their own set so I wouldn't have to install them and then just
install the pkgsrc version and be stuck with two.

That set would then be a prime target for syspkg, leaving everything else in
the sets that might have more complicated dependencies and/or were
historically part of the berkeley distribution.

I'm not too familiar with syspkg, but perhaps the pkg tools then could be
taught to upgrade them to pkgsrc if the admin wants to (hell, this might even
be there already).


Because this is just me sprouting my musings, it's just sent to the list. It's
ok to CC me.

About bridges

2021-05-08 Thread Staffan Thomén


I was toying with bridging three of the four ethernet ports on an pcengines
apu4d4 recently and bumped into something that made me unsure if I understood
how to use bridges correctly.

My setup is like this:

wm1 configured with an address
wm2 no address, just up
wm3 same as 2

and the bridge:

brconfig bridge0 add wm1 stp wm1 add wm2 stp wm2 add wm3 stp wm3

This all works, packets flow and addresses are learned on all interfaces, but
ONLY if there is a cable with a link on wm1. It seems to be that if there is
no link on wm1 the interface (status: no carrier and address shows )
gets disabled in the bridge, which kind of sucks because then the host has no
address and communication stops.

I tried looking for pseudo devices that I could use on the bridge for the host
interface so that it wouldn't matter which port you plug a network in to, but
the only thing I could attach to the bridge was a tap device and using that as
the host if doesn't seem to work.

The only other devices that I've done bridging on (except my Xen host, but
that's a load of virtual interfaces connected to one real one which always had
a link) are Mikrotik routerboards and there you could set an address on the
bridge device itself; something that you cannot do on netbsd, apparently.

So how is this supposed to work? Can I force the interface with an address to
stay enabled somehow or is there a pseudo-device that I haven't found that I
should be using?


Re: A single-board computer for NetBSD

2020-08-26 Thread Staffan Thomén

Mike Pumford wrote:

On 26/08/2020 13:12, Greg Troxel wrote:

My recommendation to the broader question of "router box to run NetBSD"
is the PC Engines apu2. This is a fanless system with a 4-core
amd64-compatible processor:

I'll second this recomendation. I'm also using one as my gateway
firewall. Currently running NetBSD 8.2-STABLE as an npf firewall.

I've successfully rewritten the BIOS on mine using flashrom on linux and
the brief test I did of the NetBSD version of flashrom suggests it ought
to work. It does correctly identify the BIOS flash chip successfully.

Here's a third recommendation for the APU2 systems. They are very nice 
(although I am annoyed by the bios resetting my (real) serial terminal every 
time it hands over to the operating system, making the terminal go through 
it's boot-up reset cycle, but that's coreboot).

I'm also pretty sure that I updated the rom using flashrom(8) on NetBSD.


Re: dk for z/lvm volumes?

2020-07-01 Thread Staffan Thomén

Michael van Elst wrote:

On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 07:08:40PM +0300, Staffan Thomén wrote:

Chavdar Ivanov wrote:

# ccdconfig -c ccd0 0 /dev/zvol/dsk/internal1/photos@backup

You are mapping a snapshot, it will be r/o.

You have to promote it first.

While it's true that the snapshot is r/o, surely it shouldn't crash the system.

Surely not. I'll have a look at the ccd driver.

And is there a reason why ccd would require r/w?

Neither the infrastructure to access such layered disk devices, nor
the drivers themselves handle read-only components. The drivers
are ccd, cgd and raidframe.

Doesn't look that difficult to implement for ccd and cgd, not so sure
about raidframe.

Good news! I found another way to crash my system!

I tried cloning the snapshot and then creating the ccd worked, manually 
creating a dk on the ccd worked, mounting a ntfs on the gpt worked, listing 
files on the ntfs worked, reading files off the ntfs worked.


bluegleam# dkctl ccd0 makewedges
[ 184722.7286780] Mutex error: mutex_vector_enter,564: locking against myself

[ 184722.7286780] lock address : 0xc380065c6a40
[ 184722.7286780] current cpu  :  0
[ 184722.7286780] current lwp  : 0xc38007290aa0
[ 184722.7286780] owner field  : 0xc38007290aa0 wait/spin:

[ 184722.7286780] panic: lock error: Mutex: mutex_vector_enter,564: locking 
against myself: lock 0xc380065c6a40 cpu 0 lwp 0xc38007290aa0

[ 184722.7286780] cpu0: Begin traceback...
[ 184722.7286780] vpanic() at netbsd:vpanic+0x143
[ 184722.7286780] snprintf() at netbsd:snprintf
[ 184722.7286780] filt_logread() at netbsd:filt_logread
[ 184722.7286780] mutex_vector_enter() at netbsd:mutex_vector_enter+0x158
[ 184722.7286780] ccdopen() at netbsd:ccdopen+0x52
[ 184722.7286780] spec_open() at netbsd:spec_open+0x175
[ 184722.7286780] VOP_OPEN() at netbsd:VOP_OPEN+0x4c
[ 184722.7286780] dkwedge_discover() at netbsd:dkwedge_discover+0xb4
[ 184722.7286780] disk_ioctl() at netbsd:disk_ioctl+0xd3
[ 184722.7286780] ccdioctl() at netbsd:ccdioctl+0x1c9
[ 184722.7386785] VOP_IOCTL() at netbsd:VOP_IOCTL+0x54
[ 184722.7386785] vn_ioctl() at netbsd:vn_ioctl+0xa5
[ 184722.7386785] sys_ioctl() at netbsd:sys_ioctl+0x547
[ 184722.7386785] syscall() at netbsd:syscall+0x9c
[ 184722.7386785] --- syscall (number 54) ---
[ 184722.7386785] 724a0b5681ba:
[ 184722.7386785] cpu0: End traceback...
[ 184722.7386785] dumping to dev 4,1 (offset=1048575, size=0): not possible
[ 184722.7386785] rebooting...
(XEN) Hardware Dom0 shutdown: rebooting machine


ccdconfig -g was also a bit odd that it listed ccd0 four times. But this time 
no crash there.


Re: dk for z/lvm volumes?

2020-06-29 Thread Staffan Thomén

Michael van Elst wrote:

On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 07:08:40PM +0300, Staffan Thomén wrote:

Chavdar Ivanov wrote:

# ccdconfig -c ccd0 0 /dev/zvol/dsk/internal1/photos@backup

You are mapping a snapshot, it will be r/o.

You have to promote it first.

While it's true that the snapshot is r/o, surely it shouldn't crash the system.

Surely not. I'll have a look at the ccd driver.

And is there a reason why ccd would require r/w?

Neither the infrastructure to access such layered disk devices, nor
the drivers themselves handle read-only components. The drivers
are ccd, cgd and raidframe.

Doesn't look that difficult to implement for ccd and cgd, not so sure
about raidframe.

Thank you for your efforts, if we get this stable it'll be pretty massively 
useful to me


Re: dk for z/lvm volumes?

2020-06-29 Thread Staffan Thomén

Chavdar Ivanov wrote:

# ccdconfig -c ccd0 0 /dev/zvol/dsk/internal1/photos@backup

You are mapping a snapshot, it will be r/o.

You have to promote it first.

While it's true that the snapshot is r/o, surely it shouldn't crash the system.

And is there a reason why ccd would require r/w?


Re: dk for z/lvm volumes?

2020-06-29 Thread Staffan Thomén

Michael van Elst wrote: (Michael van Elst) writes: (Michael van Elst) writes: (Chavdar Ivanov) writes:

# ccdconfig -c ccd0 0 /dev/zvol/dsk/pail/nbsd1
ccdconfig: ioctl (CCDIOCSET): /dev/ccd0d: Inappropriate ioctl for device

That's a bug in the zfs driver.

I've prepared a patch for -current that fixes this issue.

I had occasion to try this patch (downloaded on June 19) on my Xen dom0 today, 
and things didn't go well;

# ccdconfig -c ccd0 0 /dev/zvol/dsk/internal1/photos@backup
ccdconfig: ioctl (CCDIOCSET): /dev/ccd0d: Read-only file system

...and a subsequent...

# ccdconfig -g

...instantly rebooted the system (no crash dump). I wasn't monitoring the 
console so I don't know if any error was printed by the kernel. Nothing was

recorded in syslog.

This is NetBSD 9.0_STABLE from June 19 (built at the same time as the patched 
z, with xen 4.11 (4.11.3nb2)


Re: dk for z/lvm volumes?

2020-03-05 Thread Staffan Thomén

Greg Troxel wrote:

The other thing you can do is export the zvol snapshot via iscsi and use
an iscsi initiator on netbsd to mount it.

I tried this particular flavor of filesystem/network pretzel and when a full 
backup ran, it worked for a while and then killed my system DEAD. Not even the 
IPMI console would respond.

The zvol lived on the dom0, exported via iscsi, but I used a domU for the 
initiator since I didn't have iscsi support in my dom0.


Re: dk for z/lvm volumes?

2020-02-26 Thread Staffan Thomén

Replying to you both in one here..

Chavdar Ivanov wrote:

On Wed, 26 Feb 2020 at 18:18, Greg Troxel  wrote:

Staffan Thomén  writes:

I couldn't coax dkctl to create dk devices for the gpt on the volume,
and dkctl seems like a bit of a mismatch for creating arbitrary dk:s
anyway as it seems mostly directed at bare drives (cache settings

 From the NetBSD point of view there is a zvol, and you are letting iscsi
manage it.  So there's nothing to tell netbsd to read a gpt/mbr and

Indeed, but that's where dkctl comes in with makewedges to tell netbsd to scan 
for wedges, but that doesn't work (wonderfully it says "Read-only file system" 
on the (admittedly read only) volume snapshot).

The other thing you can do is export the zvol snapshot via iscsi and use
an iscsi initiator on netbsd to mount it.

This would work, but seems like a bit of a pretzel of a solution. What I'm 
mostly wondering is if it wouldn't be sensible to extend dk to be able to be 
used with volumes.

> [...] perhaps looking at it

from the Windows initiator would have more sense - unless the backup
is supposed to be done on the NetBSD host, in which case the
suggestion would be to
# zfs send pail/nbsd1>  nbsd1.zfsfs

and then backup the resulting zfs stream, which you can cmpress of course.

Yup, this would definitely work, but it's terribly inefficient on tape use 
since I can't do block-level differential backups. Whenever the volume 
filesystem changes, I have to backup the entire thing.


dk for z/lvm volumes?

2020-02-26 Thread Staffan Thomén


I recently wanted to set up backup of a (snapshot of a) zvol that I had 
exported via iscsi to a windows machine, and got stumped because windows 
didn't just create a ntfs filesystem on the volume, it also added a partition 
table and so mount_ntfs and ntfs-3g couldn't find the filesystem on it.

I couldn't coax dkctl to create dk devices for the gpt on the volume, and 
dkctl seems like a bit of a mismatch for creating arbitrary dk:s anyway as it 
seems mostly directed at bare drives (cache settings etc).

My other thought was using vnconfig, but that doesn't seem like the right tool 

This left me with a couple of questions, is dk the right fit for getting at 
partitions on logical volumes? Could a tool be written that does this so we 
wouldn't have to load down dkctl with features that aren't really related to 
disks or is dk* not the right device and a new driver is needed?  Have I just 
missted something?



Re: Strange behaviour on PCEngines APU2

2019-11-24 Thread Staffan Thomén

Greg Troxel wrote:

Staffan Thomén  writes:

Christos Zoulas wrote:

Any suggestions?

Use a powered usb hub.

That would be very inconvenient as the server is rackmounted and
there's only IE320 C14 outlets in the rack. Could you please elaborate
on this? Is the device drawing too much power? According to usbdevs it
seems to want 90mA.

I think Christos's theory is that very often, there are problems in USB
due to power, and that absent being 100% sure that this isn't the case,
testing with a powered hub is useful.

I suppose  you could also use a non-powered USB2 hub.

Turns out a powered hub did not solve the problem. I left it in overnight and 
when I woke up it was back to pseudo-hung.

Right now I've removed the usb devices to see if it recovers.


Re: Strange behaviour on PCEngines APU2

2019-11-23 Thread Staffan Thomén

Greg Troxel wrote:

And I suspect that 2 of the four logical ports on uhub3 appear at J11
(internal USB2).  But on my system nothing is plugged in to that jack
and nothing attaches to the ehci hub.

uhub1 ports 1 and 2 appear to be the external connectors (as USB2) and
on mine show up as a disk and a 4-port powered hub.

Given that your tellstick is surely plugged into one of the external
ports (where it works as xhci) I am at a loss to understand how it is
apparently attaching to ehci.  (I believe you; but something is very odd

You know, you are absolutely right. The tellstick can't possibly have been 
connected to the ehci, both ports on the front panel are on uhub1 and that is 
on xhci0. The damn things are even colored blue. My initial trouble must have 
been just sheer idiocy on my part.

In any event, I've bought a powered hub and am trying to see if that improves 

On that note, back when USB harddrives first came out, there were those two 
male to one female usb cables that used one port for power+data and one for 
just power. Could that save me the trouble of hooking up power for a hub?



Re: Strange behaviour on PCEngines APU2

2019-11-22 Thread Staffan Thomén

Christos Zoulas wrote:

Any suggestions?

Use a powered usb hub.

That would be very inconvenient as the server is rackmounted and there's only 
IE320 C14 outlets in the rack. Could you please elaborate on this? Is the 
device drawing too much power? According to usbdevs it seems to want 90mA.


Re: Strange behaviour on PCEngines APU2

2019-11-22 Thread Staffan Thomén

On 2019-11-20 22:05, Greg Troxel wrote:

Normally the tellstick would attach as a uftdi device with an ucom,
but because the controlling daemon uses libftdi I've disabled those
and it's attached as an ugen device.

Slightly surprising that the daemon doesn't just use a serial port.
(aoetec zstick seems to just be serial)

I expect it's because they use the same code for windows.

There was also a problem communicating with it when it attached using
ehci, disabling ehci made it connect through an uhub attached to xhci
and it started to work. Apparently something isn't working right
though, but I don't know any knobs to twiddle here.

Are you sure you didn't get that backwards?  ehci is USB2, and xhci is
USB3.  Is the tellstick a USB3 device, or USB2, or ?

The tellstick is probably a USB2 device (it's a bit hard to tell..), but 
somehow it still attached and worked on the xhci; this is from the dmesg in 
the first message in this thread:

usb1 at xhci0: USB revision 2.0

uhub1 at usb1: vendor 1022 (0x1022) xHCI Root Hub (), class 9/0, rev 
2.00/1.00, addr 0

ugen0 at uhub1 port 1
ugen0: Telldus (0x1781) TellStick Duo (0xc31), rev 2.00/6.00, addr 1

I just tried setting it up on my laptop running 8.1_STABLE from June 10th, and 
it works with either ehci or xhci, but with xhci it only works on one specific 
usb port. If I let it attach via ehci, it works on any of the three ports.

On the lenovo x220:

usb0 at xhci0: USB revision 3.0
usb1 at xhci0: USB revision 2.0

uhub1 at usb1: vendor 1033 (0x1033) xHCI Root Hub (), class 9/0, rev 
2.00/1.00, addr 0

uhub1: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered

ugen0 at uhub1 port 1
ugen0: Telldus (0x1781) TellStick Duo (0cx31), rev 2.00/6.00, addr 1

The man page for xhci indicates that it is for 1.x, 2.0 and 3.0 devices, and 
hints that the xhci driver is for some particular communication method between 
the OS and the controller.

As far as I can tell, the tellstick doesn't cause any issues on the x220 when 
connected via xhci. I tried reading the status from it once a second and 
running a ping at the same time without issue.

I would be looking at trying to add attachment quirks so that the device
is not attached by the USB controller that causes problems, which is
like removing it for this devive, but not in general.

I guess that would be useful if I ever needed the USB ports for anything else.

I've mainly been too busy with work/tired to experiment on the apu2 (also it's 
the main gateway in my network and a pain in the ass if it hangs).

Time willing I will do some tests this weekend.


Re: Strange behaviour on PCEngines APU2

2019-11-20 Thread Staffan Thomén

Greg Troxel wrote:

Staffan Thomén  writes:

I recently got a PCEngines APU2 (not sure of the exact model) to
replace my failing Soekris gateway

As Joseph taught Eliza to say, many others have the same sorts of

Except that my net5501 was fine, just slow, and I got an apu2d4.

Yeah, my net6501 started to exhibit a well known fault (the "Red LED of 
Death") where it doesn't get as far as the bios when booting "warm" (once 
running it would keep running though). You can still use the +++ command on 
the serial console to get to the uManager when it is in this state, but it has 
to cool down for a couple of hours unplugged before it'd boot back up again.

Someone on the Internet(tm) claimed that replacing two caps near the power 
connector helped, but that didn't solve the problem on mine.

Anyway, I found what was causing the issue, if not how. I have a telldus 
tellstick 433MHz "home automation" controller connected via USB to the system, 
and removing it completely cleared the problem. The APU has been running for 
several days now without issue.

However I really would like to be able to control my lights...

Normally the tellstick would attach as a uftdi device with an ucom, but 
because the controlling daemon uses libftdi I've disabled those and it's 
attached as an ugen device.

There was also a problem communicating with it when it attached using ehci, 
disabling ehci made it connect through an uhub attached to xhci and it started 
to work. Apparently something isn't working right though, but I don't know any 
knobs to twiddle here.

The device was working flawlessly on the soekris.

Any suggestions?

Strange behaviour on PCEngines APU2

2019-11-15 Thread Staffan Thomén


I recently got a PCEngines APU2 (not sure of the exact model) to replace my 
failing Soekris gateway and some strange behaviour appeared after I took it in 

After the system has been running for a few hours, it seems to stop being able 
to send packets on the internal wired network interface (possibly also the 
external, I can't tell) on a per-process basis, and seems to mostly affect 
IPv4. ICMP and UDP seems more prone to failure than TCP  retransmission?).

For instance, if I ping a host on my network from the gateway, only a few icmp 
requests go out (checked with tcpdump), sometimes one, sometimes ten but then 
it just sits there. The process seems to be stuck in select, if top is to 

Attaching a debugger yields;

(gdb) bt
#0  0x70e3f803e28a in poll () from /lib/
#1  0x2f003a6f in main ()

Once I quit the debugger, sometimes a few packets get sent (and received) again.

Pressing ctrl-c stops the ping process properly, and it says it sent and 
received 8/8 packets or whatever.

Disabling pf did nothing.

Packet forwarding seems to work just fine.

I also have a small daemon that I wrote that listens to pflog devices that 
decodes the log and sends the messages to syslog. These also seem to stop in 
the same maner as ping, but in read() in pcap_loop().

Once the system is in this state, it can't reboot itself either, presumably 
waiting something somewhere.

The apu2 is flashed with the latest firmware available, and that made no 

Since this is a new system, I don't know if it's faulty or if netbsd is doing 
the strange stuff.

Advice? I will probably try to roll back my sources to this summer sometime 
and see if an older kernel works, the kernel that was optimized for my NET6501 
appeared to not have the same problem, but I am not sure.

current kernel config:

include "arch/amd64/conf/GENERIC"

# no need for this (no X11)
no options INSECURE
# not a mac

# is a gateway
options GATEWAY

# I prefer pf
no options IPFILTER_LOG


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2018, 2019 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

NetBSD 8.1_STABLE (APU2) #1: Thu Nov 14 06:56:15 EET 2019
total memory = 1919 MB
avail memory = 1840 MB
rnd: seeded with 256 bits
timecounter: Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec
Kernelized RAIDframe activated
running cgd selftest aes-xts-256 aes-xts-512 done
[455] uftdi* disabled
[185] ehci* disabled
[186] ehci* disabled
timecounter: Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 100
PC Engines apu2 (1.0)
mainbus0 (root)
ACPI: RSDP 0x000F3AF0 24 (v02 COREv4)
ACPI: DSDT 0x7EEA7280 001B6E (v02 COREv4 COREBOOT 00010001 INTL 
ACPI: FACS 0x7EEA7240 40
ACPI: IVRS 0x7EEA93C0 000108 (v01 COREv4 COREBOOT  CORE 
ACPI: SSDT 0x7EEA94D0 0048A6 (v02 AMDAGESA0002 MSFT 
ACPI: SSDT 0x7EEADD80 0007C8 (v01 AMDAGESA0001 AMD  
ACPI: Executed 2 blocks of module-level executable AML code
ACPI: 4 ACPI AML tables successfully acquired and loaded
ioapic0 at mainbus0 apid 4: pa 0xfec0, version 0x21, 24 pins
ioapic1 at mainbus0 apid 5: pa 0xfec2, version 0x21, 32 pins
cpu0 at mainbus0 apid 0
cpu0: AMD GX-412TC SOC   , id 0x730f01
cpu0: package 0, core 0, smt 0
cpu1 at mainbus0 apid 1
cpu1: AMD GX-412TC SOC   , id 0x730f01
cpu1: package 0, core 1, smt 0
cpu2 at mainbus0 apid 2
cpu2: AMD GX-412TC SOC   , id 0x730f01
cpu2: package 0, core 2, smt 0
cpu3 at mainbus0 apid 3
cpu3: AMD GX-412TC SOC   , id 0x730f01
cpu3: package 0, core 3, smt 0
acpi0 at mainbus0: Intel ACPICA 20170303
acpi0: X/RSDT: OemId , AslId 
acpi0: MCFG: segment 0, bus 0-63, address 0xf800
acpi0: SCI interrupting at int 9
timecounter: Timecounter "ACPI-Safe" frequency 

Re: The state of SAS

2019-03-11 Thread Staffan Thomén

Mike Pumford wrote:

Configuration is probably done through the BIOS interface. I've always
used the cards in non-RAID mode so I'm not really sure.

I spent a while trying to convince the controller to pass through the tape 
drive and some spare drives I had, but to no avail. The BIOS GUI would just 
tell me that I couldn't make raid set of tape drives.

I looked at the (very cryptic) "pre boot" console, and it seems it takes 
MegaCli parameters;

-AdpGetProp enablejbod -a0

would indeed tell me Disabled, however

-AdpSetProp enablejbod -a0

Just gave me a syntax error.

Its possible a card in RAID mode can't handle a stand alone device.
Never had access to a SAS tape drive so thats outside my area of knowledge.

Seems like this is exactly the case. Although some Googling indicated that 
enabling jbod mode would not destroy extant sets, so that's encouraging.

Should be no need for scans the devices should just appear as they are
plugged in. It certainly worked that way on NetBSD when I did some
testing with a SAS disk enclosure a while back.

But what about non-disk devices? Did you try a CD drive?

The LSI raid HBAs can usually be flashed with non-RAID firmware if you
want to use them in that mode. I've not yet come across any generation
of LSI card that this can't be done up to and including the current
SAS3 chips. Firmware is typically flashed with lsiutil. Not sure if
that runs on NetBSD but it certainly does on linux so a quick boot off
a live filesystem linux CD should let you experiment with that.
lsiutil also provides other diagnostics like bus topology which might
help work out why your tape drive isn't working.

Flashing sounds dangerous, and I expect I'd need at least a second card to get 
the existing data off my RAID sets unless there are firmwares that do both 
RAID and passthru.

Does LSI provide official images or is it a question of someone grabbing 
firmware images of another card that just happens to work?


The state of SAS

2019-03-09 Thread Staffan Thomén

Hello list

I've fairly recently started to get into SAS as I got a server that supports 
it, and am still a little confused about how it works, and the support we have 
in NetBSD.

The machine has a SuperMicro-branded LSI MegaRAID 2108 card and it works fine 
with the mfi driver, although I don't seem to have any way of configuring it 
from a running system (bioctl can list the volumes and that's about it) which 
is a bit of a drag.

I also recently got a SAS tape drive, and connected it to the system and 
nothing happened. This might of course be because either a) the raid 
controller card does not support tape drives or b) they have to be configured 
and the card bios does not do it automatically.

My questions then are;

How does SAS really work (in NetBSD); specifically tape drives? Is it 
completely transport agnostic and st(4) will just attach?

Can I scan the scsibus and expect things Just Work like with SCSI?

What about with a non-raid HBA?

The mfii driver seems to support some older LSI SAS controllers (9200-series) 
which is fine, are there any other alternatives for non-raid SAS, because raid 
cards are such a pain?

If anyone would be so kind as to reduce my ignorance in the area, I'd be very 


Re: /var on tmpfs

2018-11-16 Thread Staffan Thomén

Don NetBSD wrote:

I've a box with a DoM.  I'd like to mount / as ro and create a
tmpfs for /var (and /tmp). I don't think anything else NEEDS to
be rw (the infrequent changes to /etc can be made by unlocking /
to make those changes).

I imagine I can just make a tarball of a skeletal /var and
unpack this over /var, once mounted?

Is there a preexisting mechanism for this sort of thing?
Or, do I roll my own?

How about using union mounts? I don't think you can do that for /, but for 
/var it should let you have your cake and eat it too.

Just a thought.


Re: suspend-to-RAM intel-x86 issues and tests

2018-09-28 Thread Staffan Thomén

David Brownlee wrote:

On Thu, 27 Sep 2018 at 22:20, Riccardo Mottola

Hi David,

David Brownlee wrote:

So I conclude that having the system mounted on USB causes issues (which
manifests themselves slightly different on different computers) and
while it probably should work, it is not a test and adds more issues.

Would it be make sense to try booting a CD install image on some of
the machines (to avoid the USB) issue?

for those machines which have an optical drive, I can do so! To help
NetBSD improve, this and more.

Would using the install CD enough to test an ACPI suspend? is it enabled
at all?
Install CDs though do not usually enable DRM console, which is often a
problematic component in sleep.

Actually testing with/without drm would probably also be helpful - if
a machine can reliably suspend/resume without DRM or active USB then
it means that people can focus just on the DRM side.

In any case, three ThinkPads have netbsd8 release on it, so testing is
easier and they exhibit issues: T30, R51 and T43 (the latter with a
regression compared to release). SO perhaps it is best fixing those
first, before attempting more delicate work on others.

Again, it might be interesting to see if the regression is in
suspend/resume with DRM or more general :)

Just for fun I disabled i915drmkms on my X220 running 8.0_STABLE and put it in 
S3 mode. It went to sleep, but when I tried the power button again I was left 
with a blank screen but glowing power button and bluetooth icon.

I then tried it with nothing disabled and not having X running and it came 
back from sleep! *jaw drops*

I must always have tried it with X running and it just wouldn't recover after 
the disk reattached (the high resolution console was still configured and 

wifi doesn't work though, the iwn driver complains:

iwn0: could not load firmware .text section
iwn0: could not load firmware
iwn0: could not initialize hardware

After some more testing, it's enough that I switch to the console before 
pressing the sleep button and it will come back, but xdm seems to go away.

After a long while it restarts and I have an xlogin prompt again.

Anyway, in my case it works _better_ with drm enabled.


Re: fail2ban or sshguard or blacklistd (or what else)?

2018-05-22 Thread Staffan Thomén

Mayuresh wrote:

I wish to set up a utility that would monitor logs of various services for
a server on the internet and block nasty IPs.

How do above options compare and which one is more common on NetBSD?

So far, I tried using fail2ban and my impressions are: 1. Just too many
dependencies, took long time to build. 2. Using default configuration it
did not appear to do anything precious after watching it for some time
when there were many auth failures seen in authlog.


A bit late to the party, but py-denyhosts (pkgsrc://security/py-denyhosts) has 
worked great on a xen domU I had that didn't have pf support for my usual 
pf-based solution.

It uses /etc/hosts.deny and only depends on python.


Re: vioif(4) ipv6 issues?

2017-12-30 Thread Staffan Thomén

Staffan Thomén wrote:

Greg Troxel wrote:

Jeff Rizzo writes:

I just noticed that a host of mine running as a Xen guest is not
getting (or maybe just sending) ipv6 packets correctly. It's running
pretty much the same as some physical hosts, and the only difference I
can see is the Xen (and vioif) aspect.

Are you using a bridge for xvifN.0 on the dom0?

Try using ping6 to the link-local (fe80::) addresses. Remember to use
%ifname as it appears in ifconfig (other end's address, your ifname).

Try running tcpdump in promiscuous mode on both ends. That can hide
some mcast programming/filtering bugs to help diagnosis.

First, ping the ll address of the xvif from the domU, and vice versa.

The tone I imagined in your email seems to suggest that you know why
this is happening.

I am seeing this exact problem on my Xen setup, it's a NetBSD 7.1 dom0
with 7.1 domU:s using xvif linked to the real wm with a bridge. The
domUs sometimes become completely unresponsive on ipv6, but then
recover. ipv4 seems completely unaffected.

Sometimes the dom0 is also unresponsive on v6.

It seems to happen as the domUs are idle, with little to no traffic,
because one of the VMs host my (v6) irc session and it has stayed up for
30+ days.

Following up on my own mail here, sorry.

I did some investigation and noticed that listing the entries in NDP on my v6 
gateway showed the nonresponsive (xen domU) hosts as having expired. This 
would explain the unresponsiveness.

Next I dumped the traffic going through the dom0's interface, and saw the 
gateway querying ff02:: of the expired hosts repeatedly but not getting 
a reply (this seems like a fallback broadcast).

So I looked a little closer, and my domU:s were using dhcpcd to handle ipv6, 
so I put 'ipv4only' in dhcpcd.conf, set net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv to 1 in 
sysctl, enabled rtsold and restarted networking. Voila, the problem went away 

I'm guessing this is a bug in dhcpcd and that it doesn't reply to neighbour 
solicitation queries properly when there's a transparent hop like bridge(4) in 
the network. The expire times seem to become very short (looks like 60 
seconds) where hosts directly connected get 24 hours.

Maybe this can help the OP.


Re: vioif(4) ipv6 issues?

2017-12-29 Thread Staffan Thomén

Greg Troxel wrote:

Jeff Rizzo  writes:

I just noticed that a host of mine running as a Xen guest is not
getting (or maybe just sending) ipv6 packets correctly.  It's running
pretty much the same as some physical hosts, and the only difference I
can see is the Xen (and vioif) aspect.

Are you using a bridge for xvifN.0 on the dom0?

Try using ping6 to the link-local (fe80::) addresses.   Remember to use
%ifname as it appears in ifconfig (other end's address, your ifname).

Try running tcpdump in promiscuous mode on both ends.  That can hide
some mcast programming/filtering bugs to help diagnosis.

First, ping the ll address of the xvif from the domU, and vice versa.

The tone I imagined in your email seems to suggest that you know why this is 

I am seeing this exact problem on my Xen setup, it's a NetBSD 7.1 dom0 with 
7.1 domU:s using xvif linked to the real wm with a bridge. The domUs sometimes 
become completely unresponsive on ipv6, but then recover. ipv4 seems 
completely unaffected.

Sometimes the dom0 is also unresponsive on v6.

It seems to happen as the domUs are idle, with little to no traffic, because 
one of the VMs host my (v6) irc session and it has stayed up for 30+ days.
