Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-07-13 Thread David Brownlee
On 12 July 2018 at 15:43, John D. Baker  wrote:
> On Tue, 1 May 2018, John D. Baker wrote:
>> I use firefox52 (so I can have working gtk2 instead of broken gtk3) with
>> little problem on NetBSD/amd64-8.0_RC1.
>> It only occasionally dumps core and quits, usually only after some
>> web site gets sideways or I try something odd.
> About two weeks after I wrote the above, I started getting the:
>   Gah...Your tab just crashed!
> on the foreground tab at startup.  Only rarely will clicking "Restore
> this tab." work.  While in this state, switching to any other tab will
> cause it to crash as well.
> Quitting firefox in this state leaves a small (for firefox) core file.
> On subsequent launches, the problem may not appear or when it does
> "Restore..." may eventually work.  If not, explicitly opening a new tab
> and having it load the URL of the crashed tab will usually work.  Move
> the new tab ahead of the crashed tab and close the crashed tab.
> I most often encounter the problem when starting firefox after completing
> a 'cvs update' run on my file server.  Applications opening files on
> 'amd'-managed NFS mounts while a 'cvs update' is in progress on the file
> server may cause the NFS client to hang, so I always quit firefox before
> updating.
> It seems to take a while for amd-managed NFS clients to recover after
> the CVS update.  Clients operating on explicit NFS mounts are not
> affected.
> File server and client are both up-to-date NetBSD/amd64-8.0_RC2 and the
> client is running "www/firefox52".

As a somewhat related datapoint

Since ryoon adjusted www/firefox to disable multiprocess windows
(2018-05-18), I've found it pretty usable - it crashes every few hours
under heavy usage, but doesn't trash the session so it can reopen with
the same window set. This is under 8.0_RC2 amd64


Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-07-12 Thread John D. Baker
On Tue, 1 May 2018, John D. Baker wrote:

> I use firefox52 (so I can have working gtk2 instead of broken gtk3) with
> little problem on NetBSD/amd64-8.0_RC1.
> It only occasionally dumps core and quits, usually only after some
> web site gets sideways or I try something odd.

About two weeks after I wrote the above, I started getting the:

  Gah...Your tab just crashed!

on the foreground tab at startup.  Only rarely will clicking "Restore
this tab." work.  While in this state, switching to any other tab will
cause it to crash as well.

Quitting firefox in this state leaves a small (for firefox) core file.
On subsequent launches, the problem may not appear or when it does
"Restore..." may eventually work.  If not, explicitly opening a new tab
and having it load the URL of the crashed tab will usually work.  Move
the new tab ahead of the crashed tab and close the crashed tab.

I most often encounter the problem when starting firefox after completing
a 'cvs update' run on my file server.  Applications opening files on
'amd'-managed NFS mounts while a 'cvs update' is in progress on the file
server may cause the NFS client to hang, so I always quit firefox before

It seems to take a while for amd-managed NFS clients to recover after
the CVS update.  Clients operating on explicit NFS mounts are not

File server and client are both up-to-date NetBSD/amd64-8.0_RC2 and the
client is running "www/firefox52".

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS   NetBSD Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]mylinuxisp[flyspeck]comOpenBSDFreeBSD
| X  No HTML/proprietary data in email.   BSD just sits there and works!
|/ \ GPGkeyID:  D703 4A7E 479F 63F8 D3F4  BD99 9572 8F23 E4AD 1645

Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-12 Thread Mayuresh
On Sat, May 12, 2018 at 10:52:44AM -0400, Cág wrote:
> I don't have a gmail account, but entering any random email address
> and pressing it shows that it doesn't exist, so it works. It's FF52.

52 is fine with me as well. Above was what changed between 59 and 60 -
crashes reduced, but "Next" problem remained.


Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?g

2018-05-12 Thread Cág
Mayuresh wrote:
> But the problems like inability to login to gmail continue ("Next"
> button after entering email does not function.) Do not know whether
> that's OS independent "feature".

I don't have a gmail account, but entering any random email address
and pressing it shows that it doesn't exist, so it works. It's FF52.


Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?g

2018-05-11 Thread Mayuresh
On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 09:29:21PM +0530, Mayuresh wrote:
> Not able to browse continuously even for a minute without facing "Gah.
> Your tab just crashed." in www/firefox (59).

Just upgraded to current www/firefox which has turned 60...

Over last few minutes no "Gah" noticed.

But the problems like inability to login to gmail continue ("Next" button
after entering email does not function.) Do not know whether that's OS
independent "feature".


Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-09 Thread maya
PR lib/53273 being fixed would solve the actual issue, although we can
implement things differently (someone tried, but it doesn't work).

In the meantime disable multiprocessor firefox. I am searching how to
properly do this in the package but now my attempt failed.

Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-07 Thread Kamil Rytarowski
On 07.05.2018 00:20, Brett Lymn wrote:
> On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 06:09:54PM +0200, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:
>> This was an occasional problem in the past. Nowadays it's crashing all
>> the time and the only known workaround to me is to keep restarting the
>> browser.
> It may be totally unrelated but I have seen firefox on linux that runs
> absolutely fine locally immediately throw "gah, tab crashed" when remote
> displaying to a free xwindows emulator (xming) on windows.  So, perhaps
> something is missing in X? ... unlikely though.

I don't know. I was trying to debug firefox and it seems that there is a
compilation of various bugs (at least various sources of SIGSEGV).

I was trying to printf the js engine to determine why the evaluator
returns error.. but I've decided to gave up for now, and keep focus on
better debuggers and tools.

Thought, I can observe some X crashes in the new VLC media player.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-03 Thread Cág
I wrote:
> Rhialto wrote:
>>> There are Midori and surf, both WebKit-based browsers, and have
>>> JavaScript, and both are fairly small. I use NetSurf, don't browse
>>> JS-filled net and quite happy with it.
>> www/midori fails to build for me:
> Maybe we should use FreeBSD patches?


Attaching the patch. Midori seems to compile and work now. Please
check it out.

Subject: [PATCH] www/midori: adopt FreeBSD patches

 www/midori/Makefile| 14 +---
 www/midori/distinfo| 10 +-
 www/midori/patches/patch-CMakeLists.txt|  8 +
 .../patches/patch-extensions_adblock-widgets   | 14 
 www/midori/patches/patch-extensions_apps   | 14 
 .../patch-extensions_external-download-manager | 37 ++
 www/midori/patches/patch-extensions_history-list   | 14 
 www/midori/patches/patch-extensions_notes  | 14 
 www/midori/patches/patch-extensions_transfers  | 27 
 www/midori/patches/patch-midori_midori-notebook| 29 +
 www/midori/patches/patch-midori_midori-stock   | 18 +++
 11 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 www/midori/patches/patch-extensions_adblock-widgets
 create mode 100644 www/midori/patches/patch-extensions_apps
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 www/midori/patches/patch-extensions_history-list
 create mode 100644 www/midori/patches/patch-extensions_notes
 create mode 100644 www/midori/patches/patch-extensions_transfers
 create mode 100644 www/midori/patches/patch-midori_midori-notebook
 create mode 100644 www/midori/patches/patch-midori_midori-stock

diff --git a/www/midori/Makefile b/www/midori/Makefile
index 8e298f195e7..0d80a258d0b 100644
--- a/www/midori/Makefile
+++ b/www/midori/Makefile
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.107 2018/04/17 04:25:32 wiz Exp $
+# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.104 2018/03/12 11:17:47 wiz Exp $
 DISTNAME=  midori_0.5.11_all_
 PKGNAME=   ${DISTNAME:S/_all_//:S/_/-/}
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ CHECK_PORTABILITY_SKIP+=  win32/makedist/makedist.midori
-DEPENDS+=  gnome-themes-[0-9]*:../../x11/gnome-themes
+#DEPENDS+= gnome-themes-[0-9]*:../../x11/gnome-themes
 EGDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/midori
 OWN_DIRS=  ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/xdg/midori
@@ -44,13 +44,19 @@ CONFIGURE_ENV=  VALAC=${VALAC}
+# Avoid errors for CMake
+.for dir in config extensions
+   @${RM} ${WRKSRC}/${dir}/*.orig
 .include ""
 .include "../../databases/sqlite3/"
 .include "../../devel/gettext-lib/"
 .include "../../devel/libidn/"
 .include "../../graphics/hicolor-icon-theme/"
-.include "../../graphics/gnome-icon-theme/"
+#.include "../../graphics/gnome-icon-theme/"
 .include "../../net/libsoup/"
 #.include "../../security/gnome-keyring/"
 .include "../../sysutils/desktop-file-utils/"
diff --git a/www/midori/distinfo b/www/midori/distinfo
index bf49b25d666..96c26521cc9 100644
--- a/www/midori/distinfo
+++ b/www/midori/distinfo
@@ -4,5 +4,13 @@ SHA1 (midori_0.5.11_all_.tar.bz2) = 
 RMD160 (midori_0.5.11_all_.tar.bz2) = 66aaf624d39fbb86c1bec42972fba7998965ef50
 SHA512 (midori_0.5.11_all_.tar.bz2) = 
 Size (midori_0.5.11_all_.tar.bz2) = 1428791 bytes
-SHA1 (patch-CMakeLists.txt) = 68d0232b254e4094118b7f029162bf669f096d45
+SHA1 (patch-CMakeLists.txt) = 88b75128680c139ac208ac54a5e885f955c262c7
 SHA1 (patch-config_CMakeLists.txt) = 5ac4af9f980749659058fb55e7fd25ad6226861f
+SHA1 (patch-extensions_adblock-widgets) = 
+SHA1 (patch-extensions_apps) = 0627c1c911718f6a1009c7246d1542a91901989a
+SHA1 (patch-extensions_external-download-manager) = 
+SHA1 (patch-extensions_history-list) = c8f3e33313c09bc1e92f6a88c9b0da47f36b5c5a
+SHA1 (patch-extensions_notes) = 4715e1ac59d5812359f7151aaa8bb076d038b2c0
+SHA1 (patch-extensions_transfers) = f34d87256c235cc7cb73c956744f55aa58096011
+SHA1 (patch-midori_midori-notebook) = ad235add4351e62af377cab8533b92d1a2ddf84d
+SHA1 (patch-midori_midori-stock) = 9e2a1388d52625aca2cb3ae1f5f672e944ddaec9
diff --git a/www/midori/patches/patch-CMakeLists.txt 
index 2304a02b6db..e20465658e6 100644
--- a/www/midori/patches/patch-CMakeLists.txt

Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-03 Thread Hisashi T Fujinaka

On Wed, 2 May 2018, Andy Ball wrote:

Hello Mayuresh,

 M> Not able to browse continuously even for a minute without facing
  > "Gah. Your tab just crashed." in www/firefox (59).

   My i386 test rig is well into day two of a Firefox (and
dependencies) build.  If the build completes, I will try to test it
and report back.

I've tried multiple browsers on my i386 gateway to access a Comcast
router and so far the only thing that works is Firefox. It takes two or
three days to build (I am not a fan of rust) but it runs on
netbsd8-i386 for me. Trying to run it over X from a distance (i.e. not
inside the home network like from work through an ssh tunnel) causes
crashes, but it seems to work otherwise.

Hisashi T Fujinaka -
BSEE + BSChem + BAEnglish + MSCS + $2.50 = coffee

Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-03 Thread Andy Ball

Hello Mayuresh,

  M> Not able to browse continuously even for a minute without facing
   > "Gah. Your tab just crashed." in www/firefox (59).

My i386 test rig is well into day two of a Firefox (and
dependencies) build.  If the build completes, I will try to test it
and report back.

-Andy Ball

Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-02 Thread Mike Pumford

On 02/05/2018 19:16, Roy Bixler wrote:

On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 05:32:16PM +, wrote:

On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 05:31:20PM +, wrote:

Hi Mayuresh.

I set:
browser.remote.autostart = false

to avoid the crashes.

Sorry, that's browser.tabs.remote.autostart=false and might wantto
change .2 too.

And it is in about:config.

I tried this setting and, at first, it didn't seem to help.  Then I
removed my old profile, started a new one and re-applied the setting.
So far, so good.

I have:


And that seems stable here in the limited usage I've given it. I did 
have to start with a fresh profile when moving from 58 to 59.


Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-02 Thread Cág
Rhialto wrote:

>> There are Midori and surf, both WebKit-based browsers, and have
>> JavaScript, and both are fairly small. I use NetSurf, don't browse
>> JS-filled net and quite happy with it.

> Surf (www/netsurf) seems to work; www/midori fails to build for me:


Yeah, I was compiling it roughly around the same time :) It's
unfortunate, especially after so long webkit24-gtk building.

Maybe we should use FreeBSD patches[0]? CC'ing pkgsrc-users@ and

Just a quick note: surf and NetSurf are two very different browsers.
NetSurf uses its own layout engine.



Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-02 Thread Roy Bixler
On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 05:32:16PM +, wrote:
> On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 05:31:20PM +, wrote:
> > Hi Mayuresh.
> > 
> > I set:
> > browser.remote.autostart = false
> > 
> > to avoid the crashes.
> Sorry, that's browser.tabs.remote.autostart=false and might wantto
> change .2 too.
> And it is in about:config.

I tried this setting and, at first, it didn't seem to help.  Then I
removed my old profile, started a new one and re-applied the setting.
So far, so good.

Roy Bixler 
"The fundamental principle of science, the definition almost, is this: the
sole test of the validity of any idea is experiment."
-- Richard P. Feynman

Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-02 Thread Kamil Rytarowski
On 01.05.2018 19:32, wrote:
> On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 05:31:20PM +, wrote:
>> Hi Mayuresh.
>> I set:
>> browser.remote.autostart = false
>> to avoid the crashes.
> Sorry, that's browser.tabs.remote.autostart=false and might wantto
> change .2 too.
> And it is in about:config.

This doesn't make a difference here.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-02 Thread Cág
Mayuresh wrote:

> Curious how other users who (have to) use a web browser with
> javascript on NetBSD are coping with this. Any other browser or older
> firefox or 59 is just alright for you?

There are Midori and surf, both WebKit-based browsers, and have
JavaScript, and both are fairly small. I use NetSurf, don't browse
JS-filled net and quite happy with it.


Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-02 Thread Mayuresh
On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 09:49:26PM -0500, John D. Baker wrote:
> I use firefox52 (so I can have working gtk2 instead of broken gtk3) with
> little problem on NetBSD/amd64-8.0_RC1.

Sorry my bad when I said firefox52 behaves the same. I did choose a new
profile to try out 52 as I had already tried 59. But still 52's tabs kept

Then I deleted ~/.mozilla fully and then tried 52. It's much more sane so

I do not quite know the reason though.


Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-01 Thread John D. Baker
I use firefox52 (so I can have working gtk2 instead of broken gtk3) with
little problem on NetBSD/amd64-8.0_RC1.

It only occasionally dumps core and quits, usually only after some
web site gets sideways or I try something odd.

|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS   NetBSD Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]mylinuxisp[flyspeck]comOpenBSDFreeBSD
| X  No HTML/proprietary data in email.   BSD just sits there and works!
|/ \ GPGkeyID:  D703 4A7E 479F 63F8 D3F4  BD99 9572 8F23 E4AD 1645

Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-01 Thread edgar

On May 1, 2018 12:09 PM, Robert Elz  wrote:
>     Date:    Tue, 1 May 2018 21:29:21 +0530
>     From:    Mayuresh 
>     Message-ID:  <>
>   | Any other browser or older firefox or 59 is
>   | just alright for you?
> I use seamonkey
> pkg_info  seamonkey
> Information for seamonkey-2.49.1nb3:
> [...]
> Its UI is better than firefox (though it has all the crud included, which 
> makes
> it bigger) and is mostly stable - this version occasionally simply exits, 
> mostly related to flash video I think - but that (for me) happens no more than
> perhaps once a week (usually less), so is tolerable, if not nice.
> My current version:
> kre    1523  0.0  6.5 3887592 2171796 ?  Sl   23Apr18 222:59.32 seamonkey 
> so it has been up for 8 days (and that last restart was because I forgot to
> plug in my laptop, and went to sleep that is, I went to sleep, the laptop 
> did not.)
> I built this seamonkey a couple of months ago (on NetBSD-current of the time) 
> and
> haven;t checked if that's still the version in pkgsrc.
> kre

I prefer the monkey but switched because I was experiencing unbearable crashes. 
Perhaps the OP will have the opposite.

Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-01 Thread Roy Bixler
On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 06:09:54PM +0200, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:
> On 01.05.2018 17:59, Mayuresh wrote:
> > Not able to browse continuously even for a minute without facing "Gah.
> > Your tab just crashed." in www/firefox (59).
> > 
> > Can't even login to gmail, nothing happens on clicking "Next" on entering
> > email id.
> > 
> > Is it just NetBSD or firefox 59? Or is it just me?!
> > 
> > I switched back to using NetBSD after 8.0 RC1 was available. Wasn't using
> > NetBSD for quite a while due to USB problems with my hardware that NetBSD
> > wasn't handling before. While all my issues seem to be resolved by 8.0
> > RC1, I was then greeted with an unusable browser.
> > 
> > Curious how other users who (have to) use a web browser with javascript on
> > NetBSD are coping with this. Any other browser or older firefox or 59 is
> > just alright for you?
> > 
> > Mayuresh
> This was an occasional problem in the past. Nowadays it's crashing all
> the time and the only known workaround to me is to keep restarting the
> browser.

I have different results depending on Firefox version and platform.
On i386 with NetBSD 8, I rarely have a problem with Firefox 59.  On
the other hand, if I switch to an amd64 platform running NetBSD 8 and
Firefox 59, it often crashes with the "Gah" message.  Restarting can
fix it, but sometimes it takes many restarts.  Sometimes it gets stuck
and I have to forcefully kill it before I try again.  It might also be
worth trying some combination of "Restore this tab" or Control-N (open
new window) or Control-T (open new tab).  I also rarely have the
problem with Firefox 59 with NetBSD 7.1.2 on an amd64 platform.

Roy Bixler 
"The fundamental principle of science, the definition almost, is this: the
sole test of the validity of any idea is experiment."
-- Richard P. Feynman

Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-01 Thread maya
On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 05:31:20PM +, wrote:
> Hi Mayuresh.
> I set:
> browser.remote.autostart = false
> to avoid the crashes.

Sorry, that's browser.tabs.remote.autostart=false and might wantto
change .2 too.

And it is in about:config.

Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-01 Thread maya
Hi Mayuresh.

I set:
browser.remote.autostart = false

to avoid the crashes.

Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-01 Thread edgar

On May 1, 2018 11:09 AM, Kamil Rytarowski  wrote:
> On 01.05.2018 17:59, Mayuresh wrote:
> > Not able to browse continuously even for a minute without facing "Gah.
> > Your tab just crashed." in www/firefox (59).
> > 
> > Can't even login to gmail, nothing happens on clicking "Next" on entering
> > email id.
> > 
> > Is it just NetBSD or firefox 59? Or is it just me?!
> > 
> > I switched back to using NetBSD after 8.0 RC1 was available. Wasn't using
> > NetBSD for quite a while due to USB problems with my hardware that NetBSD
> > wasn't handling before. While all my issues seem to be resolved by 8.0
> > RC1, I was then greeted with an unusable browser.
> > 
> > Curious how other users who (have to) use a web browser with javascript on
> > NetBSD are coping with this. Any other browser or older firefox or 59 is
> > just alright for you?
> > 
> > Mayuresh
> > 
> This was an occasional problem in the past. Nowadays it's crashing all
> the time and the only known workaround to me is to keep restarting the
> browser.

I just upgraded to 8.0 and haven't experienced your problem. It does drop core 
upon each initial startup, but then it's fine afterwards.

Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-01 Thread Mayuresh
On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 09:29:21PM +0530, Mayuresh wrote:
> Not able to browse continuously even for a minute without facing "Gah.
> Your tab just crashed." in www/firefox (59).

Just tried. Same is the case with www/firefox52.


Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-01 Thread Robert Elz
Date:Tue, 1 May 2018 21:29:21 +0530
Message-ID:  <>

  | Any other browser or older firefox or 59 is
  | just alright for you?

I use seamonkey

pkg_info  seamonkey
Information for seamonkey-2.49.1nb3:

Its UI is better than firefox (though it has all the crud included, which makes
it bigger) and is mostly stable - this version occasionally simply exits, 
mostly related to flash video I think - but that (for me) happens no more than
perhaps once a week (usually less), so is tolerable, if not nice.

My current version:
kre1523  0.0  6.5 3887592 2171796 ?  Sl   23Apr18 222:59.32 seamonkey 
so it has been up for 8 days (and that last restart was because I forgot to
plug in my laptop, and went to sleep that is, I went to sleep, the laptop 
did not.)

I built this seamonkey a couple of months ago (on NetBSD-current of the time) 
haven;t checked if that's still the version in pkgsrc.


Re: Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-01 Thread Kamil Rytarowski
On 01.05.2018 17:59, Mayuresh wrote:
> Not able to browse continuously even for a minute without facing "Gah.
> Your tab just crashed." in www/firefox (59).
> Can't even login to gmail, nothing happens on clicking "Next" on entering
> email id.
> Is it just NetBSD or firefox 59? Or is it just me?!
> I switched back to using NetBSD after 8.0 RC1 was available. Wasn't using
> NetBSD for quite a while due to USB problems with my hardware that NetBSD
> wasn't handling before. While all my issues seem to be resolved by 8.0
> RC1, I was then greeted with an unusable browser.
> Curious how other users who (have to) use a web browser with javascript on
> NetBSD are coping with this. Any other browser or older firefox or 59 is
> just alright for you?
> Mayuresh

This was an occasional problem in the past. Nowadays it's crashing all
the time and the only known workaround to me is to keep restarting the

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Gah... How usable is www/firefox on NetBSD?

2018-05-01 Thread Mayuresh
Not able to browse continuously even for a minute without facing "Gah.
Your tab just crashed." in www/firefox (59).

Can't even login to gmail, nothing happens on clicking "Next" on entering
email id.

Is it just NetBSD or firefox 59? Or is it just me?!

I switched back to using NetBSD after 8.0 RC1 was available. Wasn't using
NetBSD for quite a while due to USB problems with my hardware that NetBSD
wasn't handling before. While all my issues seem to be resolved by 8.0
RC1, I was then greeted with an unusable browser.

Curious how other users who (have to) use a web browser with javascript on
NetBSD are coping with this. Any other browser or older firefox or 59 is
just alright for you?
