Hello all.
Sorry for offtopic. I subscribe only on [EMAIL PROTECTED] try send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and get "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender". May i do small offtop? This maillist have many people that known lartc "in code" and i hope its help for my idea. Thanks.

Simple Question

[] - qdisc
() - class
** - filter

[htb 1:0 root] *match X FLOWID 3:5*
(1:2 htb)(2:3 htb)(3:5 htb)[sfq 5]
(1:6 htb)(6:7 htb)(7:8 htb)[sfq 8]

packet go
IN -> [htb 1:0] -> (class 1:2 - GREEN) -> (class 2:3 GREEN) -> (class
3:5 - GREEN) -> [sfq 5] -> OUT

then i create

[prio 3 bound 10:0] *match X flowid 10:2*
+(10:1 htb) -- [sfq 101]
+(10:2 htb) -- [sfq 102]
+(10:3 htb) -- [sfq 103]

HOW to add filter to [sfq 5] and [sfq 8]  that then packet go out from
it its go to [prio 3 bound 10:0] and do filter from it?

flowid work if it see begin and end of links... i need like GOTO... if
i add to [prio 3 bound 10:0] PARRENT ID - flowid found path, but i
need that [prio 3 bound 10:0] must have more 1 parrent...

i look to "link" but if i understand - its work for only for hashtables
i look to classid but its go to class 10:X, not to [prio 3 bound 10:0]
and not process filter...

Or i not understand theory?

That i need? I need 3 groups in tc
1-st group get all traffic and do HTB shape (defence from ICMP and UDP shtorm)
a) icmp rate 100mbs cell 500mbs
b) udp rate 100mbs cell 500mbs
c) other rate 300mbs cell 500mbs
all prio = 0 to do normal cellrate

2-nd group do prio ( icmp and udp must be first becouse its not have check for transmit)
icmp = 1
udp = 2
other = 3

3-th group do speed limit by IP (shape it) ( this part is ready )

i wont that all exits on group 1 go to group 2 filters and all exits on group 2 go to group 3 exists...

Thanks. Slavon

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