On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 01:07:20PM +0900, LeeHojae wrote:
> I'm really thank you for your attention.

No problem, I always want to improve netfilter/iptables. And your xdmcp
conntrack/nat helper is a nice extension, really.

> I'm ashamed of my poor coding....

No problem, it's your first netfilter/iptables contribution, and everybody
has to learn in the beginning :)

> If right, Please send me the modified code.

I will send it as soon as I got around testing it.

> I wish good luck to you...


There is another, security-relevant issue of your code:

It doesn't track the state of the XDMCP protocol, so everybody could just
send fake MANAGE packets an thus cause holes in the firewall/NAT to be

I'm now trying to track the REQUEST/ACCEPT hanshake before accepting
a MANAGE packet.  This way we know if the Server has allowed the Display
to be managed by the Server.

Live long and prosper
- Harald Welte / [EMAIL PROTECTED]               http://www.gnumonks.org/
GCS/E/IT d- s-: a-- C+++ UL++++$ P+++ L++++$ E--- W- N++ o? K- w--- O- M+ 
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