Like Lada, I know nothing about geo-location formats.  But this
discussion sounds familiar because it keeps coming up time and
again.  There are arguments for and against decimal64, and people
have before expressed a need for a variable-precision type.

I proposed the following compromise/solution in 2009 and again in 2014.
Now, I'll propose it again: a derived type that solidifies the
position/preservation of decimal64 and builds on it to deliver the
desired feature.

   typedef real {
     type union {
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 18;
         range "-0.999999999999999999 .. 0.999999999999999999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 17;
         range "-9.99999999999999999 .. 9.99999999999999999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 16;
         range "-99.9999999999999999 .. 99.9999999999999999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 15;
         range "-999.999999999999999 .. 999.999999999999999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 14;
         range "-9999.99999999999999 .. 9999.99999999999999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 13;
         range "-99999.9999999999999 .. 99999.9999999999999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 12;
         range "-999999.999999999999 .. 999999.999999999999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 11;
         range "-9999999.99999999999 .. 9999999.99999999999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 10;
         range "-99999999.9999999999 .. 99999999.9999999999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 9;
         range "-999999999.999999999 .. 999999999.999999999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 8;
         range "-9999999999.99999999 .. 9999999999.99999999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 7;
         range "-99999999999.9999999 .. 99999999999.9999999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 6;
         range "-999999999999.999999 .. 999999999999.999999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 5;
         range "-9999999999999.99999 .. 9999999999999.99999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 4;
         range "-99999999999999.9999 .. 99999999999999.9999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 3;
         range "-999999999999999.999 .. 999999999999999.999";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 2;
         range "-9999999999999999.99 .. 9999999999999999.99";
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 1;
         range "-99999999999999999.9 .. 99999999999999999.9";
       type enumeration {
         enum overflow;
         enum underflow;
       "The real type defines a large, finite set of real numbers with
        varying degrees of magnitude and precision.  An object of type
        real is able to express configuration and state data as any of
        the real numbers in the set.  The real type is suitable for
        applications that deal with ratios in which the decimal point is
        not fixed to a single position.

        Positive numbers larger than 99999999999999999.9 in state data
        SHALL be represented as an overflow.  The enumerated value
        overflow is not valid for an <edit-config> operation.

        Negative numbers larger than -99999999999999999.9 in state data
        SHALL be represented as an underflow.  The enumerated value
        underflow is not valid for an <edit-config> operation.

        Real numbers between -99999999999999999.9 and 99999999999999999.9
        (inclusive) having a combination of magnitude and precision that
        falls outside of one of the range substatements in the union--
        including irrational numbers such as 'pi'--may only be
        represented by the real type through rounding or truncation.
        For example, pi could be rounded (up) to 3.14159265358979324 or
        truncated to 3.14159265358979323 to preserve as much of the
        precision information as possible.  Note that an application
        could choose to round (down) the value of pi to 3.14 or truncate
        the value of pi to 3.14.  This specification does not define
        rules for the rounding or truncating of such values, considering
        these decisions to be application-specific.";

David Spakes

On Tue, Jul 07, 2020 at 08:27:19AM -0400, Christian Hopps wrote:

Mentioned in the earlier mail

instead of



    "type string { pattern '[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?'; }"

On Tue, 7 Jul 2020, Ladislav Lhotka wrote:

On 07. 07. 20 13:24, Juergen Schoenwaelder wrote:
Precision often means different things to different people. Here is my

- Floating point numbers have almost always rounding errors. And
  floating point numbers use binary fractions, a decimal fraction like
  1.0 has no precise representation as a binary fraction. Type 0.1 +
  0.2 into python or haskell or any other language that gives you bare
  floating point numbers and enjoy the result.

- Fixed precision decimal numbers do not have rounding errors since
  they are essentially scaled integers and hence they are precise as
  long as calculations stay within the range.

- Floating point numbers can cover a large number space (from very
  tiny to really big), fixed precision decimal numbers are much more

- In XML and JSON, numbers are rendered in strings that likely do not
  look much different if its a decimal64 or a float or ... If you really
  care about size, use a binary encoding like CBOR.

I know nothing about geo-location formats, but I suspect that the string
representation is based on some assumptions regarding the underlying
numeric type. So one option might be to define a new type derived from
"string", and specify these assumptions in the description.


Ladislav Lhotka
Head, CZ.NIC Labs
PGP Key ID: 0xB8F92B08A9F76C67

 David Spakes                       email:
 SNMP Research                      voice:   +1 865 573 1434
 3001 Kimberlin Heights Road          fax:   +1 865 573 9197
 Knoxville, TN  37920-9716  USA

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