[Netporn-l] Des subjectivités numériques (3 /8)

2008-05-21 Thread Geert Lovink
 From: Paul Mathias [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 21 May 2008 2:05:25 PM
 To: Liste des Destinataires  Supprimée/Recipient List Suppressed :;
 Subject: Des subjectivités numériques  (3/8)

 Chers collègues et amis,

 Le prononcé de la troisième séance du séminaire de printemps 2008 
 consacré aux subjectivités numériques, est disponible en ligne à 
 l'adresse: http://pmat.ciph.free.fr/article.php3?id_article=85.

 Intitulée Le corps glorieux de Pan, cette troisième séance a tenté 
 de tirer au clair un certain nombre de difficultés relatives à l'idée 
 de cybersexualité.




 Ce courrier vous a été adressé parce que vous avez manifesté de 
 l'intérêt pour le séminaire «Des subjectivités numériques» conduit au 
 Collège international de Philosophie.
 Si vous souhaitez ne plus recevoir d'informations au sujet des 
 activités de ce séminaire, merci de le faire savoir par simple 
 courrier électronique à l'adresse : [EMAIL PROTECTED].



  Directeur de programme
  Collège international de Philosophie
  1, rue Descartes
  75005 - Paris (FRANCE)

Netporn Mailing List
list: http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/netporn-l_listcultures.org
links: http://del.icio.us/netporn

[Netporn-l] cybersociologist albert benschop on netlove and cybersex

2007-12-05 Thread Geert Lovink

Netporn Mailing List
list: http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/netporn-l_listcultures.org
links: http://del.icio.us/netporn

[Netporn-l] 8-Bit Porn: Atari After Dark

2007-06-21 Thread Geert Lovink

Netporn Mailing List
list: http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/netporn-l_listcultures.org
links: http://del.icio.us/netporn

[Netporn-l] Susan Scrawford (and Joi Ito): Why I voted for XXX

2007-04-09 Thread Geert Lovink


Netporn Mailing List
list: http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/netporn-l_listcultures.org
links: http://del.icio.us/netporn

[Netporn-l] MyAttitude

2007-02-08 Thread Geert Lovink
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2007 22:37:23 -0500
From: Kathryn Seigfried [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Air-l] Anonymous Survey: What are people's attitudes toward
adult   websites?

My name is Kathryn Seigfried, and I am a graduate student at the City
University of New York, John Jay College of Criminal Justice.  I am
conducting a study for my Master's thesis regarding people's attitudes
toward adult websites.

The online survey is confidential, anonymous, and will only take 10-15
minutes of your time.

Please help me finish my thesis so I can graduate, get a job, and pay 
those student loans!

The online survey can be found at the following website:

Thank you in advance for your consideration and support!


Kathryn Seigfried

Netporn Mailing List
list: http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/netporn-l_listcultures.org
links: http://del.icio.us/netporn

[Netporn-l] myspace porn marketing

2006-04-23 Thread Geert Lovink

Netporn Mailing List
list: http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/netporn-l_listcultures.org
links: http://del.icio.us/netporn

[Netporn-l] nicholas carr on onanism 2.0

2006-04-01 Thread Geert Lovink


In a long and thoughtful article 
(http://news.ft.com/cms/s/c65a4966-bfbb-11da-939f-779e2340.html) on 
the internet pornography phenomenon, Adrian Turpin notes that the 
number of porn pages on the web reached 260 million in 2003, up from 14 
million in 1998, and that online porn sales hit $2.5 billion in 2005, 
well over double the sales of music downloads. Writes Turpin:

You don’t have to be a moralist to see a downside in millions of 
men regularly seeking oblivion in an activity that is doomed to 
disappoint them and which ... frequently depresses them. However you 
judge it, the scale of this flight into fantasy is strange. To some it 
may look like both symptom and symbol of a wider malaise, marking a 
collective failure to connect with one other and engage with reality. 
Has an addictive, acquisitive society lost sight of what makes it happy 
beyond the next serotonin-inducing surfing session?

Turpin also notes that, according to one U.K. study, more than half of 
children from 9 to 19 who have internet access in their homes have 
viewed porn online. The potential effects of the exposure are almost 
impossible to quantify because, as one researcher puts it, The 
ethical problems of conducting research involving children are so great 
it’s hard to identify the areas for concern.” While counsel[ing] 
against a moral panic, psychoanalyst Jane Haynes tells Turpin:

You could say, though, that we are undergoing a huge experiment. 
This is the first generation who are flicking on pornographic websites 
... I think it will take years to know what the implications are of 
young people having absolutely easy access to this material.”

Netporn Mailing List
list: http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/netporn-l_listcultures.org
links: http://del.icio.us/netporn

[Netporn-l] the delicate line [u]

2005-09-26 Thread Geert Lovink [c]

Dear speakers and participants,

here in Amsterdam we're getting really excited about the upcoming event.

The Institute of Network is still in a state of aftershock from the 
last conference, which ended Saturdaynight with a great party. The 
topic was urban screens (www.urbanscreens.org).

The program booklet is at the printers. Everyone has confirmed and is 
preparing. Some dropped out, others came in, as it goes with every 

There are a few things I would like to say, as the person who is 
directly responsible for the netporn event.

Remember, we're really amongst ourselves in this event. There are no 
sponsors or higher authorities that we need to take into account. We 
put in subsidy and sponsorship requests but even here in the 
Netherlands no one wanted to be associated with such an event as ours. 
This also meant that we, as the host, could not pay that many travel 
tickets, nice hotels, a fancy venue, etc.

OK, we're in Amsterdam and nothing is as difficult as shaping an event 
in a situation of 'near' freedom. You can easily spoil it, let it go, 
waste it.  Smoke a join and be stoned all day. We here call that simply 
boring. This is what young tourists do during their first visit to 
Amsterdam. That's not freedom, it is just a pitty of the wasted time.

So please take into account that there is indeed free speech, no 
censorship when it comes to showing images (unlike at so many other 
conferences). Having said that, it is a high art not to respond to this 
challenge in an adolescent manner. If people behave in a silly manner, 
we'll really not appreciate this. It's a fine line and I guess you will 
all respect this. Having said that. we would really like to challenge 
you to show whatever REALLY interests you. Do not feel limited or think 
you first need to check with us, etc.

What I really wanna stress to you all is to dig as deep as you can into 
the netporn phenomena. Do not hesitate and go for it. But please 
remember that we're not dealing with the static and linear media such 
as print, video and film. We would love to stress the peer to peer, 
distributed aspect of contemporary porn. That's where the radical 
imaginary energies should be focussed upon.

See you soon!


Netporn Mailing List
list: http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/netporn-l_listcultures.org
wiki: http://www.networkcultures.org/wiki/index.php?title=Netporn 
links: http://del.icio.us/netporn