In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
          John-Mark Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Clearly Rob's posting wasn't clear enough, seeing as you've missed the
> point of it :)

Or I've not made my point clearly.

My take on the situation is that the log being discussed was sent in 
direct response to the request that Netsurf itself makes when it dies.

> The issue is not that bugs are being reported -- we're very grateful for
> that. It is, instead, that a Log file on its own does not constitute a
> bug report. There are many things the Log file can tell us, but a
> description of the exact things the user was doing when the fault occurred
> can often be equally, if not more, useful.
> The bug tracker, despite its faults, does at least result in some context
> being given. So far, the bugs@ mail alias has not (even when we've replied
> to mails sent to that address asking for context). Therefore, we've shut
> it down until such time as a better solution is forthcoming.

Could you not embed the questions you want answered at the top of the 
log file? (and put the reporting address underneath, so at least the 
user has to read the questions about context first.)

You could even put chevrons in front of the questions so it looks like 
an email.


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