Re: Easy Font Pro says Netsurf attempting to change Font$Path

2010-07-31 Thread Michael Drake
In article ,
   Steve Fryatt  wrote:

> and I assume that NetSurf is adding fonts for a reason.

None of the standard RISC OS fonts provide a couple of the glyphs required
for list bullet rendering.  "Circle" and "Square", iirc.  "Disc" is
available from standard fonts.


Michael Drake (tlsa)

Re: Easy Font Pro says Netsurf attempting to change Font$Path

2010-07-31 Thread Roger Darlington
On 31 Jul 2010, Dave Symes  wrote:
> In article <>,
>Roger Darlington  wrote:

>> I am new to Easy Font Pro, so it may just be a setting in that that I
>> need to alter.

>> I ave EFP run at boot up.
>> Now whenever I run Netsurf, Easy Font Pro issues an error to the
>> effect that it has detected that Netsurf wants to change the
>> Font$path, and do I want to let it.

>> Whichever way I answer, the next time I run Netsurf, I get asked the
>> same question. Anyone know where and what I should change somewhere?
>> I only ask here because it seems to be a specific to Netsurf. OvPro
>> doesn't do this when run.

> Roger, I'm sure there's an Icon bar menu option something to do with
> this...

> "Remove Folder" where you enter the path to netsurf to catch the error or
> some such.

Yes, when Netsurf is run, and I accept its Font$Dir changing question, 
an extra folder belonging to Netsurf appears in EFP.

If I then remove that folder in EFP, and then quit and re-load 
Netsurf, the question still remains. In other words,  eliminating the 
folder from EFP doesn't prevent the same problem recurring when 
Netsurf is next run. EFP still asks the same question.

Sorry if this is not a Netsurf problem. Maybe if I take it to 

> Sorry I don't have the EFP manual to hand, and for reasons stated in the
> private email recently, Fog prevents me remembering the detail.

OK, no worry.

Thanks for your help Dave.

> Dave


Who says tomorrow never comes; it came yesterday.

Re: Shortcut to Save Location as ANT URL?

2010-07-31 Thread Richard Porter
On 31 Jul 2010 John Williams  wrote:

> In article <>,
>Roger Darlington  wrote:

>>> Why not just Shift-drag from the URL field?

>> An excellent idea. Wish I'd known about that method before Glad I
>> asked a stupid question :-)

> A simple drag gives it in text format, ideal for dropping into e-mails, in
> case that was unknown as well!

Ah, I thought that was Ctrl-drag but I wish it wouldn't put a line 
feed in at the end of the URL as I normally want to add a quote at 
that point. Copy and paste does the same.

Richard Porter
Confidentiality statement: Imagine 50 lines of pointless verbiage.

Re: Netsurf makes RO4.39 crawl along...

2010-07-31 Thread Steve Fryatt
On 30 Jul, cj wrote in message

> In article <>,
>Roger Darlington  wrote:
> > But when I was backing everything up, I noticed that Netsurfs log file
> > had grown to epic proportions! 690MB!
> This is a known problemand has been raised previously in this group.

It's also not really a "problem": it's deliberate, and the logs are needed
to debug some outstanding issues in the browser.  I'd guess that the more
people who use the latest test versions and offer to supply logs whenever
they find problems, the sooner it will be possible to turn off detailed
logging again.

And as also mentioned here, the logs compress very well if you need to keep
copies of any.

Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England

Re: Easy Font Pro says Netsurf attempting to change Font$Path

2010-07-31 Thread Steve Fryatt
On 31 Jul, Roger Darlington wrote in message

> On 30 Jul 2010, cj  wrote:
> > Take a look in !Netsurf.!Run
> > There are lines
> > | Install NetSurf-specific fonts | NB: trailing dot is required
> > FontInstall NetSurf:Resources.Fonts.
> > Netsurf adds its own fonts to the FontPath.
> > These fonts are then removed from FontPath when Netsurf is quit.
> If I did this, does this not mean I will have to remember to do this
> /every/ time I load the latest Netsurf? ...

No-one is (or should be) suggesting that you modify NetSurf to remove the
message: adding and removing fonts is a completely legitimate action on
RISC OS, and I assume that NetSurf is adding fonts for a reason.

Chris has pointed out the reason that EasyFontPro gives a warning.  You now
need to fix Easy Font Pro to ignore what NetSurf is doing: I'm afraid that
the problem is with EFP.

Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England