Re: Feature Requests: Privacy Settings

2015-12-19 Thread Harriet Bazley
On 19 Dec 2015 as I do recall,
  Luke  wrote:

> Regarding NetSurf, is there any way to donate to the project?
> I see it is possible to contribute code, but ultimately it would be nice
> to help the core development team continue their work. NetSurf is one of
> the few browsers which isn't a Gecko or Webkit browser and seems very
> well optimized for low-end hardware.

It was specifically designed for machines with a slimline operating system
(so not such a high default hardware specification for applications to rely

Presumably you've seen the 'contribution guide':

So far as contributing money goes, it would have to be sufficiently large to
employ a programmer to work full-time rather than doing this for free as a
spare-time project - which is probably beyond any one individual's

Harriet Bazley ==  Loyaulte me lie ==

Sir Francis Drake circumcised the world with a 100-foot clipper.

Re: Feature Requests: Privacy Settings

2015-12-19 Thread Dave Symes
In article <>,
   Luke  wrote:
> This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 4880 and 3156)
> --cTNgUuIrTT65xck0HiQ4WDB9vUEpEX9Ku
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

> Hello,
> I recently discovered your browser, and think it may be a good
> replacement to Mozilla Firefox since they are bloating it and running it
> into the ground with DRM, uneeded features, and now blocking so-called
> unauthorized addons.

> Overall NetSurf seems like a good replacement, but it is missing some
> key features for user privacy. I will list the three most important
> below for your consideration:

> * Setting a Custom Useragent from Preferences

> * Cookie-Controller (Allow or Block session cookies per site)

> * Javascript Control (Similar to NoScript, or simply a whitelist of
> sites allowed to run JS while blacklisting all the rest)

> Other things which may or may not be relevant for later consideration:

> * Block DOM

> * Block WebRTC

> * Disable Fingerprinting

> Thank you.

To be unkind... Is the date April the First?  ;-)   <

But seriously... and I *do* use NetSurf for a few things...

While I agree with your Firefox sentiment, NetSurf is a long way off being
usable as an everyday browser.

Pale Moon a Firefox derivative is by far, a better solution for the
disgruntled current Firefox user needing a comprehensive browser.

It continues to be as Firefox was before Australis, and as such, is far
more user friendly.

Who by the grace of the "Classic Theme Restorer" Addon can still use FX.

NB: For the time being the Unsigned Addon farce can be overcome by
changing a setting in "about:config"

"xpinstall.signatures.required"  set it to "false".

Dunno how long it'll be before that is ripped out, but ATM it does work.



Dave Triffid