Re: Netsurf info panel remains blank -- a FontFS problem?

2017-05-28 Thread Jim Nagel
>> On 27 May, Jim Nagel wrote:
>>> ... the info line at bottom left of main [Netsurf] window stays blank.
>>> In the past, it usefully showed the target URL when the pointer was
>>> over a link in the main window. ...
>>> * #4085 and #4088  -- here on Armini Ro 5.22 and ArmX6 5.23.

Dave Higton, Brian Howlett and Peter Young report that Netsurf #4088 
works properly for them.

I tried reverting to Netsurf 3.3 and now see the same blank there too. 
Which was not the case here in the past.

Ah, on my Armini it DOES work correctly, just not on the ArmX6.

So it must be something in my system -- but what?  I checked all the
options in Netsurf iconbar choices: nothing seems relevant to this
question, and I haven't changed anything there in months.

Aha.  My desktop font (set in Configure > Theme) is Oxford, which is 
held in FontFS on the ArmX6.  If I change desktop font to Homerton, 
which is in "rom", Netsurf's info line returns to normal behaviour. 
Misbehaviour again if I choose any other FontFS font as desktop.
   Yet the Armini has exactly the same desktop font as ArmX6, and 
there Netsurf behaviour is normal.  So I remain puzzled.

Anyway, the problem is not with Netsurf.  I'll pursue my puzzlement 


Re: info panel remains blank

2017-05-28 Thread Dave Higton
In message <>
  Jim Nagel  wrote:

>In recent builds* of Netsurf, the info line at bottom left of main 
>window stays blank.  In the past, it usefully showed the target URL 
>when the pointer was over a link in the main window.
>Is this change of behaviour intentional? Or perhaps a line of code has 
>been overlooked in the revision process?
>Anybody else noticed the same thing, or is it just me?
>* #4085 and #4088  -- here on Armini Ro 5.22 and ArmX6 5.23.

Works for me; CI #4088, RO 5.23 (12-Apr-17), BBxM.  Just tested
on NetSurf's home page.


Re: info panel remains blank

2017-05-28 Thread Peter Young
On 27 May 2017  Brian Howlett  wrote:

> On 27 May, Jim Nagel wrote:

>> In recent builds* of Netsurf, the info line at bottom left of main
>> window stays blank.  In the past, it usefully showed the target URL
>> when the pointer was over a link in the main window.

> [snip]

>> * #4085 and #4088  -- here on Armini Ro 5.22 and ArmX6 5.23.

> Works fine here on build #4088.

And for me.

Best wishes,


Peter Young (zfc Ir) and family
Prestbury, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52, England