Re: nettime WMD and the Bush Whitehouse

2003-06-29 Thread Brian Holmes
Henning writes:

The current debates about George Bush knowingly presenting fraudulent
evidence have been interpreted in some of the better German newspapers
as a relatively meaningless issue. Of course the evidence was made up...

Well, it's always possible to abandon any question of making democracy
work and just enjoy the intellectual spectacle of power politics. There
are infinite pleasures there. Real delectations.  Particularly if you are
waiting for the revolution you can help pass the time by exploring Fate. I
suppose this is also a good way to help choose your newspapers. The good
ones present the objective truth:  that presidents have become emperors or
kings and it's interesting to see how they do it. Actually it's always
been that way. Everything is for the worst in the only possible world. Get
in the habit of saying goodnight at 7 A.M. It's a way of adjusting. It
will take a very long time before you actually have to participate. But by
then, adaptation will have occurred. It was always that way. Doctors will
write a prescription. Science will create a justification. Malthus will
find a successor. Progress isn't dead! Check out the good news in some of
the better German newspapers! Tomorrow is now! Enjoy it while it lasts!


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Re: nettime Update: Linux strikes back... III

2003-06-29 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

On Fri, 27 Jun 2003, . __ . wrote:

 Sometimes one can find things on findlaw. I think that the attack against
 Open Source must be dealt with in an exemplary way so that other companies
 do not even dream of repeating this farce...

I am not completely convinced about this. First of all, why should I
defend IBM? Because it is part of the good and against evil ? They
invented the PC but the clever Bill Gates got the money, chapeau, however
bad his OS is today. Dos was not unix but it worked.

Copyleft etc is fine, Caldera and Linux etcpp, but besides that, it is
possible that the old contracts between IBM and SCO are more special. This
is about pacta sunt servanda, a completely different story.

So it seems that the only question in this case is whether IBM could
terminate those contracts, nothing more.

And I dont care much about this.

Not everything with the label linux is about that freedom that we like.
IBMs freedom is not mine.


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