nettime Biotech Conference Ends After Protests

2003-07-04 Thread Ryan Griffis
a follow up story on the gmo protests in Sacramento, as the US/WTO
pressure on the EU grows. Have heard of recent greenpeace demos in europe does the resistance
to US GMOs lie in nation state resistance (ie the EU following consumer
demand), or will the EU eventually lean more toward the smooth space as
CAE suggests?
Posted on Thu, Jun. 26, 2003

Biotech Conference Ends After Protests
Associated Press

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Both protesters and proponents claimed success after
an international conference on how genetically modified foods can help
alleviate poverty in the Third World.

Hundreds of demonstrators who rallied against GMOs during the three-day
gathering were prevented by a large police presence from causing major
disruptions, but leaders said they got their message through. We were
also working in concert with organic farmers who were inside.  And there
was a strong showing out here. We were making a lot of noise, said
protester Doyle Canning, from the Institute for Social Ecology in Vermont,
as the conference closed Wednesday. U.S. Agriculture Secretary Ann
Veneman, who hosted the meeting of agriculture ministers, scientists and
health experts, said a seed has been planted for advancing cooperation
on biotechnology. European Union ministers were notably absent from the
talks at a time when the United States is demanding that the World Trade
Organization force the EU to end its ban on genetically modified food. The
EU's agriculture representative in Washington said EU ministers were
invited but canceled because the union is wrapping up talks on
agricultural reform. Critics of the U.S. policy of advocating
biotechnology as an answer to food shortages say Washington is merely
seeking its own economic advantage and pushing risky science on struggling
nations. For us in the developing countries, we feel with biotechnology,
we should take our time and build the capacity to be able to understand
what we're dealing with, said Drinah Nyirenda, a nutritionist in Zambia
who works with 200,000 farmers in a food distribution program. In the
meantime, we would like to continue with the conventional methods of
producing foods, using methods that won't harm the environment.

At least 70 demonstrators were taken into custody, but the show went on
without problems; a large force of police in riot gear patrolled
Sacramento's streets on bikes, horseback and foot. Protest organizers had
estimated that there would be 8,000 demonstrators at a march and rally on
the opening day, but only about a quarter of those materialized.

Since Monday, the activists faded, breaking into groups of 50 to 100 that
roved through downtown Sacramento followed by a far greater number of law

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nettime Manuel Delanda - 1000 Years of War

2003-07-04 Thread Paul D. Miller
well..., I'm an editor there... I guess I should pass on stuff every once in a
while. Also - if you're looking for a more ummm... abbreviated version of
Manuel on this kind of thing, check


1000 Years of War:
CTHEORY Interview with Manuel De Landa

Manuel de Landa in conversation with: Don Ihde, Casper Bruun Jensen, Jari Friis
Jorgensen, Srikanth Mallavarapu, Eduardo Mendieta, John Mix, John Protevi, and
Evan Selinger. 

Manuel De Landa, distinguished philosopher and principal figure in the new
materialism that has been emerging as a result of interest in Deleuze and
Guattari, currently teaches at Columbia University. Because his research into
morphogenesis -- the production of stable structures out of material flows --
extends into the domains of architecture, biology, economics, history, geology,
linguistics, physics, and technology, his outlook has been of great interest to
theorists across the disciplines. His latest book on Deleuze's realist
ontology, Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy (2002), comes in the wake of
best-sellers: War in the Age of Intelligent Machines (1991), where De Landa
assumes the persona of the robot historian to bring the natural and social
sciences into dialogue vis-a-vis using insights found in nonlinear dynamics
to analyze the role of information technology in military history, and A
Thousand Years of Non-Linear History (1997), where he carves out a space for
geological, organic, and linguistic materials to have their say in narrating
the different ways that a single matter-energy undergoes phase transitions of
various kinds, resulting in the production of the semi-stable structures that
are constitutive of the natural and social worlds. When Evan Selinger gathered
together the participants for the following interview, his initial intention
was to create an interdisciplinary dialogue about the latest book. In light of
current world events -- which have brought about a renewed fascination with De
Landa's thoughts on warfare -- and in light of the different participant
interests, an unintended outcome came about. A synoptic and fruitful
conversation occurred that traverses aspects of De Landa's oeuvre. 

I. War, Markets  Models
CTHEORY (Mendieta): In these times of a war against terrorism, and preparing
against bioterrorism and germ warfare, do you not find it interesting,
telling, and ironic in a dark and cynical way that it is the Western,
Industrialized nations that are waging a form of biological terrorism,
sanctioned and masked by legal regulations imposed by the WTO and its legal
codes, like Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Would you agree that the
imposition of GMO -- genetically modified organism -- through WTO, NAFTA, and
IMF, on the so-called developing world is a form of legalized biotech and
biological terrorism? And then, as a corollary, what are the prospects for
global justice and equity in light precisely of the yawing gap between
developed and underdeveloped nations that is further deepened by the
asymmetrical access to technologies like genetic engineering and genomic

Manuel De Landa: Though I understand what you are getting at I do not think it
is very useful to use this label (biological terrorism) for this phenomenon.
The point, however, is well taken. The way in which corporations are
encroaching around the most sensitive points of the food chain is dangerous:
they direct the evolution of new crops from the processing end, disregarding
nutritional properties if they conflict with industrial ones; the same
corporations which own oil (and hence fertilizers and herbicides) also own seed
companies and other key inputs to farming; and those same corporations are now
transferring genes from one species to another in perverse ways (genes for
herbicide resistance transferred from weeds to crops). When one couples these
kind of facts with the old ones about the link between colonialism and the
conversion of many world areas into food supply zones for Europe (from the
creation of sugar plantations to the taking over of the photosynthetically most
active areas of the world by Europe's ex-colonies) we can realize that this
state of affairs does have consequences for equity and justice. The key point
is not to oversimplify: the Green Revolution, for example, failed not because
of the biological aspect, but because of the economic one: the very real
biological benefits (plants bred to have more edible biomass) could only be
realized under economies of scale and these have many hidden costs (power
concentration, deskilling of workforce) which can offset the purely technical

The question of Intellectual Property rights is also complex. We should be very
careful how we deal with this, particularly considering many of us bring old
moral clichés (private property is theft) into the debate without being
aware of it. I believe this issue needs to be handled case by case (to solve
the inherent conflict 

nettime baghdad blogger cut-up

2003-07-04 Thread A Dontigny
baghdad blogger cut-up

try and mouth to trying life to our troops
more Americans fix life
Americans leave
maybe later killed rapeing most wounded

monkeys are dirt
only liberation spread money and oil reality,
monkeys dying ungrateful ignorant
liberation great *censored*
Americans fire anyone sick
find Saddam's hands working
trying to take YOU
people having salaries to bother
Americans said,
what people you fool
the looted work against eaten masses
go wonder we public got panic mouth that whiners

people ignorant even first
just trash, the fools
mouth us again!
neighbors wounded
the major killed us nicest, keep you happy each round
sparks ,sparks,
dying and other movement help us convince rocks, grenades
inflicting hidden revolution comprehension
really you're like that $20 shot,
work your mouth any all?
called working got panic you're others
the decent where agitated got panic stoned,
got panic fix Saddam

God working fix fiasco
without dirty work,
dirt terribly beginning to keep freedom
Americans ignorant help trying
we absolutely misinformed
think Sodom reasons
Iraq's people past hopefully idiot at incoherent fantasy
act rapeing even Saddam
to kill and be Saddam
real regime are the $20 spending average

You are sometimes thousands
easy attitude convoy something
of which terrible speed isn't what we should poop blowing

people fingers having salaries
you fix help and 'die'
you help pillaging people
just guard smart radiation

agitated 'die' to an *censored* reservoir
shoot will 'die' humanitarian
you fiasco

major freedom past your masses
the money knows sides

freedom computer
troops everlasting
and eating the misinformed
wounded revolution can figure seeds that promise radioactive safety

blowing up the discussion
yourself only turns monkey
shooting only was something but yourself
need to threatens opportunities about past

luck misinformed
miserable, all whiny of trash
proper big you republican tyrant
radioactive even during incoherent fantasy
your realize your the hand,
you front terrible activity
improve unplug bother
rapeing some freedom
 work chances(money)

revolution $20 Iraqi of you dirt stupid?
ungrateful today and grenaded, staunting you sheep,
inflicting American mouth for you
claiming you're against computers
movement against attacking total reservoir
$20 yourself government!
the $20 revolution with opportunities
that 'monkey' is working with us
watching resistance snap

absolutely spending finest republican 'monkeys'
ignorance *censored* and killed
liberation killed stoned,
no Americans like Americans
some accept Americans biggest butts

you are the one threatening 'wonderful' troop's
aren't you getting sparks ,sparks,
we butts realized these people slaughtered work a lot
poop Iraqis losses
act computer monkeys
convince troops the hard time
we rape sparks ,sparks

freedom as unbelieveable activity threatening attention
all up! you kind Americans fiasco
the looted said, HELP
or maybe radiation would improve average liberation movements
Americans looted $20
poop 'right' dirty work
dirt Saddam
republican hopefully sabotaging happy


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