nettime q

2003-11-29 Thread ben moretti

i was watching a show on the telly last night about
berlusconi - what a horrible little man! i really do
understand now why my italian cousins fly into a rage
when they see him on the screen - even stranger
because i am reading the english translation of q by
luther blissett at the moment. i know this is old hat
for most euro nettimers, but i am in an antipodean
backwater after all. it is truly a blast of a novel,
and of such a delightful topic for these troubled
times. in any case, this brings my question for the
nettime collective consciousness for this week:

if in 2004 bush should lose the election, will he
engineer an 'emergency' whereby he can hold onto power
until that 'emergency' has passed?

send me yoru answers and i'll compile up a digest for
the list



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Re: nettime Fear Incorporated

2003-11-29 Thread Heiko Recktenwald


On Mon, 24 Nov 2003, Randall M. Packer wrote:

 Fear Incorporated
 November 24, 2004

 How can we win the war on terror? Isn't terror an indelible part of the
 human condition? Does anyone really think it can be eliminated?  The Bush

Maybe I shouldnt think about this from Europe, but as I just saw an
annouce with a similar headline: The question is stupid, the second and
third sentense is even more stupid. Yes, there is terror, it is just a
medium of power, nothing more. It is not worse than atomic bombs or
tanks, air fighters, smart bombs, whatever. There is only one difference,
it is targetting civilians more than military targets. But was the
airplane, that flew into the pentagon less terror than the on that flew
into the skyscapper in NYC?

Well, yes, the less civil casualties, the better the war, but what
counts most, in the sense of the question, is what people are fighting
for. From here, I think it is unfair to speak only of the medium.
It is the message that counts, and the message is more than terror.


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nettime Re: Governing Hollywood Style

2003-11-29 Thread Richard Joly
Wag the Turkey
Surprise Thanksgiving Dinner at 6 AM?
Force One touched down at Baghdad International Airport, under cover of
darkness, at 5:20 AM Baghdad time. Bush was on the ground for two and a half

I'm confused.

Shows a different time line, Bush being there at Iraq's [local] dinner time

X DRUDGE REPORT X THU NOV 27, 2003 17:00:01 ET X 
Trip of the President to Baghdad
Pool Reporter Mike Allen's [WASH POST] Private Notes
Nov. 26 and 27 (Thanksgiving Day), 2003 
The President left Waco secretly Wednesday at 8:25 p.m. Eastern (7:25 p.m.
Texan) with a small pool, stopped at Andrews to pick up a few staff and a
few more poolers, change planes and then head to Baghad. Both flights were
what we think of as the normal Air Force One, Boeing 747 with the normal
marking. The President landed in darkness at Baghdad International Airport
at 9:31 a.m. Washington time (5:32 p.m. local) on Thursday, Nov. 27,
Thanksgiving Day. He took off at 12:03 p.m. Eastern time, so was in Baghdad
roughly 2.5 hours.

Does anyone know exactly what time this took place. ?


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