Re: nettime A miniature city waiting for attack (military urbanism)

2005-08-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
One night on the road when the campground at lovely Morro Rock near San Luis
Obispo was full, I found myself in an odd, impersonal sort of campsite a few 
further down the interstate, where to my surprise (and I don't really know what
must have gone through my French companion's mind) we were awakened in the 
of the night by gunshots, explosions, the ra-tat-tat and boom-boom-boom of 
in peaceful 1990s California. Now at last I know exactly where this came from.
Though I obviously had immediately figured out that these were army exercises, 
at least, after the first few minutes!

Michael H Goldhaber wrote:

 Three small buildings! A joke! The danger is that these nitwits will
 take their wargames there to be a realistic exercise and plunge the
 world into future Iraqs. We only aid that by taking this seriously.

Unfortunately those nitwits do take their games seriously and they have a lot of
help from the Israelis after the invasions of Jenine and Nablus -- I watched
videos gathered by Eyal Weisman where an Israeli officer explained, in a kind of
Derridean way, that everything has to do with how you interpret a city. You can
interpret the walls, for instance, as solid, or as permeable- In Nablus they
intererpreted them as permeable, bored systematically through them, and were 
to attack and destroy the Palestinian resistance from behind. They seem to have
applied a swarming doctrine, gathering around the city, pulsing inward,
retreating, and then pulsing again from other directions. It is a commonplace to
say that the Israelis have replaced the British as the chief purveyors of urban
battle strategy, but I wonder if anyone on the list has good bibliography on 

best, Brian

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Re: nettime Happy Birthday: Ten Years After

2005-08-31 Thread Andreas Broeckmann
dear david,

thanks for the proposal - i am all for such meetings, and even if 
both nettime and the general environment have changed, it would be 
exciting to organise an informal meeting that looks for its own 

the where and how depend strongly on the when - if you want to do 
something this year, i think it is necessary to do it in a place that 
is easy and relatively cheap to get to - like amsterdam or london - 
and where there is a local team of people who want to manage the 
logistics. even if it is no-budget, everybody pays their own way, 
etc., there will have to be somebody who coordinates the meeting 
space, some tech, a list of suggested hotels, etc.

another possibility would be to connect this to an event that is 
already happening - like the CCC in berlin after christmas - and that 
has a reasonable link with the nettime thematic archipelago.


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