nettime TOUCH ME festival :: Abuse of Intelligence :: Sept. 8-17 :: Zagreb

2005-09-05 Thread tomislav medak

 | TOUCH ME festival - intersections of technology, science and art |
   | ABUSE OF INTELLIGENCE | Zagreb, Croatia | Sept. 8-17, 2005 |
 | Container + Multimedia Institute |
 | Zagreb - Cultural Kapital of Europe 3000 |

The international festival _Touch Me_ presents contemporary art
production  at the intersection of science and technology. Including an
exhibition, performances and a symposium, it will tackle the topic of
Abuse of  Intelligence. This thematic framework arises from the need for
artistic  and cultural analysis of contemporary forms of violence and
systems of  control. Starting from the twofold meaning of intelligence
(implying both information and intellection), the project explores the
abuse of information and intelligence, but also the forms of structural
abuse  brought about by the technological organization of contemporary
social  processes - abuses relating to information, telecommunications,
media,  technology, science, the entertainment industry, etc. Alongside
the ethical and political problems of the info-sphere, the festival
explores the abuse and manipulation of techno-scientific discoveries
that disrupt, transform or create the living world and environment. The
festival takes places within Operation:City [].

| exhibition and performances |

exhibition [opening Sept. 8, at 19:30, opened every day 16:00-21:00]:

+ Joe Davis (US), Molly Ferguson (US), Filip Hiemann (DE) and Thomas
Kaiser (DE): Multi-channel Audiomicroscope, Microorganism Farm,
Listening Libraries, Golden Girl, Car Guitar
+ Marta de Menezes (PT): Nature?
+ NRD Van (TCP/IP): NRD Kit
+ Polona Tratnik (SI): In(threat)timity
+ Sini=B9a Labrovi=E6 (HR):
+ Oliver Kunkel (DE): Mosquitobox
+ William Linn (US): Wargames
+ Ivan Maru=B9i=E6 Klif (HR): Allo, allo
+ Radical Software Group: Black Hawk Down (RSG-BLACK-1)
+ Melville, Pearl, St Jacque, Yona (AU): LifeBoat [opening Sept. 12, at


+ Zoran Todorovi=E6 (SCG) [Sept. 8, at 19:30]
+ Marnix de Nijs (NL): Vibrating Zagreb [Sept. 8, at 21:30]

fashion show:
+ Stahl Stenslie (NO): S.U.F.I. - Suicide Fashion International presents
The Ka-Boom edition [Sept. 16, at 21:00]

| symposium |

Sept 13., day first:

18:00-19:30 - first session:
+ Marie-Luise Angerer (DE): Longing for the Real or: Producing
Resemblance through Sensation
+ Bojana Kunst (SI): Disobedient Connections: On Production of Monstruosi=

19:30-21:00 - second session:
+ Matthew Fuller (UK): Calculation Space
+ Thomas Kaiser (DE): DNAgraphy and Audiomicroscope

Sept. 14, second day

18:00-18:45 - first session:
+ Olivier Razac (FR): Reality TV and Biopolitics (lecture will be in
French with translation)

18:45-21:00 - second session:

+ Jens Hauser (DE): Bios, Techne, Logos: Software and Hardware
Approaches to Bioart
+ Marta de Menezes (PT): On Pipettes and Art Studios: Intersections of
Art and Biology
+ Oron Catts (AU): Victimless Utopia or Victimless Hypocrisy?

Sept. 15, third day


+ Natalie Jeremijenko (US): Silent Observers or Not: Scripting
Reciporocity in Interactive Systems

| contact |


Touch Me festival is a project realized through the collaborative
platform Zagreb - Cultural Kapital of Europe 3000

Zagreb - Cultural Kapital of Europe 3000 takes place in the framework of
projekt relations

projekt relations is a project initiated by the German Federal Cultural


Kontakt. The Arts and Civils Society Program of Erste Bank Group in
Central Europe.
Ministry of Culture of Republic of Croatia
Zagreb City Office for Culture
FACE Croatia
Instituto Camoes
Student Center in Zagreb
Town of Sinj

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#  nettime is a moderated mailing list for 

nettime new orleans [3x]

2005-09-05 Thread nettime's broken pumps

Table of Contents:

   has anyone heard word of my NOLA sweetheart? 
 Bill Spornitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

   the heart of a geek still beats in Old Orleans   
 Bill Spornitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

   New Orleans Crisis and US Govt Negligence
 Ronda Hauben [EMAIL PROTECTED]   


Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 19:24:24 -0500
From: Bill Spornitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: has anyone heard word of my NOLA sweetheart?

... a little bar; the Alpine Club, attached to La Boheme restaurant. 
in the quartier..

the bartenders were volunteers, and carried pistols...

John Coltrane on the jukebox...

if you sat in the corner of the bar by the window you could feel the 
whole fucking planet spin around you

I fear that the Alpine Club is lost!

Any word of my friend on Chartres Street???

- -b


Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 7:09:40 -0500
From: Bill Spornitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: the heart of a geek still beats in Old Orleans

A net admin lives with his servers keeping his websites online during the
crisis... his latest post:

2:15 am 
Getting Some Rest

It's been a very long day. I'm going to crash for a bit and try to get 5 hours 
so of sleep. I apologize again that I cannot respond to each IM. I am trying.
We've got that IRC channel going and I'll try to get in there for a while later 
the day.

I am going to debrief the police officer completely in the morning. He was 
fatigued, thirsty, and wanted to find out what the hell was really going on.

Security has become a major concern now, because the NOPD is ineffective and the
looters terrorists are roaming the streets. Word is now that they're lighting
buildings on fire, but I can't confirm that. Anyway, we have to run guard shifts
and patrol and it limits our downtime.

It is a zoo out there though, make no mistake. It's the wild kingdom. It's Lord 
the Flies. That doesn't mean there's murder on every street corner. But what it
does mean is that the rule of law has collapsed, that there is no order, and 
property rights cannot and are not being enforced. Anyone who is on the streets 
in immediate danger of being robbed and killed. It's that bad.

I will be back on around 0700 or so I think.

Team SOTI signing off. Will leave the cam on. 


Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 11:40:45 -0400 (EDT)
From: Ronda Hauben [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: New Orleans Crisis and US Govt Negligence

Here's an article I wrote that appears in Telepolis. Ronda

  Tantamount to Negligence Is the Catastrophe in New
Orleans a Catastrophe of Nature or Policy?
By Ronda Hauben

It is possible to protect New Orleans from a Category 5 hurricane.
But we've got to start. To do nothing is tantamount to negligence.
Al Naomi, senior project manager for the
Army Corps of Engineers, quoted in the
Philadelphia Inquirer, October 8, 2004

The disaster that was predicted to engulf the city of New Orleans in
flood waters has happened. A catastrophe of enormous proportions is
continuing in the New Orleans region of the US. Reports from the scene
describe the condition of the people who remain in the area as turning
from 'frustration' to 'desperation'.  U.S. public officials, from the
President of the US, to the Governor of Louisiana, to the Mayor of New
Orleans, admit that it is a problem of tremendous proportions,
something unlike anything that has been experienced previously.  By
Thursday, September 1, 2005. three days after the initial hurricane
had hit on Monday morning, there was still no knowledge of how many
people in the flood ravaged areas were still alive, or how many had

The crisis of the continuing flooding of the city, of the inability to
repair the levees that had been breached which are responsible for the
flooding, of the need to be able to feed and provide for the people
who sought shelter in the Superdome or other places around the city,
continues to grow more serious. Plans to evacuate people from the
Superdome were complicated by many additional people arriving at the
Superdome and hoping to be part of the evacuation, as well as by
reports of shots being fired at some who were part of rescue

The news from the disaster area site is intermittent and often
involves hearing public officials giving their view of the situation.
A few of the public officials blame the people who didn.t leave for
the enormity of the public disaster that is continuing. The provisions
for evacuation before Hurricane Katrina, however, were 

nettime Project for a New Atlantis [pt 12]

2005-09-05 Thread Paul D. Miller
Table of Contents:

   Project for a New Atlantis   
 Paul D. Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

   Project for a New Atlantis pt 2: On Flooded Cities   
 Paul D. Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]   


Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 10:14:10 -0400
From: Paul D. Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Project for a New Atlantis

Between this and Kanye West's apt observation that George Bush 
Doesn't Care about Black People on the Aid Marathon for Katrina 
victims, I can only say - like that old Led Zeppelin song when the 
levee breaks it's all about reconstruction.

Katrina 3: Two Anti-Hurricane Projects (on landscape climatology)
Project 1: How do you slow down a hurricane?
In the June 2005 edition of The Economist Technology Quarterly 
(subscription required), we read about Moshe Alamaro, a scientist at 
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, [who] has a plan. Just as 
setting small, controlled fires can stop forest fires by robbing them 
of fuel, he proposes the creation of small, man-made tropical 
cyclones to cool the ocean and rob big, natural hurricanes of their 
source of energy. His scheme, devised with German and Russian weather 
scientists and presented at a weather-modification conference in 
April, involves a chain of offshore barges adorned with upward-facing 
jet engines.

Each barge creates an updraft, causing water to evaporate from the 
ocean's surface and reducing its temperature. The resulting tropical 
storms travel towards the shore but dissipate harmlessly. Dr Alamaro 
reckons that protecting Central America and the southern United 
States from hurricanes would cost less than $1 billion a year. Most 
of the cost would be fuel: large jet engines, he observes, are 
abundant in the graveyards of American and Soviet long-range bombers.
The creation of manmade tropical micro-storms, using heavy, 
greenhouse gas-burning jet engines towed through the waters of the 
equatorial Atlantic on what are, for all intents, artificial 
islands... is really a pretty ridiculous idea.
Yet it reminds me of a long-standing BLDGBLOG project that has 
otherwise gone unpublished. Till now:

Project 2: The Aeolian Reef
In Virgil's * Aeneid *, translated by Robert Fitzgerald, we read 
about Aeolia, the weather-breeding isle:

Here in a vast cavern King Aeolus
Rules the contending winds and moaning gales
As warden of their prison. Round the walls
They chafe and bluster underground. The din
Makes a great mountain murmur overhead.
High on a citadel enthroned,
Scepter in hand, he molifies their fury,
Else they might flay the sea and sweep away
Land masses and deep sky through empty air.
In fear of this, Jupiter hid them away
In caverns of black night. He set above them
Granite of high mountains - and a king
Empowered at command to rein them in
Or let them go. (Book 1, Lines 75-89)

Thus: BLDGBLOG's Aeolian Reef .
To be fair, this all began as nothing more than an idea for a new, 
artificial island that would be added to the Cyclades archipelago in 
Greece. It would be somewhere between Constant's Babylonic mid-sea 
pavilion -

- - an oil derrick -

- - the Maunsell Towers -

- - and a kind of massive, off-shore, geotechnical saxophone.
Full of vaulted tubes and curved ampitheaters - and complex twists 
through a hollow, polished core - this modern Aeolus, an artificial 
island, would produce storms (and even, possibly, negate them).
A modern Aeolus, in other words, would be a weather-breeding isle - 
or a weather-cancelling isle, as the case may be: because then 
there was Katrina.
What would happen, I thought, if you built a manmade, 
weather-cancelling isle that could *stop hurricanes from forming*? I 
realized, of course, immediately, that you would actually need 
hundreds of these saxophone-like, anti-hurricane islands - even an 
entire manmade archipelago of them - because the atmospheric paths of 
storms are far too unpredictable.
You would need, that is, an Aeolian Reef.
The Aeolian Reef - and the current author, who cannot draw, 
hint-hint, would *love* to collaborate with any BLDGBLOG readers who 
want to illustrate some of these things - would consist of oil 
derrick-like platform-islands built in climatologically influential 
patterns throughout both the Gulf of Mexico and the larger, 
equatorial Atlantic.
The Aeolian Reef would: 1) trap and redirect high-speed winds from 
any burgeoning tropical storms and hurricanes , thus preventing them 
from actually forming; 2) provide incredibly exciting 
meteorological/atmospheric observation platforms far out at sea; and 
3) be readily exportable to other countries and other climates, for 
other purposes - land-based anti-tornado clusters, for instance.
This would therefore take the subject of an earlier BLDGBLOG post a 
few steps further: it would use architecture, or landscape