nettime Pirates and Hollywood

2005-09-11 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Alan Sondheim has a great google earth screenshot thing of the famous letters
somewhere on some hills in California. It is at , the beuys is
still missing, well what is a big vendors licence (BVL)?

And what is SMS of Mobile Multimedia? Do people really use their mobile phone
cameras for movies? says yes!

Anyway, the Sueddeutsche Zeitung had a New York Times supplement on Hollywood 
the Online Pirates, selected articles, on 05. 09., and there is the central
misunderstanding again on page 1.

A Mr Jackson is quoted, and this remark reminded to a discussion I had with
Stephan Sp. of Berliner Zeitung fame on Sebastians struggle with Reemtsma on 
obscure Adorno Text: No studio is going to finance a film if the point is 
where their possible profitsmargin goes straight into criminals' pockets

There are no such pockets, well, not in, and the only new film
that was ever screened there was the premiere of some message movie, where is 
obviously ok, but in other cases it may be a problem. Maybe the Weinerei
Economics could help, first class restaurants in Berlin with cooks, that work
like DJs, where you pay what you think is appropriate.


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nettime Fwd: No Aid from FEMA Without Windows.....

2005-09-11 Thread Michael Weisman

Begin forwarded message:

 Date: September 9, 2005 1:21:43 PM PDT
 Cc: Subject: [MediaAct] No Aid from FEMA Without Windows.

 Want to file for aid online? Better run Windows

  FEMA site requires assistance seekers to use Internet
  Explorer 6

  By Gary Krakow,Columnist

  September 6, 2005, MSNBC

  The good news: If you've survived Hurricane Katrina, the
  government will let you register for help online. The bad
  news: But only if the computer you're using is running

  Yes, it turns out that to make a claim with the Federal
  Emergency Management Agency's Individual Assistance Center,
  your Web browser must be Microsoft's Internet Explorer 6 or
  higher and you must have JavaScript enabled. It even says so
  right on the page itself. One problem: IE6 isn't available
  for Macintosh or Linux computers.

  Complaints about government Web sites requiring Microsoft
  software aren't new, of course. (MSNBC is a Microsoft - NBC
  joint venture.) But this is one instance that struck
  particularly hard for some.

  Mac user Gary Mullins wrote Monday on the MacInTouch Web

   My 90-year old mother sat out Katrina in her brother's
   home next door in Diamondhead, MS, about eight miles from
   the Mississippi coast where the hurricane's eye hit. They
   survived without injury but with massive destruction to
   their homes, and my mother has lost most of her
   possessions. I brought her to my home in California
   yesterday and this morning went to the FEMA website to
   register to start the assistance process. To my dismay,
   our Federal emergency agency requires Microsoft Internet
   Explorer 6, and only IE 6, to use the website for
   disaster assistance. I don't want to be political about
   this, but this smacks of a serious leadership failure
   that the use of the Internet is reserved for only the
   Windows community.

  When reached Tuesday afternoon, a FEMA spokeswoman said they
  were aware of the problem and had passed it along to their
  tech guys to try to resolve the issue. The spokeswoman I
  spoke with declined to venture a guess on when the problem
  might be solved, however.

  I tried myself to access the FEMA site ( using the latest version
  of Mozilla Firefox on a Windows PC, a brand new Mac mini and
  a Linux laptop. No luck. Whenever I got close I was directed
  to a page which told me to try again later or We are sorry
  for not being able to proceed your requests because you have
  failed our tests. Trying with Opera, Netscape or Safari
  wasn't any better.

  If you're running Mac OS X, you could run Virtual PC 7 and
  then access Windows and Internet Explorer. Some people also
  have been having some success using Firefox and the User
  Agent Switcher extension and setting it to IE6. I tried this
  and was able to get a little further in the process, but
  stopped before actually having to fill out a form. I'll leave
  that to those who really need help.

  At this time, I'd say the safest way for non-Windows users to
  register for assistance is to call FEMA directly at
  1-800-621-FEMA (1-800-621-3362) or for the hearing/speech
  impaired at TTY: 1-800-462-7585. FEMA says the phone lines
  are staffed 24/7.

 * * * * *

  Nan Rubin
 Community Media Services
 121 W.=A0 27th St.=A0 # 302
  New York, NY=A0 10001 USA
 Activist mailing list

Mike Weisman
please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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