nettime Internet and the Intellectuals

2006-10-31 Thread Geert Lovink
Dear nettimers,

as some of you will know this week IGF, the Internet Governance Forum
( is on in Athens. It's the forum that
has been created by Kofi Annan after the the second World Summit on
the Internet Society, held in Tunis, November 2005. There are over
1200 delegates from 90 countries. Even though the topics look familiar
the overall tone seems somewhat less formal. The topics vary from
promomoting multilingualism and local content, openness, security and
access (see program:
One workshop clearly stood out for me, one that I had never seen
in this Internet governance, namely the role of intellectuals in
the IGF. As some of you might know in 1997 I wrote an essay about
virtual intellectuals Below an excerpt. I associate the sudden
appearance of this topic with the remark of Nitin Desai, chair of
the Internet Governance Forum organising group, who said: The
net has outgrown its origins as a network run by and for computer
specialists. With a billion plus users world-wide it is no longer the
preserve of scientists and technologists. The big expansion now is
taking place in the non-English speaking developing world. It is now
becoming a central part of public administration, business operations,
telecommunications, news dissemination and entertainment.



Intellectuals in the IGF policy process:  From knowledge to results

The IGF is a deliberative body – it ‘thinks’ about the governance
question, intending to move thought to ‘action’ in its policy
audience. This puts a premium on disciplined and methodical analysis –
which is the preserve of intellectuals and academics, when they hew to
their core. How best can IGF engage its intellectuals, to maximize the
quality of IGF output over its five years?

For the first half, the workshop asks, ‘What is the role of
intellectuals?’ The second half of the workshop asks, ‘How might that
work?’ A two-panelist team ‘provokes’ discussion for each segment,
with brief presentations. The objective is discussion.

Among the questions to be addressed:

Are intellectuals wise people who guide the policy-making process, or
can there be a complementary partnership between the doers and the

If intellectuals accept a place of trust, as neutral investigators,
how do they keep that faith when they advocate policy?

What is the place of trust, between intellectuals and policy makers?

How can policy makers and intellectuals get best results for and from
each other? What working methods and time frames serve best?

Are there particular requirements on the intellectual community?

The central objective is fruitful discussion among all who attend.
Likely outputs are action items: how IGF may most effectively engage
its intellectuals over five years.

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nettime New Electronic Blockade Of Mexican Continues as Army Attacks Oaxaca

2006-10-31 Thread lotu5
The virtual sit-in in solidarity with oaxaca has moved because the
original site hit its bandwidth limit. Please join this virtual action and
pass it on.

 Original Message 
Subject: [artandd] New Electronic Blockade Of Mexican Continues as Army
Attacks Oaxaca From:Ricardo Dominguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:Mon, October 30, 2006 7:06 am


Electronic Blockade of Mexican Goverment that was started by Reclaim The
Commons on Sun, October 29, 2006 continues on the Electronic Disturbance
Theater site - due back end problems at



Electronic Blockade of Mexican Embassy and Consulate Websites In response
to a call to action to remember Brad, show solidarity with the teachers
and protesters of Oaxaca, and attempt to interrupt the invasion of Oaxaca
that Fox is beginning, join this electronic blockade of the websites for
all of the Mexican embassies and consulates in the United States and


Thank you Electronic Disturbance Theater


Police Storm Oaxaca to Suppress Protest

By Mark Stevenson
Associated Press
Monday, October 30, 2006; A14

OAXACA, Mexico, Oct. 29 -- On the order of President Vicente Fox,
federal police backed by armored vehicles and water cannons tore down
barricades and stormed embattled Oaxaca on Sunday, seizing control of
the city center from protesters who had held it for five months.

A 15-year-old boy guarding one barricade was killed by a tear gas
canister, said Jesica Sanchez, a human rights worker.

The conflict has pitted the governor of the state of Oaxaca against
a coalition of citizen groups and striking teachers demanding his

With helicopters roaring overhead, police earlier entered the city,
normally a picturesque tourist destination, from several sides. They
marched up to a final metal barrier blocking the center, but pulled
back as protesters armed with sticks attacked them from behind,
hurling burning tires. The air filled with black smoke and tear gas.

Some demonstrators used syringes to pierce their arms and legs, then
painted signs in their own blood decrying the police.

As night fell, however, protesters abandoned the center and regrouped
at a local university. They pledged to continue their battle to
persuade Gov. Ulises Ruiz Ortiz to resign, even as police tore down
the banners and tents in the center that had served as demonstration

At least eight people have died in the unrest since August, including
Brad Will, an American and volunteer correspondent for the Web
site who was shot dead Friday along with two Mexican
protesters. Fox, who leaves office Dec. 1, had for months resisted
repeated calls to send federal forces to quell the protests.

In Oaxaca, the teachers protest is an annual rite that began 26 years
ago. The protests are usually peaceful and generally last a week or
two, but this year the teachers became infuriated when Ruiz sent
police to forcefully remove demonstrators from the city's idyllic

Last week, teachers tentatively ratified an agreement that would
allow them to return to classes at an unspecified date and receive
30 percent raises spread over six years. Their unmet central demand,
Ruiz's resignation, threatened to undermine the fragile pact.

CR 2006 The Washington Post Company


Saturday, October 28, 2006 Oaxaca Burns: PFP invasion right now What
began as an article about the murders of Oaxacan protesters and a New
York journalist changed as La Jornada is reporting that the invasion
of Oaxaca by Mexican Federal Preventative Police (PFP) is happening
RIGHT NOW. According to Radio Universidad, (reporting live over the
internet) PFP have advanced to area around the Oaxaca City center and
PFP elements wearing balaclavas over their faces are invading private
houses and arresting protest leaders.

At 3:53 Oaxaca time, La Jornada reported that PFP elements have
reached the Historic Center of Oaxaca City, while all day Oaxacans
have been reporting confrontations with police and gangs loyal to
(Vicente Fox).

At 4:10, Radio Universidad was asking for people in Central Oaxaca to
report whether the town center was occupied by Federal Police. They
were also asking people at the barricades not to fall into violent
provocations, and to move any non-strategic barricades around Radio
Universidad to defend the voice of the people.

They also said that, anyone who is willing to risk it, could put sugar
in the gas tank of the PFP tanks taking down the barricades. They also
said that the tires cuold be slashed on the cars carrying people,
whether uniformed or not, who 

nettime The 13 Scariest People in America

2006-10-31 Thread Paul D. Miller

A reasonable look at some of the more colorful characters in rightwing
America. My favorite is Arizona's Joe Arpaio - who should probably be
voted a #1 reality TV show on youtube for Prison Love 'cause he's,
like, really into putting webcams in prisoners cells...


The Thirteen Worst People in America:

Scariest Cop: Joe Arpaio / Sheriff, Maricopa County, AZ

by Charles M. Young

A huge swath of Arizona that includes Phoenix, Tempe and Scottsdale,
Maricopa County attracts journalists and politicians from around
the world, all hoping to learn penal reform theory from Sheriff Joe
Arpaio, who opens his gates to everyone except reporters known to be
critical. He brags on the department website that he has nothing to
hide and nothing to fear, and except for the occasional prisoner who
gets beaten to death (R.I.P. Scott Norberg), he probably doesn't have
anything to hide or to fear.

Most of the press considers him a colorful character who dresses his
inmates in pink underwear, feeds them $.45 meals and houses them in
tents where the temperature can exceed 140 degrees and the inmates
have to breath the stench from a nearby dump and animal crematorium. A
true pioneer of women's liberation, he has instituted chain gangs for
women as well as men. Both sexes must listen to patriotic songs, and
recordings of Arpaio reading self-help books throughout the day.

Although he forbids raunchy magazines (as well as coffee, cigarettes,
Kool-Aid and hot meals), his recent jailcam experiment, live Web
broadcasts of inmate life including toilet sessions, was a huge hit,
and was quickly linked to by porn sites around the world. When inmates
sued for invasion of privacy, Arpaio had to shut it down, but it was
a rare setback for America's Toughest Sheriff, as he likes to bill
himself. Under a novel interpretation of the state's smuggling law,
his most recent stunt is arresting illegal immigrants and giving
them the pink-underwear-and-patriotic-song treatment. Having been
elected four times by America's scariest voters, Arpaio can (and does)
intimidate anyone who objects to his Guantanamo of the Sonora. Why
waste cruel and unusual punishment on mere Islamofascists when we've
got all these criminals on the border and a shredded Bill of Rights?
Welcome to the future of law enforcement.

Scariest Presidential Candidate: Sam Brownback / Senator (R-Kansas)

by Mary Reinholz

Once a moderate in the Bob Dole mold, Sen. Sam Brownback has morphed
into a zealous man of God intent on protecting millions of fetuses
from what he calls the yearly holocaust of abortion. Brownback
actually considers fetuses to be full-blown American citizens.

Just another religious nut stalking the corridors of power? Well, yes,
but this ambitious pol is the favored 2008 presidential candidate
of the radical right. Brownback seems hell-bent on establishing not
just faith-based initiatives, but faith in politics -- i.e., an
authoritarian Christian theocracy.

The man speaks softly but pushes the Passion of the Christ in the
culture wars, blasting gay marriage, porn, stem cell re-search and,
most recently, assisted suicide. One of Brown-back's glorious moments
came when he proposed introducing a bill in the Senate that would
compel pregnant women considering abortions to provide anesthetics for
their fetuses.

But no matter how over the top his political posturing, no one seems
to be laughing at Brownback's bid to succeed Bush -- certainly not the
influential Bible-thumpers supporting him like Pat Robertson and Chuck
Colson. Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pennsylvania) sponsored Brownback's
conversion to Roman Catholicism in 2002, and he was later baptized in
a chapel run by the secretive lay society Opus Dei.

On the economic front, the pious Senator perceived no moral quandary
in accepting $42,000 from disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Along
the way, Brownback apparently has had access to the deep pockets of
his wife, the former Mary Stauffer, whose family used to own a media

Brownback's 1995 bout with potentially fatal cancer intensified his
right-to-life ardor, but his religious beliefs didn't stop him from
living, until recently, in a $600-a-month apartment in a $1.1 million
Capitol Hill townhouse owned by members of Congress and subsidized by
a secretive religious organization, known variously as The Fellowship
and The Foundation and registered with the IRS as a church. Brownback
is a regular member of one of the group's prayer cells.

Perhaps he prays for the Supreme Court to display the Ten Commandments
since the courts, believes Brownback, have overstretched separation
of church and state to mean removal of church from state.

Scariest Judge: Edith Hollan Jones / Chief Justice of the U.S. Court
of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

by Paul Drexel

Imagine you're a woman working at a company where male colleagues
send you X-rated notes, hit on you, and repeatedly grab your breasts
-- even once pinch your 

nettime Blogging... from Athens (and beyond)... APC focuses on the Internet Governance Forum and

2006-10-31 Thread Frederick Noronha
Environment as part of internet governance
By Frederic Dubois writing from ATHENS, Greece =95 30/10/2006 13:24 =95
[Environment  ICTs]
I just ran into Pavel Antonov from APC-member organisation BlueLink in
Bulgaria. He just flew into Athens from Riga where he was giving a
training to leading Latvian state-TV and national newspaper
journalists in how to report on sustainable energy. Pavel is the chair
of a workshop here at the IGF in Athens. It's called Greening
Development through ICT and Civic Engagement and includes a brochette
of five speakers. One them is Julian Casasbuenas, the director of
APC-member in Colombia, Colnodo.

The internet governance is a process
By Frederic Dubois writing from ATHENS, Greece =95 30/10/2006 11:33 =95
[Internet governance]
IGF is a process, said Natasha Primo during her speech at the
opening ceremony of the first (of three) Internet Governance Forum.
What she means by this, is that Athens will not be the a one-time
show. The discussions and debates around how the internet is to be
governed will continue way beyond and we don't want to have this huge
down-time in between the three IGFs, later explained Avri Doria of
the civil society internet governance caucus.

The IGF is on, does that mean we'll get an internet as a free-zone?
By Frederic Dubois writing from ATHENS, Greece =95 30/10/2006 10:36 =95
Here I am, sitting in a plenary room at the opening session of the
Internet Governance Forum in Athens. This forum was set a couple of
months back, in Tunisia, where the second summit on the information
society (WSIS) was drawing to a close. Some of you might have noted
back then that the two main issues discussed in that UN-organised
summit were internet governance and ICTs for development. Well just
about eleven months later, what appears to be the legitimate space for
continuing the debate on the future of the internet is called the
Internet Governance Forum.

IGF... who's saying what
By FN writing from GOA, India =95 28/10/2006 19:52 =95 [WSIS
implementation, Communication rights, Access, Internet governance]
Everyone talks, but no-one listens Spam, multilingualism,
cybercrime, cybersecurity, privacy and data protection, freedom of
expression, human rights, interconnection  The Internet is one of
the most powerful inventions of the digital age Given the huge
impact of the Internet on our daily lives, states must remain the
ultimate guarantors of our Internet rights and freedoms,... Reporters
Without Borders will be at the Internet Governance Forum in Athens to
remind participants that free expression must be at the centre  A
long-simmering dispute over whether the U.S. government has too much
control over the Internet's underpinnings  Some voices emerging
prior to Athens.
Read more... @ Athens: Gender Peripheries of Internet Governance Forum
30 October 2006: IGF Opening - Setting the (Gender Disparate?) Scene
It's not a huge surprise but still a big disappointment: women are a
very small minority in today's opening of the first Internet
Governance Forum in Athens, Greece.

30 October 2006: Internet Governance Forum - What is it All About?
Quite a number of women --including those who have been following
gender and ICT discussions--are having a difficulty understanding
Internet Governance as a concept. Needless to say, we have encountered
quite a number of
questions on what the Internet Governance Forum is.
Frederick Noronha  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490
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