Re: Boston bomb-terrorism-art-marketing scare

2007-02-03 Thread Bill Spornitz
To my mind this is indicative of an emergent resonance condition whereby,
generally speaking, the action and the reaction out-do each other while
engaged in an idiot chase to score "positive feedback credits".

The more ridiculous the police action, the more ridiculous the cause -
Cassius Belli for the Idiot Age.


On 2/1/07, kanarinka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yesterday a bunch of LED signs with cartoon characters from a TV show
> shut down the city of Boston. They were installed on bridges,
> overpasses, etc.

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Again -Re: history lesson

2007-02-03 Thread A. G-C
Sorry for my language...

I want to say that I quite agree Keith's prospective hypothesis - that is
purely logical and an emergent observation of several facts yet

A FR translation could be cool for critically inform the electoral process
in FR which consists (equally from each part) in a big misinformation on
this context.

I think that the critical analysis from the struggle of class to expect
prospective hypothesis yet now is short as argument, but a relative argument
of fossil effects (the spectral) playing their feed-back that may counts
from a part. But what can be the other parts?

Actually Empiricism merging materialism in sciences obviously produce
interesting results (notoriously in medical and molecular biology). So I
think that at a term the only emergent solution included solution for the
global organizations will be to liberate the re-localisation. The mastering
deregulation of the activity having often be the very solution of empiricism
to get the people out of the largest economical catastrophes, by the way of
a stochastic adaptation of the economical activity and of the resources (I
evocate for example the economical "displanning" being suddenly adopted in
China as a social mean to front the suspension of the Soviet assistance:
that was the "one hundred flowers")... Probably nowadays this could
integrate the respect of the environment.

Surely this could appear after the largest effects of the announced extended
catastrophe till the hardest impact in the continental West. But at the view
of the prime effects before the general catastrophe may be a preventive
vaccine can obviously being the experimental re-localisation. There is a
first tentative from the new South American republics. But so hardest the
global orders are (trading and bank) with paramilitary means to convince the
insurgents, than the pressing can make turn perverse this republics by the
necessity of resisting (we know it since the consequences from the communist
wars) or break them, whatever being so much courageous and interesting to
tribute others through their proper local experiments. But EU could be
another topology of diverse experiments, which I am afraid that Angela
Merkel with her exigency of a global constitution for destroy the eventual
federate practices - increasing turpitude under the net of "oligarchist"
interests at the European power - will impeach (except the insubordination
but regrettably this possibility formerly written in the French law has been
taken out of the human rights adopted by the community in 1989)...

The only hard problem which remains being that there is not possible
deregulation without dislocation of the power which centred the plans;-) but
adapt by itself or get it disappear by another part.

At the proper moment of communist China the emerging consequence was the
greatest political question from which the cultural revolution was beginning
as a war between two powers inside the party as a national frame of the
decision of the State to the country for what then the cultural revolution
had to extend outside the party; it was both the question of the
intervention of the soviet part through its allies inside the party but the
major question was that one of the success of the economical reflation from
the step of the deregulation.

>From another part their is a second argument which tends to edify the
hypothesis of a general re-localisation: the question of the reheating of
the earth by greenhouse effect has probably and mostly a part of solutions
in the re-localisation (as well the question of the global production as
well the question of the global distribution being notoriously contributing
Contributing to the energetic reasons of the increasing and accelarating
greenhouse effect.

Thus maybe that all the learned indications and the dialectic tradition of
the struggle of class are out-of-date in the anointed that we go towards a
self realization of the libertarian conceptions of the world from its proper
stochastic consequences being integrated by the human thought, as tribute of
fact of the emergent solution of the life, without struggle for revolution.
Nevertheless it likely seems that this prospective world can come true by
saving the revolutionary violence ( we should not confuse the conditions and
the things as we know nowadays how the civil war is the strategy of dominion
not the proper revolutionary object what the dialectical device of pragmatic
Marxism had often carried to believe). But at least this new world not as
concept of "new" in modernity, but simple reality that globally had not
appear before as merging abstracted solution from the local uses rules or
traditions: as dislocating conception of material reality of the societies,
risks not to be able to protect from the realization of the disasters
announced beforehand, cause the obstinate tradition of reasoning in
reproductive ideas instead of repeating to approve their validity or

It would b

Women and multiculturalism

2007-02-03 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Hi, trying to figure out something on women, multiculturalism and 
international relations, what international law can do. Women and 
multiculturalism seems to be women against fundamentalism, not just in 
western countries, the western modern lifestyle against an archaic 
lifestyle. "Honor" killings etc. But I dont want to see it from a 
western point of view. For me it is about poverty and participation. 
Life in Afghan villages, selling kids, brides, to rich neighbors as one 
case, women and football in Iran as the other. There are two ILO 
programs, women at the workplace and the women entrepreneur. I have the 
idea that it is a slow process, to go with tanks into Afghan villages is 
useless, we have to be patient. Women and football seems to be a good 
idea by the Iranian president. As spectator in Iran, but see also the 
Palestine women football team.

Poverty and participation, what have I overlooked?


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Greenpeace: After Vista, a deluge of E-waste to developing countries

2007-02-03 Thread Patrice Riemens
Bwo the AsiaSource2 particiapants mailing list 

Manila, 3 February 2007--Vista, Microsoft's newest operating system, could 
trigger a deluge of E-waste in developing countries, Greenpeace warned 

The group argues that with Vista, more companies and individuals may feel 
the need to replace their existing computers sooner as these become 
incompatible with the new operating system.

The result: massive volumes of computer scrap in dirty recycling yards and 
dumpsites in the Philippines, Thailand, and in other Asian countries where 
most of the world's E-waste dumps are located.

"With Vista, Microsoft could effectively hasten the obsolescence of half 
the world's PCs, especially in the absence of fully-functioning global 
take back systems for PCs," said Greenpeace Southeast Asia Toxics 
Campaigner Beau Baconguis. "Companies will feel the need to upgrade more 
computers sooner--and when they do, the world is unfortunately not 
prepared for the massive E-waste the upgrades will generate."

"As it is, the current environmental policies of computer companies are 
not enough to provide an effective solution to the growing mountains of 
toxic electronic waste from computer components. Microsoft should have 
factored in these consequences and should have laid out mitigating 
measures to minimize the problem of obsolescence, before they started 
introducing new innovations. Innovation should not translate to more 
pollution," she added.

A study conducted by SoftChoice Corporation stated that 50% of the current 
breed of personal computers are "below Windows Vista's basic system 
requirements" while 94% are not equipped to run on Windows Vista Premium 

The ability of PCs to be easily upgraded is also important if the massive 
volumes of E-waste is to be prevented. Greenpeace has been engaging 
manufacturers of PCs and mobile phones to phase out toxic substances in 
their products and institute take-back mechanisms for the same products at 
the end of their useful lives. The demand comes with a challenge to PC 
manufacturers to design their products so that these may be easily 
upgraded, disassembled, and recycled properly.

"We maintain that the useful lives of existing electronic and computer 
equipment should be prolonged as much as possible. In the end, this is 
about social responsibility. The idea that software innovation would 
result in more mountains of computer scrap ending up in the dumps of Asia 
and Africa, contaminating the environment, and affecting the health of 
communities, is both offensive and intolerable," said Baconguis.

Greenpeace is an independent, campaigning organization which uses 
non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environment problems, 
and to force the solutions which are essential to a green and peaceful 

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