nettime ICT-for-D books... sharable and otherwise

2007-05-19 Thread Frederick Noronha
Maxigas of Green Spider in Hungary asked me about some ICT-for-D books
mentioned recently. These books are (just sharing the same with some
additional ones, in case any one is interested):

*** Code: Collaborative Ownership and the Digital Commons

*** Codev2 by Lawrence Lessig From the Preface: This is a translation
of an old book=97indeed, in Internet time, it is a translation of an
ancient text. That text is Lessig's Code and Other Laws of
Cyberspace. The second version of that book is Code v2. The aim of
Code v2 is to update the earlier work, making its argument more
relevant to the current internet. Download the book free:

*** Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective

*** Another interesting book I came across (and shared some of my
notes via the Wikipedia, please do too if you can, w.r.t.
ICT-for-development books specially ) is

*** Then, take a look at Coding Cultures (Francesca da Rimini, ed):  A
Handbook for Coding Cultures provides a lasting companion to the
inspiring projects and topical currents of thought explored in the
Coding Cultures Symposium and Concept Lab. Six invited writers and
groups from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, England, Italy and Hong Kong
share their experiences of building imaginative digital tools, social
networks, open labs and internet-based knowledge platforms for
communication and creativity. Complementing these commissioned texts
are contributions from our guest artists from Canada, England and
Jamaica. Artist statements from Symposium speakers completes this
snapshot of contemporary cultural practice. Keeping true to the
traditions of the free circulation of knowledge and culture, the
Coding Cultures Handbook is available free of charge. A limited print
edition of the Handbook was launched at the Coding Cultures Symposium
on 9 March 2007. The complete Handbook can be viewed or downloaded
below. Alternatively, essays can also be downloaded individually (see
List of Contents below) and where available, a link to the Author's
online essay is also provided. You can download this book free.

*** Free As In Education: a 2003 Finnish study on Free Software/Open
Source in the developing world. By Niranjan Rajani et al
(sharable)... am still trying to get the chapters on Asia, Africa and
Latin America, as the downloadable links seem broken. Write to me for
a copy of the main report (minus the regional chapters) if interested.

Please share any other interesting books if you come across these.
Rgds, FN/Frederick Noronha-Goa, India
FN M: 0091 9822122436 P: +91-832-240-9490 (after 1300IST)
Skype: fredericknoronha Yahoochat: fredericknoronha
Email fred at Res: 784 Saligao 403511 Goa India

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nettime Job search - Postdoctoral Researcher in software studies at UCSD

2007-05-19 Thread Lev Manovich
University of California, San Diego (UCSD)

We are currently recruiting for a Postdoctoral Researcher to join a new
Software Studies initiative at UCSD.

The researcher will work with  Dr. Lev Manovich  (Professor, Visual Arts )
and Dr. Noah Wardrip-Fruin   (Assistant Professor, Communication )
and will play a key role in research and field-building activities.

The goals of Software Studies initiative  at
UCSD are:
* to foster research and develop models and tools for the study of
software from the perspectives of cultural criticism, humanities, and social
* to help establish the new field of software studies which will
complement existing research in cyberculture and new media;
* to investigate how next generation cyberinfrastructure technologies
can be used by humanists, social scientists, and cultural practitioners

For an introduction to software studies, see:

Software Studies Workshop, Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, February 2006

The position is full time (40 hrs/week). The initial appointment is for 1
year, with the possibility for renewal. The position comes with full
benefits covered by UCSD  (
The starting salary range is USD 38,000 - 42,000. The selected candidate can
start immediately.

* a PhD in the humanities, social sciences, information science, or
related interdisciplinary area which is completed and defended before
starting the position at UCSD;
* broad understanding of contemporary global culture and familiarity
with current debates in one or more cultural fields;
* familiarity with current IT developments, and understanding of Web 2.0
concepts and social media optimization;
* the ability to write engaging and jargon-free texts that are
accessible to diverse global audiences

* experience installing and using research-oriented software tools
(e.g., data mining tools, GIS packages, visualization technologies,
databases, and/or other software used in digital humanities);
* understanding of programming language and system integration concepts;
some practical experience with computer programming or scripting;
* previous experience working with computer scientists on joint
* previous research projects and/or publications which address software
from the perspectives of the humanities, social sciences, or cultural
criticism (for example: the history of software forms, work practices shaped
by software infrastructures, studies of software operations and/or code).

This position is supported by the UCSD Division of the California Institute
for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2), and the Center
for Research in Computing and the Arts (CRCA) . Housing over 900 faculty,
graduate students, and staff researchers, Calit2 is developing
next-generation cyberinfrastructure tools with a particular focus on
multidisciplinary collaboration.

Calit2 is located on UCSD campus which is internationally renowned as a
place for study and research in digital art, computer music, and digital
theory. Between the departments of Visual Arts, Music, and Communication,
there are close to 30 full-time faculty working in these areas.

The technical facilities and staff support for research in digital media on
the UCSD campus are among the best in the world. They include a number of
state-of-the-art research labs and performance spaces which provide both
current and next-generation tools for immersive visualization, multi-channel
audio spatialization, digital cinema, motion capture, interactive
performance, 3-D fabrication, and computer gaming research.

The position is open until filled, but we will begin reviewing applications
June 10th, 2007. For priority consideration, candidates are encouraged to
apply before this date. Applicants should send a current CV with cover
letter to Helena Bristow  ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with subject line Application
for Software Studies Postdoc Position.

Manovich and Wardrip-Fruin will be available for preliminary interviews at
the 2007 Digital Humanities conference  during the first week of June, 2007
( Please indicate whether you will
be attending DH '07 in your application.

For further information, please contact:
Helena Bristow,
Administrative Director,
Center for Research in Computing and the Arts

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Re: nettime Brazil puts patients before patents

2007-05-19 Thread John
The problem down in Brazil is not that the drug companies are charging 
too much for AIDS drugs.  The problem is that Brazil is refusing to 
budget sufficient money to cover the costs associated with dealing with 
the AIDS problem the country is sadly faced with.  Instead they're 
simply robbing drug companies.  The large drug manufacturing consortium 
should consider a boycott on Brazil over the complete range of the rest 
of their drug products or simply don't send any of the newer drugs as 
they enter the market down there so Brazil can't steal them too.

The idea that drug companies be offered a 'reward' instead of letting 
market price be tied to RD is a bad one.  Say what you will about the 
evils of capitalism, but the one truth remains that individuals and 
companies will produce more (to the benefit of the community at large) 
when they can anticipate a greater benefit to themselves for doing so.

Finding good drugs that cure nasty diseases is expensive no matter how 
you look at it.  Governments are neither willing nor able to spend the 
necessary money.  The only way that private enterprise is going to step 
up and do this is if it pays them extremely well.  I for one would like 
to see the day where one of these big companies find a final cure for 
AIDS and cancer.  It's just unfortunate that no more reasonable 
alternative to that end exists.

John S.

 Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 13:04:33 -0100
 From: nettime's_busy_reader [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: nettime Brazil puts patients before patents
 May 4, 2007
 The Huffington Post
 James Love
 Brazil puts patients before patents, rejects Bush administration
 pressure and issues compulsory license on important AIDS drug

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