More progressive responses to Katrina [2x]

2005-09-08 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   Re:  A Progressive Response to Katrina  
 Michael H Goldhaber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   open letter to GB from Michael Moore 
 Deb King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   



Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 01:34:06 -0700
From: Michael H Goldhaber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re:  A Progressive Response to Katrina

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Thanks for your thoughtful reply.  I don't quite agree though.

On Sep 6, 2005, at 3:01 PM, E. Miller wrote:

> The federal government maintained the levee system and provides FEMA; the
> state is the first responder for disaster law and order in the form of the
> National Guard, as well as statewide emergency planning; the local
> government is inherently responsible for preparations specific to the
> community; and individuals have a responsibility to themselves and to their
> neighbors.  At all of these levels there was catastrophic failure.  I don't
> know that it's reasonable to point the finger solely at the level most
> removed from the catastrophe, even if that level (the Feds) are ultimately
> the only ones with the resources to handle the largest emergencies.

I cannot accept letting FEMA and the federal government off the hook so easily. 
FEMA has realized for more than 4 years that one of the worst possible disaster 
had to plan for was just what happened. Did it plan? Not unless it wanted to 
the opportunity to take over the city for the federal government, as some blogs
are claiming (though even they are mum on whether this would have been planned 

Even if primary responsibility in some sense rests with the city and state, it
would have been easy for FEMA to have worked out and coordinated with them
detailed plans on how to respond to disasters of various magnitudes in advance.
Surely 9-11 showed the necessity of this.

Louisiana is a poor state, New Orleans a poor city.  We can't expect every 
borough or hamlet to have adequate disaster plans. Planning for emergencies is
complex, and requires a high degree of professionalism, with many tasks that 
be adequately coordinated. It only makes sense that this capacity can be far 
fully developed at the federal level than at state or local, and this
responsibility for making sure plans are ready should clearly be at that top
level. I have heard repeated claims that laws and even the Constitution require
that states have ultimate power in this, but it's obviously easy for the federal
government to force the state's hands quite thoroughly if it wants to. Just as
seatbelt requirements have been tied to federal highway money, federal
disaster-related grants could and should be tied to a coordinated plan. FEMA 
Clinton apparently regularly did such things, but this was undone under Bush.

Further, I don't see how responsibility to decide whether or not to evacuate can
be placed on individual citizens. We make it a law that people in cars or planes
must wear seat belts. It is not left up to their individual decisions, just as 
is not an individual choice whether to stop at a red light. To make it possible 
buckle up we require that cars and planes be equipped with the seat belts. In 
same way, New Orleans residents could not be expected to leave if not offered
transportation, a destination, and assurances that their homes would be 
as far as possible against destruction, and that they could return. Even those
with means to leave cannot always view the situation dispassionately enough to
decide whether their own safety requires that they do leave. Home can be hard to
give up. (My own grandparents had ample warning =97 years =97 that, as Jews, 
should leave Nazi Germany, but they never could believe the danger, and so died.
Had there been some authority able to get them out of harm's way, which failed 
do so, I would have held that authority culpable, but not them themselves.)

> These were historic neighborhoods with strong communities.  They were
> also
> crime-ridden, filled with substandard housing, enforced de facto
> segregation, and helped institutionalize a lack of opportunity for the
> underclass.  I'm not sure that building reproductions of pre-hurricane New
> Orleans underclass residences (avoiding the term 'ghetto' here) would
> a good
> idea any more than I'd be keen on rebuilding a cloned copy of Cabrini Green
> if it had been gutted by a fire.  We'd be enshrining a monument to
> 'benign
> neglect'.

Certainly these neighborhoods are problematic. But destroying a community 
its members full agreement is prett

Announcements [x13] + **** important notice ****

2003-09-18 Thread Announcer
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[NOTE: Farewell. This is the last 'old-style' announcer. From now on, all
announcements will be delivered via a dedicated nettime announcement list,
surprisingly called nettime-ann. If you want to receive announcements,
subscribe to this list:

Please send announcements directly to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, and
please do *not* add that address to your distribution list until you've

Nettime-ann is moderated by its own team, Mason Dixon and Hannah
Davenport, both at -- the nettime mod squad(s)]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Table of Contents:

 marko peljhan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Final call: Slowtime?..Quicktime as an artistic medium  
 "Le Musee di-visioniste" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   JavaMuseum - Update 15 September
 "JavaMuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Bombs and Bandwidth, The Emerging Relationship Between IT and Security  
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Correction: M/C call for papers for the 'text' issue
 "M/C - Media and Culture" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   ATC @ UCB: Brixey and Rinehart, Mon 7:30pm  
 Ken Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   INCD media release: Artists around the world speak out for cultural diversity at
 "A Virtual Memorial" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

 Ricardo Dominguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   (((NOMUSIC))) - Open Call   

   9/26 Interchange: An Evening of Interactive Performance & Installation  
 "D. Jean Hester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   park fiction this friday.   
 fran ilich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   since 1994  
 { brad brace } <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   artists present | friday 19 september | 20:00hrs. | SMART Cinema
 "SMART Project Space" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 12:05:44 +0200
From: marko peljhan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>




2003/2004 PERIOD

Makrolab, Isola di Campalto, Laguna di Venezia 11.9.03 23.00Z

The MAKROLAB markIIex structure was installed on the island of Campalto 
(Isola di Campalto) in the Venice Lagoon on June 13, 2003 as part as 
part of the Biennale di Venezia art exhibition, Individual systems 
section and the PHARE CBC Interreg IIIA program, organised by Patagonia 
Art, rx:tx and Projekt Atol.

On September 15, the lab operations will stop for a month for 
winterisation preparations and winter overhaul and the resident Projekt 
Atol and rx:tx crew will prepare the lab for the new climatic 
conditions. Operations will resume on October 15 or earlier, depending 
on the overhaul speed. The network operations will continue without 
stopping on November 2, as previously planned, when the Venice Biennale 
finishes. The lab operations will continue!

>From September 12 on, PROJEKT ATOL is starting to accept proposals from 
the tactical media community individual workers and teams, free and open 
source software community workers, radio scientists, biologists, 
ornithologists, ichtiologists, engineers, ecologists and artists for 
operations and projects proposals for the Winter 2003 and Spring 200

Announcements [x11]

2003-09-07 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   Global Media call to action from Robert McChesney / Llamada a la  Accion Global 
 Sasha Costanza-Chock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   First News from Tidal Wave Cancun / Primer Noticias desde Huracan Cancun
 Sasha Costanza-Chock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   M/C: Call for papers - 'text' issue 
 "M/C - Media and Culture" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   ma|msc d'f" 
 Digital Futures <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   call for submission: installations & media art  
 "Scott Berry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 "JavaMuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   VRCAI 2004, Singapore, 16-18 June 2004  
 "Fatima Lasay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


 trebor scholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> newsletter for September 2003

   Art in Motion call for enteries description 
 Art In Motion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 11:07:10 -0400 
From: Sasha Costanza-Chock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Global Media call to action from Robert McChesney / Llamada a la  Accion 
Global por los Medios


[Scroll down for English]


Favor circular. 

Este mes de septiembre, en la conferencia de la Organización Mundial del

Comercio (OMC) de Cancún, el representante comercial de Estados Unidos 
intentará extender el poder de la OMC a los servicios de comunicaciones 
y audiovisuales.  Esto incluye tanto el cine, la radio, la televisión y 
la producción musical, como los servicios de distribución mediática, 
sean satélites, servicios de cable y de radio y teledifusión. 

El resultado podría ser desastroso para muchos sistemas mediáticos de 
todo el mundo. Las regulaciones estadounidenses que favorecen la 
diversidad mediática, el localismo y el interés público podrían ser 
atacadas bajo el pretexto de ser "barreras al comercio". Los límites a 
la propiedad de medios y los programas federales y estatales que en 
Estados Unidos fomentan la diversidad de los medios también podrían ser 
considerados violaciones al comercio. 

Por favor, acuda a la página Firme la 
petición. Hágala circular entre [EMAIL PROTECTED] que se preocupan por los medios o 
por los temas globales. La petición Se entregará al Congreso 
estadounidense justo antes de la conferencia de la OMC, a mediados de 

Una ola masiva de presión pública es esencial para conseguir que el 
Congreso estadounidense pare la usurpación de poder de los Grandes
Medios en 
la OMC. 

Para más información en inglés, por favor, acuda a: 

Muchas gracias, 

Robert McChesney 
Free Press 

Please post to all media reform and global issues lists: 

This September at the World Trade Organization (WTO) meeting in Cancun, 
Mexico, the US Trade Representative will attempt to expand the WTO's
power over Communications and Audiovisual Services. This includes film,
radio, television, video, and music production, as well as media
distribution services such as satellite, cable and broadcast. 

The result could spell disaster for vibrant media systems worldwide: US 
regulations that favor media diversity, localism and the public interest
could be attacked as "barriers to trade." Media ownership limits, as
well as Federal and state programs that encourage diverse media, could be
considered outright trade violations. 

Please go to Sign the petition. Pass it
along to others concerned with media or global issues. The petition will be
delivered to Congress shortly before the WTO meeting in mid-September. 

A massive wave of public pressure is essential to move Congress to block
Big Media's power grab at the WTO. 

For more information, please go to 

Thank you, 

Robert McChesney 
Free Press 


Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 18:55:52 -0400 
From: Sasha Costanza-Chock <[EMAIL PROT

Events [x8]

2003-09-05 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   Conference Update: The State of the Real
 Damian Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Networked Performance: September on -empyre-   
 "Melinda Rackham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Conference Announcement 
 Charlie Gere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   [sydney] D I S O R I E N T A T I O N
 "shannon o'neill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

 "Karoly Toth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

 "Katja Heckes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   JavaMuseum - Updates
 "JavaMuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   call for participation__sagas wif __FUTURE TV workshop_in Munich_October 7 - 13 
 Brunhild Bushoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2003 16:57:24 +0100
From: Damian Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Conference Update: The State of the Real

I hope list-members will be interested in this event.


An updated timetable will shortly be available for:

T h e   S t a t e   o f   t h e   R e a l

An Interdisciplinary Conference

Conference includes:

Keynote Speakers: 
Prof. Linda Nochlin, New York University
Prof. Slavoj Zizek, University of Ljubljana

45 international session speakers.


Exhibition by photographer Andrew Lee

Ceilidh Dinner 

Delegates are advised to book early to avoid disappointment.

T h e   S t a t e   o f   t h e   R e a l

An Interdisciplinary Conference

Glasgow School of Art, UK

21-22 November 2003

"How real can you get?"
This two-day conference will debate the subject of Œthe real¹ in aesthetic
philosophy, criticism and practice.

"When is representation not real?"
Recent years have seen notions of reality discussed in the open. What
relationship do current views developed by this discourse have with those
tenets of realism and representation that once provided the foundation for
aesthetic study? What are the philosophical consequences of the introduction
of technologies that increasingly blur the boundaries between art and
popular culture? What is the effect of aesthetic culture on Realpolitik?
What has happened to the notions of social realism, verisimilitude, and the
imaginary? Are they still relevant, and how have they been changed, if at

"Reclaiming the real."
The organizers are also interested in how notions of reality are affected
by, and continue to affect, aesthetic practice in the fields of art, design,
and media production. With the popularity of haptic technologies, what has
happened to Œreal¹ haptics? How do practitioners and academics view older
technologies in the light of their electronic avatars? With the development
of notions of virtual space, what has happened to our understanding of the
body, the mind, and corporeal space?

The conference will include panels on these issues, and also on The Body,
Photography, Museum Studies, Design, Cinema and Urban Space.

For more information, and a registration form, email the organisers at:


Or please contact: 
ŒThe State of the Real¹,
Dept. of Historical and Critical Studies,
Glasgow School of Art,
167 Renfrew St, 
Scotland, UK. 
G3 6RQ. 

You can also log on to the conference website, which will be updated
throughout the Summer.


Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 15:18:02 +1000
From: "Melinda Rackham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Networked Performance: September on -empyre- 

"The space becomes like a body, and the live body
becomes a space..." --Kondition Pluriel 2003

- -empyre- is pleased to welcome Company in Space
(Australia)and Kondition Pluriel (Canada/Austria)as
guests for our September conversation on performance
and digital media.

join us on -empyre-

Melbourne-based Company in Space joins us for
September 1-15.  Since 1993, co-directors Hellen Sky
and John McCormick have pioneered telematic
performance in experiments in networked movement, in
live and online kinaesthetic, visual and aural worlds
using motion capture imaging and video. Company in
Space has performed internationally in Europe, Asia,
Australia in numerous festivals and exhibitions. 

As artists-in-residence at RMIT's Interactive
Information Institute, Company in S

Announcements [9x]

2003-09-01 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   CFP: The Life of Mobile Data Conference 
 Sean Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   24/7 project in vilnius 
 "raimundas  m" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   DoP Bangalore: Local knowledge: design & innovation 
 John Thackara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of Andreas Broeckmann)   

   window installation "=?ISO-8859-1?Q?terror=2Egov=22?= in Los Angeles
 Oliver Ressler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   PRESS  - [R]-[R]-[F] Festival   
 "[R]-[R]-[F]- Festival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   ATC Monday 7:30pm: Mark Hansen  
 Ken Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   "WE INTERRUPT THIS EMPIRE..." (video screenings)
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   For Nettime, if you feel it is appropriate  
 Douglas Rushkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   bootlab berlin > attachment 1   
 "kobe matthys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of pit schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 23:14:01 +0100
From: Sean Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: The Life of Mobile Data Conference

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[apologies for cross-posting. please forward to interested parties as 

The Life of Mobile Data:
Technology, Mobility and Data Subjectivity

April 15  16, 2004
University of Surrey, England

The rapid adoption and diffusion of mobile devices over the past decade has 
transformed the way information is generated, organized and communicated 
about individuals and their lives. The construction of new mobile data 
profiles and of mobile, informatic selves, hold the potential to transform 
what is organizationally and interpersonally meant by privacy, 
individuality, community, risk, trust, and reciprocity in a mobilizing, and 
globalizing world.

In order to examine these transformations, the RIS:OME project at the 
University of Surrey is hosting an international, interdisciplinary 
conference to address emerging social and cultural relations of mobility, 
privacy, identity, information and communication. This conference will 
bring together academic, industry and policy researchers and practitioners 
to critically address how mobile information and communications 
technologies structure relations of privacy, security, trust, power, 
identity and difference.

There are a number of questions that inform the themes of the conference. 
In what ways, for example, do mobiles reconfigure the relations of trust, 
risk, privacy and reciprocity embedded in organizational and interpersonal 
data sharing? In what ways do mobiles contribute to the construction of 
identity and of the 'information self'? What is the relationship between 
mobile data and the individual? Who owns and controls the emerging, 
individualized mobile data image? What roles do consumption and consumerism 
play in the social relations of privacy, trust and security? Is the 
development of mobile technologies associated with emerging relations of 
risk, uncertainty and privatisation?

What social, cultural and regulatory factors have influenced the generation 
of mobile data in different countries? How do these factors influence 
culturally specific understandings and practices of globalized and 
transnational privacy, risk and trust? Are regimes of information sharing 
and data protection patterned along axes of development and 
underdevelopment? What roles do national differences and political 
economies play in the construction of emerging mobile data relations? How 
are politics reconfigured within and between countries via mobile data 
technologies and changing mobilities?

What critical approaches can be brought to bear on our understanding of 
diversity, difference and resistance in the generation of mobile data? How 
can we account for the rapid uptake of mobile devices, and the development 
of mobile data sharing, both now and in the future?

We seek to bring critical perspectives to bear on the development and 
widespread uptake of mobile technologies and developments in information 
sharing and data profiling over the last decade. The conference organizers 
thus invite papers presenting empirically grounded and theoretically 
informed analyses of the social changes that mobile technologies and their 
data relations have brought about. Suggested themes could include, but are 
by n

Announcements [12x]

2003-08-29 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

Site Announcement: Bataille, Deleuze and Beyond   
 "R. Negarestani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

 Benjamin Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   ANN: sine fiction - new releases
 A Dontigny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Final call: Perspectives'03 
 "JavaMuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Drift: Call For Participation   
 Chris Byrne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Call for entries: Rainforest Memorial   
 "A Virtual Memorial" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

 linda carroli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Media Study 
 Media Study <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Teaching posts - Dream homes in New Zealnd  
 Sean Cubitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Canberra IMC -Working Group 
 Tracey Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   New Zealand academic posts - Screen and Media Studies   
 George (s) Lessard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   GATES PROJECT Sao Paulo Brazil  
 "Lucia Leão" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 07:38:53 +0430
From: "R. Negarestani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Site Announcement: Bataille, Deleuze and Beyond


(From Zarathustra to Nietzsche, Bataille, Deleuze and beyond)


Maraka Project (The anonymous histories of Horror)
Through the Plague (The lineaments of epidemic in the contemporary writing
and art)
An Asiatic Junkyard (Where is Asia?)
Cold-Workings (An auto-biography of an organ, a journal)
Artworks, Discussion Board and more.

Cold Me by Reza Negarestani


Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 18:09:11 +0200
From: Benjamin Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Film Video Neue Medien Installation Performance Vortraege

Festival 15.-18. Januar 2004
Warm Up 9.-14. Januar 2004

Target Blank - der Stuttgarter Filmwinter geht in die 17. Runde - stets auf
der Suche nach Innovativem, Kritischem und Unbekanntem in der Medienkunst
und Filmkultur, nach den Zwischenzonen und Freiraeumen im Medienbetrieb.
Nach dem Rekord von ueber 1300 Einreichungen beim letzten Festival sind
alle Film-, Medien- und Kunstschaffende herzlich eingeladen, ihre Arbeiten
in den Bereichen Film, Video, CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, Internet, Installation und
Performance fuer den kommenden Filmwinter einzusenden.

Online-Projekte koennen direkt ueber die Festival Website eingereicht werden. Anmeldeformulare fuer Film,
Video, CD-ROM/DVD-ROM, Installation und Performance koennen im PDF-Format
heruntergeladen werden.

Deadline fuer Einreichungen: 15. September 2003

In den Sektionen Film/Video und Neue Medien werden Preise in Hoehe von
ueber 11.500 EUR vom Publikum und unterschiedlichen Jurykommissionen

Die Hoppe-Ritter Kunstfoerderung stiftet EUR 2.000,- fuer eine Film- oder
Videoproduktion, die von einem Team realisiert wurde.

Norman 2004
Preis der Jury fuer Film und Video in Hoehe von EUR 1.500,-
Preis der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart fuer Neue Medien
Zwei Preise in Hoehe von insg. EUR 4.000,- gehen an Arbeiten aus dem
Bereich CD-ROM/DVD-ROM oder an Projekte im Internet.

Milla & Partner Preis
Preis fuer Medien im Raum (Installationen) in Hoehe von EUR 2000,-

Publikumspreise in den Bereichen Film/Video und Internet in Hoehe von
jeweils EUR 1.000,-

Sowie weitere Preise und die heissbegehrte Wand 5-Ehrenauszeichnung

Neben den beiden Wettbewer

Events [14x]

2003-08-22 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   "re:location" exhibition - please forward   
 Liz Mac Dougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Slowtime?...Call for proposals  
 "Cinematheque" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Ars Electronica 2003 - 4th Announcement: Exhibitions
 Ars Electronica Center <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   VideoLisboa -call for entries   
 Felix Stalder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   MTAA Postcard Exhibition @ IALA Opening 
 "Patrick Lichty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   ATC @ UCB: F03-S04 Schedule 
 Ken Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   The Upgrade 2.0//Vancouver  
 "Kate Armstrong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   "digital sparks" Award 2003 
 "Katja Heckes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


 Benjamin Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Pixxelpoint Newsletter  
 Blaz Erzetic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   M&A August Evenings-Evolving Materialism (LA)   
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

=?iso-8859-1?Q?=B5=5FZEROGLAB_NANOFESTIVAL=5F=B5_screening_at_g-niale_fes?= tiv
 =?iso-8859-1?Q?K=E1roly_T=F3th?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Amsterdam Workshop: The News about Networks 
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 03:27:42 -0300
From: Liz Mac Dougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "re:location" exhibition - please forward

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incomplete dislocations [interactive media art] collective
Liz Mac Dougall, Coordinator, 6161 Allan Street, Halifax, NS B3L 1G7 
902.444-6869 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The Incomplete Dislocations Collective is pleased to announce the 
opening of "re:location", an exhibition of 10 interactive digital 
works by NS artists. On Tuesday, August 19th at 7:30 pm at our 
temporary store-front gallery, 2203 Gottingen Street (at Cunard).

Curated by Liz Mac Dougall of the Incomplete Dislocations (ID) 
Collective, this exhibit is the result of a year long project where 
artists working in more traditional media were invited to make 
digital art reflecting their existing artistic interests. 
Participating artists were given technical support, workshops in 
digital media, and mentorship throughout the six months of 
production. For the local new media arts scene the resulting show 
breaks new ground in scale, in the uses of interactive technologies, 
and in the diversity of presenting artists.

To title re:location refers to the dislocation inherent in digital 
media. To live in a technologically mediated culture is to live 
dislocation as a quality of daily life. Communications, from mass 
media to more intimate exchanges are increasingly reliant on new 
technologies and are, therefore, disembodied mediations. The works 
can be looked at from the perspective of 'location', and our 
investment in identifying our conceptual location in a dislocated 
hyper-mediated environment.

The work of 'bluegirl' a virtual persona exemplifies this 
technological dislocation as the site is the only place 
she lives. Her site employs interactive freeware to an extreme degree 
in an attempt to make friends, find dates and communicate her 
philosophy without ever leaving home. Shawn MacLeod and Stephan 
Schulz's talking monitor piece asks that the viewer move monitors to 
create conversation between them in a reversal of the 
human/technological paradigm. Barbara Bickle's installation of a 
painting and a fax machine demonstrates the alteration of the art 
space via technology - a critical yet ironically accepting piece. 
These dislocations are amidst others that we experience on many other 
levels, cultural, racial, geographical etc.

- - - Spoken Word/Digital Video Per

Events [10x]

2003-08-18 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

 Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

 jonCates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Expect Magazine #2 August 2003  
 "J. Lehmus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   August SenTinel 
 "ST Media" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Fwd: ORB // remote is now launched  
 "][mez][" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Perspectives'03 - Call for entries  
 "JavaMuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   CfP: Information, Communication and Society- Special Issue on e-Health  
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   fAf August 03: Digital Arts and Culture Conference Papers   
 linda carroli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Hochschulwettbewerb "digital sparks" 2003 ist entschieden   
 "Monika Fleischmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Wegway Juried Show at SPIN Gallery  
 "Steve Armstrong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 21:22:12 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The FLYING SAUCER CAFE reading/media series is starting again!



(See below for details)



Aya Karpinska's research and creative work focus on the impact of
technology on artistic practice, in particular computer-mediated music
and literature. Her diverse output includes computer music, fiction,
poetry, web and graphic design, and game design. She recently performed
at Tonic in New York City with her electronic music instrument, container
for sound.

Ms. Karpinska received her Master's degree from the Interactive
Telecommunications Program at New York University.

notes for container for sound
A box containing sounds waiting to be released. The performer unleashes
the composition by opening doors, flapping them like wings to manipulate
sound samples. This electronic instrument was built to explore new
interfaces for musical expression. Although it was designed to be simple
to play, the performer's physical gestures translate into a wide musical

More information on the development of this instrument can be found at:


Tim Peterson currently lives in Somerville, Massachusetts. He attended
Wesleyan University where he majored in art history and then went on to
get his MFA at The University of Arizona. He currently works at M.I.T.
Press.  This is Tim's first poetry reading in New York, and to mark this
event Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs published his debut chapbook titled

The Flying Saucer Cafe series pares up new media artists with poets who
instead of giving a reading present a talk relating to their poetry and

Tim's talk is titled "Spontaneous Generation." It focuses on writing a
gender by writing a world, and it also deals with issues of private
language, the dialogic, and spatial metonymy: issues concerning Peterson's
identity and his writing process. He says of this, "the two poles of
understanding are on the one hand the urge "to be some body," an ideal
self enforced by society, and on the other hand the limiting specificity
of the question: whose body? in what situation?"



We will be having readings the first Tuesday of each month (August an
exception). Please come and support us!

Contact Brenda Iijima or Alan Sondheim for further information.
 Brenda Iijima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Alan Sondheim ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

The Flying Saucer is located at 494 Atlantic Ave. between Nevins and 3rd
Avenues, in Brooklyn. You can subways to the Pacific or Atlantic stops,
including the 2, 3, 4, 5, W, N, R, Q, and anything else that runs there.

Telephone at the Flying Saucer Cafe is 718-522-1383.



Date: Fri, 8 Aug 2003 16:37:10 -0500
From: jonCates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: criticalartware_Version.002.1x532

/* === *
*  */


/* ===

Events [23x]

2003-08-14 Thread Announcer
from community members/ organizations, artists, academics and 
activists, that include all project voices and are based on your 
experience with participatory projects.  Scholarships are available 
for low-income attendees.  

Join others involved in the Community Based Research movement to 
share diverse ways of discovering and exposing truths to promote 
democratic decision-making processes, self-empowerment, and 
realization of community objectives.  Our goal is for all 
participants to leave the conference with concrete strategies for 
contributing to this movement.

To register, apply for scholarships, and/or make a presentation 
proposal, please go to  If you have specific questions 
about registration, scholarships or proposals, contact Rachel 
Maldonado at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 512.585.1507.  For questions about 
transportation, lodging, or Audubon Center spaces, contact teresa 
konechne, at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 612.871.2576.  Registration, 
scholarship applications and proposals are due by September 2nd.  
Reserve EARLY!!!  Space is limited.


Financial support for the Community Research Network Annual 
Conference has been generously provided by the Annie E. Casey 



Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 16:12:52 +0200
From: Heike Borowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: \\international\media\art\award 2003 - The Top 50

See German text below

\\international\media\art\award 2003
Preselection Jury nominated the Top Fifty
For the 11th time this year, ZKM | Center for Art and Media, together
with SWR, will present the \\international\media\art\award. The theme of
this year's competition - "Constructed Life ? Computer Games, Cybersex
and Robotic Art" - is an admittedly demanding one, so viewing all 635 of
the submitted video and interactive works has meant intensive work for
the pre-selection jury. SWR (Southwest German Broadcasting Company) will
be broadcasting "The Top 50" in the fall. From the nominated Top Fifty
the jury will select the awarded works in the different categories from
July 14th until 16th 2003. Members of the jury are: Woody Vasulka (video
artist / USA), Jean Gagnon (director of programs / The Daniel Langlois
Foundation, Montréal Canada), Masaki
Fujihata (media artist / Tokyo, Japan), Samir (filmmaker and producer,
Zurich Switzerland and Ursula Frohne (International University / Bremen,
Germany. The prize ceremony will take place at the Center for Art and
Media Karlsruhe, Germany at the 15th of November 2003.

For two years the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW) has been
intensively cooperating with the ZKM Karlsruhe in a partnership and is
now for the first time supporting the \\international\media\art\award as
the main sponsor.

The prizes are:
\\international\media\art\award 2003 \\VIDEO \\12.000 EUR
\\international\media\art\award 2003 \\INTERACTIVE \\12.000 EUR
\\special award \\production at ZKM and TV documentary on SWR \\
\\viewers' award \\non-monetary prize

>From the middle of September you can find information about the
nominated works as well as short video cut-outs giving an idea of the
videos, interactive installations, net art works and CD-ROMs on

- --

Die "50 Besten" des \\internationalen\medien\kunstpreises 2003 sind
Zusammen mit dem SWR vergibt in diesem Jahr schon zum 11mal das ZKM |
Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe den
\\internationalen\medien\kunstpreis. 635 Medienkunstwerke sind zum
diesjährigen Wettbewerb unter dem Thema "Konstruiertes Leben ? zwischen
Computergames, Cybersex und Robotic Art" eingegangen. Die Vorjury wählte
die 50 besten Beiträge aus, die im Herbst im SÜDWEST-Fernsehen
ausgestrahlt werden. Aus den nominierten Werken wird die Hauptjury vom
14. - 16. Juli die Preisträger in den jeweiligen Kategorien prämieren.
Die diesjährigen Jurymitglieder sind: Woody Vasulka (Videokünstler /
USA), Jean Gagnon (Director of Programs - The Daniel Langlois Foundation
/ Montréal, Kanada), Masaki Fujihata (Medienkünstler / Tokyo, Japan),
Samir (Filmemacher und Producer / Zürich, Schweiz) sowie Ursula Frohne
(International University / Bremen, Deutschland). Die Preisverleihung
findet am 15. November 2003 im ZKM Karlsruhe statt.

Die Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW) ist seit zwei Jahren Partner des
ZKM Karlsruhe und unterstützt nun erstmals auch als Hauptsponsor den

Folgende Preise werden vergeben:
\\internationaler\medien\kunst\preis 2003 \\VIDEO \\12.000 EUR
\\internationaler\medien\kunst\preis 2003 \\INTERAKTIV \\12.000 EUR
\\sonderpreis \\Produktion am ZKM und TV-Dokumentation SWR
\\zuschauerpreis \\sachpreis

Unter finden Sie ab Mitte September 2003
sowohl Informationen zu den nominierten Arbeiten, wie auch kurze
Videosequenzen, die einen Eindruck von

Announcements [14x]

2003-08-14 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   GATES Call 2

   ICONography call for works - distribute widely. 
 "Patrick Lichty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Perspectives'03 - deadline extended 
 "JavaMuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Fwd: Call for Papers: Picturing Women Symposium 
 jeremy hunsinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Call for 24/7 news  

   Call for entries: Netart from Asian -Pacific area   
 "JavaMuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   from Mrs. Katerina (WSEAS)  

   ISEA2004  - submission deadline extended
 Amanda McDonald Crowley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] Bilbao 2004 - Call for papers / proposals 

   Call for Contributions to Sarai Reader 04 :  Crisis/Media   
 Shuddhabrata Sengupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   =?ISO-8859-1?Q?IDRC_Internship_Awards_Competition/Concours_pour_?= =?ISO-8859-1?
 George (s) Lessard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   COLD ME (Site Announcement) 
 "R. Negarestani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   10 August - 1st anniversary  - launch of version 8.0
 "Violence Online Festival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Call for papers: Newspaper on IPR @ WSIS
 Felix Stalder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 13:30:16 +0100
Subject: GATES Call 2

In basso in italiano / Scroll down for Italian version.

GATES / July 4 - September 30 2003

GATES - Starting from Greece
Gates is a total new collaborative art experiment, it is a non-conventional
exhibition; one can participate not by sending video or digital work on the
topic, but creating a network, circulation of action-communication, between
real and cyberspace, between visual and word, related to the symbolic icon
of the Gate, with its metaphoric, symbolic, of computer science, and
telematic, implications, gates as ways of transit, as dimension of open, of
confrontation, of passages in every direction, at every level.

We are creating a new form of art that uses as matter e-communication,
relationship among persons, art debate, our real/virtual body, voice,
gesture ( is all this); experimentals! artists, poets, critics,
theoreticians! e-post-Fluxus casseurs, e-post-post-duchamp-ists (?),
welcome!, is an open gate for what you think, and for what you

How to Join, and first contributions by Alli Poli (web site under

Beyond Net.Art
by Caterina Davinio &

Gates is dedicated to Pierre Restany

- --
GATES / 4 Luglio - 30 Settembre 2003

GATES - Partiamo dalla Grecia
Gates è un esperimento d'arte collaborativa completamente nuovo, una mostra
non convenzionale; non si partecipa inviando propri lavori in video o
immagini a tema, ma creando un network, circolazione d'azione-comunicazione
tra reale e ciberspazio, tra visualità e parole, collegati all'icona
simbolica della porta, con le sue implicazioni metaforiche, simboliche,
informatiche e telematiche, porte come vie di transito, come dimensione di
apertura, di confronto, di passaggio in ogni direzione, a ogni livello.

Stiamo creando una nuova forma d'arte che usa come materia la comunicazione
elettronica, il rapporto tra le persone, il dibattito sull'arte, il nostro
corpo/voce/gesto reali/virtuali ( è tutto questo).
Sperimentali! artisti, poeti, critici, teorici! casseurs e-post-Fluxus,
e-post-post-duchamp-isti (?), benvenuti!, è una porta aperta per
ciò che pensate e per ciò che fate.

Come partecipare e primi contributi da Alli Poli (sito web in costruzione):

Oltre la Net.Art
di Caterina Davinio e

Gates è dedicato a Pierre Restany

- -- Experimental

Announcements [10x]

2003-07-24 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   ISEA2004  - CALL for PROPOSALS  
 Amanda McDonald Crowley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Impakt Online: "Database Dilemmas" Call for Proposals   
 derek holzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - center for hardwired arts - News 
 "=?iso-8859-1?Q?Stephan_\=28Spiv\=29_Schr=F6der?=" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Call for proposals - The Israeli Center for Digital Art 

   Impakt: "Database Dilemmas" Commission Call for Proposals   
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Call for (creative) contributions   
 Lionello Borean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   ISEA2004 / Deadline: August 15th 2003   
 oliver grau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Leonardo Announces New Board & Committee Members

   Visitor Center Opens in Washington, DC  
 US Department of Art & Technology <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   9PIN residency's
 Andy Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   


Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 17:41:55 +0300
From: Amanda McDonald Crowley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ISEA2004  - CALL for PROPOSALS

- Stockholm - Tallinn - Helsinki -
 August 14th - 22nd, 2004

ISEA2004: The 12th International Symposium on Electronic Art


   Deadline: August 15th 2003

new media art - media culture research - electronic music -
art and science - cultural and social applications for new media -

New media meets art, science, research, and popular culture at
ISEA2004 in Stockholm - Tallinn - Helsinki. For the first time an
event of this scale is being organised between three cities and on
the ferry travelling between these three Baltic countries.
International participants and local audiences attend thematic
conferences, exhibitions, live performances, screenings, satellite
events, concerts and clubs. Many events are also interfaced via
television, radio, broadband Internet, and mobile networks.

We are encouraging: Socially, critically and ecologically engaging
work; Projects that bring the creative media to the streets; Projects that
are worn on or inside people; Context sensitive work in the museums;
Projects that float, dock or sail; Screen based media as it appears in 2004;
Sea Fair: technological gizmos for ferry travellers and future media
archaeologists to discover; Bridges between club scenes and art venues; Most
engaging works from performing arts that engage new media, users, and
audiences; Networks to network...

Key themes for the event include:
Networked experience (Stockholm)
Wearable experience (Tallinn)
Wireless experience (Helsinki)
Histories of the new: media arts, media cultures, media technologies
- - all cities

Additional themes include:
Open source and software as culture (Helsinki)
Critical interaction design (Helsinki)
Geopolitics of media (Tallinn)
Interfacing sound (Helsinki and on the Ferry - in collaboration with
Koneisto - check out for details of this year's
Koneisto Festival 24-26 July 2003)

We are currently inviting proposals for projects and papers for the
exhibitions, conferences and associated programs during ISEA2004.  Projects
might include: works for exhibition in a gallery; workshops; installations
in public spaces; live performance; interfaced screenings; games or shared
environments; projects which encourage remote participation - etc.

Proposals for the conference can include papers and panels but we are
equally interested in workshops and roundtables:  discussion formats that
encourage participation and exchange of ideas.

We are also working with a range of local organisations who may be able to
host short and medium term residencies or workshops for artists who are keen
to spend a longer time working with local artists and organisations.
Information on these opportunities will be regularly added to the web site,
so do register to receive updates. 

Announcements (x10)

2003-07-16 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   Open Call for Launch Option Berlin  
 Sal Randolph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   [R]-[R]-[F] Festival - Version 1.0  
 "[R]-[R]-[F] Festival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   OSI: Information Program ICT Toolsets   
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Feature: French Netart - Update 
 "JavaMuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Critical Animals - call for papers  
 Barry Saunders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   UNESCO Digital Arts Award -- Deadline  July 12th !! 
 oliver grau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   July on -empyre-: Net Blackness with Mendi + Keith Obadike and damali ayo   
 Michael Arnold Mages <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   fAf July 03 
 linda carroli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  -  panorama 2.0 
 m e t a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   


Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 15:44:47 -0400
From: Sal Randolph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Open Call for Launch Option Berlin




An open call to musicians & sound artists for LAUNCH OPTION BERLIN

Musicians and sound artists of all kinds are invited to participate in
LAUNCH OPTION BERLIN, a joint project of Opsound and Rocket Shop, which will
take place at BueroFriedrich, Berlin, July 22-26, 2003 as part of
BueroFriedrich's month-long Open Arch program.

LAUNCH OPTION BERLIN is a test site and data gathering center, a 5-day event
devoted to discovering, collecting, playing, and listening to the sounds &
noises of Berlin.  We want to know what Berlin sounds like: Berlin real,
Berlin virtual, Berlin dreamt and desired -- from field recordings of
Oranienstrasse to the music of underground punk bands, techno tracks and
experimental audio files lurking on hard drives.  Over the five days of the
project and continuing through the internet, LAUNCH OPTION BERLIN will
create a network of exchange, a temporary gift economy of sounds inspired by
the free software and open source software communities.

How to Participate:

LAUNCH OPTION BERLIN, is gathering material for an open sound pool of
material from, about, or inspired by the idea of Berlin. (We also have a
weakness for sounds of, about, & inspired by rockets and rocket launches --
if you have any, we want them).  Anyone is welcome to add work to the sound
pool, and all material for the pool will be released under a Creative
Commons license (the "Attribution-ShareAlike license"), a  copyleft license
in the spirit of open source software licenses which allows for all kinds of
copying, remixing, use, and reuse while retaining an attribution to the
original  artist.  Sound from the pool will be played in the LAUNCH OPTION
control center at the BueroFriedrich gallery, mixed into sets by LAUNCH
OPTION djs at parties and listening salons, and made available for remix
contests and internet distribution through the website.

To enter your work in the pool visit


For practical reasons it is advisable to enter your work in the pool as soon
as possible, but entries will be accepted up to and throughout the LAUNCH

In addition, we have many slots for live performances throughout the
five-day period.  If you can be in Berlin in person during July 22-26 and
would like to perform your music or play your sounds, please contact us by

Contact Info:

About Rocket Shop: 

Rocket Shop was founded in 2001 by the artists Roger Frank and Laura
Schleussner and featured monthly exhibitions in a store-front project space
in Berlin through 2002. Rocket Shop is currently in orbit and currently
presents regular exhibitions and events at venues in Berlin and abroad.

Reflecting the function of rockets and spaceships as symbols of progress and
carriers of collective visions of the future, the exhibition project is not
only interested in the 

Events [11x]

2003-07-15 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   reading at Remote July 15   
 Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   LAUNCH OPTION berlin at B=?ISO-8859-1?B?/A==?=roFriedrich OPEN ARCH 
 Sal Randolph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Virtual meeting in "real time"  on "in progress" ...
 Louise Desrenards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   anti-Newman/Fulani website  

   ISEA revised symposia guidelines
 Nina Czegledy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Symposium Lichamelijke Geletterdheid, Ghent, september 2003 
 Rob van Kranenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

 "Violence Online Festival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Slowtime?.. Call for proposals  
 "Cinematheque" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   "Renaissance or Recession? San Francisco Arts in the Post-Boom Economy" 
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[ASCII] R100 meeting   


Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 13:44:28 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: reading at Remote July 15

Reading at Remote!

Portraits at Other Sides:

Tuesday, July 15th at Remote Lounge, 327 Bowery above 2nd St.  Doors will
open at 7pm, the event will start at 7:30.  There is a $5 cover.

The readers are:

Samuel Delany
Alan Sondheim
Rob Stephenson
Tom Zummer
Ellen Zweig

Portraits From Other Sides:

Rob Stephenson presents an evening of text, sex, video, a philosophical
dog, and maybe robots with Ellen Zweig, Alan Sondheim, Tom Zummer and
special guest Samuel R. Delany.

Remote Lounge is a revolutionary new concept in nightlife entertainment.
Located in downtown Manhattan, it is a technology-themed cocktail lounge
and new media art space unlike anything else in the world. The lounge is
outfitted with over 60 video cameras - covering every square foot of the
space from multiple angles - and this live video is displayed on over 100
output devices, such as CRTs, LCDs, large format plasma screens and video
projectors. Into this mix of live feeds are an ever-changing roster of
digital and analog video artworks, animation, special effects, web-based
art and interactive multimedia created by both emerging and established
new media artists.

Samuel R Delany is a writer and literary critic. Delany is best known for
writing extensively in the mainstream science fiction and fantasy genres.
He has won four Nebula Awards.  The best-selling novel. Dhalgren, has sold
over a million copies.  He is also the author of a number of fictional and
autobiographical works that include references to extreme aspects of human
sexuality.  His most recent novel is The Madman.

Tom Zummer studied philosophy under Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida,
and is an artist and curator.  "Zummer's uncanny portraits of robots are
beautiful and out of this world.  He is also a theorist, book designer,
professor, and comic art novelist, Zummer's artistic talents are as
eclectic as they are numerous."  The Austin Chronicle

Alan Sondheim is a writer/multimedia theorist (editor of Being On Line).
Alan is a poet and critic who writes on and about the Internet.  His books
include Disorders of the Real, and the anthology Being on Line.  He
co-moderates several email lists, including Fiction of Philosophy,
Cybermind, and Cyberculture.  He was also virtual writer-in-residence for
the trAce (sic) online writing community at the beginning of this year; he
worked on a number of collaborative projects at The Lost Project at trAce,
and his trAce projects are collected in their Writers-in-Residence

Ellen Zweig is an artist who works with video, audio, installation and
performance.  Her most recent work is the video series, HEAP, a collection
of experimental portraits of Westerners who have studied, invented,
misunderstood and loved China.  "(tongue tongue stone) G. W. Leibnitz"
premiered at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, 2003.  In her
installations, Zweig has used optics to create camera obscuras, video
projection devices, and miniature projected illusions.  She has also
created multi-channel video installations that have toured the US (museums
include: New Mexico Museum of Fine Art in Santa Fe, List Center for

Publications [11x]

2003-07-14 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   VARIANT, Issue 17, Spring 2003  
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


   Planetary Disorder  

   V2_: new web portal for V2_Archive  

   Fwd: Inside A U.S. Election Vote Counting Program   
 Peter Fogarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   CTHEORY Multimedia: Issue 4: Net Noise  

   en) postructuralist-anarchist reader - Call For Papers: The Postanarchism Reader
 "dr.w" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Special issue of Noema on 10 year anniversary of "Net and Netizen" post 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ronda Hauben)  

   new issue of springerin: TIME FOR ACTION - out now  
 springerin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Net Art World 1.0   
 "Eduardo Navas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Fwd: Q (english text) available for download
 =?iso-8859-1?q?Monty=20Cantsin?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 08:11:18 +1000
From: "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: VARIANT, Issue 17, Spring 2003

VARIANT, Issue 17, Spring 2003

..the free, independent, arts magazine. In-depth coverage in the
context of broader social, political & cultural issues.

[click on the links below to go to a text version (html) or pdf of the
full article]

Variant 17 Spring 2003
Complete text
Complete pdf

Stop the War: Stop the Killing
Edward Said
The internationally renowned Palestinian intellectual expresses his
views on the invasion of Iraq and the situation in Palestine, and
responds to questions from sites across the UK. Organised by Edinburgh's
Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Globalise Resistance.

Has the Gulf War taken place yet?
Daniel Jewesbury
Following September 11th 2001, when Ground Zero instituted an American
Year Zero, Jewesbury attempts to trace the background to current crises
in conceptions of 'democracy' and 'society'.

Terminals and Frontiers: Art Practice, Campaigning and Progressive
Lalchand Azad talks to video and digital artist Kooj Chuhan from the
group Virtual Migrants, about theory, practice and in particular their
set of works collectively titled 'Terminal Frontiers' which bears the
strap-line 'deportation, terror and murder by paper.'

Climate Change: Prognosis And Courses Of Action
Phil England
A timely, indepth report on world climate change in the context of the
war for oil in Iraq.
Illustrations by Paul Bommer.

Lunch with the Chairman: Why was Richard Perle meeting with Adnan
Seymour m. Hersh
In the 1970s, the Saudi-born businessman Khashoggi brokered billions of
dollars in arms and aircraft sales for the Saudi royal family. During
the Regan Administration, Khashoggi was a middleman in the Iran-Contra
scandal. Perle, until recently, chairman of the US Defense Policy Board
is one of the most outspoken and influential American advocates of war
with Iraq. So just why were these two 'having lunch' in Marseilles and
what has it to do with the venture capital company Trireme?
Art work by Pavel Büchler.

Invasion of the Kiddy-Fiddlers
Mick Wilson
A well researched study into 'media facilitated fear responses' to
perceived societal threats from paedophiles.

Solway's Silver Bullet

Announcements [11x]

2003-07-12 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   Monday: The Think Thing Returns on Juni-Radio   
 Manuel Bonik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

 "Year Zero One" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   7 ATA FESTIVAL - Lima, Peru 2003
 Jose-Carlos Mariategui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Filmmakers present: Tuesday July 1, 20:00 hrs. Smart Cinema 
 "SMART Project Space" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   n o  c o n c e p t - festival garage stralsund  
 festival garage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

 _manu Luksch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Summer Open House   

   First opening at ALARM Gallery, this Friday in Bucktown.
 Alarm Gallery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

 coco fusco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Mediamatic SuperSalon, 06.07.   
 Krystian Woznicki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   re: Salloum video installation in Ottawa at Gallery 101 


Date: Mon, 29 Jun 1998 18:05:46 +0200
From: Manuel Bonik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Monday: The Think Thing Returns on Juni-Radio

Some hours of chances left to listen to


   IN BERLINFM 104,1 MHz 

Special NightAcademy travellab Radiotion on Monday, June 30, from 6 pm



Manuel Bonik (turntables, subliminal sounds, D)
Chris Chroma (feedback trombone, musical toys, D)
S.D.C. Marquardt (accidental guitar & electronics, USA)
Mic Mikina (cross mix concepts, con-textual overdubs, AT)
Micha Schroetter (world receiver, dum dum news, D)

Live ogg/mp3 stream:
8. bis 30. juni 2003,  free radio 24 hours daily

or talk a walk to

bootlab raum 3 + raum 4
ziegelstrasse 20
berlin mitte 
(http://NightAcademy.Org is temporarely under construction)
- -- 
Manuel Bonik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 15:49:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Year Zero One" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Year_Zero_One_presents:_Sister_Val=E9rie_of_the_Internet?=

+ + +

Year Zero One presents: the Splash Page Project
July 1 - September 1 2003 : Sister Valérie of the Internet

We are pleased to present two online performances, and a web project by
Valérie Lamontagne entitled Sister Valérie of the Internet.
Valérie's work gravitates around performance and related elements
(documentation, costumes, installation), which play with cultural
clichés and the idea of kitsch. Integrating performance and Web,
Sister Valérie of the Internet was developed at La Chambre Blanche, and
explores the rich history of Catholicism in Québec. During the
performances, participants will witness Sister Valérie praying online
and will be able to interact directly with her by confessing their sins,
praying with her, and asking her for guidance. At all other
times the online confessional will remain active to receive your sins!

You may view the performances and the documentation at

Performance Schedule:

- -> Friday July 25: 1 - 2 PM, Eastern Standard Time
- -> Friday August 15: 1 - 2 PM, Eastern Standard Time

Time Zone Conversion:

Find out more about the artist behind Sister Valérie at her website -

Year Zero One has offered its splash page as an exhibition space for
artists that will operate on a bimonthly basis. A selection of
Canadian and international net.artists have been invited to show
their work in this forum. The Splash Page Project launched on Feb. 1,
2002 with a piece by net.artist Mouchette. The Project is curated by
Michelle Kasprzak. If you have a proposal for this space, please

Year Zero One is an on-line artist run centre which operates as a
network for the dissemination of digital culture and new media
through web based exhibition

Publications [13x]

2003-07-05 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   M/C Call for Contributors: 'joke'   
 "M/C - Media and Culture" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   CFP: "Identifying New Media," Winter 2003 special issue, Post Identity  
 "Rosemary Weatherston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   CFP -- Critical Discourse Studies   
 Phil Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   CFP: E-Democracy - Technology, Law and Politics 
 Robert Krimmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   broadcasting Konstantin Wecker live 
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   M/C: 'logo' issue now available 
 "M/C - Media and Culture" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   >|< pause and play / exhibition  (fwd)  
 jan hendrik brueggemeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Iconic-Turn Live-Streaming morgen, Donnerstag 03.07.03, um 19:00 Uhr
 "Katja Heckes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   InfoTechWarPeace posts interesting "intervention" on "technologies of empathy"  
 telephag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   AVM News July 2003  
 "A Virtual Memorial" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


   Note on Evian and the organisation of the movement  
 "Steffen Bohm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   306090 06> Call for submissions 
 "Jeremi Sudol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 12:22:56 +1000
From: "M/C - Media and Culture" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: M/C Call for Contributors: 'joke'


  M/C - Media and Culture
is calling for contributors to the 'joke' issue of

M/C Journal

The award-winning M/C Journal is looking for new contributors. M/C is a
crossover journal between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and
peer-reviewed journal.

To see what M/C Journal is all about, check out our Website, which contains
all the issues released so far, at . To
find out how and in what format to contribute your work, visit

 Call for Papers: 'joke' - edited by Paul Denvir & E. Sean Rintel

It has been argued that jokes produce arousal in social beings because they
represent a rupture in, or a temporary subversion of, the routine character
of social life. Laughter, it is further argued, is a spontaneous
physiological response to the violation of deeply embedded expectations
about 'what kind of thing should be happening here.' If this is true, then
we may further argue that an examination of jokes, as apparent breaches of
a known-in-common social order, can tell us much about that very social
order. If we examine jokes, will we find that there is always some kind of
cultural expectation being poked and prodded?  And why should we enjoy this
so much? Perhaps jokes provide us with morally, politically, or
interactionally safe ways to express our relationship with the restrictions
that any kind of order - even the order we voluntarily produce and
reproduce - will inexorably impose?

We may also wonder what it is that social beings actually and practically
do with jokes. Whatever jokes may 'mean' in the philosophical sense, it is
hard to ignore the fact that jokes, whether in everyday social life, in
films, or on stage at the Improv, are produced in situ by social actors in
particular times and places for the consumption of other social actors in
particular times and places. We need to know more about what jokes do for
tellers and recipients as they jointly produce an intelligible social
order. Contributors are invited to discuss potential contributions with
either editor via the issue's email address and encouraged to submit well
in advance of the due date.

M/C Journal was founded (as "M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture") in 1998
as a place of public intellectualism analysing and critiquing the meeting
of media and culture. Contributors are directed to past issues of M/C
Journal for examples of style and content, and to the submissions page for

Announcements [11x]

2003-07-01 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   306090 06> call for submissions 
 Jeremi Sudol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   : call for online art   

   Project to timeline the history of knowledge/representation 
 Christine Palma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Call Artist in Residence
 "Marieke Istha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   project information "European Corrections Corporation"  
 Oliver Ressler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   DSLR WEST wants you!
 Nato Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Introducing: Ravi Gupta...  
 "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   [Psrf] Photostatic Retrograde Archive, no. 32   

   Journalist in Chinese Jail  
 "Eduardo Navas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   gpgNet eForum: The Multilateral Trade Regime Seen Through a Global Public Goods 
 "Vikas Nath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Online Experimental Writing Course - Alan Sondheim at trAce Online  
 Alan Sondheim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 13:28:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jeremi Sudol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 306090 06> call for submissions 


For Immediate Release:

306090 06>
SHIFTING INFRASTRUCTURES is accepting submissions for publication.

Call for works:

Our territorial and occupational processes are increasingly negotiated
through mobile communication methods and information technologies. Systems
of communication, data and material distribution (newscasts, fashion
trends, freight shipping, peer-to-peer file sharing software) create their
own unique infrastructures and inform existing exchange structures.
Newscasts, for example, require and affect events reported as well as the
physical hardware and transmission channels through which they broadcast.

Thresholds, transitions and discontinuities embedded in this dynamic of
infrastructural exchange suggest new (participatory or empirical)
processes to strategically discharge immanent manifestations of matter
and information.

306090 06>SHIFTING INFRASTRUCTURES will examine the current technological
infiltration into civic and social realms, where physical and cultural
infrastructures across diverse spatial and temporal scales are redefining
themselves as shifting, modulating entities via the use of new

Submissions are due 30 November 2003.

Emergent Voices: 306090 Publishes politically charged articles and
projects that defy contemporary norms. We encourage work of a
controversial nature which challenges the academic, cultural and
professional institution of architecture. 306090 is dedicated to
representing the work of students young professionals in architecture
and design.

 306090, INC.
 PO BOX 2092
 NEW YORK, NY 10013-0875



Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2003 12:08:39 -0400
Subject: : call for online art 

 Call for online art::
for .. will take place during the 
whole month of August in the Royal Park (Kongens Have) in central 
Copenhagen. Pio Diaz :exibition space, located by the park, will 
generate a wi-fi node and expand its territory out into the park, to 
distribute the art to the general public.

Critical and innovative projects on new, invisible or dormant 
structures, socio-cultural-political, living space/strategies, emergence 
and remote collaborations are preferred. 

There will be performances, dj’s, talks, video screenings, streams, 
globo;scrambling and trans:disciplinary events going on the whole 

send the link to the actual work, quicktime, shockwave,mp3, real 
audio/video, and a 50 word text about the piece pasted into email.
If you  built an application let me know about it.

To :

Curated by Pio Diaz and Eva Sjuve


mail2web - Check your email f

Publications [14x]

2003-06-28 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   fibreculture 2003 - fibrepower: register now !  
 "M/C - Media and Culture" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   call for tapes  
 Rebecca Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Kuechenradio - June 22nd, 2003  
 "Kunstradio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Unlikely Encounters (Hamburg): congress timetable   
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   WAR SUCKS :If you liked Disobbedienti...
 Sonar Radar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Negotiations: Panels and Workshops - June 20-June 29
 Gita Hashemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Women on Waves Exhibition at Mediamatic Amsterdam   
 Noortje Schmit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Conference: The State of the Real   
 Damian Sutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   S H A R E . T V 
 =?WINDOWS-1252?Q?eyescratch=99?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Fwd: Electrofringe Festival Call for Screen Works.  
 "dr.w" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   THIS IS NOT A :Second Week  
 TINA Collective <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

 "Karoly Toth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Salloum installation @ Gallery 101, Ottawa  

   IASPM Montreal -- DJ.cultures in the academe.mix .. 
 "tobias c. van Veen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 09:57:20 +1000
From: "M/C - Media and Culture" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: fibreculture 2003 - fibrepower: register now !

:: fibrepower ::
:: Currents in Australasian New Media Research and Internet Culture ::


July 11, 12, 13th:::Brisbane::Powerhouse

:: fibreculture :: in association with critical new media studies sections
in universities across Brisbane, invites you to a meeting in July 2003 on
theory, policy, practice, and education in New Media and the Internet. The
meeting, :: fibrepower :: Currents in Australian Internet Research and
Culture will bring together practitioners in the academy and industry from
around Australia and New Zealand to participate in critically informed
debates about new media and its cultures. It follows the ANZCA03
conference (see
- 9-11 July at QUT Gardens Point Campus, Brisbane).

:: Theme of the 2003 Fibreculture Meeting :: fibrepower ::

In academic and popular discourses, new media, the Internet, and 'virtual
reality' are often described as just this - a 'virtual' reality, an Other,
a 'cyberspace' which is somehow disconnected from the 'real' and secondary
to 'life' experiences and issues. It is rarely accepted in the dominant
Internet discourses of commercial and social culture that the truth is
vastly different. New media and networked technologies currently pervade
our lives and connect us ever more closely and solidly as citizens of
networked society.

If information and knowledge, in the new economy, are 'power', then the
copper, optical, or wireless fibres spanning the networks are conduits for
this power; they are full of power, and powerful. Their daily influence
and the network's influence on human society is real and tangible.
::fibreculture:: wants to address this continued insistence on
conceptualising networked life and Internet cultures as a separate,
second- rate or exotic reality, a dichotomy which obscures fact and
prevents any in-depth engagement with and critique of the power of 'fibre'
over and in our everyday lives.

Set in a literal and figurative locus of power from the previous,
industrial, era, the :: fibrepower :: meeting will engage with a range of
themes that disclose the unseen power of fibre-culture in the
informational age. Outcomes of this event will include a high profile
public forum, an online publication of refereed 

Publications [9x]

2003-06-23 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

 Artcontext <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   *candyfactory products  

   [noiioz] indigenous hip hop via travelling eco-van sound studio 
 "dr.w" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   new article from DJ Spooky  
 "Horizon Zero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   send to a friend via

   Ivan Pope: Two webcam installations 
 "Ivan Pope" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Space of Empire - new issue republicart web-journal 
 "eipcp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   The Internet under Surveillance 
 Philipp Budka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Discordia Launches! 
 Discordia_Collective <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   


Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 17:00:02 -0400
From: Artcontext <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  270 piece
State of the Net

@@@( )@@@
@( )@
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@( )@
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If dizzyingly diverse content packs more power to please,
PLUG / INVENTORY pursues the theoretical limits of pleasure in 
online experience.  Leveraging the latest in cool media options,
PLUG / INVENTORY is a constantly adapting work that depends on
every available technology.

While the sites favored by many connoisseurs require just three
or four plugins, PLUG / INVENTORY requires ALL plugins for a full
appreciation of its novelty.

As the collection coordinator, it is my sincere hope that this
smorgasbord of Web content blows your mind without crashing your

  Andy Deck


Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 16:59:28 +0900
Subject: *candyfactory products




Published by A.I.A.V Yamaguchi JP
80 pages, B5 format
A full color bad taste coffee table book
loosely based on Architectural Theme Parks

Participating Artists: Takuji KOGO, Mike Bode & Staffan Schmidt, Tetsu
Takagi, John Miller, Federico Baronello.

Edit : Mike Bode + Takuji KOGO
*candyfactory projects

- -Nexus World

- -Kanebo Factory Housing

- -Narsarrsuaq/Nuuk

- -Non-broadcasting Time

- -Nunotani Bldg.

- -Hotel Haku-Unro


Also included is an additional 48 page documentary catalogue on
collaborative projects between *candy factory and Mike Bode during the
Trans_2002 artist in residence program, Yamaguchi, Japan. Essay by Staffan
Schmidt Price: $25 US



Holiday *candy factory

Sound tracks for collaborative Art projects

Artists Featured 

soap_land records 0001

This is a music CD organized as a collaborative project by *candy factory
including 16 tunes made by visual artists. 9 tunes made by Takuji KOGO who
has been running the *candy factory as a collaborative platform since

The tunes are mostly made for specific places during web or exhibition
projects. For instance fake Advertisement for failed post-modern housing
project in JP titled "Nexus World", also fake Advertisement on web for
failed globalism in Scotland, re-mixed Scottish traditional song "False
Bride", "Mall of America" or "As Seen On TV", these tunes are made from
signs for a big shopping mall at Minneapolis published as a web project
through "translocations" organized by Steve Dietz from the Walker Art

3 tunes by John Miller who is an artist based in NY and Berlin. John
Miller participated with his photo series "Middle Of The Day" as a
candyfactory web project and produced midi music entitled "Pot Boiler"
also published "Denim Girl" for a web project in collaboration with KOGO.
And for this CD, he participated with new tune titled "Butterfly's

Martine Colompt is an artist based in Melbourne who participated in the
"Gloss" project with candyfactory in 2002. For the exhibition at CCP
Melbourne , she was inspired by John Carpenter's film "Village Of The
Damned" and produced a v

Announcements (x8)

2003-06-18 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   Call for participants Mediamatic Workshop Interactive Narration in Italy
 Noortje Schmit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Radical Exchange / Solidarity with Argentina

 "Ricardo De la Cruz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   A proposal to Zapatista Solidarity Groups   
 "dr.w" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Course Announcement 
 Charlie Gere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   kuda.lounge > Gerfried Stocker  

   Cinenova Situation  
 "Marina Vishmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   reminder: ihui - Digital Salon presents Kathleen Brandt + Brian Lonsway 


Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 11:56:20 +0200
From: Noortje Schmit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Call for participants Mediamatic Workshop Interactive Narration in Italy


Mediamatic Workshop on Interactive Narration
Turin, Italy 5-9 July 2003

In co-operation with Documentary in Europe, Turin, Italy, Mediamatic 
organises a special workshop for documentary filmmakers about new 
ways of storytelling that are possible with the use of new media.

In this very intensive 5-day workshop up to 16 international 
documentary film makers study the particular qualities of non-linear 
ways of storytelling and build their own interactive narrative. The 
participants use the latest version of the elegant and easy-to-use 
Korsakow System, developed at the University of the Arts (UdK) in 
Berlin. Participants need no advance technical knowledge of new media.

Interactive narration appears especially relevant for documentary 
film makers because of several reasons: the natural possibility to 
offer different perspectives on the same themes or issues parallel to 
each other, but also the possibility to allow the viewer to enter an 
actual discussion with the perspectives of the author. From these 
angles the key issue of interactive narration will be studied: the 
integration of the users' choices in the meaning of the work.
The video material for this workshop will be collected by Mediamatic 
in co-operation with Documentary in Europe. Participants can add 
their own material to a limited extent.

As practical research tool, the participants will use the Korsakow 
System developed at the University of the Arts (UdK) in Berlin. The 
Korsakow System consists of an easy-to-use-editing environment for 
non-linear narratives and an elegant presentation tool for 
interactive film and audio projects. The Korsakow System works with a 
simple but very effective database structure that allows the author 
to add, withdraw and rearrange his material in a very efficient way.
More information on the Korsakow System can be found at

The workshop will be supervised by Mediamatic in co-operation with 
the UdK. Coaches are:
Florian Thalhofer, artist and maker of the interactive documentary 
The Korsakow Syndrome, original builder of the Korsakow System. 
Thalhofer currently works at the UdK in Berlin, where he further 
develops the Korsakow System.
Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, organizer and coach of the Mediamatic workshops 
Designing Behavior. Klaas Kuitenbrouwer has coached numerous 
workshops on interactive media, and lectures on new media and 
interactive narratives on Art Academies and Universities.
Prof. Willem Velthoven, professor in Monomedia at the UdK and 
chairman of Mediamatic foundation.
Monika Halkort, TV and multimedia producer and lecturer on new media.

Students of the UdK that are experienced users of the Korsakow System 
further assist the participants during the workshop. They will act as 
personal assistants to the participants, in all aspects of realising 
their projects.

Dates: 5 - 9 July, 2003 - Course hours: 9.30 - 16.00 every day.
10 July: the final presentation of the results will be integrated in 
the programme of Documentary in Europe 2003 workshop

Participation fee: 350 euros (it includes tuition, use of technical 
equipment, 5 lunches and registration for the Documentary in Europe 
Workshop (9 - 12 July). We are defining further discounts on the 
special prizes reserved to our participants.

Participants: 16 participants with proven track record in 
documentary-making. Selection will be based on cv and filmography

Publications [12x]

2003-06-03 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   remixing Cary Peppermint

   OpenAirWaves Archive
 "Soenke Zehle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   12hr update 
 { brad brace } <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   DIAN Announcement for June  

 Matze Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Urban Vulnerability and Network Failure: Constructions and Ex
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   sf video activist network: we interrupt this empire...  
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   --c-r-i-t-i-c-a-l-s-e-c-r-e-t--a-c-t-u-a-l--l-e-t-t-e-r--\-- a-u-t-h-o-r-s-#-3- 
 theletter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   mark(s) 4.01 now available  
 Deb King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Mirage v 1.0 + Opening: June 8th
 "C.  Robbins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   (Announcer) transcodex  
 Are Flagan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Buchneuerscheinung: Informatik und Gesellschaft 
 "Christian Fuchs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


Date: Fri, 23 May 2003 11:36:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Lewis LaCook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: remixing Cary Peppermint

- --0-875684157-1053714976=:18588
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
a little theory, a little techno, a little Bach...

NEW!!!--sondheim.exe--artware text editor for Windows 

tubulence artist studio: 


- -
Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.
- --0-875684157-1053714976=:18588


Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 22:52:11 +0200
From: "Soenke Zehle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: OpenAirWaves Archive

an item for inclusion in the nettime pubs list:


(Via PR Watch) A new project by the Center for Public Integrity takes a
close look at the telecommunications industry and its regulatory body, the
Federal Communications Commission. Visitors to will find
the CPI's "first-of-its-kind, 65,000 record, searchable database containing
ownership information on virtually every radio station, television station,
cable television system and telephone company in America." CPI also looked
at FCC travel records. They report that the FCC commissioners "have been
showered with nearly $2.8 million in travel and entertainment over the past
eight years, most of it from the telecommunications and broadcast in

Announcements [10x]

2003-05-29 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

 Monika Stoesser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

 "Karoly Toth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Colonel may/june activities 
 "Geoffroy-Colonel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Fwd: Video-Sharing Syndicate/Network
 "dr.w" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   30/5 geneva: wipe out IOM, WTO and WIPO 
 "dr.w" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   International Conference on Socio Political Informatics and Cybernetics: Pista '
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Sonar Radar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   opening of the SAVE / SAFE space

   STORY STREAMS: Real-time Cinema=?ISO-8859-1?B?qQ==?=
 fran ilich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> netzkollektor digest #3   
 Gabriele Blome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   


Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 20:06:31 +0200
From: Monika Stoesser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: EMARE / GRANT

Dear nettime-Team,

I am writing to you in regards to the European Media Artists in 
residence Exchange (EMARE) which we are as one of the organizers now advertising 
for 2003.

we would be very grateful if you could publish  the information about 
the new
could you please confirm wheather you will circulate 
our information?
Thank you very much!

with best regards,
Monika Stösser

Press release EMARE-GRANT

European Media Artists in Residence Exchange

EMARE- Grants for European Media Artists for England, Scotland, Germany 
and Netherlands

The eighth European Media Artists in Residence Exchange will take place 
in Autumn 2003 to Spring 2004.

Deadline: June, 30th, 2003

Europe based Media Artists in the fields of digital media including 
internet and computer based art, filmmakers, sound and video artists are 
invited to apply for a two month residence based stipend *at Hull Time 
Based Arts, Kingston Uppon Hull in England; *at Duncan of Jordanstone 
College School of Television and Imaging, Dundee, Scotland, *at V2 
Organisation, Rotterdam, Netherlands or *at Werkleitz Gesellschaft's 
Center for  Media Arts Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Students are not 
permitted, but young artists encouraged. EMARE includes a grant of 2.000 
Euro, free accomodation, 250 Euro travel expenses, access to the 
technical facilities and media labs and a professional presentation. 
Entries should include a CV, (audio)visual reference projects 
documentation and a proposal sketch for the project which should be 
developed within EMARE. Artists with residence in or identity card for 
EU and associated countries should contact one of the following 
institutions for further details and application form or visit the 

Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.V./ EMARE/ Peter Zorn / Strasse des Friedens 26 
/ D-39249 Tornitz / Tel: +49 (0)3 92 98 - 675 - 0 / Fax +49 (0)3 92 98 - 
675 - 55

Hull Time Based Arts/ Walter Van Der Cruijsen  42 High Street / GB-HU1 
1PS Hull  UK fon +44 1482 216446 / fax +44 1482 589952  

Duncan of Jordanstone College / School of Television and Imaging / Mike 
Stubbs Perth Road  / DD1 4HT Dundee / UK / fon +44 1 382223261 / fax +44 
1 382226136 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

V2_Organisation / Institute for the Unstable Media / Anne Nigten / 
Eendrachtsstr.10 / NL-3012 XL  Rotterdam / Netherlands / fon +31 10 
2067273 / fax +31 10 2067274 [EMAIL PROTECTED] /

EMARE 2001 is supported by the Ministry of cultural affairs 
Saxony-Anhalt; Arts Councils of England & Scotland; Yorkshire  Arts; 
Dutch Ministry for Culture, British Council; Goethe Institute

Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.V.
Straße des Friedens 26
D-39249 Tornitz
fon: +49-(0)39298-675-0
fax: +49-(0)39298-675-55


Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 15:07:38 +0200
From: "Karoly Toth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Events [18x]

2003-05-14 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

Soundscapes, NCPA, Mumbai, 
 "::bea:" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   sound performances | 13 may, smart project space
 "SMART Project Space" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   ZKM/Exhibition banquet. Metabolism and Communication
 Andrea Buddensieg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   FREE Events at LMCC--this week! 
 "Erin Donnelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Antoine Schmitt's nanos tour (next in your street... )  
 Louise Desrenards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   summercourse on technologies in performance art 
 Manon Braat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


   DIGITAL LEARNING CYBERSALON <13.05.2003> & LEGACY EXHIBITION <12-14.05.2003> wit
 richard barbrook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

 "Karoly Toth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

 Manon Braat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Planetwork Conference:  Networking a Sustainable Future 

   Peam2003, Electronics in Art and Art in Electronics 
 Alessandro Ludovico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   kapelica gallery > terror=decor, a series of panels: Torino-Beirut-New York 
 jurij krpan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

 "Lorenzo Taiuti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Taller: La interfaz objetual como herramienta de  creaci =?ISO-8859-1?B?8w==?=n 

 Olivier Schulbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   ANN: art and new media public lectures  
 "Pete J. Otis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Date: Wed, 7 May 2003 19:11:07 +0530
From: "::bea:" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Soundscapes, NCPA, Mumbai,

>if anyones in town please do come ;]
>transmit audio lab and beatrice gibson
>an exploration of local and global sounds and their influence on 
>mumbai's urban texture. a sound art performance using ambient / 
>sound sound as raw material for the sample mill.
>6:30pm, 09/05/03, little theatre
>national center for the performing arts, mumbai
>email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for passes


Date: Thu, 8 May 2003 15:44:58 +0200
From: "SMART Project Space" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sound performances | 13 may, smart project space

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

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SMART Project Space | 1e Constantijn Huygensstraat 20, Amsterdam, +31 =
(0)20 427 5951 =20

Tuesday May 13, 20.30 hrs.=20
Smart Project Space presents an evening with sound performances
A monthly series in which the boundaries between music and art will be =
explored. Organized in collaboration with Stichting Mixer

Boca Raton is the ongoing musical project of Martijn Tellinga. Since =
1999, it is moving along the edges of synthesized sound and the =
concrete, acoustic world of sound and it's recordings. The abstraction, =
or rather reflection of these concrete sources through electronic =
synthesis and manipulation, creates an alias in sound which shares the =
associative and narrative character of the everyday soundtrack =
surrounding us. However, it is hardly to be recognised as such; it has a =
new  appearance or identity if you like, but still lives on the same =
fundaments. By using elements of both worlds, it's musical form shows =
the integration and co-existence of natural -unstaged- sound and 

Events [14x]

2003-04-03 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   criticalartware version.1.2.4   

   ASF03, Einladung Programm und Beteiligung   
 "Christian Apl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   12hr update 
 { brad brace } <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   The Tribe Grows, Wanders, Moves 
 Cinque Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   AVM News April 2003 
 "A Virtual Memorial" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   beta testers

   Call for entries - digital sparks 2003  
 " redaktion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   FESTIVAL e-phos2003 RE: ENTRY CALL  

   We All Are Global Nomads--Call for Worldwide Participation  
 Cinque Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Violence in Chiang Mai  
 "ViolenceOnlineFestival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Conf. Nomadic Transitions, Zuerich 10-12 April  
 Andreas Broeckmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   copyright history   
 Taz-Ays-Slath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Call for URLs || earational, 5 april 2003   
 Peter Luining  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   1-800-178968 a toll-free number 
 "vittorio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 20:26:41 -0600
From: Jon Cates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: criticalartware version.1.2.4

/* = *
new program_output
* == */

/* = *
* == */

Introducing criticalartware version.1.2.4:
Linked to the Version>03 DigitalArtsConvergence, version 1.2.4 of 
criticalartware presents 02 aspects of the Version>03 
digital_arts_festival @ the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, 
running  from March 26-30 2003.

/* = *
* == */

01: Beryl Korot screens her new work, Three Tales, a documentary 
digital video opera (1998-2002). Pioneer video artist Beryl Korot 
presents her digital documentary video opera conceived with composer 
Steve Reich. An exploration of the dire consequences of 20th-century 
technology, Three Tales examines through historical film and video 
the disastrous 1937 explosion of the German zeppelin Hindenberg, the 
atomic bomb tests at Bikini Atoll, and the hapless sheep Dolly cloned 
in 1997.

Thursday March 27, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago / 220 East 
Chicago / Main Theater
5pm / Video and Q & A / Three Tales a documentary digital video opera
(1998-2002) Music: Steve Reich / Video: Beryl Korot

/* = *
* == */

02: artist_software_development @ Version>03 presents seven pieces of 
artware, works of executable code that function as software art.

March 27-30, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago / 220 East Chicago / 
Theater Entrance
10 AM - 10:30 PM
The artists_software_development station: functions as a site of 
exhibition, deployment and exchange of artware projects. Including:

mary flanagan: [search]

Hanna Kuts + Viktor Dovhalyuk: stadt sound station

Barbara Lattanzi: AMG STRAIN

Peter Luining: traber073

Roman Minaev: content-type

Shirley Shor: Becoming

Josephine Starrs + Leon Cmielewski: Bio-Tek Kitchen

/* = *
* == */

criticalartware version.1.2.4
Version>03 DigitalArtsConvergence
Museum of Contemporary Art, Select Media, and OVT Visuals
present Version>03
Technotopia vs. Technopocalypse
Exploring the multitudes of technology / activism / arts and culture
26-30 March 2003


Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003

Events [8x]

2003-03-29 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

 Melinda Klayman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   announce: Call for participation
 "Rudolf Stoert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of pit schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)   

   reminder:jihui - Digital Salon presents Marek Walczak   

   .:: akushinn - eine sekunde nach der revolution: erste phase gestartet  
 "yugen-bot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Art in Motion lecture   
 Art In Motion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   MelbourneDAC registrations  
 Adrian Miles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   EMARE - European Media Artists in Residence Exchange
 Marjolein Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   ZKM/Live Projection Performance 
 Andrea Buddensieg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   SMART CINEMA programma april 2003   
 "SMART Project Space" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 21:29:34 -0800
From: Melinda Klayman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


March 23, 2003

Contact:Douglas VakochDiane Richards
Workshop ChairPublic Information Officer
SETI InstituteSETI Institute
Cell: 06 32 80 13 30 (France) Phone: (650) 960-4514(USA)


A group of twenty artists, scientists, and scholars from the humanities will
gather in Paris, March 23 and 24 (Sunday and Monday), to understand how we
might communicate the idea of altruism to any intelligent civilizations that
could be circling other stars.

The workshop‹³Encoding Altruism: The Art and Science of Interstellar Message
Composition²‹will focus on messages that could be transmitted by radio waves
or laser pulses. These communication techniques reflect the methods used in
the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), including the world's
most comprehensive search, Project Phoenix, being conducted by the SETI

³As SETI programs become increasingly powerful, we need to think seriously
about what to do if we succeed. Should we reply? If so, what should we say?²
asked chair of the workshop, Dr. Douglas Vakoch. ³How could we convey
concepts as seemingly abstract as altruism or our sense of beauty?²

Participants from a dozen countries will ponder these questions and other
topics, including - Creating interactive interstellar messages. - Preparing
for interstellar contact by studying animal communication. - Explaining the
logic of altruism. - Conveying religious views of altruism through
artificial languages. - Composing interstellar "music" inspired by the
structure of DNA.

More information including complete biographies and abstracts is available
online at

The workshop is being sponsored by the SETI Institute; Leonardo/OLATS
(Leonardo Observatory for the Arts and TechnoSciences); the John Templeton
Foundation; the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology
(ISAST); and the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) Permanent SETI
Study Group.


NOTE TO EDITORS: Participation is by invitation only. Interested journalists
should contact workshop chair Douglas Vakoch ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), cell 06 32
80 13 30 (in France).

- -- 


Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 16:48:18 +0100
From: "Rudolf Stoert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of pit schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
Subject: announce: Call for participation

Hi -

 >From March 28 until the 15th of April there'll be held the Chiang Mai
First New Media Festival. That's in Thailand.

There'll be 2 events which allow an online realtime participation - on
the opening night, March 28, & on the 4th of April.

We're all heartily invited to participate in these online events - to
show the people in Thailand that there is indeed an interested
international community. & to help & support the festival with this
interest & these kind of activities.

Rudolf Stoert
V: ++49.178.5242335

Ok, I enclose 2 quotes:

Here's a quote on what this is all about:


Publications [12x]

2003-03-28 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

 "Rowan Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   La revue Multitudes ouvre son nouveau site  
 "emmanuel.videcoq" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Winter Streams feature I
 "MediaCentre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   *candyfactory projects  

   >I - Highway< - Netart from Canada  
 "JavaMuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Frontera Sur Video Sampler  
 Ursula Biemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

 namak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Buddhist Boards 2   
 Charles Carreon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   [Psrf] Photostatic Retrograde Archive, no. 34   

   book announcement--Wardrip  
 David Weininger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   [zeroglab] CASA BLANCA (WHITE HOUSE)  - 2:03 27-3-2003  
 "=?iso-8859-1?B?S+Fyb2x5IFTzdGg=?=" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   



Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 12:41:58 -
From: "Rowan Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> An Introduction to the Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze
> Edited by Jean Khalfa
> Gilles Deleuze has been labelled as the "post-x" thinker: post-structuralist, 
> post-modern, post-spinozist, post-nietzschean, and even post-utopian. An 
> Introduction to the Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze explodes such categorizations and 
> places Deleuze and Deleuzian method at the heart of contemporary thought
> Whether analysing the work of key philosophers, or key concepts such as time, 
> difference and subjectivity, or the nature of creation (film, painting, literature), 
> Deleuze's concern is always the same. From under the layers of history, criticism 
> and interpretation, he aims to reveal the problem itself in its own life, as it 
> develops in a particular thought or activity. 
> This book focuses on the key processes and concepts essential to the understanding 
> of the totality of the work, setting these within their intellectual background and 
> context. The book will be welcomed by students across the Humanities and Social 
> Sciences as a guide to the work of this most vital and contemporary of theorists. 
> Contributors include: Giorgio Agamben, Mary Bryden, Gilles Deleuze, Jean Khalfa, 
> Claude Imbert, Alain Ménil, Bento Prado, Juliette Simont, Ronald Bogue, Jonathan 
> Philippe
> Introduction
> Part 1 Philosophy
> 1. The plane of Immanence and life
> 2. Intensity, Or: The "Encounter"
> 3. Nietzsche and Spinoza: new personae in a new plane of thought
> 4. An impersonal consciousness
> Part 2 Art
> 5. The time(s) of the cinema
> 6. Deleuze and Anglo-American literature: water, whales, and melville
> 7. Minority, territory, music
> 8. Empiricism unhinged: from logic of sense to logic of sensation
> Part 3 Life
> 9. Absolute immanence
> 10. Immanence: a life...
> Bibliography
> Index
> 224pp / March 2003
> HB 0 8264 5995 1 £60.00
> PB 0 8264 5996 X £16.99
> Between Deleuze and Derrida
> Edited by Paul Patton and John Protevi
> Between Deleuze and Derrida is the first book to explore the philosophical 
> relationship between two of the most influential and revolutionary thinkers of our 
> time. 
> Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Derrida are the two leading philosophers of French 
> post-structuralism. Their work on 'philosophies of difference' has 
> redrawn the map of Literary Studies, Philosophy, Cultural and Film Studies, Science 
> Studies, as well as ethics and feminist, postcolonial and political theory. 
> Both theorists have been widely studied but very little has been done to examine the 
> relation between them. Between Deleuze and Derrida explores and compares their work 
> via a number of key themes, including the philosophy of difference, language, 
> memory, time, event, and l

Publications [10x]

2003-03-20 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   Geopolitical designs of US in Iraq and Middle East  
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ronda Hauben)  

 "Anastasia Karaflogka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> text update: 1 interview, 4 texts   
 anne-marie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   PUBS: Distancing of Waste: Overconsumption in a Global Economy  
 "Soenke Zehle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Interview with Isabelle Massu   

   March 2003  
 Le Monde diplomatique <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Pubs: Toxics Link Releases Report on E-Waste in India   
 "Soenke Zehle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Ryan Griffis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Pr=?ISO-8859-1?B?6XNlbnRhdGlvbiBkdSBOsCAxMiBkZSBs?= =?ISO-8859-1?B?YSBSZXZ1ZSBN
 "emmanuel.videcoq" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   mark(s) online quarterly
 Deb King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Dusted Magazine: In Memorium, Peace 
 "tobias c. van Veen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 10:26:10 -0500 (EST)
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ronda Hauben)
Subject: Geopolitical designs of US in Iraq and Middle East

This article in the current issue of Mother Jones is helpful:

The Thirty Year Itch
by Robert Dreyfuss

It puts the current U.S. plans to start a war against Iraq in a
larger context of geopolitical designs.



Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 08:32:52 -
From: "Anastasia Karaflogka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

- --=_NextPart_000_0034_01C2EDF2.218D6BA0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

- --=_NextPart_001_0035_01C2EDF2.218D6BA0
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit


I received this and I thought that it is a good idea to take on board.

Two and a half years ago -this is when the United States decided to invade
Afganistan - I realised that there is absolutely no way that this decision
could be reversed; even if one billion citizens demonstrated against it all
over the world.

This was the first time that I realised how insignificant my opinion and my
actual life were, not only for the global and national 'society' to which I
belong, but also for my own life and my immediate environment. I realised
that even if I actually agreed with the punishment of those responsible, I
still could not protect myself and my immediate environment from the side
effects of such a war. Side effects upon the air that I inhale and the
climatic pollution due to bombing. Side effects due to the permanent
disastrous effects to the planet itself and -last but not least- actual
damage in my general welfare.

However, there is a minimum personal free choice that I did have!
This was to refuse to sponsor -or simply pay- those who I considered to be
really responsible for all this. In a very indirect and minimum way! I
therefore refused to consume any North American products, or even products
which were related to American companies. I didn't consider this personal
stance as the beginning of a new crusade. It could potentially grow to
become one. But until that moment in time, I have been getting the personal
satisfaction that my opposition had also a practical meaning.

Now, once again, humanity is watching a similar 'play' which takes place
despite the emense public opposition. I invite everyone to start together a
minimun personal campaign that is not only a message to those who are about
to start this new war. Furthermore, it is a campaign which offers the
satisfaction of doing something practical about it! Between the 20th and the
30th of March lets not consume ANY American products. The maximun that could
be gained out of such an effort is that at least 10 million
people worldwide can deprive the American economy of $2,5 for 10 consecutive
days. (This adds up to $250.000.000 -assuming that this is how much a packet
of American cig

Publications [14x]

2003-03-14 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

Human Capital Software Solutions !!
 "::bea:" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   UNTOLD at the ICA - Bionic Women - Friday, 28 March 2003
 "Jane Austin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of richard barbrook)

   Workshop Open Source Multimedia Tools   
 "Marieke Istha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   


   wochenend im Schnitt Ausstellungsraum   
 Marc Hartmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 "pressl_eva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Plug and Play |  March 16th 
 "plug and play" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Ideas at the Powerhouse * 14-17 August 2003 
 linda carroli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   "Notice": interactive video art installation
 "D. Jean Hester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   V2_/DEAF03: final weekend   
 Sandra Fauconnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Violence - Version 6.0 - Call for new entries   
 "ViolenceOnlineFestival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Southbound project  
 Kristofer Paetau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Anne Wagner, Mon 17 Mar 7:30pm   
 Ken Goldberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   


Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2003 18:03:30 +0530
From: "::bea:" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Human Capital Software Solutions !!

- --_-1165341273==_ma
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

>Human Capital Software Solutions launched its Beta version at 
>Transmediale and is now available for purchase!
>Ceo :Beatrice Gibson
>Executive Director: Sejal Chad
>Executive Technician : Adrian Ward 
>Executive Sonitician: Mukul Deora
>Human Capital vers. 0.1.017  is piece of voice [text.sound] 
>composition software, packaged as a training tool for call center 
>agents in India. Part tool part satire, the software parodies the 
>'communication philosophy' of the burgeoning remote processing 
>industry, namely its concept of a generic 'globalised' identity.
>At the same time Human Captial attempts to invert the logic of 
>telematic communications structures when appropriated by capital, by 
>allowing, through composition potential, for processes which might 
>frustrate // subvert the mechanisms of modelization and homogeneity.
>Users construct, from a library of stock phrases // words // and 
>adopted identities, responses to potential client queries. 
>Teleworkers can then potentially reappropriate and mutate possible 
>identities, disconnecting from capital.  By dragging text sound 
>clips onto a timeline, much like conventional music software, the 
>software hopes to introduce the potential for mixing // morphing // 
>and mutation within an otherwise mono environment, opening up 
>'fissures in pattern subjectivity'. Ie This sucks but i can fuck 
>with it.
>Human Capital Software version PUBLIC BETA 0.1.017  is currently viewable at

- --_-1165341273==_ma


Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 20:09:29 +
From: "Jane Austin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of richard barbrook)
Subject: UNTOLD at the ICA - Bionic Women - Friday, 28 March 2003

v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:*
{behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape

   Untold event at the ICA: Bionic Women

   Friday, 28 March 2003, 19:00 at the ICA, THE MALL, LONDON SW1Y 5AH

   For more info:
   T 020 7930
   W 3657

   Speakers: NINA WAKEFORD of Surrey University and director of INCITE
   SARAH KEMBER of Goldsmiths University
   CHAIRED BY JANE AUSTIN, Director of digital design agency Recollective -

Nina Wakeford   is a sociologist who h

Announcements [13x]

2003-03-14 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:
 Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Severed Heads site message ..   
 Stephen Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

 "ricardo dominguez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   CfP: Culture and the Media Industry (fwd)   
 Heiko Recktenwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   new work: nyc2 canal
 doron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   USDA Organic standards subverted
 Ryan Griffis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   fwd: call for applications: jan van eyck academie   

   Self portrait as a website  
 "bobig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   "Banner-strike" contest 
 - G a r r e t t - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Brunhild Bushoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Last call\\international\media\art\award 2002   
 Marianne Bruder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   [R] - [R] - [F] -  Festival - call for proposals
 "NewMediaArtProjectNetwork" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


Date: Tue,  4 Mar 2003 20:34:34 +0100 (CET)
From: Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: Email on your BoycottDelta ?

In response to Delta Air Line's utter lack of concern with the privacy of
their customers demonstrated by their participation in a test of the CAPPS
II system, a Delta disinvestment campaign has been launched at: .

The idea of citizens having to undergo a background investigation that
includes personal banking information and a credit check simply to travel in
his or her own country is invasive and un-American.  The CAPPS II system
goes far beyond what any thinking citizen of this country should consider

If enough people refuse to fly Delta, then it is likely that other airlines
will refuse to implement this sadly misguided and anti-democratic system.
The boycott will remain in full effect until Delta Air Lines publicly
withdraws from any involvement with the testing of CAPPS II.

Press/Analyst Contact:  Bill Scannell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 17:43:32 -0600 (CST)
From: Stephen Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Severed Heads site message ..

Hi there ..

I was doing some maintenance, like installing the new version of sendmail
which fixed a major security issue that was just announced, when I sort 
of arbitrarily decided to clean out the list of bogus/dead and unused
email addresses .. I do this every so often as a sort of spring cleaning
to keep the bounce email at a minimum.

Currently no one is on the list .. so you aren't missing out on any 
conversation.  If you want to get back on, send an email message to
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' with 'subscribe severed-heads' in the body.  

If this has caused you any inconvenience, I apologise.

Stephen Jones - chocolate achiever, list mangler, minister of patches.

(ps if you receive this message more than once, I'm sorry).


Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 06:51:08 -0500
From: "ricardo dominguez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

March 10, 2003 


Action Ends on March 17th, 2003

Dow Chemical is going to court this week in India. Not as the defendants
for their ongoing responsibility for the Bhopal disaster, but as the
plaintiffs: Dow is suing the SURVIVORS of the disaster for protesting at a
Dow plant, and--we're not making this up--they're demanding US$10,000 from
them... about 10 years of wages at local rates.

But pesky internet activists are showing Dow there is no escape, with a
virtual sit-in of Dow's internet Greenwash headquarters,

Dow's unapologetic website, which includes an "incident review," denies
that Dow purchased any liabil

Publications [23x]

2003-03-04 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

 Andrea Buddensieg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   February 2003   
 Le Monde diplomatique <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Jordan Crandall DRIVE   
 Gena Gbenga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   story streams   
 fran ilich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   CD "OPEN MIND:contents downloadable 
 yukiko shikata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Digital_Info_Society: New Media Stickers
 Timothy Jaeger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   selectparks update  
 selectparks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   for nettime pub list, don't post separately 
 "Soenke Zehle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Expat_list Project Team -  New Services for 2003
 "Fred Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   " Feminismes , Queer, Multitudes" le  N=?ISO-8859-1?B?sA==?=12 de Multitudes en 
 "emmanuel.videcoq" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Blesok | Shine 30   
 "undisclosed.recepients" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Michael Theodore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   "9-11 and after:  a virtual case book"  
 "David Garcia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   NEXUS WORLD  *candyfactory projects 

   fAf January - February 2003 
 "Fatima Lasay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   new radio product   
 Doug Henwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   What is future cinema ? 
 Heiko Recktenwald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Antonio Negri - NEW BOOK announcement   
 "Rowan Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Infopool No. 7 2003: Inside Laboratory Italy
 Andreas Broeckmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   HorizonZero 7: FEEL - Tell us your story
 Justine Bizzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   [Psrf] Photostatic Retrograde Archive, no. 35   

   DIAN Announcement for March 



Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 13:32:02 +0100
From: Andrea Buddensieg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ZKM/Performance

ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe
ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe


Darij Kreuh and Davide Grassi : »Brainscore« [2000]
Interactive 3D Performance[in the context of the exhibition FUTURE

Sat-Sun, February 22 & 23, 2003
ZKM-Media Theater, 5 pm | admission free 

The Brainscore project by media artists Darij Kreuh and Davide Grassi
deals with the research of communication patterns and the interface
enabling the human body and the global information space to connect. It
is a performance for two operators, in which incorporeal communication
is used as the starting point for creating a controlled communication
system. The system is based on the use of brain waves and eye movement
for performing basic commands while defining a new digital discourse in
virtual space without using the traditional and generally established
ways of communication [thus, socially recognized and conventional
communication codes are abandoned – speech, body gestures etc.]. 

Events [19x]

2003-03-04 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

 "Tom Holley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   The Copenhagen Interpolation
 matthew  fuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

 ben moretti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   M-Multimedia show 7-8   
 "Lorenzo Taiuti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

 Richard Joly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Computational Films  Screening  

wettbewerb fuer studentische medienprojekte
 ">digital sparks<" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   FLOW 280203 live     WFMU broadcast & stream    
 David Mandl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Little Sister 2003 - info and registration  

   War noWar but army is still "working"./ Try again (out of mime characters?) 
 Louise des Renards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   =?iso-8859-1?Q?Erstes_=D6sterreichisches_Sozialforum_-_Hallein_-_28.-31._?= =?is
 "Christian Apl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   "My Daily Constitution" in NYC - FEBRUARY 22 - 28 '03   
 "ricardo dominguez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   242.pilots / transmediale.03
 "242.pilots" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Robert Atkins on AntiWar and AIDS Activism, Embodiment and Electronic Communicat
 Robert Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

 Joel Slayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   akademie der bildenden kuenste in nuernberg 

   ZKM/interactive installation
 Andrea Buddensieg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   share in the kitchen
 eyescratch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   CfP HyperKult 12
 Martin Warnke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 19:25:10 -
From: "Tom Holley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: announcement

medialounge // #18 // 21.02.03 //
A relaxed event marking the opening of each
Medialounge Exhibition. The night includes a
presentation, and audience Q&A session, followed
by a DJ/VJ set from Vector.
A presentation by Finnish artist Juha Huuskonen

7:00pm – 11:00pm
Café Bar

Juha Huuskonen is an artist, software designer,
educator and cultural networker focusing on work
in which collaboration is an essential part of the
process and result. His work includes initiating
and developing organisations and cultural events,
creating interactive media projects, and teaching.
Fri 28 Feb - Fri 11 April 03
10:00 am - 5:30 pm
Mon - Fri

mirror++ connects human movement to the organic
beauty of graphic algorithms. The audience
experience their own image transformed into a
complex visual structure. The audience is not only
able to interact with this structure - the audience
IS the structure. By moving around, the audience
members engage in a dialogue with their new,
extraordinary mirror image.

Announcements [12x]

2003-03-03 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   Another Democracy Is Possible   

   MA in Media Design, Piet Zwart Institute
 matthew  fuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   HorizonZero seeks Technical Development Lead
 Justine Bizzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Interview Yourself,, B0timati0n update...  
 Amy Alexander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Onirica2003  -  (Ita -Fra -Eng) 
 "ph2oartecuneo free space for art" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   AVM News March 2003 
 "A Virtual Memorial" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   CRISIS/MEDIA : The Uncertain States of Reportage
 Shuddhabrata Sengupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Musicians on the Net
 Musicians on the Net <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   call for proposals: Impakt Online   
 derek holzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Final call  
 "ViolenceOnlineFestival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Onewordmovie: an internet-based installation
 Felix Stalder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Year Zero One presents: the Splash Page Project 
 Year Zero One <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   


Date: 21 Feb 2003 12:58:21 +0100
From: Quim Gil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Another Democracy Is Possible

I'd like to introduce you a political-media action we've just started in
Spain. Please forward it to any Spanish contacts you have and also
consider to apply it to your own country. We are open to collaborations:

(Background: Parties to play the media game in elections (11/Apr/2001) )

Otra Democracia Es Posible (Another Democracy Is Possible)

[original Spanish text below, sorry for my horrible English]

Become a member in a local candidature only to make that the electoral
administration must print bullets saying that "Another Democracy Is
Possible" in all the voting locations of you town in the elections of
May 25th. 


- - Beste Demokrazia Bat Posiblea Da (Basque)
- - Outra Democracia É Posible (Galician)
- - Una Altra Democràcia És Possible (Catalan)

Signing in is free, you can do it in two minuts in the web, you don't
need to belong to any political party, you don't need to be registered
in the town, you don't need to take responsibilities nor get more work

Forward this to your colleagues, please. Three days after the release of
the project there are already several lists opened:

* Almería (1, 29 needed)
* Barcelona (10, 30 needed)
* Elche / Elx (1, 29 needed)
* Granada (2, 28 needed)
* La Bisbal d'Empordà (1, 17 needed)
* Lloret de Mar (1, 19 needed)
* Madrid (8, 42 needed)
* Oviedo (2, 28 needed)
* Premià de Mar (1, 23 needed)
* Sant Cugat del Vallès (1, 23 needed)
* Santiago de Compostela (1, 27 needed)
* València (1, 33 needed)
* Valladolid (2, 28 needed)

Thanks for your collaboration.


Preséntate en una candidatura municipal sólo para que la administración
electoral tenga que imprimir papeletas diciendo que "otra democracia es
posible" en todos los colegios de tu municipio en las elecciones del 25
de Mayo.

Próximamente también:

- - Beste Demokrazia Bat Posiblea Da
- - Outra Democracia É Posible
- - Una Altra Democràcia És Possible

Apuntarse es gratis, se hace en dos minutos en la web, no hace falta
estar afiliado a ningún partido, no hace falta estar censado en el
municipio, no hace falta adquirir responsabilidades ni cargarse de

Pasadlo a vuestro colegas, por favor. Tres días después del estreno ya
hay varias listas abiertas:

* Almería (1, faltan 29)
* Barcelona (10, faltan 30)
* Elche / Elx (1, faltan 29)
* Granada (2, faltan 28)
* La Bisbal d'Empordà (1, faltan 17)
* Lloret de Mar (1, faltan 19)
* Madrid (8, faltan 42)
* Oviedo (2, faltan 28)
* Premià de Mar (1, faltan 23)

Publications [13x]

2003-02-12 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   "10,000 Acts of Artistic Mediation" @ UCLA  
 US Department of Art & Technology <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   high tech trash and "developing nations"
 Ryan Griffis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   new publication 
 Roy Ascott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   concrete_maschine (TM)  
 Johannes Auer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Big [B]Other
 fran ilich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Alt-X Press Releases New Wiley Wiggins Ebook
 "Lori Gaskill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   subsol (online publication announcement)
 joanne richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   about adbusters' strategy   
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   new: sound art archive / Timo Kahlen

   borderzap live from munich  
 Jan-Hendrik Brueggemeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   no one is illegal uk book   

   fAf Jan-Feb03: Blackout: Indigenous New Media Arts Collective   
 linda carroli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


   new URL and email for Left Curve
 Csaba Polony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 10:21:27 -0500
From: US Department of Art & Technology <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: "10,000 Acts of Artistic Mediation" @ UCLA

- --_-1167750372==_ma
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" ; format="flowed"

Randall Packer
"10,000 Acts of Artistic Mediation"
Tuesday, February 11th, 6pm @ EDA (104 North Kinross)
University of California, Los Angeles

presented by the
UCLA Department of Design | Media Arts
(310) 825-9007

Randall M. Packer, Secretary of the US Department of Art & Technology 
in Washington, DC, will announce a new campaign, "10,000 Acts of 
Artistic Mediation," intended to mobilize artistic forces across the 
nation in anticipation of the National Election in 2004. The 
Secretary will also discuss the recent activation of a new 
artist-driven political party, the Experimental Party, the "party of 
experimentation," in the Department's effort to bring the artists' 
message to center stage of the political process. The Experimental 
Party intends to recruit, support, and coordinate viable artists to 
celebrate the universal spirit of collective expression, to seek 
volunteers to help speak oracular truths and the most radically 
liberating critique of reason, and to engage students in acts of 
appropriation through art and polemic, manifesto and demonstration, 
love and politics.

Calling him "a man of great integrity, a man of great judgment and a 
man who knows the arts," President George W. Bush announced his 
decision to nominate Randall M. Packer to serve as Secretary of the 
United States Department of Art and Technology on November 12, 2001. 
Upon confirmation by the Senate, Packer pledged to renew the war on 
cultural poverty, reduce the incidence of a one-way exchange of 
information between an active agent and a passive recipient, and 
combat discrimination so no American feels outside the field of 
aesthetic inquiry of the contemporary media arts.


The Experimental Party

The Experimental Party - the "party of experimentation" -  is an 
artist-based political party that has been formed to activate 
citizens across the country in an effort to bring the artists' 
message to center stage of the political process. This is a political 
awakening, 'representation through virtualization' is the major 
political thrust of the Experimental Party, it is the driving force.

The US Department of Art & Technology

The US Department of Art and Technology is the United States 
principal conduit for facilitating the artist's need

Events [15x]

2003-02-11 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   n o  c o n c e p t - call for entries   
 festival garage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Lounge Lighter - Video im Museum Ludwig 
 Videonale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Electronic Art + Architecture from Switzerland, in ;adrid   
 MediaLab Madrid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   di-fusion is BACK!  
 John Hopkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   DIGITALIS 2: The Spiritual In Digital Art   

   international \ media \ art \ award 2003: Constructed Life: 

 "Christian Schoen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


   Cary Peppermint: Performance/Exposure/Seance/Technolecture  
 Cary Peppermint <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Open call for participation...prints, politics and Boston   


   ://no war media marathon

 "=?iso-8859-1?B?S+Fyb2x5IFTzdGg=?=" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   CFP Electronic Theory and Criticism - MLA 2003  
 Vika Zafrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 12:23:47 +0100
From: festival garage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: n o  c o n c e p t - call for entries

German version below. Please forward this to any individuals or mailing
lists that you feel it would be of interest to.

Call for Entries:
- -
7th festival garage in August 2003 in Stralsund / Germany
- -
n o  c o n c e p t  -  a description of conditions
- -

Everything is possible, everything is open, everything can be done, nothing
is clearly defined.

With the apparently permanent expansion of the individual room for action
different modes of behaviour develop in dealing with the existing social and
cultural structures.

Pragmatism on one side, purposeful acting, reduced to the necessary and
practically useful, a striving for order and security. Inability to act on
the other side, resulting from a growing feeling of blurredness, of
insecurity and disorientation.

Social vacuum? Malfunction of the system? "...instability as the normal
state?" Trial and Error as the future strategy? Insecurity as a creative
force, accident as a generative mechanism? What is normality, what is
defined as normal?

garage 03 is searching for artists' positions, comments and strategies on
the topic insecurity and disorientation. Send us your proposals for
presentations, installations, performances, projects, papers, and workshops.
It is possible to submit already realised projects or concepts for projects,
which are to be developed for the festival topic and/or to be realised
during the festival.

Deadline: 30th April 2003 application forms and info:

- -
all proposals should be submitted to:

garage c/o Stabenow
Husemannstr. 12
10435 Berlin Germany

T +49 (0) 30 441 20 15
F +49 (0) 30 44357415
- -

garage is platform for art and culture. It is situated in the midst of the
silo area in Stralsund's old port and understands itself as a
non-commercial, temporally limited space for the support of
interdisciplinary and individual projects with a focus on art, film and

- -

- -
7. Festival garage im August 2003 in Stralsund
- -

Announcements [9x]

2003-02-09 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   REALTOKYO MM Vol. 114   
 Andreas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Arizona State University: two jobs  
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   dEadly mOb 

   A Fever Lecture 
 Cary Peppermint <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   FILE 2003- electronic language international festival   

   cfp  Corporal Literacy  
 Rob van Kranenburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   criticalartware version.1.0.1   

   Recent News from the Daniel Langlois Foundation - February 2003 
 Dominique Fontaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   tranmediale -- 1996 -2000   
 Rachel Greene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   fwd: 2 positions at UC Irvine, arts, computation, engineering   
 Tapio Makela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 09:27:11 +0900
From: Andreas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: REALTOKYO MM Vol. 114


[This Week's Index]

(1) Out of Tokyo
Vol. 55: The Power of Location part 4

(2) Event Pick of the Week
Hot Korean Film Festival

(3) Presents
"Open Mind" & Flatic CDs

This week's RT Picks:

art+cinema+music+stage+design+town = 47 events
including 8 new ones!
Plus new entries on our 'book/disk' page.

Check them out!

(1) Out of Tokyo

Vol. 55: The Power of Location part 4
by Ozaki Tetsuya

The last weekend was one with a very positive surprise for me.
Following an invitation by email from Higashiizumi Ichiro, I went
to attend the opening party of an event titled "Taping." Since
illustrator Ito Keiji, design unit Namaiki and others were among
the participants I had no doubt it would be an interesting event,
but I ended up being struck with admiration not only of the event
itself but also of the wonderful space it took place in. The venue,
"Tsukiji Manson," is an alternative space in Higashi Kanda. It's a
rather inconveniently located place in 7-8 minutes walking distance
from Akihabara. To call it a "typical hollow area in the middle of
the city" would actually come even closer than just "inconvenient"...

Read more at:

(2) Event Pick of the Week

Hot Korean Film Festival

Even if you're one of those who feel like they've had enough of
Korean movies recently, with a flood of unique films in the program
this festival is one you just have to endure. Recommended also to
advanced fans with a general knowledge of the genre, the festival
offers plenty of 'spicy' delicacies in accordance to its title.
Especially the set of films by Hong Sang Soo including "The Day a
Pig Fell Into the Well," "The Power of Kangwon Province," "Virgin
Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors" and "Turning Gate" is a section all
art film and repertory cinema aficionados should check out. Go and
judge by yourself if what you see tastes hot or rather sweet. Since
this is an event that is organized by film distributors in order to
introduce (and sell) their items, another point of concern is the
number of titles that change hands here.
- --Maru,2136

(3) Presents

We still accept applications for one of the ten copies of the
"Open Mind" compilation CD that was produced by Mori Art Museum
in connection with an event with the same title last December.
New on the Presents page this week are more CDs: three lucky
readers will receive one copy each of Flatic's first album
"Nano/Youth" (Plop).

To apply and for more info see:



Publications [13x]

2003-02-02 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:  cyborg.htm 
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   ETC Report on Nanotechnologies  
 "Soenke Zehle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Writing Machines Supplement & WebTake   
 Peter Lunenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   New Carnegie Book: Open Networks, Closed Regimes
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   "Low Level All-Stars" on DVD
 Alexander Galloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   book announcement--Lovink   
 David Weininger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   "the commoner", new issue   
 "Massimo De Angelis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of richard barbrook)  

   -empyre- + open source to open art +

   "Mailstory" in mediahexa
 - G a r r e t t - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   macrosound launch in 10, 9, 8 ...   
 "rick silva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Surveillance and Society | New issue and Call for Papers
 "D F J Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   DIAN Announcement for February  


Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2003 21:34:09 +1100
From: "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  cyborg.htm

From: "Steve Mann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

we've got a site up (summary of reviews, etc.,)
and also the book's linked,

finally, there's our exhibit about post-cyborgism
(postpostmodernism, or "popo"), and what comes next,
(conference we had on what comes after popo)

click on "Aftermath" (at the bottom of the page)



Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 17:38:46 +0100
From: "Soenke Zehle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ETC Report on Nanotechnologies

for nettime publications-list:

29 January 2003
News Release, download at

The Big Down:
Technologies Converging at the Nano-scale

The ETC Group (formerly known as RAFI) today announces the publication of
The Big Down: Atomtech - Technologies Converging at the Nano-scale, the
first comprehensive and critical analysis of nanotechnology for civil
society and policymakers. The 80-page report seeks to widen civil society's
and policymakers' focus beyond biotech and genetically engineered crops, and
to catalyze widespread public debate on the societal impacts of

"The world's most powerful emerging technology is developing in an
almost-total political and regulatory vacuum," says Pat Mooney, Executive
Director of ETC Group. "Public and private research at the nano-scale is
evolving beneath the radar screen of civil society and government
regulators." Because nano-scale technologies can be applied to virtually
every industrial sector, explains ETC Group, no regulatory body is taking
the lead. And because many of its products are nano-sized versions of
conventional compounds, regulatory scrutiny has been deemed unnecessary.

Atomtechnology is well on its way to creating an economic and social
revolution expected to be worth US$1 trillion by 2015. Virtually all sectors
of the economy will be affected. The Big Down addresses the hard questions:
Who will control nanotechnology? Who will determine the research agenda and
who will benefit from nano-scale technologies? How can governments and civil
society begin to address the potential socio-economic, environmental and
health impacts of nanotechnology without discouraging the safe exploration
of its beneficial possibilities?


Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 14:33:44 -0800
From: Peter Lunenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Writing Machines Supplement & WebTake

Writing Machines, written by N. Katherine Hayles, and designed by Anne
Burdick, is the latest in the Mediawork Pamphlet series. Writing Machines
has already been hailed for its exploration of how literature has
transformed itself from inscriptions rendered as the flat durable marks of
print to the 

Events [18x]

2003-02-01 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   An Evening with Carey Young, MoMa, Monday January 27
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   jihui Digital Salon presents Perry Hoberman 

   FILE 2003- electronic language international festival   
 "file 2003" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Infrastructures of Digital Design - Graduate Conference - Immediate Release 

=?iso-8859-1?Q?V2=5F/DEAF03:_=91Exhibition_=91Data_Knitting_?= - From  =?iso-88
 Marjolein Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   ART FILM  -- by Chris Murray

   V2/DEAF: Subject: WOSEMA - Workshops/Seminars/Masterclasses 
 Marjolein Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Chicago: illegal art film and video festival
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   \international\media\art\award 2003 : call for submissions --   
 Petra Kaiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Diane Ludin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Video "=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Disobbedienti=22?=: upcoming presentations /  aktuelle Vor
 Oliver Ressler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Benefit February 25 
 From: nettime's_roving_reporter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   BitParts Digital Art Festival   

   ART IN OUTPUT 2003: lost and found  
 "adriaaN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   FreeNetworks Conference 2003
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Press Release - MasterPlan  
 "Le Musee di-visioniste" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   BANQUETE =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=2D?= international traveling exhibition
 Oliver Ressler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   BANQUETE - international traveling exhibition   
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 10:07:15 +1100
From: "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: An Evening with Carey Young, MoMa, Monday January 27

From: "Intern3, Film" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 8:40 AM
Subject: MediaScope: An Evening with Carey Young -- Monday January 27

MoMA at The Gramercy Theatre presents MediaScope
Monday, January 27, 8:30
An Evening with Carey Young (Great Britain/USA)

The London-based artist Carey Young infiltrates the inner
workings of the multinational corporation, adopting its language, codes, and
tools in order to reflect on ideas of identity, strategy, and progress.
Young will discuss works made in a variety of physical and electronic
mediums, including her recent performance-based videos Everything You've
Heard Is Wrong (1999) and I Am a Revolutionary (2001). Program approx. 90

Upcoming MediaScope Programs:

An Evening with Przemyslaw "Shemie" Reut (New York)
Monday, February 10, 8:15
An Evening with Miranda July (Portland, Oregon)
Monday, February 24, 8:15
An Evening with Piotr Wyrzyrowski (Gdansk/Kiev)
Monday, March 24, 8:15

MoMA at The Gramercy Theatre
127 East 23 Street at Lexington Avenue
For ticket information:

SUBWAY: 6 to 23 Street
BUSES: M23 to Lexington Avenue; M1 to Park Avenue and 23
Street; M101, M102, M103 to Third Avenue and 23 Street


Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 13:20:13 -0500
Subject: jihui Digital Salon presents Perry Hoberman

jihui Digital Salon
Perry Hoberman

Friday, January 31, 2003 7 PM
@ Parsons Center for New Design
55 West 13th Street, 9th Fl.
New York, NY 10011
Live Webcast @ starts 7pm EST.

Perry Hoberman will be discussing his current exhibition at Postmasters
Gallery. In this exhibition, Hoberman tackles one of our current dilemmas:
in a world of 

Events [20x]

2003-02-01 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   Bad Emser Medienkunsttage  (31.5-1.6.2003) CALL FOR PAPER BIS 31.1.2003 
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Cultures of Journalism Conference at Goldsmiths College, UK 
 =?iso-8859-1?q?Bertha=20Chin?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   V2_: Call for Participation master class + workshop 
 marije <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   SFcamerawork: 2 media arts shows/events 
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   the >wartime< project showing 15th Jan 2003 

   =?iso-8859-1?Q?V2=5F/DEAF03:_Symposium_Information_is_?= =?iso-8859-1?Q?Alive?= 
 Marjolein Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   | PLUG AND PLAY - SUNDAY 19/01/20003 6PM - London | 
 "pnp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

 "Karoly Toth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   V2_/DEAF03: seminar + call for participation master class   
 marije <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

 Aliette Guibert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   BBA France 2002 
 Christine =?iso-8859-1?Q?Tr=E9guier?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Infrastructures of Digital Design - Graduate Conference - Immediate Release 

   free video program in SMART Cinema, A Close Watch (Undermining the Overview: Par
 "SMART Project Space" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   =?iso-8859-1?Q?Munich-Video_Festival:_ES_IST_SCHWER_DAS_REALE_ZU_BER=DCHR?= =?is
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Sonntag 19. Januar  
 "Frau von Sydow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   read_me 2.3 software art festival   
 olga goriunova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   'post demo' open_digi event, Jan 17th, Brixton London UK

   Vienna: Geography and the Politics of Mobility (exhibition) 
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   TV, Live STReam, Playing Field  
 Station Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   ZKM/ResFest Digital Film Festival   
 Andrea Buddensieg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   


Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 09:01:31 +1100
From: "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Bad Emser Medienkunsttage  (31.5-1.6.2003) CALL FOR PAPER BIS 31.1.2003

From: "Perrier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral is an institution of the Foundation for
Culture in Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. It promotes international artists
through the allocation of residential fellowship. The Kuenstlerhaus also has
the objective of reaching the public through events such as lectures,
seminars, concerts and exhibitions.

>From May 30th to  June 1th 2003 Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral, together
with the Institut fuer Kunstwissenschaften der Universitaet Koblenz -
Landau, Campus Koblenz is planning an international Media Arts Conference
called Bad Emser Medienkunsttage (BEM). Alongside to established scientists
younger scientist as well as media artists are welcome to express their
thoughts on the possible influence of new media in art and society and to
reflect if new technologies have brought new means of expression in
contemporary art. The conference is open to the public and
interdisciplinary. The speakers will be selected by a call for paper. We
would appreciate your proposal of young scientists from your institution to
take part in the Media Arts Conference Bad Ems, Germany. The speakers will
be selected by a jury, other interesting lectures will be published.

At the same time Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral shows the exhibition "art
bytes". Some of the art works in the exhibition gav

Announcements [14x]

2003-01-30 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   CFP: The Geopolitics of Electronic Messaging
 Ned Rossiter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Call for Samples: Feed the Translocal Mixer 
 "h.d.mabuse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Announcing "10,000 Acts of Artistic Mediation"  
 Experimental Party <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   screened out
 "abraham linkoln" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Utrecht (NL): Professor in Media Theory 
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   M/C (logo)  
 Phil Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   ISEA2004 CALL for PROPOSALS #1: sub themes and large projects   
 Tapio Makela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   COSIGN 2003 
 "Fatima Lasay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   cfp: the state of the real (glasgow)
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   online courses  

   Prefering just a link /Re:  confidential   
 Louise Desrenards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Press Release   
 Dominique Fontaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

 Lev Manovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Fwd: [CFW] [SOFTWARE&ART]   
 "Anne Quigley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   


Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 00:18:15 +1100
From: Ned Rossiter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: The Geopolitics of Electronic Messaging

Call for Papers

Southern Review: Communication, Politics & Culture

Special Issue, 36.2, 2003.

The Geopolitics of Electronic Messaging

Editors:  Mary Griffiths and Susan Yell

Monash University, Gippsland Campus

"The Geopolitics of e-Messaging" invites theoretically informed 
discussions of the social and political outcomes of P2P electronic 
communications, and case studies of the dynamics of governing new 
publics and the spaces of private communication.

Email, webmail, voicemail, text messaging, ICQ, pxt, chat forums, 
digital television messaging, discussion boards, and now, wireless 
communications form distinctive protocols, and different capacities 
in users. New geographies of space and politics are made possible. 
But, not all that results from the increase in the kind and volume of 
communication is beneficial. The pressure on many users is to be 
always available and immediately responsive. Organisational 
communications may improve but increased surveillance is the 
corollary. At home and work, time is needed to manage "legitimate" 
electronic messages and users also deal with unsolicited spam, and 
with scams, and viruses. Many find themselves, either willingly or 
involuntarily, in new and compelling sets of relations with others. 
New etiquettes of interaction are emerging.

The "free" space of limitless communication shows signs of shrinking 
back to more private and customised domains. For example, online 
communities now use gating technologies to secure themselves from all 
but identifiable messages. Individuals are increasingly using 
filters, junk folders and different accounts for protection of 

What is being gained or lost by these developments? Is an organised 
retreat from the exigencies of the most demanding and clamorous 
aspects of e-messaging starting? Can the new gated communities be 
thought of as publics? Do they provide evidence of undemocratic 
tendencies? What can be produced by the crossing of traditional 
communicative borders? What are the skills, capacities and literacies 
which are being formed by different messaging technologies? What 
counts as "nuisance mail" and how is it being dealt with? How are 
subjectivities being constructed and governed by compulsory 
participation in online work and educational communities? How are 
nations, communities, institutions, businesses and individuals 
managing the virtual spaces of electronic messaging across physical 
frontiers? Which t

Announcements [13x]

2003-01-30 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   Call for Contributors: 'share' and other M/C issues in 2003 
 "M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 jaka zeleznikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> software art repository   
 olga goriunova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   NEGOTIATIONS: call to artists, cultural workers, activists and academics
 Gita Hashemi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Masters in Choreography/ New Media in Amsterdam 
 Scott deLahunta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   REALTOKYO MM Vol. 112   
 Andreas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   What is to be Done? Invitation to contribute to project in Lenin Museum Finland 
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 "Lorenzo Taiuti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Free accessable copy Rhizome's Artbase now online   
 "Peter Luining" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   PassDoC art web project 
 "passdoc artweb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   CFP: COSIGN 2003
 "Fatima Lasay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 10:03:02 +1000
From: "M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Call for Contributors: 'share' and other M/C issues in 2003


  M/C - Media and Culture
 is calling for contributors to the 2003 issues of

M/C Journal

The award-winning M/C Journal is looking for new contributors. M/C is a
crossover journal between the popular and the academic, and a blind- and
peer-reviewed journal.

To see what M/C Journal is all about, check out our Website, which contains
all the issues released so far, at . To
find out how and in what format to contribute your work, visit

Below, you'll find the issue topics we're planning for 2003, along with the
article submission and issue release deadlines, and a call for contributors
for the second issue of the year, 'share'. Please check the M/C Journal
site for further calls and topic descriptions coming soon.

Please spread this call far and wide, and remember to archive it for future

 Call for Papers: 'share'

As we move into the information age, the network society, some see us also
as turning into a culture of collectors, a society of sharers. Electronic
information, especially once it is networked, is easy to copy, simple to
share, and seems to invite collaborative engagement; this leads to the
emergence of filesharing services and open source software development.
Financially, ever more people are hoping to share in the commercial
successes of the listed companies whose stocks they own, but all too often
find themselves sharing predominantly their losses.

On a wider and more fundamental level, offline, public, physical resources
also need to be shared more effectively: as we exploit our reserves of
natural fuels and foods more rapidly than we can replenish them, we attempt
to find ways to achieve sustainability. And on the sociopolitical level,
too, moves are underway to share the load of governance, administration,
and jurisdiction through shared transnational organisations ranging from
the UN to the International Court of Justice.

What is also becoming obvious, however, is that some are better at
sharing than others. Along with the invitation to share more effectively
comes the reflex to hold on to one's own property even more stubbornly.
Whole industries are now devoted to the development of patents for
inventions that are yet to be made, in order to extract immense fees from
anyone wanting to share these ideas; countries like Australia and the US
have atrocious records when it comes to fairly sharing and responsibly
sustaining the world's natural resources; and in the networked
environment, intellectual property has now assumed almost mythical status -
central to one's success, but difficult to grasp, and almost impossible to
protect. Is sharing the 

Publications [14x]

2003-01-24 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   (((NOMUSIC))) Open Call to Stream Players V 

   NET.ART-CONNEXION (NET/ART/DATABASE) Announcement/Definition /Manifesto 
 "BlueScreen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   New Book
 Charlie Gere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   [Psrf] Photostatic Retrograde Archive, no. 36 prime 

 "Melinda Rackham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

 doron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   [fwd] Especial sobre Ciberfeminismo/Cyberfeminism special issue 
 carolyn guertin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   life_sharing: 2 years of data nudism

   REALTOKYO MM Vol. 113   
 Andreas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   VIRTUAL ART - From Illusion to Immersion

   NPO/NGO Media & Technology Calendar 

   BeeHive 5:2 now online! 
 "Talan Memmott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   bzzzpeek >>> one world..
 "<<< F L @ 3 3 >>>" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   book announcement--Hayles   
 David Weininger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   


Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 00:23:29 +0100 (CET)
Subject: (((NOMUSIC))) Open Call to Stream Players V

( ( ( N O M U S I C ) ) )  TOURNAMENT V
*  Open Call to Audio Stream Players  * 

- -< Audio live only via Network - No archiv - Free pass >-
- -< 24h Continuous Trans Audio Distant Travel >-
- -< Connection only on >-
- -< Stream Audio Live MP3 / Low & High >-

Stream start : 15th April 2003 (19h00 / 07:00pm)
  Stream end : 16th April 2003 (19h00 / 07:00pm)
[GMT+01:00 - CET - French Time Basis]

[Audio device on or using Network encouraged]
[Stream Real/Shoutcast/Ogg/Peercast accepted]
[56K Min...; Min.Stream capacities needed]

 Join now the next World Audio Battle...

[Submit Form :]
[ > Join]
[Deadline : 23/03/2003]

( ( ( N O M U S I C ) ) )


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 12:06:05 +0100
From: "BlueScreen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NET.ART-CONNEXION (NET/ART/DATABASE) Announcement/Definition /Manifesto


$Name = "Net.Art Connexion";
$URL[0] = "";;
$URL[1] = "";;
$Type = "DATABASE";
$Content = "Net.Art Links";
$Access = "FREE";
$Opening = new.Date(15/01/2003);
$AccessMode = new Array();
$AccessMode[0] = "IndexByArtWorks";
$AccessMode[1] = "IndexByArtists";
$AccessMode[2] = "RandomAccess";
$AccessMode[3] = "SearchSystem";
$AccessMode[4] = "Comming Soon...";
$AccessMode[5] = "Comming Soon...";
$AccessMode[6] = "Comming Soon...";





//Manifesto: (V1 - 15/01/2003)


NetArtWork = "specificArtObject";
NetArtWork = "specificArtObject";
NetArtWork = "specificArtObject";


Publications [11x]

2003-01-14 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   [Psrf] Photostatic Retrograde Archive, no. 36   

 Michael Mandiberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> netzkollektor digest #2   

   book: cyberactivism 
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   the >wartime< project online launch 

   Oliver Grau: VIRTUAL ART, new at MIT Press  
 Oliver Grau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of Andreas Broeckmann)   

   Item of the month   

   Squall update | for announcements ? 
 "Shaun Rolph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   on medical science and its loyalties
 Karl-Erik Tallmo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   A Virtual Memorial in January 2003  
 "A Virtual Memorial" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 23:14:42 -0600
From: Lloyd Dunn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Psrf] Photostatic Retrograde Archive, no. 36

#  If you no longer wish to recieve e-mail announcements from the
#  Photostatic Retrograde Archive, simply let us know and we will remove
#  your name from the mailing list.
#  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

now available for download, retrograde release no. 14, january 2003:

PhotoStatic 36


direct download: (3.7 Mb)

Description. "Expand the Network." This heavily graphic issue is,
typically, built around multiple parallel series of visual works, an array
of conceptual threads woven together. Further, the issue has several
featured series, one being a sequence of xerographic collages with text
entitled "Things" by Stephen-Paul Martin; another, a one-per-page list of
Jenny Holzer-inspired slogans by Luke McGuff running under the issue,
appearing in each and every footer. Other remarkable graphic works are
supplied by John Stickney, whose work has been coming into its own in
recent issues (retrospectively speaking), and painter John Rininger,
always able, it seems, of offering something of note; and David Tiffen's
pair of images, seeming vaguely Situationist-inspired to today's eyes.
Pandora's Mailbox also supplies a series of works, a small booklet run in
unabridged sequence and offered up among the other works on these pages.
Italian artist Serse Luigetti continues offering his rectilinear "stamp
collection"-like pages of themed graphics, and mailartist Dazar also
delivers a pithy series of small graphics, seen here for the first time in
their original colors.

Contributors include. Scott Dohring, Ll. Dunn, Luke McGuff, Tom Hibbard,
Pandora's Mailbox, John Stickney, Geof Huth, Mark Pawson, Pascal Uni,
Serse Luigetti, David Tiffen, Thomas Wiloch, John Kelly, Eric Belgum,
Joseph A. Uphoff, Jr., Gareth Branwyn, Christopher Erin, Stephen-Paul
Martin, Crag Hill, Dazar, Miekal And, Mark Rose, Brad Goins, Paul Weinman,
Tim Coats, Bob Grumman, John Rininger, Arturo Giuseppe Fallico, Eric
Heilmann, Thom Metzger, The Tape-beatles

Project Overview: The Photostatic Retrograde Archive serves as an
electronic repository for a complete collection of PhotoStatic Magazine,
PhonoStatic Cassettes, Retrofuturism, and Psrf, (as well as related
titles). Issues are posted as PDF files, at more or less regular
intervals, in reverse chronological order to form a chronological mirror
image of the original series. When the first issue, dating from 1983, is
finally posted in several year's time, then this electronic archive will
be complete.

issue directory:

project URL:

- --

#  Photostatic Magazine Retrograde Archive :
#  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#  E-mail  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- -- 

#  Lloyd Dunn : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
#  The Tape-beatles and Public Works Productions :
#  Photostatic Magazine Retrograde Archive :
#  - - - - - - - - - - -
#  Address | c/o Heckovi, Veltruská 531/9, Prosek, 19000 Praha-9, CZ


Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 01:31:16 -080

Announcements [9x]

2003-01-09 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   A new server list   
 Louise Desrenards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Transdisciplinary Postgraduate Research: Applications due Jan 20th  
 Ned Rossiter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   CALL FOR PROPOSALS:Knowledge Maps of the Twin Cities
 Kate Carmody <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   FILMWINTER: Vote now =?ISO-8859-1?B?rQ==?= from now on! 
 Benjamin Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Masters in Choreography/ New Media in Amsterdam 
 Jeroen Fabius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   REALTOKYO MM Vol. 111   
 Andreas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   posthuman law   
 Sandra Braman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Sangandaan '03 conference new reminder  
 "Fatima Lasay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Digital Printmaking position
 Daniel Goodwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Date: Fri, 03 Jan 2003 03:49:14 +0100
From: Louise Desrenards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: A new server list

Please, a new interactive list openning every langue:

Dear friends of and of

 At the time of New Year 2003 we create a server-list on < >.

This server of election does not propose online archive of the messages, you
will thus have to save them by your own means those which will interest you.

 Why we experienced a list, yet another ?

Following requests repeated for one year, then with recommendations of
corresponding foreigners lately, we have decided to launch it for the
following reasons: 

1. our singular ideas regarding emergence, generally don't match the topics
of the other lists;

2. cultural lists and artistic lists do not accept any more the
communication of virtual events after various abuses.

However we owe to that virtual space of the internet, our singular existence
as editors and producers, that supports the development of our
demonstrations offline...

We make a point of defending the free principle of publication and creation
in field of the hypermedia and consequently the communication of its events.

Such is the double object of our list, based on the principle of the
critical alterity
(non-Community and thema-anachronistic like actual).

 Here are some topics and minimal rules to make the discussion more
interactive and more fluid:

This list, both of information and thinking, of sociocultural visions or
engagements of critical universes rather that opinions, includes the
political and economic universes.

It is opened in to criticism and to self-criticism, with the aim of ironic
joyful prospective, researches, performances, events, including the most

Nevertheless, no insult neither obscenity is authorised regarding both
internal listers and external people, neither on the list nor under the
links which are published there.

Within the same framework, the list would not put up with repetitive
aggressions which could take the aspect of harassing, as well with regard to
the ones as with that of the others

 Frequency of the messages and Spam:

to limit the abuses in a number of posts, a maximum of emission of two mails
by lister, and per day is authorised, except concerning basic discussions on
fertile subjects.

Beyond two posts or of a demonstration of impatience of one or two fellow
candidates, the exchanges in progress will have to continue within the
framework of private mails.

The referential links or quotations inside the development of the contents
of the messages will be expressed without limitation of their frequency nor
of their number. 

On the other hand, the promotional or advertising communication of sites or
pages being able to be associated to Spam will take place only one time per
week for each lister. These mails will have to mention :  in the


The moderation will be shared between five persons considering their
disciplinary fields included musics and sciences, but all practise the same
charter. Their signs and emails: Orphée Delarue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Adrien Rocant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Horace Bellecourt
<[EMAIL PROTECTED], Pétrone Guillot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Oui de

Please, before "[EMAIL PROTECTED]", protest should sent to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] specially to the chief modera

Events [9x]

2003-01-05 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   DEAF03: workshop Media Knitting 
 Marjolein Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   conference: the politics of code (oxford, feb. 6)   
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Summer Creativity Courses in Europe 
 Creativity Course <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   EUPHORICUM 1 (15./16.01) Ein Symposium  =?ISO-8859-1?B?/GJlciBkaWUgWnVrdW5mdCB2b

 Kalina Bunevska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   REFLEXIVE REPRESENTATIONS (conference/germany)  
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   -Empyre- for January: Mechanisms of Exposure
 Christina McPhee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Crisis/Media Workshop   
 "rachel magnusson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Sacred Media Conference 
 "Jussi Holopainen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   


Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 16:14:31 +0100
From: Marjolein Berger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DEAF03: workshop Media Knitting

Workshop 'Media Knitting'
A three-day hands-on workshop during the Dutch Electronic Art Festival 2003 
(DEAF03 'Data Knitting') organized by V2_, Institute for the Unstable Media.

Wednesday 26 February 2003, 12.00 - 22.00 hours
Thursday 27 February 2003, 12.00 - 22.00 hours
Friday 28 February 2003, 12.00 - 20.00 hours, public presentation of the 
workshop results 20.00 - 22.00 hours
Location: V2_, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Costs attendance: 100,- euro (including lunch and drinks)

Collaboration between developers and artists from different disciplines 
often results in merged media or new media formats. 'Media Knitting' is a 
three-day hands-on workshop for artists, engineers, and designers working 
with software to knit various media formats and applications together for 
live or real-time interactive performances. The scope of the media used for 
collaboration in 'Media Knitting' will include video, streaming media, 
audio and 3D modelling. In this workshop thirty participants can work 
together to discover and patch each other's disciplines together by means 
of software and human interaction. Several experts will be brought in from 
the commercial software field for Mac and Windows as well as from the field 
of open source and free software. Among the software facilitated for this 
workshop are Max-MSp, Jitter, V2_Jam, PD, Blender, Cyclops, BigEye, 
gstreamer, Nato, MoB, FreeJ and Touch 101.

The participants and the workshop leaders will work together to realize 
performances or media jam sessions. The end result of the workshop will be 
presented in an informal media concert open to the audience of the Dutch 
Electronic Art Festival 2003 (DEAF03).

Workshop leaders: Amy Franceschini (USA) and Guy van Belle (B).

Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptop and software.

Application forms for participants can be found on
Application is possible until 15 January 2003.

If you have any questions about the workshop please contact Lobke Hulzink 


Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 16:40:45 +1100
From: "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: conference: the politics of code (oxford, feb. 6)

The Politics of Code:
Shaping the Future of the Next Internet
Thursday, 6th February 2003
A one day public conference organised by the Programme in Comparative Media
Law and Policy, and the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford

The Internet is at a crossroads, critical choices will be made in the coming
months about the Internet's architecture that will shape the Internet for
years to come.

PCMLP and the OII are therefore convening a conference in Oxford to not only
identify what those critical choices are, and to discuss in an innovative
cross-disciplinary set-up of practitioners and academics how we can shape
the future of the next Internet.

High profile speakers - among them Prof. Larry Lessig, renowned thinker on
Cyberlaw and Esther Dyson, celebrated digerati and founding chairman of
ICANN - will discuss the key choices that need to be made on privacy,
security, access, openness and control in the design of Internet technology
and Internet Governance.

This conference will examine

Events [x10]

2002-12-23 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   Re:  Events [13x]  

   program of SEAFair for Sunday and Monday

   Glowlab in love and other news  

   tm.03 - newsletter workshops
 Andreas Broeckmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   16. Stuttgarter Filmwinter - online 
 Benjamin Fischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Symposium 19. Januar
 "Frau von Sydow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   [NET.JAM] season to share   
 eyescratch(TM) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 "pnp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   live stream from on 16th December at 19:00: Prof. Dr. Martin Ke
 " redaktion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   HorizonZero EAT!
 "Bizzocchi, Justine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 12:24:46 +0100
Subject: Re:  Events [13x]

SEAFair 2002
Skopje Electronic Arts Fair

Cultural Transformation
Consciousness and New Technologies

14 December 2002 - 13 January 2003

Location: Skopje Museum of Contemporary Arts - MoCA

Organizer: Contemporary Art Center Skopje

Curator: Melentie PANDILOVSKI

Supported by: Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia, PROHELVETIA
Arts Council of Switzerland, Goethe Institute Belgrade

The project SEAFair 2002 Cultural Transformation - Consciousness and New
Technologies is envisioned to bring together culture theoreticians,
practitioners of new media, philosophers, consciousness experts,
neuroscientists, artists and sociologists, in a constructive dialogue. We
expect the project to produce an open atmosphere for critical discourse,
and an on-going debate regarding the raised issues. The idea of this sixth
edition of SEAFair is to investigate the cultural transformation in the
beginning of the 21st century by critically examining in an overall
platform the evolution of consciousness, society, networks, and new media.
The study of consciousness is now considered to be one of the top themes
in artistic and cultural circles especially because current research of
broad fields in a cultural and a social sense may assist us in the
visualizing of our future.

The main theme of the Symposium will be CULTURE AND CONSCIOUSNESS. Themes
such as the influence of techno-scientific change upon society, the study
of consciousness, the study of the mind, etc. will be examined.


· SATURDAY 14.12.2002 ·

MoCA - Skopje



Art, Technology and Consciousness: a personal trajectory 

The Neither: Neither the Body nor the Mind

· SUNDAY 15.12.2002 ·

MoCA - Skopje


18:00 - 18:20 Klauss AMMANN (CH)
Living in a Risk Society

18:20 - 18:50 Liljana SIMJANOVSKA
Brain Breathing 

18:50 - 19:10 Melentie PANDILOVSKI
Awareness and Technology

19:10 - 19:30 BREAK

19:30 - 19:50 Jens HAUSER (GER)
Pig Wings
The 8th Day

19:50 - 20:10 Kristijan LUKIC & Zvonko GORECAN (YU)

20:10 - 20:30 Darij KREUH (SLO)

· MONDAY 16.12.2002 ·

MoCA - Skopje


11:00 - 11:20 Nina CZEGLEDY (CAN)
The Mind's Eye 

11:20 - 11:50 Michalis PICHLER (GER)
Kuh Experiment in Public Space - 3 January 17 2002, Berlin Breitscheidplatz

11:50 - 12:10 Oksana CHEPELYK (UKR)
Textual GENE

12:10 - 12:30 BREAK

12:30 - 12:50 Radka MULLEROVA (CZR)

12:50 - 13:10 Biljana & Aleksandar ZDRAVKOVSKI & Gjorgi STOILKOV
We are here

13:10 - 13:30 Georgi STOJANOV
Metaphors and Analogy in Cognitive Science and AI



Wet Contact

A Peneal Extendor

Kristijan LUKIC & Zvonko GORECAN (YU)

Simple Thoughts

Radka & Stanislav MULLER (CZR)
The Ordination 
Mirror Man on the beach

Waiting Room

Petites perceptions

Billjana & Aleksandar ZDRAVKOVSKI & Gjorgi STOILKOV

Announcements [x10]

2002-12-23 Thread Announcer
ng the point of contact and providing support and information
for state representatives and assistant managers.

General requirements for being a part of the The This is Not Art
team are:

* Ability to work as part of a team
* Ability to work within a limited budget
* Demonstrated ability to plan and achieve tasks
* Demonstrated understanding of the construction and implementation
   of timeline
* Self-motivated
* Ability to delegate tasks
* Ability to work under pressure
* Appreciation of the culture of This Is Not Art
* Ability to manage and account for finances and budget
* Understanding of working with volunteers
* Ability to negotiate best options with limited resources
* Ability to liaise with external stake holders
* Ability to seek funding
* Ability to oversee the construction of a diverse and comprehensive

To express your interest in the position, send us a half-page
description of where you think the Electrofringe festival is at now
and a half page 'vision statement' outlining the directions you'd like
to see the event grow in. We'd also like to see your CV, but
please keep it to a page or so.

Send stuff to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (enquiries too!)
Deadline: Jan 15 


Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 14:03:20 +0100
From: "=?iso-8859-1?Q?[EMAIL PROTECTED]?=" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Homage_to_Felix_Gonzalez-Torres?=

Title: "Homage to Felix Gonzalez-Torres"

This project is born as a homage to Felix Gonzalez-Torres, a marvelous
intimist artist. This re-creates one of his most well known projects, the
photograph of his bed exhibited to the pedestrians on the streets of New
York City, a project organized by Anne Unland in collaboration with MoMa,
from May 16th to June 30th of 1992. It is my intention to take it as a
starting point and re-create it on the world wide web, hoping to involve
other persons and render it all as a work in progress. Such action would
render homage to an artist I love, re-evaluate the role of the web which,
the more it becomes real space that documents and renders live reality
itself, the further it creates a dialogue between private and public

The artistic work will take as its starting point photographs contributed
by the contestants which will be posted on the web for which, from
12/16/02 to 12/20/02, I have photographed my bedroom in the morning and
have also inserted other photos taken from other public sites (see the
list of sites below). I propose that all chance visitors send me photos of
their in-the-morning beds so I can publish them starting on 12/20/02 at
the appropriate websites.

All the material will then be gathered on a suitable website.

The project will be developed at these websites: (forum) (Carta Bianca)

Note to the project participants: The photos should not be larger than 50
kb or have contents that might be offensive to public morality.
Participation in the project will be deemed as your acceptance for the
future use of your submitted photos and for their use on other sites and
for possible future showings on public sites. Further, your participation
will be taken as your authorization for future photographic reproduction
and/or use in other presentations by the artist, Dominco Olivero, for
commercial or advertising materi ls. he photographs will be placed on the
site with the name of the person who sent them; if you wish another form
of acknowledgement please specify in your e-mail.  (traduction by William)


Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2002 11:46:47 +0100
From: Petri Leijdekkers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FW: Extended Vacancy Professorship Computer Visualisation

Graag stuur ik u dit verzoek met de vraag deze advertentie op te nemen.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Petri Leijdekkers, directeur Frank Mohr Instituut

- --
From: Arthur Elsenaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 17 Dec 2002 15:49:26 +0100
To: Petri Leijdekkers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fwd: Extended Vacancy Professorship Computer Visualisation

Begin forwarded message:

From: Arthur Elsenaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon Dec 9, 2002  23:34:29 Europe/Amsterdam
Subject: Extended Vacancy Professorship Computer Visualisation

Hi Felix(?),

once again, I like to post a job opening. Can you put it in the

Also, please use the following e-mail address as the sender, so all
mail ends up at the right desk.

Petri Leijdekkers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks, Arthur Elsenaar.

- --- announcement follows ---

Dear reader,

please find below an extended vacancy for a position of Professor
Computer Visualisation at the Frank Mohr Institute. Learning from
questions in the first round, we like to highlight some aspects of the
profile that are important to us.

We ask the applicant to have a th

Publications [14x]

2002-12-14 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   en) No Border edition of Green Pepper magazine now online, paper published soon 

   greenpepper BORDERS edition online!!
 =alex= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Announcing issue 5.6 of M/C Journal: 'love' 
 "M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   REALTOKYO MM Vol. 107   
 Andreas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Fwd: fAf December02: 'Cross Connections' by Tracey Benson   
 Tracey Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   American Filibusters
 ben moretti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   REALTOKYO MM Vol. 108   
 Andreas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   When Hypertext became uncool
 "Henning Ziegler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   L_Oy + ocial iction 
 "<__lo-y. >" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   December Isuue - fine art forum 
 Tracey Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


   fAf December02: 'Cross Connections' by Tracey Benson
 linda carroli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Announcements / Events
 Joel Slayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Actual Positions of French Netart   
 "JavaMuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 19:54:08 +1100
Subject: en) No Border edition of Green Pepper magazine now online, paper published 

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>From :=alex= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Green Pepper Magazine Online Now and Out Soon!

- - - - Autumn 2002 edition: “BORDERS” - - - -

As soon as you ask anyone where they were born, where their parents were 
born, where their sister lives, where their partner is from (...) you will 
hear people’s history of migration and movement. Our own lives, our own 
histories are the histories of movement, globalisation and new beginnings, 
departures and arrivals. We wanted to draw the threads together to create a 
document which took us from this beginning, this ability to identify with 
movement, to question why, how and who’s movement is being controlled.

This edition of Green Pepper features discussion from a range of 
perspectives; examining the ways in which anti-trafficking legislation is 
used to control migration of women, a different view on bordercamps, 
globalisation, environment and migration, identity and borders. People from 
around the world have contributed analysis and reports to create a broad and 
engaging edition!

Check it out at:

>From 10th December the [spunky!] hard copy of the magazine will be 
And the first 150 editions we send out will receive a free copy of the
excellent ‘Woomera Scrapbook – Desert Storm’!!

Green Pepper is a non-profit magazine produced in Am*dam. Every edition is 
extremely financially challenging to print – so by subscribing you are 
making a genuine difference to our ability to continue! (Plus you get four 
dynamic editions of the mag a year!)

CIA Office, Overtoom 301, 1054 HW, Am*dam
Phone:  (31) (0)20 6831 021

One edition is 5 ecos (conversion scale for ecorates available online),  an 
annual subscription is dependent on the country in which you live – so again 
check it out online or email us if you are unsure about how to work it out!

For international transfers to the Green Pepper Account:
Swift Code – PSTBNL.21
Account Number: 9349743
Account name: Greenpepper
Bank: Post Bank

Get involved:: next edition on 'water', we need contributors, co-ordinators 
(to come live and work in Am*dam), Pimiento Verde (Castellano version to 
start in March 2003) and website updating (see for yourself!) ... get in 

- --boun

Events [13x]

2002-12-13 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:


   On-line Actions Against NYU Stern School of Business - December 12th to the 13th
 "ricardo dominguez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Processual Media Theory and the Art of Day Trading  
 Ned Rossiter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   picture politics: springerin symposion 14.12. 02
 springerin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

 Kalina Bunevska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

 "ersatzmedia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   >wartime< project premiere > Friday 13th Dec > Brixton, London  

   Muntadas: On Translation: Web   
 Sonia =?iso-8859-1?Q?L=F3pez?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   >wartime< project premiere > Friday 13th Dec > Brixton, London  

   EU-@ctions dec 13-14 - lord of the Things   

   NEW CITIES/NEW MEDIA Conference | Los Angeles, January 17-19, 2003  
 Lev Manovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 09:22:48 -0500
Subject: =?WINDOWS-1252?Q?Virtual_Art:_From_Illusion_to_Immersion_=97_A_L?= 

Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion
A Lecture by Oliver Grau
Tuesday, December 10 7 pm
Tishman Auditorium, New School University
66 West 12th Street
live webcast @, 7pm EST

In conjunction with the publication of Oliver Grau's Virtual Art: From 
Illusion to Immersion (forthcoming from The MIT Press), the author 
describes how virtual art fits into the history of art, and 
specifically artists'search for illusionary visual space, which can be 
traced back to antiquity. He describes the metamorphosis of the 
concepts of art and the image and relates those concepts to interactive 
art, interface design, agents, telepresence, and image evolution. He 
traces immersive cinema through Cinerama, Sensorama, Expanded Cinema, 
3-D, Omnimax and IMAX, and the Head-Mounted Display with its military 
origins. His analysis draws on the work of contemporary artists and 
groups ART+COM, Maurice Benayoun, Charlotte Davies, Monika Fleischmann, 
Ken Goldberg, Agnes Hegedues, Eduardo Kac, Knowbotic Research, Laurent 
Mignonneau, Michael Naimark, Simon Penny, Daniela Plewe, Paul Sermon, 
Jeffrey Shaw, Karl Sims, Christa Sommerer, and Wolfgang Strauss. Oliver 
Grau is Lecturer in Art History at Humboldt University, Berlin, and 
head of the German Science Foundation's project on "Immersive Art."

The lecture is moderated by Christiane Paul, the Whitney's adjunct 
curator of new media arts, and is jointly organized by the 
Goethe-Institut New York, the Whitney Museum of American Art, The MIT 
Press, and the NetArt Initiative.

The program is sponsored by the Center for New Design at Parsons School 
of Design, a Division of New School University

Free admission
Reserve online @

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VerdanaVirtual Art: From Illusion
to Immersion 

A Lecture by Oliver Grau 

Tuesday, December 10 7 pm 

Tishman Auditorium, New School University 

66 West 12th Street 

live webcast @, 7pm EST 

In conjunction with the publication of Oliver Grau's Virtual Art: From
Illusion to Immersion (forthcoming from The MIT Press), the author
describes how virtual art fits into the history of art, and
specifically artists'search for illusionary visual space, which can be
traced back to antiquity. He describes the metamorphosis of the
concepts of art and the image and relates those concepts to
interactive art, interface design, agents, telepresence, and image
evolution. He traces immersive cinema through Cinerama, Sensorama,
Expanded Cinema, 3-D, Omnimax and IMAX, and the Head-Mounted Display
with its military origins. His analysis draws on the work of
contemporary artists and groups ART+COM, Maurice Benayoun, Charlotte
Davies, Monika Fleischmann, Ken Goldberg, Agnes Hegedues, Eduardo Kac,
Knowbotic Research, Laurent Mignonneau, Michael Naima

Announcements [14x]

2002-12-12 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   Subtle Technologies 2003 : Call for Proposals   
 Jim Ruxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   


   Lecturer in CyberStudies, GU, Gold Coast, Australia 
 komninos zervos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   k-n) Ethnic Cleasing at the Museum of Civilization, Hull

 guide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   ~e; call for works: EM Assemblage   
 human being <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Call for Papers // Soundtoys
 u e d a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Violence Version 3.0
 "ViolenceOnlineFestival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   teaching opportunities at MICA  
 "Rachel Schreiber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Call for Contributors: 'fight' and other M/C issues in 2003 
 "M/C - A Journal of Media and Culture" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   netblokade against EU's Fortress Europe 
 "ricardo dominguez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Please Post!
 Chris Csikszentmihalyi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   live stream from on 12th December at 19:00 
 " redaktion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2002 17:14:11 -0500
From: Jim Ruxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Subtle Technologies 2003 : Call for Proposals

Please pass along to anyone you know who may be interested. Thanks!

Subtle Technologies Conference
"blurring the boundaries between art and science"
May 23 - May 25 2003
University of Toronto
Toronto Canada

2003 Programs Seeking Proposals :

General Symposium: Throughout the three days of presentations, we aim to 
cover a wide variety of subjects. In the past, topics addressed include  
quantum physics , quantum computing and other unconventional computing 
technologies, music, dance, consciousness research, holography, 
animation, genetics, sonic explorations, sensing systems and devices, 
social systems, complexity theory, and artificial intelligence.The 
programming of the general symposium is shaped by the submissions of 
each year and is meant to broaden the scope of disciplines or areas of 
research for those who attend. People who have attended the conference 
remark that although the individual topics at the conference are 
extremely interesting it is often the threads that are woven between the 
various presentations made by speakers from varied disciplines that make 
the conference a unique experience .  We strongly encourage interested 
applicants to submit proposals that are outside the topics mentioned 
above if they feel their proposal fits into the general mandate of the 
festival. Please visit the archives at: to acquaint yourself with the history 
of our programming.

This year we will also be presenting a themed session during the 
conference."Ground? is a program exploring new technologies in 
architecture and urban planning. Topics may include but are not limited 
to, intelligent buildings, smart materials, alternative energy systems, 
surveillance, the effect of architecture on traffic flow, architecture 
and its affect on mood,organic architecture and nano-structures.

The festival is open to the public and presentations must be accessible 
to a non-specialized audience.
Each presentation is 40 minutes, followed by a ten minute question and 
answer period.
It is strongly recommended that parties interested in submitting a 
proposal visit our archives at to get 
a better idea of our programming. Presenters are responsible for paying 
for their accomodations and transportation to Toronto. All presenters 
receive an honorarium and their conference registration fees are waived.

Deadline for Proposals:   January 15, 2003. How to Appl

Publications [13x]

2002-12-03 Thread Announcer
Table of Contents:

 "Steve Armstrong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


   gender and music technology: call Organised Sound   
 Hannah Bosma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

 "Lorenzo Taiuti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   update 12.02.02 
 acm acm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   3rd issue of the DIMI magazine is online
 "Wayne J. Cosshall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Film-Philosophy: Issue on Future Cinema 

   CFront 2000 Book out now - presentation on 6 December in Zurich 
 Alain Kessi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Basel/Miami 2002 & WEBSITE LAUNCH   

   m.a.g. special edition featuring jim leftwich   
 "august highland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 00:07:54 -0500
From: "Steve Armstrong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Issue 4 of Wegway, the magazine of artists’ projects and opinion, is now
available. Our website 
has also been updated. There’s a sample of issue 4 including the First
Annual Juried Exhibition at 
 . You will also find information on the up-coming
Second Annual 
Juried Exhibition, back issues of Wegway, interesting links and other
worthwhile things. 

Contributors to Wegway 4 include Agnes Denes, Alison Owen, Betty Kaser,
Chriseddy, Christian McLeod, David Cheung, David Fujino, David Griffin,
Duane Locke, E. Nancy Stevens, Fang Tong, Froilan Vispo, Gary Michael
Dault, Heather Horton, Jennifer Linton, Joan Frick, Joy Garnett, Karl
Marx, Lanny Quarles, Margaux Williamson, Mark Laliberte, Michael Stipe,
Paul Grajauskas, Peter Owen, René Price, Richard Kirkley, Rick Taylor,
Robin Hesse, Ron Martin, Ross Racine, Ruth Tait, Steve Armstrong, Stewart
Home and Susan Lukachko.

Contributors, Advertisers and Subscribers should have received their
copies. Everyone else on this planet should buy one. That would be good.

You have received this email because 1) we already have an email
relationship, 2) your address was included in a mailing from someone who
has an email relationship with Wegway, 3) you requested inclusion on this
mailing list or 4) I found your address on an art-related website or in a
posting to a group to which I belong. To be removed from this list please
reply with “remove” in the subject line.

Steve Armstrong 
P. O. Box 157 
Station A 
Toronto, Ontario 
M5W 1B2 
416 712 2716 


Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 17:59:14 -0500










Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:58:49 +0100
From: Hannah Bosma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: gender and music technology: call Organised Sound

++ please forward ++

Organised Sound
An International Journal of Music and Technology
Call for articles and works

Volume 8, Number 1
Issue's thematic title: Gender Issues in Music Technology
Date of Publication: April 2003
Publishers: Cambridge University Press

For this special issue on gender, we invite submissions in the form of 
papers, short audio pieces 

Announcements [10x]

2002-11-30 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   Call for workshop participants to RAM 2: A Joker in the Global Bunker   

   COMPUTER ARTIST position | University of California, San Diego  
 Lev Manovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   new project.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - games/gender/girls
 "Melinda Rackham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   [Psrf] Photostatic Retrograde Archive, no. 37   

   Emergent Art
 Paul St George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   [academic vacancies] Oxford Internet Institute  
 "Lachlan Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   COMPUTER ARTIST position | University of California, San Diego
  Lev Manovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   new work of Peter Hagdahl   
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (philip pocock) -- =?iso-8859-1?Q?=22Total_=DCberzogen=22?= --  Edith Russ
 Michael Mandiberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   


Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 17:18:54 +0100
From: RAM 2 Office <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Call for workshop participants to RAM 2: A Joker in the Global Bunker

Call for workshop participants to
Atelier Nord, Oslo, Norway, February 5th to 9th 2003


"While the hacker may be the Mole in the ranks of technocrats, and the 
politician the Loudspeaker, the artist in this context is the Joker. 
Subversive in such ways that both the notion of criminality, insanity 
and political resistance are avoided, and any disciplinary reactions 
from the authorities are obvious oppression. Skirmishing the borders, 
acting as both the decoy and the trespasser. And, still smiling, 
carefully moving the limitations of everyday life, opening the ways for 
practices far more powerful."

- -, 1999



RAM is a series of 6 international and interdisciplinary workshops. RAM 
is a nordic/baltic collaboration between the new media art 
organisations CRAC (Stockholm), Olento (Helsinki), E-media center 
(Tallinn), Vilma (Vilnius), RIXC (Riga) and Atelier Nord (Oslo).

RAM 2 focuses on artistic strategies for the networks. The aim of RAM 2 
is to stimulate interdisciplinary collaborations and to propose 
projects and structures from which a series of continued network 
activities can branch off.

RAM 2 Participants profile: artists, programmers, activists, cultural 
networkers, independent/critical journalists, designers, media 
scientists, researchers.



Day 1: dinner and get together

Day 2: seminar analyzing network strategies for corporations, 
independent and critical media, free software developers, designers, 
media scientists and artists. Lecturers to be announced.

Day 3: workshops on alternative strategies + tools and infrastructure 
to support these strategies.

Day 4: workshops and summary

Day 5: getting home again



10 participants from Europe + 2 participants each from Sweden, Finland, 
Lituania, Estonia, Latvia + 5 participants from Norway.

Participants travel and accomodation expenses covered

Application deadline December 10th 2002

Applications to [EMAIL PROTECTED] only - there are no application 

Applications should contain:
- - name, CV and contact information
- - a least one brief description of (past, present or future) project
- - motivation for joining the workshop



RAM 2 funded by EU Culture 2000, Daniel Langlois Foundation, PNEK and 
Atelier Nord

_ note on Global Bunker:
The term Global Bunker points at the situation where ownership is no 
longer held by local capitalists but by networks of omnipresent 
speculants, where the revolution in transport have made the sites of 
production more or less independent from local resources and local 
markets, when the collective sites of work are disintegrated and 
replaced with individual, home based workstations through the use of 
global virtual reality networks, and when all sites are carefully 
defined in terms of their socio-economic use.


Date: Mon, 25 Nov 200

Events [14x]

2002-11-28 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   [] 2002 Palestine International Video Festival  
 "Palestine Video Festival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   Paul D. Miller remixes Marcel Duchamp at L.A. MOCA  
 "Paul D. Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   PLUG AND PLAY / SUNDAY / 17/11/2002 / 6PM   
 "pnp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   *streaming interfiction* Audio-Livestream   

   TV or NOT TV  /  LA Freewaves=?ISO-8859-1?B?uQ==?= 8th Celebration of Experiment
 Jose-Carlos Mariategui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   Version>03 call for ideas   
 edmar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

 Pamela Grant-Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   "VIRTUAL ART" by Oliver Grau: Lecture Series
 "Patrick Hutsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Soft season at inIVA: Film programme
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Break 2.2 Festival - Call for applications - Invisible Threat   
 jaka zeleznikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   ray johnson talk, London
 matthew  fuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   ULTRASOUND 2002 UPDATE // medialounge // #13 // 
 "medialounge_list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of richard barbrook)   

   ICT Conference in St. Petersburg, Russia, April 22-24, 2003 
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 "Frau von Sydow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 14:44:25 -0500
From: "Palestine Video Festival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [] 2002 Palestine International Video Festival


The "2002 Palestine International Video Festival" is a new video festival to
take place in the West Bank during the winter of 2002. The festival will
showcase an international collection of contemporary video art,
installations, and documentaries. During the festival, the works will be
installed in various independent galleries, screened on local television
stations, and made permanently available in a public archive at Birzeit

The festival is an attempt to breach the cultural and intellectual isolation
of the Palestinian people brought about by the ongoing Israeli occupation of
the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Issues ranging from immigration and exile,
the practice of everyday life, and the aftermath of September 11th will be
explored by the festival's diverse participants. The festival was conceived
by Emily Jacir (UNDP/TOKTEN), and is co-organized by John Menick. It will
hopefully mark the beginning of an ongoing dialog between the international
cultural community and the residents of Palestine.

For more information please visit our website:

All our best,
Emily Jacir and John Menick

2002 Palestine International Video Festival
November - December 2002


Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 14:11:04 -0500
From: "Paul D. Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Paul D. Miller remixes Marcel Duchamp at L.A. MOCA

Hey you all - I'm going to be in L.A. on Saturday 'cause I have a 
show opening at L.A. MOCA. It's a remix I did of Marcel Duchamp's 
infamous "Errata Musical" and "Sculpture Musical" works  - check it 
out! Think of it as downloadable mix sculpture based on sampling and 
sound. There'll be downloadable posters etc etc and screensavers 
starting next week. M.C. Duchamp as mixologist... as Dj... as 
starting point for some kind of new aesthetics of the found object as 

There'll be "dub" and "hip-hop" versions of Duchamp's various spoken 
texts, each one mixable by the viewer.

Errata Erratum

is viewable and hearable at:


  My discussion of the remix is on Sunday at the museum with Artforum 
critic Ralph Rugoff about the 

Announcements [x12]

2002-11-13 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   reminder DEADLINE applications THEATRICALITY training course: 15  NOVEMBER! 

   user_mode = emotion + intuition in art + design 

   SeeYou.SeeMeNot - intimate surveillance 
 "intima" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

URGENTE El instituto depertamental de bellas artes de cali en peligro de cierre
 "Bernardo Ortiz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Secretary Predicts Adoption of Artist Resolution
 US Department of Art & Technology <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Competition for an Internet work
 reinhard storz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>(by way of Felix Stalder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

   >war time< project open call from OFFLINE and open_digi 

-empyre- : constructing the virtual
 "Melinda Rackham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

   cd-rom on holography
 "Ollivier Dyens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Virtual Sit-in against the WTO - November 14, 2002  
 "ricardo dominguez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   VOF - Version 3.0 now online!   
 "ViolenceOnlineFestival" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
 - G a r r e t t - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 17:42:35 +0100 (CET)
Subject: reminder DEADLINE applications THEATRICALITY training course: 15  NOVEMBER! 

Postgraduate Training Course for




Apt (Arts PerformanceTheatricality)/PoPoK

InternationalProjects Workshop

2 December (on-linepreparations)/15 January - 15 June

DEADLINE: 15 November

In collaborationwith:

deSingel International ArtsCentre (Antwerpen), Aisthesis (Antwerpen) and the
Flemish Community(Education Dept.)


APT focuses on theatricality, not on theatre. On mediation, not onmedia.

APT sees theatricality as aprocess of mediation, as a tool.

APTwelcomes artists, theoreticians and projects from all artistic
disciplinesand all cultural roots to research this tool.

APT encourages applications from all over the world to share ideasand
practices in the field of theatricality.

APT is not interested in questioning theatre as an artisticdiscipline, for
this question tends to veil the simple fact that theatre iseverywhere: in
politics, in sports, entertainment and everyday-life.

In ourdaily encounters where the digital and analogue mingle, making
meaningrequires all our senses. Speaking and hearing are no longer able to
convey,grasp or explain our mediated world. Could theatricality be a tool
torespond to this mediated reality? In studying theatricality - therealm of
supersenses - we might find new matrixes to perceive the realitiesthat we
are all living in.

We are inviting you to come and reflect,research, re-evaluate, rethink and
reinvent process, place, production andperformance. The agenda is twofold:
concentrating both on the process ofdoing research on your work, and on
theatricality as a process of mediation for that work.

You are invited todevelop your individual project within this collective and
individualreflection about the what, how and why of theatricality. The aim
is not toget to a definition of what theatricality `really is`, but what it
can beto you.

We do not propagate an APT definition of 'theatricality' and wewill not let
the confined space of this flyer push forward some chosen few- at (from 20 September onwards) we dip at random intothe
wealth of possible views. During our time together, we willtake concepts of
theatre and performances and their (sometimes hidden)presence in various
disciplines as a point of departure for discussingconcrete examples: the
projects proposed by each participant, completedwith
guests/projects/films/visits/texts & images provided by thetutors.


APT offers you a meeting point with other young artistsfrom different
artistic disciplines (performance, music, architecture,visual arts, film,
video, theory) who have a hunch of what th

Publications [10x]

2002-11-13 Thread Announcer

Table of Contents:

   JavaMuseum - New Show now online!   
 "JavaMuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

   REALTOKYO MM vol. 103   
 Andreas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Steve Mann documentary  
 "geert lovink" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Unmasking the War on Terror 
 Fatima Lasay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Yup, I Told You So -->   

   november newsletter 
 collection <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   fAf's fabulous 15 years on CD   
 Fatima Lasay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   Metal and Flesh: Fall 2002  
 "Ollivier Dyens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   

   NEWS: Special issue of Marathi mag on people's movements
 Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   fAf Nov02: fAf's fabulous 15 years on CD
 linda carroli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 


Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 10:29:41 +0100
From: "JavaMuseum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: JavaMuseum - New Show now online!

JavaMuseum -
Forum for Internet Technologies in Contemporary Art
(JAVA= Joint Advanced Virtual Affairs)
all participants
technical requirements

1. JavaArtist of the Year 2002
is Calin Man, media artist from Romania.

2. The new show on
JavaMuseum - Forum for Internet Technologies in Contemporary Art
"Fundamental Patterns - Peripheral Basics"
is online since 8 November 2002.
It will run until the end of "2nd of Java series" (Spring 2003).


JavaMuseum is proud to give the JavaArtist of the Year Award in 2002 to one
single artist:
Calin Man from Arad/Romania,
an this outstanding net artist who combines artistic expression and
statements with substantial power, technological activity and excellence in
sustained work.

The show of
"Fundamental Patterns - Peripheral Basics"
is based on an online competition of the same name
and consists of three parts:

1. solo presentatation of Calin Man, winner of JavaArtist of the Year Award,
2. finalists of the competition
3. exhibition out of concurrence, entitled "MANDALA"
refering to the subject of the show by students of the
University of the Philippines under the supervision of Fatima Lasay.

The second year's program of JavaMuseum, eg "2nd of Java series"
has a special subject during one running year (Spring 2002-Spring 2003),
"Fundamental Patterns - Peripheral Basics".
After the first event in July, entitled "Actual Positions of Italian
the main show of of the year in the framework of "2nd of Java series"
"Fundamental Patterns - Peripheral Basics"
discussing and confronting artistic and philosophical positions of
Western and Eastern culture:

What are the fundamental patterns of contemporary living and art,
what kind of peripheral basics are defining them?
What are the fundamental patterns of the virtual
environment of Internet? Mere simulation?
Or rather something profoundly new?
In which way changed patterns and the peripheral
basics from physical to virtual level?
How do they influence sensual and intellectual perception ?

The special interactive exhibition interface created by
Agricola de Cologne, media artist operating from Cologne/Germany
and curator of this show
takes all the aspects and composes them to a kind of Western "mandala",
interlinking the material and spiritual, a way which is taken by the
competition finalists in different individual ways:
The answers are not clear yet as the way is the goal.


List of all participating artists:

finalists of the competition:
JavaArtist of the Year: Calin Man
Tamara Lai, Antoine Schmitt,  Xavier Cahen, Victor Vina, Tjader Knight.Inc,
Jader Rosa,  Maya Kalogera,, Coniglioviola, Andrea Polli,
Avatar Project, Lane Last, Nicola Stenger, Leander Seige, Frieder Rusmann,
Pedro Fernandes, Simon Norton, Robert Kendall, Robert Krawczyk,
Barry Smylie, Ser