nettime Cross-dressing in the blogosphere...

2006-10-13 Thread Kali Tal
Here's an excellent link to a blogged essay by a feminist attorney,  
pondering the phenomenon of virtual lawyers in drag:

It was written last month, so I think it's very useful for getting  
another sense of what it's like for women to inhabit worlds in which  
they feel displaced by men who pose as women...


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nettime NORTH KOREA NUCLEAR TEST complicity from Irwin Oostindie

2006-10-13 Thread JSalloum

In a message dated 10/9/06 1:44:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Condemn US and Canadian foreign policy for encouraging North Korea.

 North Korea’s nuclear test did not surprise anyone who has
 actually been listening to the statements of the Democratic
 People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). In doing my photography work, I
 have traveled to both sides of the Korean DMZ, the line that keeps
 the Korean peninsula artificially divided. I have come to see an
 enormous gap in how Canada’s media reports on North Korea, and the
 damage this causes to advancing peace and security in the region and
 in developing an intelligent Canadian foreign policy.

 Sadly, since January 2002, the war-hawks in the Bush administration
 have relied on the North to react from the very corner the west
 has stuck them in.  Without the ‘axis of evil’ bogey man
 popularized by the US media (and Canada’ s alike) there would
 be less sales of US weapons systems in Asia, and little rationale
 for the Star Wars program. Does Canada’s media report on DPRK
 reaction to joint US/South Korea war games and their routine ‘mock
 invasion’ of the North? Instead we get sensational and inaccurate
 reports of the 'Dear Leader' living a playboy life, his Hollywood
 fetish and crazed dictator tendencies.

 Can someone gently remind Canadians that we are still technically
 at war with Korea? North Korea is doing old fashioned gun-boat
 diplomacy because that’s the only avenue left for them. If
 Canadians genuinely cared for the plight of the Korean people, we
 would promote peace and security of the Korean peninsula. It was
 53 years ago 45,000 Canadian troops came back from the Korean War,
 and we still have not signed a peace treaty and brought security
 to the region. Ottawa and Washington are complicit in this nucleur
 proliferation. It is time Canada breaks with the US' embargo
 rhetoric and end this cold war deep freeze.  Despite starting
 diplomatic relations with the DPRK in 2003, Canada continues to deny
 their request for an embassy in Ottawa.

 The US could have avoided all this by agreeing to North Korea’s
 decades-long request for bilateral talks. The capitalist west should
 stop the double standard of supporting only select developing
 countries, while trying to overthrow ones with a different economic
 system. By advancing development loans the DPRK has requested to
 deal with its severe famines, we would engage them to join the
 global community as a sovereign nation. By following through on
 the 1994 US-DPRK agreement to normalize relations, the DPRK could
 finally redirect it’s precious resources from military defenses,
 to the real needs of the Korean people.  

 Perhaps the silver lining in the DPRK nucleur test is that
 more American’s will see the dismal failure of the Bush
 administration’s pre-emptive strike policy, and possibly vote him
 out of office.

 Irwin Oostindie Vancouver

 A Canadian view on North Korea:

 My photo work titled ‘Axis to Grind’ was sponsored by
 Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs  International Trade and
 toured Canada in 2004-05. AXIS TO GRIND photographs and digital
 works by artist Irwin Oostindie reveals how North America’s
 misrepresentation of North Korea stands as an obstacle to peace and
 reunification for the Korean peninsula

 Irwin Oostindie’s North Korea photos on CBC:
 (required Flash)

 “Beyond the Rhetoric” my North Korea work reviewed at:

 Interviewed by CNN journalist on her NKZone site (scroll down):

 Occasionally available online at

 AXIS TO GRIND was featured on various radio, print and TV
 interviews, including a feature segment on CBC’s The Hour with
 George Stromboulopoulos.

 A most inspired 3 minute music video looking inside
 North Korea (download video from UK band Faithless):

 A Canadian perspective on North Korea:
   A North Korean view on nucleur testing:

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Re: nettime Gender and You

2006-10-13 Thread Charles Baldwin
I'm just catching up with this debate and it's already quite
complicated. Because of that, I can't pretend to address it directly. I
think that most of this is beyond sorting out, and I think at this point
the discussion isn't about Sondheim's Gender and Me post or even about
Alan Sondheim as someone put it, but about itself the discussion
itself and the momentum of this set of exchanges.

I find it odd how little of the debate addresses the work in question
(Alan Sondheim's). Since so much of the discussion is about establishing
or undermining credentials and positions - who can speak and as what -
I'll do the same and say I've been reading Alan's work online for 14 or
so years. Furthermore, I work with him on a number of projects and know
him quite well. So that's me, like it or not. I feel obligated - since
we speak of dialogue and obligation - to make a plea for separating
these exchanges from blanket characterizations of Sondheim and/or his
work. Even the initial post, Gender and Me, is a small and informal
fragment discussing an set of writings and practices over decades. I'm
not saying everyone needs to read the whole Internet Text, but, for
example: I know, from following discussion around Sondheim's work, that
Kali is familiar with it and writes from that familiarity, however else
I parse her responses; I notice, for example, that Kali is careful in
her posts to note that her critique is not necessarily commenting on all
of Alan's work.

By contrast, it's just incorrect to assert that Alan's problem is that
he needs to go read up on feminism, as Danny Butt does in a recent post
(below). I think, in fairness, Danny Butt's post writes from
unfamiliarity with Alan's work - or at least that's is my impression.
Alan's work *is* informed by a few decades of feminist philosophy and
criticism (empirically the largest body of work on gender issues) and
makes a contribution to that field and acknowledges that it exists. I
argue that Alan's Internet Text (along with _Being Online_ and other
publications out of that work) remains one of the the earliest and
certainly the most sustained explorations of gender issues online (among
other things). If there is a problem - and I am not the one to say there
is - it is not in lack of attention to gender issues. I'd say, also,
that his work is nothing if it's not about dialogue and difference. So,
it makes sense (in terms of dialogue, conversation, difference) to
debate the role of feminist theory in Alan Sondheim's writing - and that
might be a start - but the answer is surely not to call people
misinformed when they're not.

OK, flame on.

Sandy Baldwin

 Danny Butt [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/09/06 3:18 AM 
Let's try this another way.

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nettime Human Theory Anyone?

2006-10-13 Thread jane
What about Human Theory?

At one moment I want to just say, lets get over it, were all just  
human. But I know that when push comes to shove, especially in the  
digital world I work and live in, sexism does exist. I encounter it  
almost daily, people questioning my skills in the computer world  
simply because of my gender. I work with 90% males and most of my  
friends are male. I live in a digital world 24/7...constantly  
interacting with mostly male counterparts though some kind of digital  
technology. I have definitely been discriminated against and had my  
confidence battered by many males in the past. Maybe its about fear,  
and power and all this societal shit we've been taught since the womb.  
But its not about that, its about respect for another human. I don't  
want to be a feminist any more because Its dividing people, its making  
differences apparent. Its separating people, and its dividing us in  
about halfthis is just silly. So what about humans generally  
having power over themselves, and being [responsible] for their own  
actions. Then people would not feel threatened, and therefore would  
not feel the need to seek power. Lets strip it down, we all eat, sleep  
and shit...everything else is relevant. What we really need to be  
worrying about is technology and how to get the fuck off this  
planet...! And if we all aren't working together then its never going  
to happen...!! The most important thing to me is to get people  
educated in STEM-A (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics -  
through ART)

you can check my site for some of my old work on feminist theory
but now I'm moving forwardso don't hold your breath...!

IN Response to
Do I have the power to write my own history?

Our history is starting with our first records, though our first data  
trail, and damn right I want to be able to write some of my own  
history so its not just what paperwork is on me. I think that is what  
leads me into creating projects that narrate my past, or keeping  
blogs. All of these things are writing our own history, and why  
shouldn't we? Its like keeping a diary, its collecting and displaying  
a perspective, showing a glimpse of our reality to others, in hopes  
they may understand for a fleeting moment...I think times are changing  
and I think its important to just do it...because if you stand around  
and think about it then it never happens, but if you make it a habit  
then I becomes you as you create it.

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Re: nettime Cross-dressing in the blogosphere...

2006-10-13 Thread porculus
 It was written last month, so I think it's very useful for getting
 another sense of what it's like for women to inhabit worlds in which
 they feel displaced by men who pose as women...

ok except it's more or less a posture as old as art itself  in so many
culture, academia rules on it (no need to cite, lists are wizout ending).
yes for mucho reason  blah, but permit i add we know also since balzac all
'belles lettres' are written mainly by autosugested men for women (xix
century sound of so many cries of that,  editor sommation to their wirters
for their best customers )  we could rewritte the beloved baudelaire's
lecteur mon semblable mon frère by 'reader, my syster, am as
you.' scuz me I couldnt refrain this in some way it's beaucoup
question of taste here around. the 'good'  the bad old style one.  it dont
sound sarcastic in my month. in xviii the 'women' were
train  considered as some sort of depositary of lumière values  due to
barbaric men tropism ok ok with so many condescention etc..what i mean it's
your killing in sisterhood right remind me the kick my syster gave me under
the table when I don't do so 'good' humor at table  when she slashed me
with hers. What I mean it's I could easily understand your reaction with my
cromagnon background -no need plus-  really I cant understand hombre alan's
twist  smoke  funk as a slice of bacon in a burning pan, theatratical
image for theatratical reaction  without..  for coining your 'Good
intention non suffice' for resuming your objection to his denegation echoes
right in my big hears as the fabulous anathemous 'one doesn't do good
literature with good sentiments'.
In few words you just ask him to be more tough  cruel  unjust with some
well drew twisted love affair that make crack  boum  ouch. cause the
women, best tasted ones, don't like literature that taste as cat food.

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Re: nettime WayneFUD

2006-10-13 Thread porculus
 There is a nettime history of Alan Sondheim and Kali Tal outside
 of this particular discussion;  there is an Internet outside of
 nettime where those names have a history, and a world outside

you are an obscurantizlt, worst you trust to some realised fiction around,
who believe you ?  in continuing your extralucide view why not to say 
natacha+ has a so huge baggage that couldnt fit in a ferrari but just in a 
smoky mactruck. remain serious

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nettime RE: nettime-l-digest V1 #1805

2006-10-13 Thread Fern Henley
Wouldn't this issue of feminism be subsumed under a broader heading of human
rights?The question probably exposes my ignorance.  But if each group
takes an ethno centric viewpoint without 'concern for the other' it seems that
nonproductive conflict occurs automatically.  As groups act to achieve more
secure positions in a jungle the oligarchy is happy to see the groups fighting
to the last person.

 --- On Thu 10/12, nettime-l-digest  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

From: nettime-l-digest [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 22:19:16 -0400
Subject: nettime-l-digest V1 #1805

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Re: nettime Gender and You

2006-10-13 Thread John Young
Feminism is not the same as women, maybe not about most of
them either. It addresses a fairly small set of some women's
interests, and some of those women extrapolate their interests to
women in general. And a small number of men use this as a
means to presume to know what women are and, to be sure,
want, that is, they want to be a certain kind of men pretending 
to be women of a certain kind, most often brainy show-offs.

Similarly malism, or masculism, is not the same as men, and 
definitely is not about most men, but addresses the interests of
a few men who extrapolate their interests to men in general.
A small number of women use this as a means to presume to
know what men are and, to be sure, want, that is they want to
be kind of women pretending to be men of a certain kind, most
often brainy show-offs.

An even smaller number of women and men toy with becoming
faux men and women, pretending like mad, utilizing narrow interests 
and perceptions abstracted from real women and real men in general 
which cannot be known in their generality but only by selective 
abstract positings based on limited direct acquaintance -- customarily 
only familiarity with a few hundred actual experiences and maybe 
ten to a hundred times that amount by way of study of the 
gender topic (once lumped as the humanities, oh the humanities).

Queerism attempts to surpass all too easy feminism and
masculism -- which incorrectly identify feminism with women 
and masculism with men. The vagina and the phallus are
conjoined in the anus ashitting during penetration, abirthing
congealed philosophy, or art, aboriginal, pre-verbal, farting
precursing argument and song.

Yes, there is a cartesian incertainty, gratitude at being alive, 
upon delivering a pile or puddle of feces, contributing to the 
earth's refertilization, sui generizing triumphantly, autoerotic
coitus if comical to see in toilet mounted video.

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nettime The Sondheim brou-ha-ha: one perspective

2006-10-13 Thread E. Miller
Okay, I'll chime in too.

So maybe I'm a bit younger (34) and not exposed to/informed on nearly enough
feminist theory.  But here's my perspective.  For my entire professional
career most of my bosses and clients have been women.  My business partner
(my wife) is a woman.  When I was in college, most of my classmates were
women.  Now that I teach, most of my best students are women.  I went to a
conference yesterday, and the most compelling and interesting conversation I
had was with a woman.  Of our circle of friends, many (if not most) of the
most driven and successful individuals are women.

So when I read stuff (paraphrased) like this is so oppressing and online
environments aren't comfortable and this experience made this female
lawyer cry (linked material) and so on, it just sounds...Victorian to me.
Not that these experiences aren't true, but that the perspective
inadvertently reinforces old and out of date stereotypes.  Like women are
porcelain dolls that need to be protected.  Like hysteria is still a valid
medical diagnosis.  Like that female-only fragile personality syndrome still
belongs in the DSM.  Like bras have yet to be burned.

I certainly wouldn't argue that women don't still have a hard time of it;
but then again, it's not a warm-and-fuzzy world, not many folks at all
(regardless of gender) are going to have a completely conflict/obstacle-free
life handed to them, nor maybe should anyone ever have it that easy in the
first place.  I've known a fair number of people (male and female) who have
had an easy time of it, and from my perspective they tend to be a bit dull,
or maybe underachievers, without the fire that comes from toughing it out
through difficult formative experiences.

And I'm not trying to project onto feminist theory, I'm completely
unqualified to do so, or that my experience applies to other cultures,
situations, or socioeconomic strata.  I'm just saying that the arguments
haven't struck me as relevant to my personal experience, where women are
admirably strong and successful, and arguments that emphasize the fragility
of women in a bad, bad environment just sounds to my ears like a throwback
to corsets and tales of frequent fainting at the first signs of difficulty
in life.

Flame on, all.


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nettime (a|uh) digest [x3: butt, whitener, leon]

2006-10-13 Thread nettime's_vapor_trail
Re: nettime Gender and You
brian whitener [EMAIL PROTECTED]
wait, was that about sondheim?
RE: nettime Gender and You

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From: Danny Butt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: nettime Gender and You
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 11:39:40 +1300


I  think most of what is useful for me to say about the issues is  
already on the table, but I should just clarify that having hovered  
around nettime for about a decade, I've seen a lot of Alan's work,  
and enjoyed some of it, and have at least some understanding of his  

To reconfigure my earlier point, it's not that Alan hasn't *read* any  
feminism, so much as I find it bizarre that he can write something  
purporting to be a research finding about gender that makes no  
reference to contemporary feminist work in that area. To me it's  
difficult to make a contribution to a field if you don't  
acknowledge the work people are doing in it.  You're asserting that  
Alan's made that contribution, but I would believe that more if I  
heard it from people who have expertise in feminist philosophy and  
criticism (I don't put myself in that category, so I'm open to being  
set right).


On 14/10/2006, at 4:50 AM, Charles Baldwin wrote:

 By contrast, it's just incorrect to assert that Alan's problem is that he
 needs to go read up on feminism, as Danny Butt does in a recent  post
 (below). I think, in fairness, Danny Butt's post writes from unfamiliarity
 with Alan's work - or at least that's is my impression.  Alan's work *is*
 informed by a few decades of feminist philosophy and criticism (empirically
 the largest body of work on gender issues) and makes a contribution to that
 field and acknowledges that it exists.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

From: brian whitener [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: wait, was that about sondheim?
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 20:17:50 -0500

i think the initial discussion having passed, what's really struck me is how 
the affair is now being framed in retrospect. that is, the affair is now 
referred to a brou-ha-ha -- instead of an actual discussion -- a term 
which casts the series of exchanges as something less-than-serious. and 
this after kali went to great lengths to open a debate and discussion where 
there was room for exchange (which is something very difficult to do in 
online environments, in my experience). to me to refer to the exchange like 
this seems very condescending.

as well, people are signing their comments (which they oddly enough did not 
refrain from writing!) with the closing flame on. from what i have read of 
the discussion, despite objectionable, sloppy, and disinterested thinking 
(flame intended), the responses have been anything but flaming. either you 
want to continue the discussion or you don't.

in the end, i think the heart of the discussion, or what was interesting 
about it, had little to do with sondheim and everything to do with the list 
and the degree to which conservative explanations of phenomenon have become 
our default (read: non-critical) explanations of reality. which is one of 
the things that feminism intended to combat in the first place.

sincerely yours,
brian whitener

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Subject: RE: nettime Gender and You
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 02:48:47 +0100

I never imagined that sex was that confusing
If alans ramblings started this thread I don't see why, they were either
poor porn or red rags that should be ignored
Sounds like a lot of agendas are being voiced for many reasons
Funny how after so much time and effort by all involved in sexual exchange
we still have little common ground.
Fuck sex lets art

leon the lurker

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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