Re: nettime For any reason or no reason - on virtual (extra-)territoriality

2007-05-30 Thread Morlock Elloi
How is the credibility of the fiction of the government diluted by subjecting
one of its manifestations to the good will of a private corporation, whose only
motive for not flipping the switch off is accounts receivable?

Or is this just a start of the new strain of banana republics, Sweden being the
first one? We need a new name for that, for states not controlling ICANN, ARIN
and major search and social networking engines.


 The 30th of May, Sweden will be the first country in the world to
 open an official Embassy within Second Life, the online 3D multi user

(of original message)

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nettime Fwd: Prelude to the G8: Tearing it up in Hamburg

2007-05-30 Thread onto

-- Forwarded message --
From: *severino de giovanni* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: May 29, 2007 1:50 PM
Subject: Prelude to the G8: Tearing it up in Hamburg

please forward!!!

Prelude to the G8: Tearing it up in Hamburg
By the Anti-G8 Action Faction

May 28th 2007

On their way to block the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, anti-capitalists
from all over Germany and the world stop in Hamburg to confront the
Asian-European Meeting (ASEM).  

Finally, something was happening.

We were on the move again. It's been a while and we're a bit out of
shape, but it's all coming back now. After linking arms in flanks for
five hours straight in a huge, permitted march, we were getting antsy.
As the first major demonstration in the lead up to the G8 summit in
Heiligendamm, everyone wanted to start it off right. The city of Hamburg
needed to send a message to the world that they have the violent
demonstrators under total control. The cops must maintain discipline
and it will all go smoothly. The protestors wanted to tear the city
apart, to show the G8 leaders that they are not welcome here, and anyone
who tries to host them will have to pay. With a thousand black clad
anarchists in the front and thousands of others behind, the tension was
thick. Screaming fight the system, fight the state, fight capitalism,
fight G8, the demonstrators were not willing to comprise either their
vision or momentum. But who would provoke who first? Would the cops use
the water canons? Would the anarchists break through the lines and go
off the script?

Will the G8 2007 be the opening salvo of a new cycle of struggle against
capital, perhaps the final one given the scope of the current ecological
crisis? For two years the German autonomous movement in general and the
Dissent Network in particular has organized across the world, from the
USA to Turkey, for this coming week of action. The stakes have never
been higher: until now the War on Terror has cast a pall over the
movement, yet in Germany we anarchists and autonomists could again
re-seize the stage of history by scoring a decisive victory against

Move swiftly. Stop. Fight a bit. Grab something.  Then Run. Turn around.
Watch out for the Snatch Squad. Which ones are they? Wearing all black
with red diamonds on their back. Shit, there they are. They're gonna try
and grab us. Move! But who are those ones? Don't worry, it's just the
green team. Green team? Yeah, green uniforms, they're like the national
guard. They won't arrest you, they'll just tussle a bit. And them? Who?
The darker green and dark blue. Oh them, well, they're here to stop you.
Be careful.

The modern incarnation of the autonomous movement is distinctly
anarchist, mostly young, and quite, quite punk. Even though the movement
had been ebbing over the last few years, it appears the arrival of the
G8 in Germany, combined with the police raids in early May on anti-G8
centers of activity, have united the often divided and self-critical
Autonomen. To the chagrin of the police, the raids also backfired in the
popular press, and now it appears that most of the media, and even much
of the public, are on the side of the dissidents. Furthermore, in Red
Hamburg, the home of insurrections, pirates, and a famous anti-fascist
football league, it is often hard to tell the locals from the Black Bloc
while in the streets.

Shhh. What? Be quiet, they're looking for us. OK, hold it . . . hold
it . . . NOW!

The police are nervous, very nervous. And rightfully so! For months, the
cars of the officials have been burned, and now internationals are
streaming into the well-run convergence center in Hamburg, the former
theatre Rote Flora that has been squatted for nearly two decades. The
dynamic of the police is Freudian to say the least: the police would
like nothing better than to release their inner fascist and ruthlessly
clear the streets of all protesters. Due to such factors as public
opinion and their brutality backfiring on them in the courts, they
simply cannot just beat the protesters without pretext. So, instead, the
officers express their frustration with an anal-retentive attention to
detail about the smallest of the rules regarding banner size,
demonstrators masking-up, and so on; they often stop demonstrations for
up to thirty minutes or more for the most minor of infraction of the

The bridge was a trap and everyone knew it. That's exactly where they
wanted us to end up and there we were. Yeah some fireworks were shot
off, rocks thrown, and a couple arrests, but come on, it was their turf.
We had no chance.  They've surrounded the Rote Flora. What? The
convergence center, you know, that huge squat. Are they going in? Not
likely, I think they'll get a beating if they try. Barricades are going
up, let's get behind them. The water canons are coming out. Well, 

nettime Bytes For All... March 2007

2007-05-30 Thread Frederick Noronha
Bytes For All...



Getting a voice in cyberspace

Audio for social movements in campaign mode, everyone understands the
importance of getting a voice in the media. The problem is, the
mainstream media often trivializes or misunderstands your cause. So?
You needn't just sit back and groan. Technology is today increasingly
placing the tools in the hands of those who want to wield them. And
it's getting simpler, more affordable and freer all the time.

Concepts like 'social software' and 'participatory media' keep getting
mentioned. Can these really help to make the campaigner more effective
in computer-mediated communication? Can it enable people to
collaborate more effectively?
Social software, on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Social_software

Bangladeshi school students discuss climate change in online forum

School students throughout Bangladesh recently participated in an
online discussion on climate change. The online forum is hosted by
Relief International- Bangladesh and is a part of Global Connections
and Exchange Project which has set up Internet enabled telecenters in
Bangladeshi schools. Each month the project conducts an online
collaborative project involving students from Bangladesh and abroad.
Students did online research and discovered the concepts of climate
change and global warming and their importance. Through Internet
searches and the use of online libraries, students attempted to define
and explain climate change and global warming. In groups, students
researched their community's contribution to climate change. With this
knowledge in hand, students brainstormed a local organization or
business that they felt either a) contributes to climate change and
the greenhouse effect or b) helps to prevent climate change and the
greenhouse effect.,

Defining e-Government: a citizen-centric criteria-based approach

E-governance Compendium 2007, brought out by the Department of
Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) on the occasion
of 10th National Conference on e-Governance, February 2-3, 2006,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, under the theme: avant-garde issues in
e-governance. The paper is available for download in the Files section
of the group:http://tech. com/group/ cyber_quiz/ .
projects. May be of interest to the members of the group.

India a 'promising' destination for community radio

One-step forward, two steps this the fate of non-commercial,
non-state radio broadcasting in Asia? It would seem so, going by the
perceptions of a campaigner trying to promote community radio even as
he says India holds out hope. Community radio - also called rural
radio, cooperative radio, participatory radio, free radio,
alternative, popular or educational radio - operates out of rural or
urban areas, is broadcast to small areas and offers alternate,
non-commercial, non-state voices to a diverse set of people via the
radio. India has just opened up its 'community radio' possibilities
with a new official policy announced in mid-November 2006. Earlier,
for a couple of years, it was mostly 'campus radio' stations that were
being allowed.
http://www.hindusta news/181_ 1924420,0008.htm

Launch of Brazilian Portal to Promote National ICT Development

Telemática e Desenvolvimento Ltda announced today the launch of the
e-Brazil portal, a bilingual portal that is part of the international
network of country gateways supported by the Development Gateway

The e-Brazil portal brings together information and discussions
related to the use of Information and Communications Technologies
(ICTs) to build a more equitable and more competitive Brazil.
http://www.dgfounda news-events/ news-releases/ view-news/
archive/2007/ february/ article/27. html


How the net turns code into politics

The launch of Windows Vista last week was accompanied by widespread
criticism from advocates of open systems, open networks and the free
flow of information. Particular attention was lavished on the digital
rights management (DRM) features of the new operating system, the
tools that determine whether you can play or copy video or audio on
your computer. The Internet that we know today is changing, turning
from an open, enabling and profoundly public space into a
communications system which can be regulated, controlled, monitored
and - where necessary -curtailed. A regulated Internet does not have
to be a closed Internet, but the trend is clearly towards increased
control and the loss of the freedoms which the net has provided thus
far. We must understand how this is happening before we can find ways
to resist it.
http://news. 2/hi/technology/ 6325353.stm

New media briefing questions whether open source software can covert
the software world?

For many people in developing countries, commercial software packages

nettime CEI 3 - Forum: Continental Breakfast. Outposts 2007', June 7th

2007-05-30 Thread Ana Peraica
Hello, everyone,

here is the event and my presentation for the

*Presentation on 3rd CEI Venice*

The 'Third CEI Venice Forum for Contemporary Art Curators - Continental 
Breakfast. Outposts 2007', organised by the Trieste Contemporanea 
Committee, will *June 7th and 8th*, at the *Palazzo Zorzi *(Castello 
4930), seat of the UNESCO Office in Venice-Regional Bureau for Science 
and Culture in Europe (BRESCE)

Ana Peraica

Last years we are witnessing the appearance of bureaucratic global 
cultural policies and the appearance of creative industry which are 
defocusing, in large, our attention to the original accident of art. 
These incomprehensible and banal approaches are actually giving a 
perspective of globalization process on the art itself, as a political, 
economical and market field, treating the phenomena we used to call art 
as inherent to the history, groups and therefore being reduced onto pure 
social epiphenomena. Besides this, actually being Marxist definition 
used by market, reminding more than on any on programs of Socialist 
Realism, may have some of a operative truth, they are actually having an 
error of defining society in terms of groups that are consisting of same 
or similar individuals. Furthermore, they are generalizing in terms 
of majority. This definition is in complete contradiction to the art, 
and I intend to show -- to the public.

*Do the current overall rules of creative innovation for competitive 
advantage influence the evaluating criteria of art in force?*

As advertising becomes stronger managing to sell even what I will not 
name, competing with original art's mediums, the chance of recognition 
of art, as a primarily individual and isolated event (as; act, 
accident), it has become hard to recognize art and to actually isolate 
its phenomena outside of mess of what competes for its definition. This 
would mean to distinguish what is engineered at arts place and art 
itself for what methods and techniques visual studies appear 
insufficient, not even speaking on the old discipline art history. What 
misses is the ontological picture, rather then epistemological, that 
would define art in terms of the single event, rather than analyze its 
visual layout and message or define it in terms of style.

That would be hard, but one thing is clear to professionals in the 
field, I assume: what fights to be defined as art is - surely not that. 
Or, to be closer to disciplines; what resembles on art -- is not art. It 
is a copy and in the world of copies there are also copies of art. So 
the hardest choice on curators today would be to find not originality 
but individuality, as originality can be industrial, it seems.

*Is it useful to consider exhibitions in terms of their contribution to 
research and to understanding social transformation?*

This has become more and more importantÂ… Emphasizing the individual 
creation and perception, by which I also mean -- researching needs of 
public not as a mass but the space or event connected group of 
individuals, the research undertaken by curators previous to the 
exhibition is to find all possible individual perspectives and 
approaches to individual art piece and make its, lets use that terrible 
word consumption easier.

Namely, giga exhibitions and festivals are user unfriendly layouts for 
art. They treat the public as the background of the show at its best. 
Except for the resizing for the use of individuals, not a mass - 
curators should be able to find and define channels and open them up, 
for different individuals, even if it is not the standpoint of a 
curator, even at the cost of inner contradictionÂ…

*What is the responsible (and reliable) role played by the curator in 
the era of virtual-media and market saturation?*

One is sure - both virtual media and market are dealing with copies. 
Moreover, what comes with so called virtual media that in the newer 
age of the net emphasized moreover what is linked is that actual 
individual phenomena are staying disconnected.

We are facing the situation in which some possibly original art can be 
lost behind those super-sponsored, mega-announce and extremely linked 
layouts. The role of a curator would therefore be to dig behind the 
surface or interface that economy and politics but especially 
advertising are offering as art. This would mean firstly to clearly 
distinguish art from its ontological copy as; art would appear as 
something that can be approached in plurality of ways, while copies 
would stand for one, usually designed by the market or political way.

*Will good information on contemporary art philosophy offer suitable 
instruments for a better understanding of the individual in an extended 
and mediating field of relationships?*

Yes, all but all the possible approaches should be offered in a simple 
way and