nettime [oil21] Fri 26 Oct - Sun 28 Oct: The Oil of the 21st Century, Conference, Berlin

2007-10-24 Thread The Oil of the 21st Century


The Oil of the 21st Century
Perspectives on Intellectual Property
Friday, October 26 - Sunday, October 28, 2007
Telegrafenamt, Tucholskystr. 6, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
S Oranienburger Str., U Oranienburger Tor

Detailed Conference Program:

Friday, October 26
5 pm - 7 pm: Introductions - General Rights Management
7 pm - 9 pm: Panel - File-Sharing as Culture Industry
9 pm - late: Drinks  Discussion

Saturday, October 27
3 pm - 5 pm: Presentations - Keep Up Your Rights, Case by Case
5 pm - 7 pm: Conversation - The Poverty of the Small Author
7 pm - 9 pm: Screening and Debate - Steal This Film Part 2
9 pm - late: A Party in the Bureau at the Bay

Sunday, October 28
1 pm - 7 pm: Internal Workgroups - Agencies, Protocols, Infrastructure
9 pm - late: Closing Ceremony

Agency, Daniela Alba, Christian von Borries, Rasmus Fleischer, Volker  
Jamie King, The League of Noble Peers, Sebastian Lütgert, Mininova,  
Müller, Piratbyran, The Pirate Bay, Cornelia Sollfrank, Felix  
Stalder, Alan
Toner, Torrentfreak, Palle Torsson and others

Conference Ticket (Friday and Saturday): EUR 5
Single Day Ticket (Friday or Saturday): EUR 3
Reservations: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Evening Program (Friday, Saturday and Sunday after 9 pm): Free entry
Internal Workgroups (Sunday): Guest are welcome by prior arrangement

The conference will be followed by a series of events in November and  
For more details, please see



The Oil of the 21st Century
Perspectives on Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property is the oil of the 21st century - this quote  
by Mark
Getty, chairman of Getty Images, one of the world's largest Intellectual
Proprietors, offers a unique perspective on the current conflicts around
copyrights, patents and trademarks. Not only does it open up the  
panorama of conceptual confusion that surrounds this relatively new  
and rather
hallucinatory form of property - it must also be understood as a direct
declaration of war.

The War Against Piracy - a preventive, permanent and increasingly  
battle that defies the traditional logic of warfare - is only one of  
the many
strange and contradictory crusades that currently take place at the  
new frontier
of Intellectual Property. Under the banner of the Information  
Society, a
cartel of corporate knowledge distributors struggle to maintain their  
right to the exploitation and commodification of the informational  
resources of
the world. With their campaign for Digital Rights Management, the  
industries attempt to simultaneously outlaw the Universal Computer,  
revoke the
Internet and suspend the fundamental laws of information. Under the  
pretext of
the Creative Commons, an emerging middle class of Intellectual  
fights an uphill battle against the new and increasingly popular  
forms of
networked production that threaten the regimes of individual  
authorship and
legal control. And as it envisions itself drilling for the oil of  
the 21st
century, the venture capital that fuels the quest for properties yet
undiscovered has no choice but to extend the battlefield even  
further, far
beyond the realm of the immaterial, deep into the world of machines,  
the human
body, and the biosphere.

But while Intellectual Property struggles to conquer our hearts and  
minds, ideas
still improve, and technology participates in the improvement. On all  
the enormous effort towards expropriation and privatization of public  
is met with a strange kind of almost automatic resistance. If piracy  
- the
spontaneously organized, massively distributed and not necessarily noble
reappropriation and redistribution of the Commons - seems necessary  
today, then
because technological progress implies it.

Technological progress - from the Printing Press to the BitTorrent  
protocol - is
what essentially drives cultural development and social change, what  
makes it
possible to share ideas, embrace expressions, improve inventions and  
correct the
works of the past. Human history is the history of copying, and the  
defensive and desperate attempt to stall its advancement by the means of
Intellectual Property - the proposition to ressurect the dead as  
rights holders
and turn the living into their licensees - only indicates how  
profoundly recent
advancements in copying technology, the adaptability and scalability  
they have
attained, the ideas and habits they are creating, are about to change  
the order
of things. What lies at the core of the conflict is the emergence of  
new modes
of subjectivation 

Re: nettime International Competition: What Exactly is Terrorism? // blogging surveillance

2007-10-24 Thread Morlock Elloi
Terrorism is the Word currently used to name concepts that justify the
existance of and the stranglehold by the kleptocracy (aka state).

Looking for its meaning in the dictionary is silly and immature. It has been
elevated from the word stock by more or less pure chance - one has to be
retarded to even assume that the Word has anything to do with its common
meaning. Kleptocracy invests in the Word during the initiation phase, until
subjects respond satisfactorily, after which the Word is self-sustainable.

It's like infidel, the Jew, communism, barbarians and numerous other words that
were elevated to the Word in the past. WTF does it matter what it used to mean?
Is that going to change anything? 

The fact that few intellectuals, who were never expected to properly respond to
the Word anyway, keep pointing to its original word meaning, is genuinely
confusing authorities (why don't these educated people get it?) I think it's
lack of the basic understanding of how mental dictionaries work, and once a
word becomes the Word, it's original meaning is overwritten, updated, not with
another 'meaning' but with the attribute of the Word.

So what does then 'terrorism' mean, for dummies? It means that you will not
resist when you are asked to pay to fight it. It means that you will
spontaneously confess the guilt when accused of it. It means that, for at least
15 minutes after it being uttered, you will voluntarily suppress your cognitive
abilities. It means that you will automatically condemn anything labelled by
it, including yourself.

Does this clear the confusion?

 International Competition: What Exactly is Terrorism?
 The Federal Prosecution is after it. The Red-Green Coalition is trying
 to redefine it. The Federal Court has to evaluate it and our friends are
 to be charged because of it.

(of original message)

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