Re: nettime The Vegetative Prince Will Not Wake Up: Dutch Prince Friso medical ethics and the ordeal of social inequality

2012-08-27 Thread mp
On 25/08/12 22:28, martin hardie wrote:

 The liberal Dutch laws did result in over two thousand people being
 killed without their permission in the first two years of its
 operation according to a Dutch government report. There its another
 dark side to the right to death debate that many liberals simply
 ignore. It is not without reason that the nazis passed the first laws
 on euthanasia.

It is easy and convenient, it seems, to pin things to Nazis, and there
is certainly a trend setting the Nazi reign apart from the rest of
European history, but that is of course far from the truth. Where
liberal cheerleaders see discontinuity, the historically discerned see

As were the case with modern ideas of what in todays' context is
probably well labelled detachment parenting - that is, letting
children scream themselves to sleep in their own room from very early
on, feeding only on certain hours (to prepare for wage labour reality) -
all of which were thoroughly instituted by Nazis - the trend/ideas as
such came from the Victorians.

The history of euthanasia, then, does not begin with the Nazis, - see
for example:

That in all cases of hopeless and painful illness, it should be the
recognized duty of the medical attendant, whenever so desired by the
patient, to administer choloroform or such other anaesthetic as may
by-and-bye supersede chloroform – so as to destroy consciousness at
once, and put the sufferer to a quick and painless death; all needful
precautions being adopted to prevent any possible abuse of such duty;
and means being taken to establish, beyond the possibility of doubt or
question, that the remedy was applied at the express wish of the
patient. — Samuel Williams (1872)

and in the US:

The rise of the euthanasia movement in the United States coincided with
the so-called Gilded Age (i.e. late 1860s to about 1896) – a time of
social and technological change that encompassed an individualistic
conservatism that praised laissez faire economics, scientific method,
and rationalism, along with major depressions, industrialisation and
conflict between corporations and labor unions. It was also a time that
saw the development of the modern hospital system, seen as a factor in
the emergence of the euthanasia debate.


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Re: nettime crowd-funding on nettime

2012-08-27 Thread Andreas Broeckmann


thanks for raising the question. my two euro-cents worth:

i think that the nettime list should not be used for crowd-funding
requests. this should continue to be a place of debate and
intellectual exchange, not another extension of the market of the
so-called social networks. nettime is so valuable still today because
it is not just another facebook group, because it has not 4.000
friends, but subscribers.

years ago the nettime-announcements channel was created to deal
with calls and announcements that were clogging the list and stifling
discussions. i feel that that would also be a good channel for
crowd-funding requests, if, that is: if!, someone or a group of people
comes forward, crowd-funding enthusiasts, committed net(time)workers,
whoever, who will do the necessary editing for such announcements and
requests to be edited, digested and pushed onto the main list no more
than once a month.


Am 27.08.12 13:21, schrieb nettime's_mod_squad:

Or, one could argue the
opposite: that nettime has always resisted attempts (feeble as they
were) to monetize its network; that it has always sustained an economy
of non-monetary generosity; and that it should resist this attempt to
monetize the social as well.

ps: and thanks, mod's, for all the work that you put in - it's much 

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#  nettime  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
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Re: nettime crowd-funding on nettime

2012-08-27 Thread Aliette GC

I deeply agree with Andreas,

Even by our hard times.

Anymore, choosing would be arbitrary in every case.

There are other relevant places for crowd-funding

My respect to everybody


On 27 August 2012 13:47, Andreas Broeckmann wrote:


 thanks for raising the question. my two euro-cents worth:


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Re: nettime crowd-funding on nettime

2012-08-27 Thread Sascha D. Freudenheim

I agree.


On Mon, August 27, 2012 8:59 am, Keith Sanborn wrote:
 I would prefer not to have them on Nettime. I believe they abuse the
 function of the list, which has been a reasonably civil exchange of ideas,
 insights, intuitions, fads and nonsense. Solicitations for funding shd go
 elsewhere; they are attempts to persuade people to part with their money.
 I frankly consider them unwanted spam, however worthy their intentions or
 projects or participants otherwise might be.

 My 2 cents.

 Keith Sanborn

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