Re: a petition by Writers Against Mass Surveillance

2013-12-14 Thread Anivar Aravind
I respect the petition , But I have a policy to to not sign any petition
hosted in after their reversal of values and hosting petitions
from both sides to ensure more winning campaigns.

Is there any other way to sign it ?

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 5:38 PM, Geert Lovink  wrote:

> (dear nettimers, not sure everyone has seen this. ciao, geert)
> Petition by Writers Against Mass Surveillance

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Re: a petition by Writers Against Mass Surveillance

2013-12-14 Thread Florian Cramer
This petition made lots of waves in Germany but seems to have remained
unnoticed elsewhere despite the many international writers who signed it.
In Germany and France, such public interventions are a post-WWII tradition.
They go back to Sartre's concept of "litterature engag??" which the 'Gruppe
47' circle of West-German novelists and poets picked up soon after it had
been coined. Historical precursors are the public inventions of writers
like Zola.

The notion of writers as public figures and moral authorities seems to be
rather typical for countries under authoritarian rule, as well as
post-fascist and post-Stalinist societies. The petition echoes this because
it is mostly written as an appeal to authorities ("STATES AND
"CITIZENS" in the third person, thus implying some separate space for the
writers (who thus speak, as neither authorities nor citizens, from a bird's
eye view).

Likewise, the wording of the petition remains stuck in old-fashioned and
often problematic humanism. The statement that the "basic pillar of
democracy is the inviolable integrity of the individual" is a literal
translation of a passage from the German constitution ("Die W?rde des
Menschen ist unantastbar"), thus projecting a particular notion of
democracy with priorities that many political thinkers and activists might
not share, onto the rest of the world. The statement that "a society under
surveillance is no longer a democracy" is technically correct but also
naively suggests that society has been democratic before.

>From a media critical point of view, the statement that "democratic rights
must apply in virtual as in real space" is telling, because it shows that
the authors of the petition still think in 1980s/1990s media theory
categories of the "virtual" and the "real" in a world where technological
development (with software control of almost all devices including
Stuxnet-infected nuclear plants) have rendered this distinction moot if not
dangerously naive. The problem is: the people working at the NSA understand
this, the writers apparently don't.


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Re: Snowden and the Future talks by Eben Moglen

2013-12-14 Thread Joly MacFie
Also, Moglen had Bruce Schneier in this last week for a follow up. That was
pretty good too.

The webcast archive is here.

On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Nick  wrote:

> Hi Nettimers,
> I just listened to Eben Moglen's recent talks, "Snowden and the
> Future". They're fantastic; I can't recommend them highly enough.
> Recordings are available in several good audio and video formats.

Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
WWWhatsup NYC - -
 VP (Admin) - ISOC-NY -

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Snowden and the Future talks by Eben Moglen

2013-12-14 Thread Nick
Hi Nettimers,

I just listened to Eben Moglen's recent talks, "Snowden and the 
Future". They're fantastic; I can't recommend them highly enough.  
Recordings are available in several good audio and video formats.

 From the About page 

Please join the Software Freedom Law Center and Columbia Law School 
for a series of talks by Eben Moglen that will address the following 

- What has Edward Snowden done to change the course of human 
- How does the evolution of surveillance since World War II threaten 
- What does it mean that information can be both so powerful and so 
  easily spread? In a network embracing all of humanity, how does 
  democracy survive our desire for security?

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a petition by Writers Against Mass Surveillance

2013-12-14 Thread Geert Lovink
(dear nettimers, not sure everyone has seen this. ciao, geert)


Petition by Writers Against Mass Surveillance

On International Human Rights Day, 562 authors, including 5 Nobel Prize 
laureates, from over 80 countries have joined  together to launch an appeal in 
defense of civil liberties against surveillance by corporations and 
governments. 5 Nobel Prize Winners have signed: Orhan Pamuk, J.M. Coetzee, 
Elfriede Jelinek, Günter Grass and Tomas Tranströmer. Also among the 
signatories are Umberto Eco, Margaret Atwood, Don DeLillo, Daniel Kehlmann, 
Nawal El Saadawi, Arundhati Roy, Henning Mankell, Richard Ford, Javier Marias, 
Björk, David Grossman, Arnon Grünberg, Angeles Mastretta, Juan Goytisolo, 
Nuruddin Farah, João Ribeiro, Victor Erofeyev, Liao Yiwu and David Malouf.

This global pledge was organized by an independent international group of 
authors -  Juli Zeh, Ilija Trojanow, Eva Menasse, Janne Teller, Priya Basil, 
Isabel Cole, and Josef Haslinger. On Dec 10 it is published in 30 news papers 
all around the world:

In recent months, the extent of mass surveillance has become common knowledge. 
With a few clicks of the mouse the state can access your mobile device, your 
e-mail, your social networking and Internet searches. 

It can follow your political leanings and activities and, in partnership with 
Internet corporations, it collects and stores your data, and thus can predict 
your consumption and behaviour. 

The basic pillar of democracy is the inviolable integrity of the individual. 
Human integrity extends beyond the physical body. In their thoughts and in 
their personal environments and communications, all humans have the right to 
remain unobserved and unmolested. 

This fundamental human right has been rendered null and void through abuse of 
technological developments by states and corporations for mass surveillance 

A person under surveillance is no longer free; a society under surveillance is 
no longer a democracy.

To maintain any validity, our democratic rights must apply in virtual as in 
real space.

* Surveillance violates the private sphere and compromises freedom of thought 
and opinion. 

* Mass surveillance treats every citizen as a potential suspect. It overturns 
one of our historical  triumphs, the presumption of innocence. 

* Surveillance makes the individual transparent, while the state and the 
corporation operate in secret. As we have seen, this power is being 
systemically abused.

* Surveillance is theft. This data is not public property: it belongs to us. 
When it is used to predict our behaviour, we are robbed of something else: the 
principle of free will crucial to democratic liberty.

WE DEMAND THE RIGHT for all people to determine, as democratic citizens, to 
what extent their personal data may be legally collected, stored and processed, 
and by whom; to obtain information on where their data is stored and how it is 
being used; to obtain the deletion of their data if it has been illegally 
collected and stored.


WE CALL ON ALL CITIZENS to stand up and defend these rights.

WE CALL ON THE UNITED NATIONS to acknowledge the central importance of 
protecting civil rights in the digital age, and to create an International Bill 
of Digital Rights. 

WE CALL ON GOVERNMENTS to sign and adhere to such a convention.


Juli Zeh Germany
Ilija Trojanow Germany
Eva Menasse Germany
Janne Teller Denmark
Priya Basil UK
Isabel Fargo Cole USA
Josef Haslinger Austria


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