nettime Ippolita Collective, In the Facebook Aquarium, Part One, Section 5,

2014-02-21 Thread Patrice Riemens
Part One, Section 5,1.

The Performance Society

To sum up: opening an account with/on Facebook means sharing digital
'materials' which make up virtual identities. I am what my behavior
on-line is. But spending time creating an on-line image of the self does
bear consequences for (one's) life off-line. The virtual identities one is
able to construct with the help of Facebook's tools are generally 'flat':
they lack the depth characteristic of real identities, which are rich in
shades and nuances. In real life, before commituing to utter what one
'really thinks', one takes time to think and weight in the fors and
contras. One doesn't storm into the street to shout out that one has just
been dumped - by way of a SMS - and is available again on the meat market.
Facebook demands unfiltered action - and this maximum 'sincerity' often
amounts to crass stupidity and guile.

But human feelings are far more complex, not to say fd up. Literature,
the arts, and creativity in general all show the extraordinary capicity of
human beings to create shared worlds that enable to feel in harmony with
others. The risk is very high that massive partaking in life on social
network won't lead to 'collective authorship', but to a buzz-swarm of
totally superficial interactions. As Michel de Certeau has convincigly
argued [15] it is time, and time only, which makes it possible to shape
the everyday world 'below'. When one does not have a place of one's own,
one acts on someone else's territory; if one is unable to put a strategy
in practice, one can resort to tactics. In theory, personal time can
therefore be used to build up significant relationships, also within
heteronymous contexts as are social networks, whose rules are not
established by users themselves. But even when they attain a high degree
of sophistication, subversive tactics in the use of the tools provided
very rarely result in genuine zones of experimentation. The living time is
next to always reapropriated by the digital spaces and diverted towards
profit generation. Hence, an increasing number of people, and that include
technolphiles, are beginning to understand that there is something badly
amiss with the system. As artist Richard Foreman has phrased it: we've
been pounded into instantly-available pancakes, becoming the unpredictable
but statistically critical synapses in the whole Gödel-to-Google
net.[16a] For sure, speed is a two-sided sword. The illusion of immediate
search results on request (Google) and of immediate sociality on demand
(Facebook) reduce the depth of book culture and also the possibility to
build up a signification-rich shared world. Richard Foreman again:

But today, I see within us all (myself included) the replacement of
complex inner density with a new kind of self-evolving under the pressure
of information overload and the technology of the instantly available. A
new self that needs to contain less and less of an inner repertory of
dense cultural inheritance—as we all become pancake people—spread wide
and thin as we connect with that vast network of information accessed by
the mere touch of a button. [16b]

Individual interiority empties itself here in order to completely pour
itself again into the vessel of digital exteriority. This process is
related to external stress, that is the permanent pursuit of significant
responses (in terms of knowledge) and worthwhile contacts (in terms of
affect) seeked by individuals. The networks' responses, as they are given
by mechanical appliances (computers, cables, infrastructures) and content
devices (software programs), belong to the scientific domain. But as
Feyerabend noted before, where science wants to impose a single truth, it
displays the quality of the religious [17]. As the mother of technical
thought and technological objects, it operates like a vapor saturating all
discursive space, by imposing itself by way of the proselyting methods
which have been invented and perfected by the world's most ancient and
most effective universal hierarchy: the Catholic Church. Just as a good
shepperd takes good care of his flock, so does the modern technocrat cater
for all the needs of his sheep, provided they are docile and transparent,
are sincerely declaring all their concerns, and welcome with fervor the
(Holy) Gospel of the Digital Society. What is new is that the sheep now
need to actively self-define themselves acording to the criteria that have
been put at their disposal (#*). They do not constitute an indistinct
mass, yet their identities differ only minimally, and these variations are
defined by very clearly specified criteria. That is the only way digital
technologies can offer a personalised and immediate truth satisfying all
the users' wishes at the same time. Google, Facebook and the other small
deities of the economy of search and attention, are hence all minor
hypostases (underlying substances) with the help of which one celebrates
the High Mass of Superior and Liberating Technology.

nettime MoneyLab material #2: Robin Hood Minor Asset Management

2014-02-21 Thread Geert Lovink
From the reviews:

Robin Hood is the first commonist investment fund based on the principles of 
Deleuze and Guattari. It takes off where George Soros and his anti-cyclical 
theories stopped thinking. Instead of further colonizing tiny time segments, as 
quants continue to do, Robin Hood mobilzes the global critical intelligence of 
the multitudes is thus able to forsee the next financial meltdown ages ahead. 
This is what's to be done. Pull out all  your macro and micro assets out of 
your green-liberal do-good projects and join the wild collective of Robin Hood 
in order to beat Wall Street! Johan Sjerpstra

What is Robin Hood Minor Asset Management?

Our cooperative was established in 2012 based on detailed analysis and 
understanding of the imitative nature of the financial market and to challange 
the big banks and their elite asset management business.

After the economic collapse there seems to be nothing that holds Europe 
together anymore -- except our opportunism, cynicism and indifference, which 
seems to have become the means of our survival. Or like the president of 
Finland (Sauli Niinistö) defined an old concept anew during his election 
campaign in the beginning of this year:

“Solidarity means that everybody takes care of his own business and does not 
let himself to be supported by others or leave problems of his existence to 
Robin Hood is a figure of this new solidarity. We are no rise of outcasts; 
there are no promises here for a better world in the future, to be ruled by the 
“good”. Robin Hood emerges from our depressing now, the lack of hope, and from 
the fact that we have only the precarious present to share. How can something 
new emerge when the possibilties at our disposal are exhausted? Robin Hood is a 
real experiment in this.
Robin Hood is a counter investment cooperative of the precariat. Our business 
is minor asset management.

The cooperative was established in 2012 based on a detailed analysis and 
understanding of the imitative nature of the financial market, to challenge the 
big banks and their elite asset management business.
Financialisation of economy is a fact. This is the second breeding ground of 
Robin Hood. It is not the cause of our problems, but the consequence of the 
change in the nature of value production and of the need of capital to detach 
itself from the risks and miserable prospects related to industrial economy. 
Yet the number of banks in the world has been reduced in the last 30 years by 
40% (from about 12000 to 7000).
Only 10 big investment banks control over 90% of the entire derivative 

...whose size is estimated to be around 1200-1400 trillion dollars (20-23x the 
entire world's GNP). During the first three months of 2012 alone, the profit of 
Goldman Sachs was over 2,1 billion dollars; HSBC 6,8 billion dollars (of which 
investment banking was  3,1 billion dollars of it); JP Morgan 5,4 billion 
dollars. Their own employees and leaders have confessed to the manipulation and 
exploitation of clients for pure profit.
The power to create money is in the hands of the financial market, but we have 
no access to it. 

Our money is obliged to take part in the market, but we never profit from it. 
We simply carry the risks.
Could we bend the financialization of capital to the advantage of precarious 
workers? Could we think of how to transform private profits into shared 
resources? Could we think of expropriating the means of creating money 
whichfinancial capital has in its use, and of sharing them, of putting them to 
work for us? Could we think of a relation to money that is not binding us with 
debt and capitalism as a historical form of production, but as a means of 
freedom, escape, and increasing our independence? Could we think of the 
profanation of finance, of returning its space to common use and play?
We think we can. Robin Hood is a counter-investment bank: a cooperatively owned 
tactical investment fund for the precarious workers which addresses the 
asymmetrical division between those who are able to create money by 
transforming it into financial capital (to earn money as income without work) 
and those whose only access to money is to work (possibly at any cost) – or to 
first take debt, and then work. Robin Hood is developed as a strategic means to 
challenge this debt mechanism of control and the limited options the precariat 
has for financing its living (debt, work and destructive competition of it, 
wishful thinking, marginal communities who are “outside money”, revolution and 
taking over government, hoping that the state will take care of you...). It is 
a very concrete reopening of the field of the possible. 
Robin Hood Asset Management Cooperative is a Finnish cooperative (“osuuskunta”) 
having members from over 10 countries. Robin Hood Asset Management Cooperative 
is governed by the board of five members selected according to the rules of the 
The members of the board are 

nettime mass social mini-digest [x2: schmidt, senalp]

2014-02-21 Thread nettime's_indigestive_system
Re: nettime Mass Social Network Strike

 Matze Schmidt
 Orsan Senalp

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 12:15:30 +0100
From: Matze Schmidt
Subject: Re: nettime Mass Social Network Strike

Hi Oersan,

where is the so called greed and where is the stolen work, where is
the union that negotiates the price for intelligent labor and where is
this global collective intelligence that deems itself as the
intelligence of the global?

Who are these workers, hackers, makers, farmers, artists, indignant and
outraged? You suggest them as the 99% and trigger rehabilitation and
integration and distribution of this sold thing -- value?

The moral non-catgorie _greed_ is nothing but the outcome in mindness of
mechanisms/structures of the surplus work of surplus value. Otherwise
it'd be easy to end the bad moral and start the better, to end the evil
lust of fascism, you may consider as something resting in itself.

It appears to be the traditional 'role' of unions or unions in spe to
state we are all cheated and operationalized instead of stating the
violent processes. An peaceful ideas will make their way, no violence
please dear fascist.


 We are the workers whose free labour and privacy has been stolen, and sold
 for greed! We have been abused, spied on and betrayed constantly. Before
 this massive exploitation and survelliance machine turns into a global
 apparatus in the hands of fascism, being operationalized for direct
 oppression, we have to unite our fists and strike back!

 This May Day is the time... How and what is not decided yet, there are
 initial ideas but much is needed to put the global collective intelligence
 at work to defend our and our cahilden's rights and dignity! Join us this
 Sunday and bring your most free, creative, powerful and peaceful ideas and
 dreams along... We did beat Freons, Caesars, Barons, Kings, Emperors,
 Merchants, Industrial Capitalists and Nazis in the past, we can beat the
 TNCs, CEOs and 1% as well!

 We call all the workers, hackers, makers, farmers, artists, indignant and
 outraged to GNUnite all their constructive capacity around the most
 spectacular free libre and open sourced swarm to fight back and win!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 12:58:58 +0100
Subject: Re: nettime Mass Social Network Strike
From: =?UTF-8?B?w5Zyc2FuIMWeZW5hbHA=?=

Dear Mitze, the fact that there are powerfu structural forces of
capitalism at work does not mean that there is a no moral problem at
the same time. Unethical, bad and patalogic behevior, triggered by
animal instinct and greed has always been behind or in the
exploitative, oppressive destructive power over act. They have always
gone very well together right, and people are not yet machines they do
and will respond when the assoult on them is publicly recognised; for
instance would you fight for your dignity or for the analysis in your
mind in a stronger manner? Would you fight for good or is it
irrelevant in a struggle? Would you feel like abused or insulted by
your boss, by German politics or PRISM, or it wouln't make sense since
it should be like that structurally? Peaceful ideas are much powerful
and smart to get in the painful thoughts hidden in human mind, and
action upon them would enable to gain much wider (self-)recognition of
the current situation in society. If you think it is possible to do
this with agressive and violent plans, call, you might try to network
and oganise around those of course. Probably in certain time and space
coordinations they would work as well, but the situation might turn
like as it is in Syria now, within short time. Greece for instance is
another living case near center West, so they have to fight back
GoldenDawn fascism with force of course, yet still it will trigger
state-armed response targeting the weakest at a larger scale, then
people will have to fight or war back stronger... Other option is
linkup wider and stronger to be smarter before the war zone expand..
at least when it expands we would already have gained the legitimacy
for the war back. Last 3 years have been full of lessons in my

On 14 February 2014 12:15, Matze Schmidt wrote:

 Hi Oersan,

 where is the so called greed and where is the stolen work, where is
 the union that negotiates the price for intelligent labor and where is
 this global collective intelligence that deems itself as the
 intelligence of the global?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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Re: nettime MoneyLab material #2: Robin Hood Minor Asset

2014-02-21 Thread Patrice Riemens

 What is Robin Hood Minor Asset Management?

 Our cooperative was established in 2012 based on detailed analysis and
 understanding of the imitative nature of the financial market and to
 challange the big banks and their elite asset management business.


Here for a slightly less fuzzy explanation of the above ( its snipped

And as they say in the trade leaflets: past performance provides no
guarantee about future returns.

aka 'Caveat Emptor' ...

Cheerio, p+2D!

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nettime Attack on homoentropy [Re: Ippolita Collective, In the

2014-02-21 Thread morlockelloi
One of the hardest things with machines is to generate sufficient 
unpredictability, to create good encryption keys or quality simulations. 
Randomness is hard to come by, for computers. Usually this is done by 
listening to the supposed outside world, network interrupts, A/D noise, 
disk seek times, keyboard and mouse input. If you are lucky  you'll get 
5-10 high entropy bits per second. And then there are successful attacks 
by flooding the machine with the input which is known to the attacker 
and not random at all. The computer then becomes predictable, the 
simulations take the same sequence, and keys can be guessed.

The intended analogy is, of course, the quality time alone, where one 
can tap into thermal noise of synapses, or that flu virus screwing with 
your immune system, to generate new snippets of thoughts that the 
outside world simply cannot predict.

Lowering the entropy of humans will have interesting consequences.

Perhaps the class division in the future will be more accurately 
described by the person's entropy than by income numbers. There will be 
gigabyters on one side and two-bitters on the other. Guess which will 
you be able to outguess.

others. The risk is very high that massive partaking in life on social
network won't lead to 'collective authorship', but to a buzz-swarm of
totally superficial interactions. As Michel de Certeau has convincigly
argued [15] it is time, and time only, which makes it possible to shape
the everyday world 'below'. When one does not have a place of one's own,
one acts on someone else's territory; if one is unable to put a strategy
in practice, one can resort to tactics. In theory, personal time can
therefore be used to build up significant relationships, also within
heteronymous contexts as are social networks, whose rules are not

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Re: nettime conjunctural analysis

2014-02-21 Thread John Hopkins

On 19/Feb/14 21:38, wrote:

Tangentially related, this is a rundown of student economics as measured
by lifetime ROI for the price of tuition (in the US):

Hi Dan --

thanks for bringing this data up tangentially...

but these numbers are verging on fantasy -- I know for my alma mater(s) the 
actual/(even potential) salary data for alumni 10-20-30 years out is extremely 
scarce -- to the point of being statistically very suspect. Those few who are 
actually tracked as alumni (who participate in alumni associations and such) are 
likely to be a more conservative, stable, and perhaps a more 'standard' 
population group. The kind of people who do their (socially proscribed) job to 
get the social rewards of that conservatism. And there is no hint of the other 
market forces (like the rapid contraction of the aerospace sector that 
liquidated tens of thousands of mid-to-late career engineers in the 1970s, and 
in the case of my engineering sector, the extractives industry, which has seen 
huge fluctuations in employment scenarios over the last 30+ years since I 
graduated with my degree). And who knows what the future holds? (College kids 
*DO* know -- unemployment!) Of course, some very very general fuzzy trends might 
be picked up from the data table, but I would say that in reality one standard 
deviation in the numbers could easily +/- 75% of these median values.

Experientially accumulated knowledge-sets -- including learning that is socially 
or personally relevant (itself a hugely subjective question), learning that 
increases the survivability of the individual (or the survivability of the 
species or of the planet), learning that brings personal satisfaction -- are 
certainly sets that seldom fully coincide.

I'm convinced that this statistics set is yet another belated and desperate 
effort to convince a population that a certain (college) knowledge set is 
relevant. I know that many of us who have experience inside this 
knowledge-generation system have come to the sad conclusion that large swaths of 
it are completely irrelevant. It also stands as yet another chunk of data that, 
in the end, emphasizes the complete poverty of ideas that has overcome the 
contemporary techno-social system -- where the market is the sole remaining 
metric of ... everything ...

I have had this discussion with my college-aged son, I must admit, telling him 
he should get a degree (even using the economic argument!), but for his 
generation, data-sets like this represent perhaps just another lie being foisted 
on them by a system in near complete moral and fiscal exhaustion.

Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
photographer, media artist, archivist

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