Re: nettime Evgeny Morozov and the Perils of Highbrow Journalism

2014-10-19 Thread John Hopkins
On 19/Oct/14 08:53, David Mandl wrote:
 It seems clear that the New Yorker is no longer home of the best
 fact-checking/copyediting humankind can achieve.

It takes time and energy to impose order on a system. Clearly many many 
of the 'developed world' are manifesting the inevitable decrease in the energy 
available to maintain their own order. This is not unrelated to decaying 
bridges, pot-holed roads, a medical system that cannot organize itself to deal 
with emergencies, problems with ones local cable internet provider, etc etc 
Those with money can purchase the extra energy by proxy, the rest are left on a 
downward slide. While I'm sure there are not a few Wall Street types who still 
read the NY'er, it's 'demise' also evidences a shrinking power base in the 
social system...

 When they started a blog as a separate entity from the magazine I heard
 writer and editor friends complain about errors all the time. It had very

The complexity of web-publishing versus print may have drained the 
vitality. I just spent two months prepping a small print magazine for a rather 
simple Wordpress deployment. It was a clear example -- they were perfectly 
capable of dealing with their print existence, and were doing quite well with 
that; but the added complexity of a web deployment stretched them to the limits 
-- simply being organized enough to make sure of file naming conventions as 
content migrated from print to web was overwhelming for them...

 Things are bad all over, as the old saying goes.

This is repeated along the slippery slope of Imperial decline...

so it goes.


Dr. John Hopkins, BSc, MFA, PhD
grounded on a granite batholith
twitter: @neoscenes

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nettime Design patterns, imposed developments and a fracture in Debian

2014-10-19 Thread Jaromil
For those interested in technopolitics: the concern around a necessary fork of
Debian is growing. This declaration generated some interesting threads on HN . Pasting it here.

Needless to say I feel very much like the Veteran Unix Admins. Not debating if
this systemd is amazing good code or not - simply smells not to me, knowing
pulseaudio: really made by desktop minded people in comparison, for instance,
to jack

But srsly wearing the admin hat: I would never run anything so big as systemd
on my production servers before it has been at least 10 years around...

     Shall we fork Debian™? :^|


Who are you?!

   We are Veteran Unix Admins and we are concerned about what is happening to
   Debian GNU/Linux to the point of considering a fork of the project.

And why would you do that?

   Some of us are upstream developers, some professional sysadmins: we are
   all concerned peers interacting with Debian and derivatives on a daily

   We don't want to be forced to use systemd in substitution to the
   traditional UNIX sysvinit init, because systemd betrays the UNIX

   We contemplate adopting more recent alternatives to sysvinit, but not
   those undermining the basic design principles of do one thing and do it
   well with a complex collection of dozens of tightly coupled binaries and
   opaque logs.

Are there better solutions than forking?

   Yes: vote [1]Ian Jackson's proposal to preserve freedom of choice of init

   Then make sure sysvinit stays the default for now, systemd can be

   Debian leaders can go on evaluating more init systems, just not impose one
   that ignores the needs of most of its users.

Why don't you do that yourselves?

   We are excluded from voting on the issue: only few of us have the time and
   patience to interact with Debian on a voluntary basis.

   Now we do what we can, hoping our concerns will be heard by those who can
   cast a vote about it.

 Since this seems to be one of the most prominent critiques, we'd like to 
clarify this point.
 With lack of time and patience we refer to our possibility to be involved in a 
 bureaucratic system like the one governing Debian. While we respect this way 
of working,
 we think that our time is better invested in new directions, also according to 
our expertise.

Is really all this fuss necessary?

   To quote Ian Jackson:

   This resolution is not only important within Debian, and not only for
   jessie (its next release). It is also important feedback for upstreams,
   and our peer distros and downstreams.

Why is this happening in your opinion?

   The current leadership of the project is heavily influenced by GNOME
   developers and too much inclined to consider desktop needs as crucial to
   the project, despite the fact that the majority of Debian users are
   tech-savvy system administrators.

Can you articulate your critique to systemd?

   To paraphrase Eric S. Raymond on the issue, we see systemd being very
   prone to mission creep and bloat and likely to turn into a nasty hairball
   over the longer term.

   We like controlling the startup of the system with shell scripts that are
   readable, because readability grants a certain level of power and
   consciousness for those among us who are literate, and we believe that
   centralizing control services, sockets, devices, mounts, etc., all within
   one daemon is a slap in the face of the UNIX philosophy.

How long are your beards?

   This is not a beard contest, rest assured the furry ones among us are not

To sum it up?

   If systemd will be substituting sysvinit in Debian, we will fork the
   project and create a new distro. We hope this won't be necessary, but we
   are well prepared for it.

We need to talk.

   Sure, write an email to  VUA at debianfork dot org.

Are you guys alone in this?

   Not at all, there are more protests against the imposition of systemd on

   This article is a good introduction to the issue at hand: [2]Systemd:
   Harbinger of the Linux apocalypse.

   There is the [3]boycott systemd website providing several references.

   Then there is the systemd fork called [4]uselessd with some good points
   and lots of lulz.

   The wikipedia page lists also some critiques in its [5]systemd reception

   With our protest we intend to represent the discontent of Debian users,
   because that's who we are. We intend to keep using Debian on our servers,
   or a fork if necessary. Others might have other goals, but we all share a
   common problem: systemd being imposed on us.

Thanks for doing this. How can I help?


   You can help by talking to fellow Debian developers and convince them of
   how wrong is to betray a very big and relevant userbase by listening to
   desktop needs.

   Also it can be helpful to monitor and update the 

Re: nettime Evgeny Morozov and the Perils of Highbrow Journalism

2014-10-19 Thread gab fest

On 10/19/14 3:01 PM, John Hopkins wrote:

On 19/Oct/14 08:53, David Mandl wrote:

It seems clear that the New Yorker is no longer home of the best
fact-checking/copyediting humankind can achieve.

It takes time and energy to impose order on a system. Clearly many many
segments of the 'developed world' are manifesting the inevitable decrease
in the energy available to maintain their own order.

Or, the perceived decline in fact-checking could rather be the result of 
a continued ascendance of the formal rituals of accountancy which t 
bytfield mentioned, combined with a networked innundation of facts.


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