nettime social media political activism redux

2014-11-01 Thread allan siegel
The recent massive public demonstrations in Budapest against a repressive 
internet tax, amongst other issues, raises once again questions of the role of 
social media (and Facebook in particular) as mobilising vehicles for social 
protest and political activism. As Alice Neerson writes in Open Democracy, 
social media facilitate differing degrees of involvement in political action. 
By lowering the barriers to activism, they make it possible for more people to 
take small steps as part of a larger movement. When expressed through social 
media in much larger numbers, public opinion has the potential to influence 
those in power and to give emotional momentum to those… on the front lines of a 
struggle.” (Sept. 29) The Budapest demonstrations offer, yet again, some 
indication of the validity of this observation; it has become facile to forget 
or dismiss the fact that social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) are precisely 
that: social media. Social media are both a reflection of and channel for the 
flow of collective, often invisible, realities. Not to dismiss or minimize the 
nefarious and intrusive qualities that are intrinsic to the most ubiquitous 
brands of social media, it becomes simplistic (and reductionist) to put aside 
the manner in which these tools are wielded as factors in political activism. 
In this context, social media has the capacity, to mobilize public opinion 
particularly in situations where more formal political institutions have lost 
touch with or are incapable of responding to latent forms of public discontent 
and specific political grievances. A very basic survey of recent examples of 
political activism will illustrate how lethargic (and far too easily 
corruptible) established political parties are when it comes to comprehending 
and supporting the issues that ignite and propel social action.
Social medias are neither the primary nor secondary (categorization is 
inappropriate) factors in political movements; what they can do is make visible 
the concerns of people inhabiting diverse social spaces as well as the 
objectives of political discourses that are simultaneously taking place below 
the radar of neo-liberal elites and their governmental watchdogs (at least 
temporarily). In this sense, as instruments for rapid forms of communication 
and as a means for organizing collective actions, they can be utilized (as has 
been amply demonstrated) to push back against the creeping authoritarianism 
invading the fragile democracies of the Western world; just as they have been 
used to foment and activate change in other parts of the world.


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Re: nettime internet tax .hu

2014-11-01 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Hi, I am very sorry but this tax is not really much, the other side had
allready proposed it, it was a left idea, whatever right and left
still mean, and democracy is a very big word. Why do you blame the state
for the fact that there is no real opposition in more serious questions?
Maybe you should speak more with your neighbors.

Cum grano salis,


Am 29/10/14 00:42, schrieb Janos Sugar:
 Around 1rr00,000 Hungarians rally for democracy as internet tax hits

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Re: nettime social media political activism redux

2014-11-01 Thread Geert Lovink
Thanks a lot, Allan, this is interesting. The question imho is not how social 
media relate to the inadequate responses of political parties but if they will 
generate sustainable 'new institutional forms' over time. What if the current 
social media only produce one-off events? Protests without a cause? The social 
in these cases then gets reduced to the self-mirroring of the masses on the 
streets. That's old school spectacle and has remarkably little to do with the 
capacity of these social media to network, organize, debate. Mass mobilization 
these days disappears very fast, so fast that even the most involved insiders 
are baffled. I personally do not think this has much to do with the 'absence' 
of leadership and the absence of an avant-garde (and their artists). Politics, 
our politics, have become submitted to the same laws that rule everywhere: the 
law of the meme, in this case. Geert

On 1 Nov 2014, at 12:26 PM, allan siegel wrote:

 The recent massive public demonstrations in Budapest against a repressive 
 internet tax, amongst other issues, raises once again questions of the role 
 of social media (and Facebook in particular) as mobilising vehicles for 
 social protest and political activism. As Alice Neerson writes in Open 
 Democracy, social media facilitate differing degrees of involvement in 
 political action. By lowering the barriers to activism, they make it possible 
 for more people to take small steps as part of a larger movement. When 
 expressed through social media in much larger numbers, public opinion has the 
 potential to influence those in power and to give emotional momentum to 
 those… on the front lines of a struggle.” (Sept. 29) The Budapest 
 demonstrations offer, yet again,  ...

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nettime social media political activism redux

2014-11-01 Thread michael gurstein
A problem with all of this is that the ???hand???s off the Internet??? position 
is at the very core of a neo-liberal take down of the social contract.  The 
Internet erodes local tax bases, shifts wealth from the poor to the rich, from 
poor countries to rich ones; and the rallying cry for oppositional elements is 
???hand???s off

Of course, there were particularly obnoxious elements to this tax and 
especially with this government but how to shift the discourse in the streets 
away from a libertarian anti-governmentalist, anti-tax, anti-regulation 
position to a positive/pro-active one that recognizes the transformational 
impact of the Internet including in areas impacting social justice.


-Original Message-

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Geert Lovink

Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2014 6:34 AM


Subject: Re: nettime social media  political activism redux

Thanks a lot, Allan, this is interesting. The question imho is not how social 
media relate to the inadequate responses of political parties but if they will 
generate sustainable 'new institutional forms' over time. What if the current 
social media only produce one-off events? Protests without a cause? The social 
in these cases then gets reduced to the self-mirroring of the masses on the 
streets. That's old school spectacle and has remarkably little to do with the 
capacity of these social media to network, organize, debate. Mass mobilization 
these days disappears very fast, so fast that even the most involved insiders 
are baffled. I personally do not think this has much to do with the 'absence' 
of leadership and the absence of an avant-garde (and their artists). Politics, 
our politics, have become submitted to the same laws that rule everywhere: the 
law of the meme, in this case. Geert


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