Re: what if we were all right but all wrong?

2015-08-31 Thread jan hendrik brueggemeier

Thanks for this Alex! In terms of new intellectual synthesis
/ political philosophy I thought Ocalan's fusing of Kurdish
workers party as in the case of the PKK with Bookchin/Biel
(Eco-Anarchism/Eco-feminism) is pointing in am interesting direction
- and at least for insular me came as a surprise or "leftfield" so
to speak. Before catching up with what is happening in Rojava I was
pretty oblivious towards PKK based on my last encounter with PKK
supporter in the 1990ies in Germany. Back then PKK similar to ETA felt
a bit "nationalistic" to me ... It is however not a urban movement
but I would think it can count as an example that the intellectual
synthesis you are calling for is on the way.


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Fwd: what if we were all right but all wrong?

2015-08-31 Thread Alex Foti
you are right new age superstition is undermining people's critical
thinking. we need a lot more scientific education for the democratization
of tech. i meant simplification of political messages and identification of
key issues to polarize the body politic.

Il domenica 30 agosto 2015, Geert Lovink  ha scritto:

> Strong analysis, Alex. I agreed up to this last point. Coming from the low
> lands where pragmatism rules, the culture here is deeply anti-intellectual.
> It’s main problem is the rejection of debate and reflexion, outlawing
> intellectuals, both from political parties and social movement. The source
> of this is positivism on the one side (specially amongst the Greens who
> detest any form of negativism and critique as not constructive and exclude
> all these voices that are not ‘reasonable’). So do not forget, in many
> places, more intellectual means more popular because it is inclusive of
> different voices that break the New Age consensus that paralyzes us right
> now.
> Geert

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what if we were all right but all wrong?

2015-08-31 Thread Alex Foti
-- Messaggio inoltrato --
Da: *Alex Foti* 
Data: lunedì 31 agosto 2015
Oggetto:  what if we were all right but all wrong?
A: Eric Beck 

characterizing v as redbrown is warped. that's putin giving money to lepen.
i think it weakens your legitimate criticism. this wasnt a piece on v but
have u read his declaration on mediapart?

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Re: Corbyn as a medium is the message

2015-08-31 Thread Bruce Robinson

Last night I went to a rally of about 1000 people in Manchester who
came to hear Corbyn speak. A very wide range of people in terms of age
and political experience from the old time activists such as myself to
complete newbies and, I guess, widely differing levels of commitment
to Labour party / labour movement.

David is right that nobody saw this coming. In immediate terms it
has been a result of the opening up of participation in the election
to £3 supporters and affiliated trade unionists. Also Labour party
membership had already grown by 4 following the election defeat.
The total is now about 500k, 3 times the pre-election. But there is
something deeper going on as David describes. Driven by the need for
a radical opposition to austerity in all guises that of post-crisis
Labour and for a break from consensus soundbite politics.

I think Corbyn was surprised by the response but is aware of the need
for some form of post-election organisation of the movement, if one
can call it that, is not to dissipate. If he wins - and the signs are
he will - all hell will break loose with attacks from media and the
right inside and outside Labour. It is a big opportunity to revive the
labour movement and reverse some of the defeats suffered since the
1980s in terms of its democracy and strength.

David is right that Corbyn's policies are not all that radical -
economically he supports a left Keynesianism. But the movement opens
the door to debating more radical solutions on a scale not seen for a
long time.

Bruce Robinson

PS Polly Toynbee is not a leftist. She is a right social democrat who in 
the 80s was part of the right wing split off from Labour, the DOD.

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Re: what if we were all right but all wrong?

2015-08-31 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 30/08/15 um 18:20 schrieb Eric Beck:
> So while this new red-brown alliance might be effective, it's worth
> asking who will benefit by being "half right." Doubtful it will be
> migrants. The prospects for women, children, and queers is unlikely to
> be too sunny under the rule of "right wing sovranist parties."
> Retirees who will be impoverished by V et al's (...)

I dont think it is true. That right wing parties have a good idea as
well does not make an idea bad. The happiness of queers is not an
economical problem that we are talking about and we dont kniow whether
this would affect them anyway. And who should become a migrant for

An own currency is not very nationalistic, see Poland, the UK etc, who
know exactly why they still have it.

A common currency makes commerce easier, profits are easier to
calculate, and travels in certain cases, thats all. The income of
retirees is not influenced at all.



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***SPAM*** Re: what if we were all right but all wrong?

2015-08-31 Thread morlockelloi

This could be a manifestation of one of the finer points of Reed's
Law, namely that the worth (and effect) of the network is not how
many nodes are attached to it, but how many different groups can form
within it.

In this case, the 'network' is general anti-whoever-has-the-power
sentiment, but apparently it does not promote inter-group connections.

Perhaps the fundamental problem with this network concept is that it's
anti-something, as there are many possible ways how that something can
be fixed.

Networks based on for-simple-something tend to be more cohesive, for
example capital and money: those who are for money will find ways to
cooperate regardless of the initial group affiliations.

The point being, these nodes need to figure out what the f*ck are they

i mean, all the green, red, social-democratic parties are floundering
everywhere (corbyn notwithstanding;), xenophobic/fascist parties are
sprouting everywhere, but with the notable exception of Barcelona
and Madrid we have failed to come up with something new that unifies
the people around the digital vanguards of the precariat and
eco/socio/queer strands in urban movements and civil society.

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