Re: nettime-l Digest, Vol 97, Issue 7

2015-10-06 Thread John Young

"Geriatric" is applied to presumptive value derived from excessivity
of longevity, reputation, exposure, glomming onto and pairing with
youthful transience, by texting, imaging, thinking, positioning, dressing,
singing, musicing, performing younger than physical age, not quite
getting it right but no matter there will be more to fine-tune the
thievery as collective proprietary, ready for deliverance to the
swankest of architectural excesses. Adding to already collected
and dusted with high-tech security hundreds of copies of the same
old shit, sorry, RUN DOG RUN, giant tulips, repetitive persona
masquerades, vapid ironies by the tubsful, diaretic one-holer
gushes of critical studies for wrinkled bum wiping, colostomies,
urine bags, adult diapers, Medicare prostheses, percentage of
ego-pile-erecting cost reserved for bloated ream-the-public art,
like "Whitey Vulgar" Serra's genital junk growing larger as his
ween requires excessive CPA-Obamacare to tilted arc a piss
on GSA endlessly.

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Re: nettime-l Digest, Vol 97, Issue 7

2015-10-06 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
   We had this Abu Graib high art discussion allready some years ago after
   Boteros works that were honest IMHO and just in time. Prompt, adequat
   and effectiv as far as art can be effectiv at all. It was Boteros
   language. He cpould not say it better. What Laurie Anderson does is
   just an esthetic experiment in a time when nobody cares anymore. It is
   just a spectacle, law history at best.  A contemporary topic would be
   to ask why we call Assad a "bloodthirsty mass murderer" and still like
   remige changes allthough we know allready that all states are equal and
   we dont interfere into their own stuff. To put weapons into another
   country and to wait. Assad is not allowed to defend his state in our
   humbe opinion. This would go beyond Botero.


   Am 05/10/15 um 23:29 schrieb aindriu macfehin:



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